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Last active July 14, 2016 23:04
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Added check in/out function
import requests
import mysql.connector
from xml.dom import minidom
import urllib2, sys, re
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup as bs
menu_select = "1"
# to do: check to see if inventory table exists. If not, create it.
# to do: check to see if replica bgg database exists. If not, don't use it.
# to do: add help
# to do: add ability to some how read and/or manipulate database?
# to do: bgg database doesn't have collection table. The conversion errored out with: ERROR 1064 (42000) at line 857795: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'current_date, owned INTEGER NOT NULL, rank INTEGER, weight REAL, trading INTEGER' at line 1
# to do: add menu 'above' this that lets the user select catalog or check in/out
# to do: add exit function to go back to the menu 'above' this
# to do: update the date when you increment a game on inventory
def upc_search(upc):
# Checks to see if the UPC is already in the inventory database
# If it is, it outputs the BGGID of the game associated with it
query = "SELECT bggid FROM inventory WHERE upc = {upc}".format(upc = upc)
bggid = c.fetchone()
return bggid
def scan_upcindex(upc):
# Searches UPCIndex for the UPC
# Returns the game names that it found, if any
url = ''
url += str(upc)
hdr = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/23.0.1271.64 Safari/537.11',
'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8',
'Accept-Charset': 'ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.3',
'Accept-Encoding': 'none',
'Accept-Language': 'en-US,en;q=0.8',
'Connection': 'keep-alive'}
req = urllib2.Request(url, headers=hdr)
page = urllib2.urlopen(req)
soup = bs(page)
name = soup.find("ol", {"class":"no-slide"})
title = []
for li in name:
return title
def scan_upcitemdb(upc):
# Searches UPCItemdb for the UPC and returns the game names, if any
print "Unable to find in UPCindex. Searching UPCitemdb."
url = ''
#upc = 609456647229
url += str(upc)
response = requests.get(url)
# print response.text
if response.status_code != 200:
print "Item not found!"
title = []
# print response.json()
offers= response.json()["items"][0]["offers"]
# print offers[0]
title = []
for index,item in enumerate(response.json()["items"][0]["offers"]):
# print response.json()["items"][0]["offers"][index]["title"]
return title
def get_bggid_from_name(name):
# searches the database for the game name and returns the bggid, if it found it.
# if multiple games were found with the same name, it goes to get_bggid_from_publisher function
# which will ultimately display the games to the user and allows them to select which one they want
# to do: don't add % at the end or beginning of the name (it might lead to multiples)
# Remove :, &, and leading spaces
name = name.replace(':', '%')
name = name.replace('&', '%')
name = name.rstrip(' ') # remove trailing spaces
name = name.lstrip(' ') # remove leading spaces
name = name.replace('and', '%') # to do: consider making this better
query = "SELECT bggid FROM games WHERE name LIKE '{nm}'".format(nm = name)
result = c.fetchall()
if not result:
elif len(result) == 1:
bggid = str(result[0][0])
else: # more than one bggid for that game name 817054010226
bggid = []
string = ""
for game in result:
string += str(game[0]) + ", "
# string = string.rstrip(", ")
# print "more than one game with that name: " + string
bggid = get_bggid_from_publisher(c, bggid)
return bggid
def add_game(c, bggid, name, upc):
# adds game to the inventory table of the database (or increments its ownership value if it is already there)
query = "SELECT owned FROM inventory WHERE bggid = {bggid}".format(bggid = bggid)
owned = c.fetchone()
if owned: # This game is already in the inventory, see if we want to increment it
owned = owned[0]
response = str(raw_input( "There are {num} copies of {gm} in your inventory. Do you want to add another? y/N ".format(num=owned, gm = name))) or "n"
if response == 'y' or response == 'Y':
query = "UPDATE inventory SET owned = {num} WHERE bggid = {bggid}".format(num=owned+1, bggid=bggid)
print "Updated " + name + " in your collection."
elif response == 'n' or response == "N":
print "Invalid response. Please scan again."
query = "INSERT INTO inventory (bggid, upc) VALUES ({bggid}, {upc})".format(bggid = bggid, upc = upc)
print "Added " + name + " to your collection."
