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Created September 13, 2014 23:10
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Script started on Sat Sep 13 16:06:05 2014
_current_epoch:1: command not found: date
_current_epoch:1: bad math expression: operand expected at `/ 60 / 60 ...'
_current_epoch:1: command not found: date
_current_epoch:1: bad math expression: operand expected at `/ 60 / 60 ...'
]2;allthetime@CHRONIC: ~]1;~]2;allthetime@CHRONIC: ~]1;~
allthetime@CHRONIC [04:06:06] [~]
-> % [?1h=zzsh -xv[?1l>
]2;zsh -xv]1;zsh]2;zsh -xv]1;zsh# system-wide environment settings for zsh(1)
if [ -x /usr/libexec/path_helper ]; then
eval `/usr/libexec/path_helper -s`
+/etc/zshenv:2> [ -x /usr/libexec/path_helper ']'
+/etc/zshenv:3> /usr/libexec/path_helper -s
+/etc/zshenv:3> eval 'PATH="/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/X11/bin:/Users/allthetime/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.1/bin:/Users/allthetime/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.1@global/bin:/Users/allthetime/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.1.1/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/mysql/bin:/usr/X11/bin:/Users/allthetime/.rvm/bin";' export 'PATH;'
+(eval):1> PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/X11/bin:/Users/allthetime/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.1/bin:/Users/allthetime/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.1@global/bin:/Users/allthetime/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.1.1/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/mysql/bin:/usr/X11/bin:/Users/allthetime/.rvm/bin
+(eval):1> export PATH
export ZSH=$HOME/.oh-my-zsh
+/Users/allthetime/.zshrc:2> export 'ZSH=/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh'
alias war="cd ~/desktop/Dev/warMath"
+/Users/allthetime/.zshrc:4> alias 'war=cd ~/desktop/Dev/warMath'
alias ocean="ssh root@"
+/Users/allthetime/.zshrc:5> alias 'ocean=ssh root@'
alias conf="vim ~/.zshrc"
+/Users/allthetime/.zshrc:6> alias 'conf=vim ~/.zshrc'
alias seneca="ssh -Y root@"
+/Users/allthetime/.zshrc:7> alias 'seneca=ssh -Y root@'
alias aws="ssh -i ~/.ssh/ChronicAWS.pem ec2-user@"
+/Users/allthetime/.zshrc:8> alias 'aws=ssh -i ~/.ssh/ChronicAWS.pem ec2-user@'
alias fullpath="$PWD/"
+/Users/allthetime/.zshrc:9> alias 'fullpath=/Users/allthetime/'
alias r="ruby"
+/Users/allthetime/.zshrc:10> alias 'r=ruby'
alias sql="sqlite3"
+/Users/allthetime/.zshrc:11> alias 'sql=sqlite3'
# Set name of the theme to load.
# Look in ~/.oh-my-zsh/themes/
# Optionally, if you set this to "random", it'll load a random theme each
# time that oh-my-zsh is loaded.
+/Users/allthetime/.zshrc:18> ZSH_THEME=robbyrussell
# Uncomment the following line to use case-sensitive completion.
# Uncomment the following line to disable bi-weekly auto-update checks.
# Uncomment the following line to change how often to auto-update (in days).
# export UPDATE_ZSH_DAYS=13
# Uncomment the following line to disable colors in ls.
# Uncomment the following line to disable auto-setting terminal title.
# Uncomment the following line to enable command auto-correction.
# Uncomment the following line to display red dots whilst waiting for completion.
# Uncomment the following line if you want to disable marking untracked files
# under VCS as dirty. This makes repository status check for large repositories
# much, much faster.
# Uncomment the following line if you want to change the command execution time
# stamp shown in the history command output.
# The optional three formats: "mm/dd/yyyy"|""|"yyyy-mm-dd"
# HIST_STAMPS="mm/dd/yyyy"
# Would you like to use another custom folder than $ZSH/custom?
# ZSH_CUSTOM=/path/to/new-custom-folder
# Which plugins would you like to load? (plugins can be found in ~/.oh-my-zsh/plugins/*)
# Custom plugins may be added to ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/
# Example format: plugins=(rails git textmate ruby lighthouse)
# Add wisely, as too many plugins slow down shell startup.
+/Users/allthetime/.zshrc:58> plugins=( git )
source $ZSH/
+/Users/allthetime/.zshrc:60> source /Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/
# Check for updates on initial load...
if [ "$DISABLE_AUTO_UPDATE" != "true" ]; then
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/> [ '' '!=' true ']'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/> env 'ZSH=/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh' 'DISABLE_UPDATE_PROMPT=' zsh -f /Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/tools/
_current_epoch:1: command not found: date
_current_epoch:1: bad math expression: operand expected at `/ 60 / 60 ...'
