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Last active October 9, 2017 17:44
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sass sample
.banner_styles {
@include grid-row();
max-width: $banner-width;
text-align: center;
padding: rem-calc(60) rem-calc(30) 0 rem-calc(30);
.banner_slider {
text-align: center;
.button {
border-radius: $global-radius;
@media #{$large-up} {
padding: rem-calc(180) 0 rem-calc(20);
@media #{$medium-only} {
padding: rem-calc(80) rem-calc(30) rem-calc(20) rem-calc(30);
h1 {
font-weight: $banner-h1-weight;
font-size: #{($banner-h1-font-size*0.75)}px;
line-height: rem-calc(40);
font-family: $banner-h1-font-family;
color: $banner-h1-font-color;
text-transform: $banner-h1-text-transform;
font-style: $banner-h1-font-style;
letter-spacing: $banner-h1-letter-spacing;
/*margin-bottom: 0;*/
@media #{$large-up} {
font-size: #{($banner-h1-font-size)}px;
@media #{$medium-only} {
font-size: #{($banner-h1-font-size*0.9)}px;
line-height: rem-calc(40);
h2 {
font-family: $banner-h2-font-family;
text-transform: $banner-h2-text-transform;
font-weight: $banner-h2-weight;
margin-top: rem-calc(25);
margin-bottom: rem-calc(40);
color: $banner-h2-font-color;
font-style: $banner-h2-font-style;
letter-spacing: $banner-h2-letter-spacing;
font-size: #{($banner-h2-font-size*0.65)}px;
@media #{$medium-only} {
font-size: #{($banner-h2-font-size*0.75)}px;
margin-bottom: rem-calc(40);
@media #{$large-up} {
margin-bottom: 4rem;
font-size: #{($banner-h2-font-size)}px;
.slick-dots {
position: static;
margin-top: rem-calc(35);
li {
padding: 0px 5px;
opacity: $banner-dot-opacity;
.slick-active {
opacity: $banner-dot-active-opacity!important;
@media #{$large-up} {
margin-top: rem-calc(120);
@media #{$medium-only} {
margin-top: rem-calc(85);
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