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Last active December 11, 2015 18:38
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language: objective-c
# This is what 10.8.x comes with and we want to support that.
- RVM_RUBY_VERSION=system NOEXEC_DISABLE=1 RUBY_VERSION_SPECIFIC='sudo gem update --system && sudo gem install bundler --no-ri --no-rdoc'
- RVM_RUBY_VERSION=1.9.3 NOEXEC_DISABLE=1 RUBY_VERSION_SPECIFIC='sudo ln -s /usr/bin/llvm-gcc-4.2 /usr/bin/gcc-4.2 && curl -o /usr/local/share/cacert.pem' SSL_CERT_FILE=/usr/local/share/cacert.pem
before_install: source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm && rvm use $RVM_RUBY_VERSION
install: eval $RUBY_VERSION_SPECIFIC && rake bootstrap
script: bundle exec rake spec:ci

The nice thing about having a real OS X installation is that I can run the test suite against that too and be ensured that I did not break anything for others while developing on a faster newer Ruby myself. Therefore, it would be great if the system Ruby gets some love in the form of:

The pre-installed (with RVM) Ruby 1.9.3 version has a couple of issues:

  • The RVM version installed is outdated (I think) and does not support the --fuzzy flag etc.
  • I need to source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm myself, otherwise I get: RVM is not a function, selecting rubies with 'rvm use ...' will not work.. This probably means the profile of the user running the build is missing the required RVM setup.
  • I need to configure OpenSSL to use a valid root CA file, as described in this comment, otherwise it won’t be able to verify connections.
  • I need to symlink /usr/bin/gcc-4.2 to /usr/bin/llvm-gcc-4.2, otherwise this happens. Note that this not a RVM issue perse, it will probably occur while installing other tools as well.
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joshk commented Jan 26, 2013

We should install the latest RVM, and 1.8.7, and 1.9.3, and make sure bundler is installed on both, and use 1.9.3 as default, and make sure RVM is setup correctly in .profile

That should fix most of the issues I think :)

Is homebrew installed as well?

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joshk commented Jan 26, 2013

Regarding gcc symlink, we should add this to the .profile

As for openssl, need advice on this :)

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alloy commented Jan 26, 2013

@joshk While installing the latest 1.8.7 with RVM is a good idea, I would still very much like to use the system installation, over one installed with RVM, because that is what many/most of our users have.

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alloy commented Jan 26, 2013

Homebrew is installed. It also warns about MacPorts/Fink being installed, so @henrikhodne probably installed one of those as well. (I’m guessing MacPorts.)

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joshk commented Jan 26, 2013

The build script sources .profile, so it is a good place to put symlinks and stuff

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joshk commented Jan 26, 2013

Good point about RVM

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I have not changed anything on the VMs, this is how they were when I first started working on them. I did notice the MacPorts/Fink warning.

So, when I figure out how to update the VMs, here's what I think I'll do:

  • Update RVM and add it to .profile
  • Update system RubyGems and install bundler
  • Uninstall MacPorts and/or Fink
  • Set RVMs default ruby to be the system ruby
  • Preinstall Ruby 1.8.7 and 1.9.3
  • Update Xcode

Eventually, I'll also look into preinstalling CocoaPods and run pod setup so we have the spec repo cloned and all.

Anything you think I should add/remove?

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Michal Papis just told me that llvm really shouldn't be used to compile rubies or gems. See this ruby bug.

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mpapis commented Jan 27, 2013

@joshk - rvm by default installs latest rubygems/bundler, as for homebrew you can run: rvm requirements run force ruby - it wll detect hombrew and install what is required for ruby - replace the last argument with what you need

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alloy commented Jan 30, 2013

Oops, didn’t see the newer messages.

@henrikhodne That list sounds excellent.

Regarding the LLVM issue, it’s true that older Rubies will have problems, but since 1.9.3-p125 it should work (see the release notes:

/cc @mpapis

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