# Initializes Oh My Zsh
# add a function path
fpath=($ZSH/functions $ZSH/completions $fpath)
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/> fpath=( /Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/functions /Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/completions /usr/share/zsh/site-functions /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions )
# Load all of the config files in ~/oh-my-zsh that end in .zsh
# TIP: Add files you don't want in git to .gitignore
for config_file ($ZSH/lib/*.zsh); do
source $config_file
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/> config_file=/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/aliases.zsh
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/> source /Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/aliases.zsh
# Push and pop directories on directory stack
alias pu='pushd'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/aliases.zsh:2> alias 'pu=pushd'
alias po='popd'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/aliases.zsh:3> alias 'po=popd'
# Basic directory operations
alias ...='cd ../..'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/aliases.zsh:6> alias '...=cd ../..'
alias -- -='cd -'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/aliases.zsh:7> alias -- '-=cd -'
# Super user
alias _='sudo'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/aliases.zsh:10> alias '_=sudo'
alias please='sudo'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/aliases.zsh:11> alias 'please=sudo'
#alias g='grep -in'
# Show history
if [ "$HIST_STAMPS" = "mm/dd/yyyy" ]
alias history='fc -fl 1'
elif [ "$HIST_STAMPS" = "" ]
alias history='fc -El 1'
elif [ "$HIST_STAMPS" = "yyyy-mm-dd" ]
alias history='fc -il 1'
alias history='fc -l 1'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/aliases.zsh:16> [ '' '=' mm/dd/yyyy ']'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/aliases.zsh:19> [ '' '=' ']'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/aliases.zsh:22> [ '' '=' yyyy-mm-dd ']'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/aliases.zsh:26> alias 'history=fc -l 1'
# List direcory contents
alias lsa='ls -lah'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/aliases.zsh:29> alias 'lsa=ls -lah'
alias l='ls -lah'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/aliases.zsh:30> alias 'l=ls -lah'
alias ll='ls -lh'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/aliases.zsh:31> alias 'll=ls -lh'
alias la='ls -lAh'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/aliases.zsh:32> alias 'la=ls -lAh'
alias afind='ack-grep -il'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/aliases.zsh:34> alias 'afind=ack-grep -il'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/> config_file=/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/bzr.zsh
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/> source /Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/bzr.zsh
## Bazaar integration
## Just works with the GIT integration just add $(bzr_prompt_info) to the PROMPT
function bzr_prompt_info() {
BZR_CB=`bzr nick 2> /dev/null | grep -v "ERROR" | cut -d ":" -f2 | awk -F / '{print "bzr::"$1}'`
if [ -n "$BZR_CB" ]; then
[[ -n `bzr status` ]] && BZR_DIRTY=" %{$fg[red]%} * %{$fg[green]%}"
}+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/> config_file=/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/completion.zsh
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/> source /Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/completion.zsh
# fixme - the load process here seems a bit bizarre
unsetopt menu_complete # do not autoselect the first completion entry
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/completion.zsh:3> unsetopt menu_complete
unsetopt flowcontrol
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/completion.zsh:4> unsetopt flowcontrol
setopt auto_menu # show completion menu on succesive tab press
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/completion.zsh:5> setopt auto_menu
setopt complete_in_word
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/completion.zsh:6> setopt complete_in_word
setopt always_to_end
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/completion.zsh:7> setopt always_to_end
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/completion.zsh:9> WORDCHARS=''
zmodload -i zsh/complist
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/completion.zsh:11> zmodload -i zsh/complist
## case-insensitive (all),partial-word and then substring completion
if [ "x$CASE_SENSITIVE" = "xtrue" ]; then
zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list 'r:|[._-]=* r:|=*' 'l:|=* r:|=*'
zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list 'm:{a-zA-Z}={A-Za-z}' 'r:|[._-]=* r:|=*' 'l:|=* r:|=*'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/completion.zsh:14> [ x '=' xtrue ']'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/completion.zsh:18> zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list 'm:{a-zA-Z}={A-Za-z}' 'r:|[._-]=* r:|=*' 'l:|=* r:|=*'
zstyle ':completion:*' list-colors ''
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/completion.zsh:21> zstyle ':completion:*' list-colors ''