def get_bggid_from_publisher(c, bggid):
# multiple BGGIDs found, this function will sort them by publisher and the user can pick from that
pub_query = """ SELECT
FROM publishers
INNER JOIN gamepub ON gamepub.pubid = publishers.pubid
WHERE gamepub.bggid = {bggid}"""
year_query = """SELECT games.year
FROM games
WHERE games.bggid = {bggid}"""
name_query = "SELECT FROM games WHERE games.bggid = {bggid}"
i = 1
print "Multiple games with that name were found:"
choices = []
name_string = ""
for game in bggid:
query = name_query.format(bggid=game)
name = c.fetchall()[0][0].encode('utf-8')
query = year_query.format(bggid=game)
year = c.fetchall()[0][0]
print str(i) + " : " + "("+str(year)+") "+ name
i += 1
# TO DO: add the more info capability
more_info = i
print str(more_info) + " : More Info"
print str(more_info+1) + " : Exit"
user_choice = input("Input number of the game you would like to select: ")
i = 1
if user_choice == more_info: # more info was selected
for game in bggid:
pub_string = ""
query = pub_query.format(bggid=game)
result = c.fetchall()
for pub in result:
pub_string += pub[0].encode('utf-8') + ", "
pub_string = pub_string.rstrip(", ")
print str(i) + " : " + pub_string
i += 1
print str(more_info) + " : Input BGGID"
print str(more_info+1) + " : Exit"
user_choice = input("Input number of the game you would like to select: ")
elif user_choice == more_info+1: # user wants to exit
else: # game chosen
bggid = choices[user_choice-1]
if user_choice == more_info: # user inputs BGGID
bggid = input("Input BGGID: ")
query = name_query.format(bggid=bggid)
name = c.fetchall()[0][0].encode('utf-8')
user_input = input("Add {nm}? Y/n: ".format(nm = name)) or "Y"
if user_input != 'y' or user_input != "Y":
return # otherwise, bggid stays as user input
bggid = choices[user_choice-1]
elif user_choice == more_info + 1: # user wants to exit
bggid = choices[user_choice-1]
return bggid
def get_name(bggid):
# gets the name from the db, so that we don't enter a new game name in
query = """SELECT name FROM games WHERE bggid = {bggid}""".format(bggid = bggid)
return c.fetchall()[0][0]
def user_search(name):
# searches the database for a game name given by the user
# first searches exactly what the user typed. Then, it adds wildcards to the beginning and end
bggid = get_bggid_from_name(name)
if not bggid: # no game found. Add wild cards
print "No game with name '{nm}' found. Adding wildcards".format(nm = name)
bggid = get_bggid_from_name("%" + name + "%")
# name = get_name(bggid)
# add_game(c, bggid, name, upc)
return bggid
def alter_name(name):
# alters the game name to remove things like 'deluxe edition', which may come up in a UPC search
name = re.sub('deluxe edition', '', name, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
name = re.sub('(brand new)', '', name, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
name = name.lstrip('Kosmos - ')
name = re.sub('board game', '', name, flags = re.IGNORECASE)
name = re.sub('Brand', '', name, flags = re.IGNORECASE)
name = re.sub(': N/a', '', name, flags = re.IGNORECASE)
name = re.sub('game', '', name, flags = re.IGNORECASE)
name = name.replace(''', '')
name = name.rstrip(' ')
name = name.rstrip('-')
name = name.replace('()', '')
return name
def undo(bggid, name):
# removes the previous game that was added to the database (or reduces the ownership value if > 1)
query = "SELECT owned FROM inventory WHERE bggid = {bggid}".format(bggid = bggid)
owned = c.fetchone()[0]
if owned == 1:
# need to remove the game from the database
user_choice = raw_input("Remove '{gm}' from inventory? y/N: ".format(gm = name)) or "N"
if user_choice == 'y' or user_choice == 'Y':
query = "DELETE FROM inventory WHERE bggid = {bggid}".format(bggid = bggid)
elif owned > 1:
user_choice = raw_input("Remove 1 copy of '{gm}' from inventory (there are current {x} copies in the inventory)? y/N: ".format(gm = name, x = owned)) or "n"
if user_choice == 'y' or user_choice == 'Y':
query = "UPDATE inventory SET owned = {num} WHERE bggid = {bggid}".format(num=owned-1, bggid=bggid)
print "Updated " + name + " in your collection."
