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Created December 26, 2019 05:06
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;; effects are the fundamentall building block of the engine. they provide a means of interacting with entities and changing their state. they should be as as possible, leaving the method of their application to higher order elements.
{:type :constant
:target "%.aim"
:operator :add
:value 5}
{:type :expression
:target "%.mobility"
:operator :add
:expression "%.mobility * 0.2"}
{:type :expression
:target "%.will"
:operator :sub
:expression "(min (enemies-in-los %) 5)"}
;; attributes are meant to be a way of budling effects and other associated metadata (possible time-to-live, what to do when they are removed) so that other conponents can apply complex sets of effects by referencing an attribute's key. they can also specify dependencies on other attributes.
;; im still trying to decide if i want ttl's and other action oriented metadata as part of attributes pr not, and if that metadata should be placed in abilities.
{:key :hunkered
:name "Hunkered Down"
:description "Pressed yourself close against yourcover"
:requires {:or [:half-cover :full-cover]}
:effects [{:type constant
:target "%.defense"
:operator :add
:value 20}]}
{:key :acided
:name "Acided"
:description "Covered in toxic acid that's eating away at your armor and effecting your movement."
:ttl 3
:repeats false
:effects [{:type :expression
:target "%.mobility"
:operator :set
:expression "%.mobility / 2"}
{:type :constant
:target "%.aim"
:operator :sub
:value 20}]}
{:key :on-fire
:name "On Fire"
:description "Lit on fire and taking damage over time"
:ttl 3
:repeats true
:effects [{:type :constant
:target ""
:operator :sub
:value 5}]}
;; entities are anything that has a physical manifestation. they are patloads for user defined characteristics that can be targeted by effects.
;; possibly entities would be augmented by systems that provide the actual functionality of being a player, an npc, etc.
{:key :sectoid
:name "Sectoid"
:description "Ayyy Lmao"
:characteristics {:health 100
:mobility 11}
:traits #{}
:abilities #{}
:systems #{}}
;; abilities are functions capable of imparting effects/attributes on command. they cover anything that acts upon the world; shooting, healing, etc.
;; Systems are modular pieces of functionality that can be applied to entities. they cover anything from movement, player, containers, and more.
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