# should this be in keybindings?
bindkey -M menuselect '^o' accept-and-infer-next-history
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/completion.zsh:24> bindkey -M menuselect '^o' accept-and-infer-next-history
zstyle ':completion:*:*:*:*:*' menu select
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/completion.zsh:26> zstyle ':completion:*:*:*:*:*' menu select
zstyle ':completion:*:*:kill:*:processes' list-colors '=(#b) #([0-9]#) ([0-9a-z-]#)*=01;34=0=01'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/completion.zsh:27> zstyle ':completion:*:*:kill:*:processes' list-colors '=(#b) #([0-9]#) ([0-9a-z-]#)*=01;34=0=01'
zstyle ':completion:*:*:*:*:processes' command "ps -u `whoami` -o pid,user,comm -w -w"
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/completion.zsh:28> whoami
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/completion.zsh:28> zstyle ':completion:*:*:*:*:processes' command 'ps -u allthetime -o pid,user,comm -w -w'
# disable named-directories autocompletion
zstyle ':completion:*:cd:*' tag-order local-directories directory-stack path-directories
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/completion.zsh:31> zstyle ':completion:*:cd:*' tag-order local-directories directory-stack path-directories
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/completion.zsh:32> cdpath=( . )
# Use caching so that commands like apt and dpkg complete are useable
zstyle ':completion::complete:*' use-cache 1
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/completion.zsh:35> zstyle ':completion::complete:*' use-cache 1
zstyle ':completion::complete:*' cache-path $ZSH/cache/
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/completion.zsh:36> zstyle ':completion::complete:*' cache-path /Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/cache/
# Don't complete uninteresting users
zstyle ':completion:*:*:*:users' ignored-patterns \
adm amanda apache at avahi avahi-autoipd beaglidx bin cacti canna \
clamav daemon dbus distcache dnsmasq dovecot fax ftp games gdm \
gkrellmd gopher hacluster haldaemon halt hsqldb ident junkbust kdm \
ldap lp mail mailman mailnull man messagebus mldonkey mysql nagios \
named netdump news nfsnobody nobody nscd ntp nut nx obsrun openvpn \
operator pcap polkitd postfix postgres privoxy pulse pvm quagga radvd \
rpc rpcuser rpm rtkit scard shutdown squid sshd statd svn sync tftp \
usbmux uucp vcsa wwwrun xfs '_*'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/completion.zsh:39> zstyle ':completion:*:*:*:users' ignored-patterns adm amanda apache at avahi avahi-autoipd beaglidx bin cacti canna clamav daemon dbus distcache dnsmasq dovecot fax ftp games gdm gkrellmd gopher hacluster haldaemon halt hsqldb ident junkbust kdm ldap lp mail mailman mailnull man messagebus mldonkey mysql nagios named netdump news nfsnobody nobody nscd ntp nut nx obsrun openvpn operator pcap polkitd postfix postgres privoxy pulse pvm quagga radvd rpc rpcuser rpm rtkit scard shutdown squid sshd statd svn sync tftp usbmux uucp vcsa wwwrun xfs '_*'
# ... unless we really want to.
zstyle '*' single-ignored show
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/completion.zsh:50> zstyle '*' single-ignored show
if [ "x$COMPLETION_WAITING_DOTS" = "xtrue" ]; then
expand-or-complete-with-dots() {
echo -n "\e[31m......\e[0m"
zle expand-or-complete
zle redisplay
zle -N expand-or-complete-with-dots
bindkey "^I" expand-or-complete-with-dots
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/completion.zsh:52> [ x '=' xtrue ']'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/> config_file=/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/correction.zsh
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/> source /Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/correction.zsh
if [[ "$ENABLE_CORRECTION" == "true" ]]; then
alias ebuild='nocorrect ebuild'
alias gist='nocorrect gist'
alias heroku='nocorrect heroku'
alias hpodder='nocorrect hpodder'
alias man='nocorrect man'
alias mkdir='nocorrect mkdir'
alias mv='nocorrect mv'
alias mysql='nocorrect mysql'
alias sudo='nocorrect sudo'
setopt correct_all
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/correction.zsh:1> [[ '' == true ]]
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/> config_file=/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/directories.zsh
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/> source /Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/directories.zsh
# Changing/making/removing directory
setopt auto_name_dirs
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/directories.zsh:2> setopt auto_name_dirs
setopt auto_pushd
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/directories.zsh:3> setopt auto_pushd
setopt pushd_ignore_dups
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/directories.zsh:4> setopt pushd_ignore_dups
setopt pushdminus
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/directories.zsh:5> setopt pushdminus
alias ..='cd ..'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/directories.zsh:7> alias '..=cd ..'
