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Created December 9, 2019 21:56
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(ns playground.bitmasking.blob
(:require [playground.bitmasking.utils
:refer [index->coord coord->index reshape2d->1d]]))
(defn ^:private calc-offsets
[x y]
(let [north [x (dec y)]
north-east [(inc x) (dec y)]
east [(inc x) y]
south-east [(inc x) (inc y)]
south [x (inc y)]
south-west [(dec x) (inc y)]
west [(dec x) y]
north-west [(dec x) (dec y)]]
[north north-east east south-east south south-west west north-west]))
(defn ^:private neighbors
[v width x y]
(let [offsets (calc-offsets x y)
[:north :north-east :east :south-east :south :south-west :west :north-west]]
(println offsets)
(zipmap directions
(map (fn [[x y]] (get v (coord->index x y width))) offsets))))
(defn bitmask
([{:keys [north north-east east south-east south south-west west north-west]}]
(bitmask north north-east east south-east south south-west west north-west))
([north north-east east south-east south south-west west north-west]
(letfn [(with-default [val] (if val 1 0))]
(+ (* 1 (with-default north))
(* 2 (with-default north-east))
(* 4 (with-default east))
(* 8 (with-default south-east))
(* 16 (with-default south))
(* 32 (with-default south-west))
(* 64 (with-default west))
(* 128 (with-default north-west))))))
(defn bitmask-tile
[v width x y blocking-ids]
(as-> v $
(neighbors $ x y width)
(map (juxt key (comp boolean #(some #{%} blocking-ids) val)) $)
(into {} $)
(bitmask-tile map1d 4 0 0 [1])
;; (defn bitmask-tile
;; [v width x y]
;; (bitmask (neighbors v width x y)))
(defn bitmask-map
[v width id]
(into [] (for [[i cell] (map-indexed list v)
:let [[x y] (index->coord i width)]]
(if (= cell id) (bitmask-tile v x y width) cell))))
(bitmask-map map1d 4 0)
(ns playground.bitmasking.two-edge
(:require [playground.bitmasking.utils :refer [index->coord coord->index reshape2d->1d]]))
(defn ^:private calc-offsets
[x y]
(let [north [x (dec y)]
south [x (inc y)]
east [(inc x) y]
west [(dec x) y]]
[north east south west]))
(defn ^:private neighbors
[v x y width]
(zipmap [:north :east :south :west]
(map (fn [[x y]] (get v (coord->index x y width)))
(calc-offsets x y))))
(defn bitmask
([{:keys [north east south west]}]
(bitmask north east south west))
([north east south west]
(letfn [(binary [x] (if x 1 0))]
(+ (* 1 (binary north))
(* 2 (binary east))
(* 4 (binary south))
(* 8 (binary west))))))
(defn bitmask-tile
[v width x y ids]
(as-> v $
(neighbors $ x y width)
(map (juxt key (comp boolean #(some #{%} ids) val)) $)
(into {} $)
(bitmask $)))
(defn bitmask-map
[v width id wall-ids]
(into [] (for [[i cell] (map-indexed list v)
:let [[x y] (index->coord i width)]]
(if (= cell id) (bitmask-tile v width x y wall-ids) 0))))
(for [id [2 1]]
(bitmask-map map1d 4 id [1]))
(def map2d [[2 1 1 1]
[1 1 2 1]
[2 2 2 1]
[1 0 1 1]])
(def map1d (reshape2d->1d map2d))
(ns playground.bitmasking.utils)
(defn coord->index
[x y width]
(when (<= 0 x (dec width))
(+ x (* width y))))
(defn index->coord
[i width]
[(rem i width) (quot i width)])
(defn reshape1d->2d
[v width height]
(into [] (for [y (range height)]
(into [] (for [x (range width)]
(get v (coord->index x y width)))))))
(defn reshape2d->1d [v] (into [] (for [row v, cell row] cell)))
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