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Last active August 29, 2015 14:09
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DOM-ERB is a prototype for an ERB based HTML template system that has the following benefits over regular ERB HTML templates:

  • The template file is a standalone renderable HTML file and can be viewed directly in a browser.
  • The template file can contain seed data so that directly viewing it in a browser gives a realistic result.
  • Because of these benefits, users can work on it without the need to install any sort of processor dependencies, lowering the barrier to contribution. (E.g. setting up a full web-app stack.)


# * Find a way to add content without escaping. e.g. `<` escaped to `&lt;`.
# * How to deal with dynamic attributes, if necessary?
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
require 'nokogiri'
def process_derb(file)
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(
# A `data-derb` attribute replaces the content of the element with the ERB
# specified in the attribute.
doc.xpath('//*[@data-derb]').each do |element|
element.content = element['data-derb']
# A `data-derb-block` attribute in addition inserts `<% end %>` before the
# closing tag of the element, which should be used for e.g. conditional blocks
# or closures.
doc.xpath('//*[@data-derb-block]').each do |element|
element.prepend_child(['data-derb-block'], doc))
element.add_child('<% end %>', doc))
# Replace attributes prefixed with `derb-` for the same name without the
# prefix. E.g. replace a static anchor `href` attribute with a dynamic one.
doc.xpath('//@*[starts-with(name(), "derb-")]').each do |attribute|
name =^derb-/, '')
element = attribute.parent
element[name] = attribute.content
template = doc.to_s
# Derp
template = template.gsub('&lt;', '<').gsub('&gt;', '>').gsub('%20', ' ')
#puts template
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Define `pod` variable that's available to template.
class Pod
def name
def homepage
def summary
'Simplify your iOS/Mac analytics'
# Optional
def description
#'ARAnalytics is to iOS what Analytical is to ruby, or Analytics.js is to javascript.'
# Multi-value
def platforms
#'OS X',
pod =
require 'erb'
<title derb="<%= %>">AFNetworking</title>
<h1>Overview of <a href="" derb-href="<%= pod.homepage %>"><span derb="<%= %>">AFNetworking</span></a></h1>
<!-- The required summary. -->
<p derb="<%= pod.summary %>">A delightful iOS and OS X networking framework.</p>
<!-- An optional longer description. -->
<div derb-block="<% if pod.description %>">
<p derb="<%= pod.description %>">It's built on top of the Foundation URL Loading System, extending the powerful high-level networking abstractions built into Cocoa. It has a modular architecture with well-designed, feature-rich APIs that are a joy to use.</p>
<!-- A list of all supported platforms. -->
<ul derb-block="<% pod.platforms.each do |platform| %>">
<li>Supported on <span derb="<%= platform %>">iOS</span></li>
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Manfred commented Nov 14, 2014

You can use <%== to get unescaped stuff. Is that what you're looking for?

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  • Why not remove the <% … %> and <%= … %> markup from the attribute values?
  • You can safely remove the “data-” prefix and use “derb” and “block” as the attribute names directly; browsers don’t care and you’re removing these attributes anyway.

And as I said before, I think anything beyond replacing element content is a Bad Idea® and People Who Edit This Will Get Confused And Fuck That Up™.

For example, one thing those pesky web designers always seem to want to be able to do is this:

<% unless pod.dependencies %>
  <p>This pod has no dependencies. Ain’t that nice?</p>
<% elseif pod.dependencies.length ==  1 %>
  <p>This pod depends on <a href="<%= link_to pod.dependencies.first %>"><%= pod.dependencies.first.label %></a>.</p>
<% else %>
    <% pod.dependencies.each do |dependency| %>
      <li><a href="<%= link_to dependency %>"><%= dependency.label %></a></li>
    <% end %>
<% end %>

How are you planning to support that (without adding a ton of additional markup that’s not needed)?

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alloy commented Nov 14, 2014

@ManfredS No it’s Nokogiri that’s escaping < and >. I’m sure there’s a way to get that to work, but it’s not that important right now anyways.

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alloy commented Nov 14, 2014

@tvandervossen Very good points, thanks a bunch for that dose of reality! This is more of a thought experiment right now, I will have to mull those extra conditional branches over, so I like this :)

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