alias cd..='cd ..'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/directories.zsh:8> alias 'cd..=cd ..'
alias cd...='cd ../..'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/directories.zsh:9> alias 'cd...=cd ../..'
alias cd....='cd ../../..'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/directories.zsh:10> alias 'cd....=cd ../../..'
alias cd.....='cd ../../../..'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/directories.zsh:11> alias 'cd.....=cd ../../../..'
alias cd/='cd /'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/directories.zsh:12> alias 'cd/=cd /'
alias 1='cd -'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/directories.zsh:14> alias '1=cd -'
alias 2='cd -2'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/directories.zsh:15> alias '2=cd -2'
alias 3='cd -3'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/directories.zsh:16> alias '3=cd -3'
alias 4='cd -4'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/directories.zsh:17> alias '4=cd -4'
alias 5='cd -5'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/directories.zsh:18> alias '5=cd -5'
alias 6='cd -6'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/directories.zsh:19> alias '6=cd -6'
alias 7='cd -7'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/directories.zsh:20> alias '7=cd -7'
alias 8='cd -8'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/directories.zsh:21> alias '8=cd -8'
alias 9='cd -9'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/directories.zsh:22> alias '9=cd -9'
cd () {
if [[ "x$*" == "x..." ]]; then
cd ../..
elif [[ "x$*" == "x...." ]]; then
cd ../../..
elif [[ "x$*" == "x....." ]]; then
cd ../../../..
elif [[ "x$*" == "x......" ]]; then
cd ../../../../..
elif [ -d ~/.autoenv ]; then
source ~/.autoenv/
autoenv_cd "$@"
builtin cd "$@"
alias md='mkdir -p'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/directories.zsh:41> alias 'md=mkdir -p'
alias rd=rmdir
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/directories.zsh:42> alias 'rd=rmdir'
alias d='dirs -v | head -10'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/directories.zsh:43> alias 'd=dirs -v | head -10'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/> config_file=/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/functions.zsh
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/> source /Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/functions.zsh
function zsh_stats() {
fc -l 1 | awk '{CMD[$2]++;count++;}END { for (a in CMD)print CMD[a] " " CMD[a]/count*100 "% " a;}' | grep -v "./" | column -c3 -s " " -t | sort -nr | nl | head -n20
function uninstall_oh_my_zsh() {
env ZSH=$ZSH /bin/sh $ZSH/tools/
function upgrade_oh_my_zsh() {
env ZSH=$ZSH /bin/sh $ZSH/tools/
function take() {
mkdir -p $1
cd $1
# Get the value of an alias.
# Arguments:
# 1. alias - The alias to get its value from
# The value of alias $1 (if it has one).
# Return value:
# 0 if the alias was found,
# 1 if it does not exist
function alias_value() {
alias "$1" | sed "s/^$1='\(.*\)'$/\1/"
test $(alias "$1")
# Try to get the value of an alias,
# otherwise return the input.
# Arguments:
# 1. alias - The alias to get its value from
# The value of alias $1, or $1 if there is no alias $1.
# Return value:
# Always 0
function try_alias_value() {
alias_value "$1" || echo "$1"