def gameoutput(result, col2):
# prints game and number in inventory in a tabular form
# result needs to be the result of a query with SELECT, inventory.owned
print "{0:<75s} {1}".format('Game', col2)
print "{0:<75s} {1}".format('----', '----')
for game, owned in result:
print "{0:<75s} {1}".format(game.encode('utf-8'), owned)
print "{0:<75s} {1}".format('----', '----')
if isinstance(result[0][1], int):
print "{0:<75s} {1}".format('Total', sum([pair[1] for pair in result]))
def player_search(upc):
query = "SElECT playerid FROM players WHERE upc = {upc}".format(upc = upc)
playerid = c.fetchone()[0]
return playerid
def inventory(upc):
global menu_select
if upc == "": # allows the user to press enter without any command or UPC
elif upc[0] == '/': # signifies user is going to use a function
bggid = []
name_upcindex = []
name_upcitemdb = []
bggid = upc_search(upc) # see if UPC is already in the db
if bggid: # if it is, get the name of the game and go to add_game function
bggid = bggid[0]
name = get_name(bggid)
add_game(c, bggid, name, upc)
else: # if the UPC isn't in the database, search online for the UPC
# # Search upcindex
# try:
# name_upcindex = scan_upcindex(upc)
# for game in name_upcindex:
# bggid = get_bggid_from_name(game)
# print game
# print bggid
# if bggid:
# bgname = game
# break
# except TypeError:
# print "Game not found on UPCindex"
# name_upcindex = []
# except urllib2.HTTPError:
# print "UPCIndex HTTP Error 403: Forbidden"
# name_upcindex = []
# If doesn't find it on upcindex, search UPCitemdb
name_upcitemdb = scan_upcitemdb(upc)
if not bggid and name_upcitemdb:
for game in name_upcitemdb:
bggid = get_bggid_from_name(game)
print game
print bggid
if bggid:
bgname = game
except IndexError:
print "Does not exist in UPCitemdb"
name_upcitemdb = []
except urllib2.HTTPError:
print "UPCitemdb HTTP Error"
name_upcitemdb = []
# to do time n space doesnt work
## If still doesn't find it, start removing:
if not bggid and (name_upcindex or name_upcitemdb):
print "Unable to find in UPCIndex and UPCitemdb. Altering Name."
for name in name_upcindex + name_upcitemdb:
bggid = get_bggid_from_name(name)
if bggid: # found game
bgname = name
if not bggid:
user_input = str(raw_input( "Unable to find this game. Please type name: "))
bggid = user_search(user_input)
print "bggid: " + str(bggid)
if bggid:
bgname = get_name(bggid)
add_game(c, bggid, bgname, upc)
def main_menu():
global menu_select
print "Menu Options: "
i = 1
for items in menu:
print str(i) + " : " + items
i += 1
menu_select = raw_input("Select The Number of The Menu Option You Want [Default: 1]: ") or "1"
return menu_select
def commands(upc):
# to do: add command to add player
if upc == '/undo':
if bggid:
undo(bggid, name)
bggid = []
name = ""
print "No game to undo. Note: You can only undo the previous (1) game."
elif upc == '/showall':
query = """SELECT, inventory.owned
FROM games
INNER JOIN inventory ON games.bggid = inventory.bggid
result = c.fetchall()
gameoutput(result, "Number Owned")
elif upc[0:7] == '/search':
upc = upc.lstrip('/search ')
query = """SELECT, inventory.owned
FROM games
INNER JOIN inventory ON games.bggid = inventory.bggid
WHERE LIKE '%{nm}%'
ORDER BY""".format(nm = upc)
result = c.fetchall()
if result:
gameoutput(result, "Number Onwed")
print "'{gm}' was not found in your inventory.".format(gm = upc)
elif upc[0:5] == '/last':
upc = upc.lstrip('/last ')
query = """SELECT,
FROM games
INNER JOIN inventory ON games.bggid = inventory.bggid
ORDER BY desc LIMIT {num}""".format(num=upc)
result = c.fetchall()
if result:
gameoutput(result, "Date Updated")
print "Wrong syntax. To see the last X games added, use: /last 5"
elif upc[0:5] == "/exit":
elif upc[0:10] == "/addplayer":
upc = raw_input("Enter UPC: ")
firstname = raw_input("First Name: ")
lastname = raw_input("Last Name: ")
query = "INSERT INTO players (firstname, lastname, upc) VALUES ('{fn}', '{ln}', '{upc}')".format(fn = firstname, ln = lastname, upc = upc)
print "Invalid syntax. Type '/help'."
