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Last active October 26, 2016 20:34
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# This script generates a list of all of the new games you play in a month with a specific person (your partner).
# An example output is available here:
# More information on this script can be found at
from boardgamegeek import BoardGameGeek
from collections import Counter
import datetime, unicodedata
def strip_accents(s):
return ''.join(c for c in unicodedata.normalize('NFD', s)
if unicodedata.category(c) != 'Mn')
def translate(name):
name = name.translate(None, "'&-:")
except TypeError as e:
name = unicode(name)
name = strip_accents(name)
name = name.encode("ascii", "ignore")
name = name.replace("'", "")
return name
m = 8 # Month number (1 = January, 2 = February, etc)
y = 2016 # Year number (2015, 2016, etc)
bggid = 'mad4hatter' # BGG username
partnername = 'Troy' # name of the person you want to track
# connect to BGG
bgg = BoardGameGeek()
myplays = bgg.plays(bggid).plays
mgames = []
ygames = []
newplays = []
gameids = []
for games in reversed(myplays):
temp = games.players
partnertest = ['yes' for players in temp if == partnername]
if partnertest == ['yes']:
if == y:
if == m:
newplayers = ''
aind = [item for item in range(len(games.players)) if games.players[item].name == 'Allison']
if games.players[aind[0]].new == '1':
elif < m: ygames.append(games.game_name)
mgames = [game for game in mgames if game not in ygames] # get the games that you played for the first time this year
mgames_unique = list(set(mgames)) #make unique
mgames_unique.sort() # make list alphabetical
print "[u][b]" +,m,1).strftime('%B') + "[/u][/b]"
print "[i]Stats: Fun Facts: [/i]"
count = Counter(mgames)
freq_list= count.values()
max_cnt = max(freq_list)
total = freq_list.count(max_cnt)
mostplayed = count.most_common(total)
mostplayed = [elem[0] for elem in mostplayed]
d = dict(zip(mgames, gameids))
for games in mgames_unique:
out = ""
url = url + str(d[games]) + "]"
if games in newplays:
out += ":star:"
if games in mostplayed:
out += ":thumbsup:"
print(out + url + translate(games) + "[/url]")
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