# Set variable "$1" to default value "$2" if "$1" is not yet defined.
# Arguments:
# 1. name - The variable to set
# 2. val - The default value
# Return value:
# 0 if the variable exists, 3 if it was set
function default() {
test `typeset +m "$1"` && return 0
typeset -g "$1"="$2" && return 3
# Set enviroment variable "$1" to default value "$2" if "$1" is not yet defined.
# Arguments:
# 1. name - The env variable to set
# 2. val - The default value
# Return value:
# 0 if the env variable exists, 3 if it was set
function env_default() {
env | grep -q "^$1=" && return 0
export "$1=$2" && return 3
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/> config_file=/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/git.zsh
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/> source /Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/git.zsh
# get the name of the branch we are on
function git_prompt_info() {
if [[ "$(command git config --get oh-my-zsh.hide-status 2>/dev/null)" != "1" ]]; then
ref=$(command git symbolic-ref HEAD 2> /dev/null) || \
ref=$(command git rev-parse --short HEAD 2> /dev/null) || return 0
echo "$ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_PREFIX${ref#refs/heads/}$(parse_git_dirty)$ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_SUFFIX"
# Checks if working tree is dirty
parse_git_dirty() {
local GIT_STATUS=''
local CLEAN_MESSAGE='nothing to commit (working directory clean)'
if [[ "$(command git config --get oh-my-zsh.hide-status)" != "1" ]]; then
if [[ $POST_1_7_2_GIT -gt 0 ]]; then
if [[ "$DISABLE_UNTRACKED_FILES_DIRTY" == "true" ]]; then
GIT_STATUS=$(command git status -s ${SUBMODULE_SYNTAX} -uno 2> /dev/null | tail -n1)
GIT_STATUS=$(command git status -s ${SUBMODULE_SYNTAX} 2> /dev/null | tail -n1)
if [[ -n $GIT_STATUS ]]; then
# get the difference between the local and remote branches
git_remote_status() {
remote=${$(command git rev-parse --verify ${hook_com[branch]}@{upstream} --symbolic-full-name 2>/dev/null)/refs\/remotes\/}
if [[ -n ${remote} ]] ; then
ahead=$(command git rev-list ${hook_com[branch]}@{upstream}..HEAD 2>/dev/null | wc -l)
behind=$(command git rev-list HEAD..${hook_com[branch]}@{upstream} 2>/dev/null | wc -l)
if [ $ahead -eq 0 ] && [ $behind -gt 0 ]
elif [ $ahead -gt 0 ] && [ $behind -eq 0 ]
elif [ $ahead -gt 0 ] && [ $behind -gt 0 ]
# Checks if there are commits ahead from remote
function git_prompt_ahead() {
if $(echo "$(command git log @{upstream}..HEAD 2> /dev/null)" | grep '^commit' &> /dev/null); then
# Gets the number of commits ahead from remote
function git_commits_ahead() {
if $(echo "$(command git log @{upstream}..HEAD 2> /dev/null)" | grep '^commit' &> /dev/null); then
COMMITS=$(command git log @{upstream}..HEAD | grep '^commit' | wc -l | tr -d ' ')
# Formats prompt string for current git commit short SHA
function git_prompt_short_sha() {
SHA=$(command git rev-parse --short HEAD 2> /dev/null) && echo "$ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_SHA_BEFORE$SHA$ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_SHA_AFTER"
# Formats prompt string for current git commit long SHA
function git_prompt_long_sha() {
SHA=$(command git rev-parse HEAD 2> /dev/null) && echo "$ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_SHA_BEFORE$SHA$ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_SHA_AFTER"
# Get the status of the working tree
git_prompt_status() {
INDEX=$(command git status --porcelain -b 2> /dev/null)
if $(echo "$INDEX" | grep -E '^\?\? ' &> /dev/null); then
if $(echo "$INDEX" | grep '^A ' &> /dev/null); then
elif $(echo "$INDEX" | grep '^M ' &> /dev/null); then
if $(echo "$INDEX" | grep '^ M ' &> /dev/null); then
elif $(echo "$INDEX" | grep '^AM ' &> /dev/null); then
elif $(echo "$INDEX" | grep '^ T ' &> /dev/null); then
if $(echo "$INDEX" | grep '^R ' &> /dev/null); then
if $(echo "$INDEX" | grep '^ D ' &> /dev/null); then
elif $(echo "$INDEX" | grep '^D ' &> /dev/null); then
elif $(echo "$INDEX" | grep '^AD ' &> /dev/null); then
if $(command git rev-parse --verify refs/stash >/dev/null 2>&1); then
if $(echo "$INDEX" | grep '^UU ' &> /dev/null); then
if $(echo "$INDEX" | grep '^## .*ahead' &> /dev/null); then
if $(echo "$INDEX" | grep '^## .*behind' &> /dev/null); then
if $(echo "$INDEX" | grep '^## .*diverged' &> /dev/null); then
echo $STATUS
#compare the provided version of git to the version installed and on path
#prints 1 if input version <= installed version
#prints -1 otherwise
function git_compare_version() {
INSTALLED_GIT_VERSION=($(command git --version 2>/dev/null));
for i in {1..3}; do
if [[ $INSTALLED_GIT_VERSION[$i] -lt $INPUT_GIT_VERSION[$i] ]]; then
echo -1
return 0
echo 1
#this is unlikely to change so make it all statically assigned
POST_1_7_2_GIT=$(git_compare_version "1.7.2")
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/git.zsh:147> POST_1_7_2_GIT=+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/git.zsh:147> git_compare_version 1.7.2
+git_compare_version:1> local 'INPUT_GIT_VERSION=1.7.2'
+git_compare_version:2> local INSTALLED_GIT_VERSION
+git_compare_version:3> INPUT_GIT_VERSION=( 1 7 2 )
+git_compare_version:4> INSTALLED_GIT_VERSION=+git_compare_version:4> git --version
+git_compare_version:4> INSTALLED_GIT_VERSION=( git version '(Apple' 'Git-48)' )
+git_compare_version:5> INSTALLED_GIT_VERSION=( 1 8 5 2 )
+git_compare_version:7> i=1
+git_compare_version:8> [[ 1 -lt 1 ]]
+git_compare_version:7> i=2
+git_compare_version:8> [[ 8 -lt 7 ]]
+git_compare_version:7> i=3
+git_compare_version:8> [[ 5 -lt 2 ]]