def playercommands(upc):
if upc[0:7] == "/search":
upc = upc.lstrip("/search ")
query = "SELECT FROM games INNER JOIN checking ON games.bggid = checking.bggid INNER JOIN players ON players.playerid = checking.playerid WHERE checking.checkin = 0 AND players.upc = {upc}".format(upc = upc)
result = c.fetchall()
query = "SELECT firstname FROM players WHERE upc = {upc}".format(upc = upc)
name = c.fetchone()[0]
print "{name} has the following checked out: ".format(name = name)
for game in result:
print game[0].encode('utf-8')
print "Invalid function."
def checking(c, upc):
# to do: add undo function
if upc == "":
if upc[0] == '/':
# search UPC in inventory table.
bggid = upc_search(upc)
if bggid: # game is in inventory.
bggid = bggid[0]
upc = raw_input("Scan Player Badge: ")
playerid = player_search(upc)
if playerid: # player is in the player table
# check to see if the player has that game checked out
print playerid
print bggid
query = "SELECT checkingid FROM checking WHERE checkin = 0 AND playerid = {pi} AND bggid = {bi}".format(pi = playerid, bi = bggid)
print query
checkingid = c.fetchone()
if checkingid: # the user has that game checked out
checkin(bggid, playerid, checkingid[0])
else: # that user doesn't have that game checked out
checkout(bggid, playerid)
playerid = player_search(upc)
if playerid:
upc = raw_input('Scan Board Game: ')
bggid = upc_search(upc)
if bggid:
bggid = bggid[0]
query = "SELECT checkingid FROM checking WHERE checkin = 0 AND playerid = {pi} AND bggid = {bi}".format(pi = playerid, bi = bggid)
checkingid = c.fetchone()
if checkingid: # the user has that game checked out
checkingid = checkingid[0]
checkin(bggid, playerid, checkingid)
else: # that user doesn't have that game checked out
checkout(bggid, playerid)
# to do: check to make sure user doesn't already have the game checked out before checking in
def checkin(bggid, playerid, checkingid):
# to do: make sure the game is checked out before checking it in
num = numcheckedout(bggid)
query = "UPDATE checking SET checkin = now() WHERE checkingid = {ci}".format(ci = checkingid)
query = "UPDATE inventory SET numcheckedout = {num} WHERE bggid = {bggid}".format(num = int(num)-1, bggid = bggid)
# conn.commit()
gamename = get_name(bggid)
print "Checked in {gamename}".format(gamename = gamename)
def checkout(bggid, playerid):
# to do: make sure player doesn'thave a game checked out already (select checkingid where checkin = 0 and playerid =)
# to do: add override command to allow a player to have multiple games checked out
num = numcheckedout(bggid)
query = "UPDATE inventory SET numcheckedout = {num} WHERE bggid = {bggid}".format(num = int(num)+1, bggid = bggid)
query = "INSERT INTO checking (checkout, playerid, bggid) VALUES (NOW(), {pi}, {bi})".format(pi = playerid, bi = bggid)
gamename = get_name(bggid)
print "Checked out {name} to player".format(name = gamename)
# conn.commit()
def numcheckedout(bggid):
query = "SELECT numcheckedout FROM inventory WHERE bggid = {bi}".format(bi = bggid)
numcheckedout = c.fetchone()[0]
return numcheckedout
# Connect to the database
conn = mysql.connector.connect(user='<user>', password='<password>', host='<ipaddress>', database='<databasename>')
c = conn.cursor()
bggid = []
name = ""
menu = ["Inventory", "Check In/Out"] # Inventory = 1, Check In = 2
while True:
upc = raw_input('[{menu}] Scan UPC or enter command: '.format(menu = menu[int(menu_select)-1]))
upc = upc.lstrip('0')
except SyntaxError:
print "Null UPC"
if menu_select == "1":
elif menu_select == "2":
# TO DO some games might have more than one UPC. Update database and code to be able to handle this.
# to do: when listing games, after more info add exit
''' To do: Games that don't work
ascension chronlic of the godslayer (lots come up, not sure which)
Copy link

First upload.

This script prompts a user to scan an existing bar code on a board game, then it goes online (upcitemdb and upcindex) and searches to try to identify the game from the upc. If it can find the game, it adds the game and the upc to the user's inventory database. If not, it allows the user to search for the game on their own or enter the bgg id themselves and then adds the game to their inventory.

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