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Length Points Week
1 to 6 hours 25 Week 2

Exercism Comparisons


Length Points Week
15 minutes 5 Week 1

ES6 Research

Throughout the module (and your journey to Google enlightenment while working on IdeaBox2.0) you may notice a few different ways that JavaScript code is being written.

That might have something to do with something called ES6 and ES5

Guiding Questions to Define The Relationship: Angela, Caleb, Lin, Tommasina

  • What are your learning goals for this project?

    • L: Solidify Rails knowledge, specifically understand what is happening in the background, understanding the magic that is Rails
    • T: Understanding multi-tenancy and what authorization for that looks like. What the user experience would be like for a project like this. Better understanding the database structure and querying the database.
    • C: Getting better at rails migrations and getting better at rollbacks and changing things that were previously implemented in the database. Also jQuery.
    • A: Undestanding multi-tenancy functionality and implementing Javascript in a rails project.
  • What is your collaboration style? How do you feel about pair programming vs. divide-and-conquer approaches?

  • L: Prefer divide and conquer, I'm able to focus better when I can work by myself sometimes.

allindow / little-shop-dtr.markdown
Last active July 25, 2016 21:56
Little Shop DTR - Ryan, Lane, Angela

Setting Group Expectations

Group Member Names: Ryan, Lane, Angela

  1. When are group members available to work together? What hours can each group member work individually? Are there any personal time commitments that need to be discussed?
  • Angela - tentative - mostly can alternate between staying late (8 or 9ish), and staying around 6 or 6:30. Cannot stay late on Thursdays but will be available online around 8:30pm. Can come at 8am to work on stuff. Does work late into the night until a good stopping point is reached.
  • Lane - flexible, generally don't like to stay super late - max of 8pm. Can be here early in mornings. Will generally close down for the night around 9:30.
  • Ryan - Don't want to stay later than 8pm working together at school. Can be at school at 8pm to work on stuff. Will generally close down for the night around 9:30pm.
allindow /
Last active July 13, 2016 19:03
Human Trafficking & Tech

Human Trafficking & Tech

What is it?

  • Modern day slavery
    • Estimates
      • 20 mil globally
      • 1.5 mil in developed countries
      • 1 of 1,000 trapped in jobs they were coerced into
    • Facts
  • 2nd largest criminal enterprise
  1. What is the purpose of the router in a Rails project? -It is the doorman to the app, matches the verb to the controller
  2. What routes would be provided to you with the line resources :items? -Get index, Get show, get new, post create, get edit, put update, delete destroy
  3. What does root :to => "items#index" represent? How would you access that route in a web app? -it tells the app where to go if the root url is accessed. You would access it like,
  4. What rake task is useful when looking at routes, and what information does it give you? -rake routes, outputs all routes available to the app
  5. How would you interpret this output: items GET /items(.:format) items#index -In the items controller, the action is index, making a get request to /items with the option file extension, use the edit route

Setting Group Expectations

Group Member Names:

  1. When are group members available to work together? What hours can each group member work individually? Are there any personal time commitments that need to be discussed?
  • Jason - can stay as late as necessary most days. Gf out of town this week, might need to run home to let dog out
  • Roberta - posse meetings in mornings, flexible with after hours
  • Matt - mentor things in the mornings, flexible with after hours
  • Angela - Screenhero around 6:30 and 7, cannot stay late on Thursday, can stay late on Wednesday
The idea of Night Writing was first developed for Napoleon's army so soldiers could communicate silently at night without light.
The concept of night writing led to Louis Braille's development of his Braille tactile writing system.
This program converts latin character messages into Braille-like characters represented by blocks of 2 by 3 where a . represents an unraised space and
0 represents a raised space.
00 => h

These are notes from Tommasina and my DTR meeting before we began Headcount.

  • Learning goals for the project: T wants to sticking with TDD, even when we don't know what we're looking for, A too; A's goal getting comfortable with parsing through CSV
  • Collaboration styles: divide and conquering, one person do merge and pull requests,
  • Communication preferences: Angela is comfortable with anything, slack, last projects used screenhero, talked on the phone
  • Work style: T likes to work slowly and methodically, have to understand. Angela is about efficiency, doesn't have a lot of time to not be efficient, thinks about it when doing other things
  • Last project: worked well: worked efficiently with Y, they weren't at Turing as much as others, but still got work done. split up when a concept that neither one knew what was going on, which helped (but not necessary for that project), what went poorly: time sucks with a concept that we weren't taught about and took a long time to figure out, tried to figure out why