+git_compare_version:13> echo 1
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/git.zsh:147> POST_1_7_2_GIT=1
#clean up the namespace slightly by removing the checker function
unset -f git_compare_version
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/git.zsh:149> unset -f git_compare_version
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/> config_file=/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/grep.zsh
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/> source /Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/grep.zsh
# Color grep results
# Examples:
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/grep.zsh:6> GREP_OPTIONS='--color=auto'
# avoid VCS folders (if the necessary grep flags are available)
grep-flag-available() {
echo | grep $1 "" >/dev/null 2>&1
if grep-flag-available --exclude-dir=.cvs; then
for PATTERN in .cvs .git .hg .svn; do
GREP_OPTIONS+=" --exclude-dir=$PATTERN"
elif grep-flag-available --exclude=.cvs; then
for PATTERN in .cvs .git .hg .svn; do
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/grep.zsh:12> grep-flag-available '--exclude-dir=.cvs'
+grep-flag-available:1> echo
+grep-flag-available:1> grep '--exclude-dir=.cvs' ''
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/grep.zsh:13> PATTERN=.cvs
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/grep.zsh:14> GREP_OPTIONS+=' --exclude-dir=.cvs'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/grep.zsh:13> PATTERN=.git
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/grep.zsh:14> GREP_OPTIONS+=' --exclude-dir=.git'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/grep.zsh:13> PATTERN=.hg
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/grep.zsh:14> GREP_OPTIONS+=' --exclude-dir=.hg'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/grep.zsh:13> PATTERN=.svn
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/grep.zsh:14> GREP_OPTIONS+=' --exclude-dir=.svn'
unfunction grep-flag-available
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/grep.zsh:21> unfunction grep-flag-available
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/grep.zsh:23> export 'GREP_OPTIONS=--color=auto --exclude-dir=.cvs --exclude-dir=.git --exclude-dir=.hg --exclude-dir=.svn'
export GREP_COLOR='1;32'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/grep.zsh:24> export 'GREP_COLOR=1;32'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/> config_file=/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/history.zsh
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/> source /Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/history.zsh
## Command history configuration
if [ -z $HISTFILE ]; then
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/history.zsh:2> [ -z ']'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/history.zsh:3> HISTFILE=/Users/allthetime/.zsh_history
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/history.zsh:5> HISTSIZE=10000
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/history.zsh:6> SAVEHIST=10000
setopt extended_history
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/history.zsh:8> setopt extended_history
setopt hist_expire_dups_first
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/history.zsh:9> setopt hist_expire_dups_first
setopt hist_ignore_dups # ignore duplication command history list
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/history.zsh:10> setopt hist_ignore_dups
setopt hist_ignore_space
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/history.zsh:11> setopt hist_ignore_space
setopt hist_verify
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/history.zsh:12> setopt hist_verify
setopt inc_append_history
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/history.zsh:13> setopt inc_append_history
setopt share_history # share command history data
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/history.zsh:14> setopt share_history
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/> config_file=/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/key-bindings.zsh
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/> source /Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/key-bindings.zsh
# Make sure that the terminal is in application mode when zle is active, since
# only then values from $terminfo are valid
if (( ${+terminfo[smkx]} )) && (( ${+terminfo[rmkx]} )); then
function zle-line-init() {
echoti smkx
function zle-line-finish() {
echoti rmkx
zle -N zle-line-init
zle -N zle-line-finish
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/key-bindings.zsh:7> (( 1 ))
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/key-bindings.zsh:7> (( 1 ))
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/key-bindings.zsh:14> zle -N zle-line-init
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/key-bindings.zsh:15> zle -N zle-line-finish
bindkey -e # Use emacs key bindings
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/key-bindings.zsh:18> bindkey -e
bindkey '\ew' kill-region # [Esc-w] - Kill from the cursor to the mark
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/key-bindings.zsh:20> bindkey '\ew' kill-region
bindkey -s '\el' 'ls\n' # [Esc-l] - run command: ls
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/key-bindings.zsh:21> bindkey -s '\el' 'ls\n'
bindkey '^r' history-incremental-search-backward # [Ctrl-r] - Search backward incrementally for a specified string. The string may begin with ^ to anchor the search to the beginning of the line.
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/key-bindings.zsh:22> bindkey '^r' history-incremental-search-backward
if [[ "${terminfo[kpp]}" != "" ]]; then
bindkey "${terminfo[kpp]}" up-line-or-history # [PageUp] - Up a line of history
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/key-bindings.zsh:23> [[ '[5~' != ]]
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/key-bindings.zsh:24> bindkey '[5~' up-line-or-history
if [[ "${terminfo[knp]}" != "" ]]; then
bindkey "${terminfo[knp]}" down-line-or-history # [PageDown] - Down a line of history
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/key-bindings.zsh:26> [[ '[6~' != ]]
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/key-bindings.zsh:27> bindkey '[6~' down-line-or-history
if [[ "${terminfo[kcuu1]}" != "" ]]; then
bindkey "${terminfo[kcuu1]}" up-line-or-search # start typing + [Up-Arrow] - fuzzy find history forward
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/key-bindings.zsh:30> [[ OA != ]]
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/key-bindings.zsh:31> bindkey OA up-line-or-search
if [[ "${terminfo[kcud1]}" != "" ]]; then
bindkey "${terminfo[kcud1]}" down-line-or-search # start typing + [Down-Arrow] - fuzzy find history backward
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/key-bindings.zsh:33> [[ OB != ]]
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/key-bindings.zsh:34> bindkey OB down-line-or-search
if [[ "${terminfo[khome]}" != "" ]]; then
bindkey "${terminfo[khome]}" beginning-of-line # [Home] - Go to beginning of line
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/key-bindings.zsh:37> [[ OH != ]]
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/key-bindings.zsh:38> bindkey OH beginning-of-line
if [[ "${terminfo[kend]}" != "" ]]; then
bindkey "${terminfo[kend]}" end-of-line # [End] - Go to end of line
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/key-bindings.zsh:40> [[ OF != ]]
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/key-bindings.zsh:41> bindkey OF end-of-line
bindkey ' ' magic-space # [Space] - do history expansion
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/key-bindings.zsh:44> bindkey ' ' magic-space
bindkey '^[[1;5C' forward-word # [Ctrl-RightArrow] - move forward one word
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/key-bindings.zsh:46> bindkey '^[[1;5C' forward-word
bindkey '^[[1;5D' backward-word # [Ctrl-LeftArrow] - move backward one word
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/key-bindings.zsh:47> bindkey '^[[1;5D' backward-word
if [[ "${terminfo[kcbt]}" != "" ]]; then
bindkey "${terminfo[kcbt]}" reverse-menu-complete # [Shift-Tab] - move through the completion menu backwards
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/key-bindings.zsh:49> [[ '' != ]]
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/key-bindings.zsh:50> bindkey '' reverse-menu-complete
bindkey '^?' backward-delete-char # [Backspace] - delete backward
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/key-bindings.zsh:53> bindkey '^?' backward-delete-char
if [[ "${terminfo[kdch1]}" != "" ]]; then
bindkey "${terminfo[kdch1]}" delete-char # [Delete] - delete forward
bindkey "^[[3~" delete-char
bindkey "^[3;5~" delete-char
bindkey "\e[3~" delete-char
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/key-bindings.zsh:54> [[ '[3~' != ]]
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/key-bindings.zsh:55> bindkey '[3~' delete-char
# Edit the current command line in $EDITOR
autoload -U edit-command-line
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/key-bindings.zsh:63> autoload -U edit-command-line
zle -N edit-command-line
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/key-bindings.zsh:64> zle -N edit-command-line
bindkey '\C-x\C-e' edit-command-line
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/key-bindings.zsh:65> bindkey '\C-x\C-e' edit-command-line
# consider emacs keybindings:
#bindkey -e ## emacs key bindings
#bindkey '^[[A' up-line-or-search
#bindkey '^[[B' down-line-or-search
#bindkey '^[^[[C' emacs-forward-word
#bindkey '^[^[[D' emacs-backward-word
#bindkey -s '^X^Z' '%-^M'
#bindkey '^[e' expand-cmd-path
#bindkey '^[^I' reverse-menu-complete
#bindkey '^X^N' accept-and-infer-next-history
#bindkey '^W' kill-region
#bindkey '^I' complete-word
## Fix weird sequence that rxvt produces
#bindkey -s '^[[Z' '\t'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/> config_file=/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/misc.zsh
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/> source /Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/misc.zsh
## smart urls
autoload -U url-quote-magic
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/misc.zsh:2> autoload -U url-quote-magic
zle -N self-insert url-quote-magic
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/misc.zsh:3> zle -N self-insert url-quote-magic
## file rename magick
bindkey "^[m" copy-prev-shell-word
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/misc.zsh:6> bindkey '^[m' copy-prev-shell-word
## jobs
setopt long_list_jobs
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/misc.zsh:9> setopt long_list_jobs
## pager
export PAGER="less"
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/misc.zsh:12> export 'PAGER=less'
export LESS="-R"
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/misc.zsh:13> export 'LESS=-R'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/misc.zsh:15> export 'LC_CTYPE=en_CA.UTF-8'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/> config_file=/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/nvm.zsh
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/> source /Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/nvm.zsh
# get the node.js version
function nvm_prompt_info() {
[ -f $HOME/.nvm/ ] || return
local nvm_prompt
nvm_prompt=$(node -v 2>/dev/null)
[[ "${nvm_prompt}x" == "x" ]] && return
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/> config_file=/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/prompt_info_functions.zsh
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/> source /Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/prompt_info_functions.zsh
# *_prompt_info functions for usage in your prompt
# Plugin creators, please add your *_prompt_info function to the list
# of dummy implementations to help theme creators not receiving errors
# without the need of implementing conditional clauses.
# See also lib/bzr.zsh, lib/git.zsh and lib/nvm.zsh for
# git_prompt_info, bzr_prompt_info and nvm_prompt_info
# Dummy implementations that return false to prevent command_not_found
# errors with themes, that implement these functions
# Real implementations will be used when the respective plugins are loaded
function chruby_prompt_info hg_prompt_info pyenv_prompt_info \
rbenv_prompt_info svn_prompt_info vi_mode_prompt_info \
virtualenv_prompt_info {
return 1
# oh-my-zsh supports an rvm prompt by default
# get the name of the rvm ruby version
function rvm_prompt_info() {
[ -f $HOME/.rvm/bin/rvm-prompt ] || return 1
local rvm_prompt
rvm_prompt=$($HOME/.rvm/bin/rvm-prompt ${=ZSH_THEME_RVM_PROMPT_OPTIONS} 2>/dev/null)
[[ "${rvm_prompt}x" == "x" ]] && return 1
# use this to enable users to see their ruby version, no matter which
# version management system they use
function ruby_prompt_info() {
echo $(rvm_prompt_info || rbenv_prompt_info || chruby_prompt_info)
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/> config_file=/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/> source /Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh
#! /bin/zsh
# A script to make using 256 colors in zsh less painful.
# P.C. Shyamshankar <>
# Copied from
typeset -Ag FX FG BG
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:6> typeset -Ag FX FG BG
reset "%{%}"
bold "%{%}" no-bold "%{%}"
italic "%{%}" no-italic "%{%}"
underline "%{%}" no-underline "%{%}"
blink "%{%}" no-blink "%{%}"
reverse "%{%}" no-reverse "%{%}"
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:8> FX=( reset '%{%}' bold '%{%}' no-bold '%{%}' italic '%{%}' no-italic '%{%}' underline '%{%}' no-underline '%{%}' blink '%{%}' no-blink '%{%}' reverse '%{%}' no-reverse '%{%}' )
for color in {000..255}; do
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=000
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=001
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=002
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=003
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=004
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=005
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=006
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=007
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=008
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=009
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=010
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=011
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=012
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=013
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=014
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=015
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=016
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=017
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=018
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=019
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=020
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=021
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=022
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=023
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=024
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=025
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=026
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
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+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=197
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=198
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=199
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=200
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=201
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=202
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=203
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=204
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=205
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=206
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=207
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=208
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=209
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=210
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=211
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=212
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=213
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=214
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=215
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=216
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=217
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=218
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=219
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=220
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=221
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=222
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=223
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=224
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=225
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=226
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=227
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=228
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=229
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=230
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=231
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=232
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=233
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=234
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=235
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=236
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=237
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=238
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=239
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=240
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=241
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=242
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=243
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=244
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=245
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=246
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=247
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=248
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=249
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=250
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=251
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=252
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=253
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=254
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:17> color=255
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:18> FG[$color]='%{%}'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:19> BG[$color]='%{%}'
ZSH_SPECTRUM_TEXT=${ZSH_SPECTRUM_TEXT:-Arma virumque cano Troiae qui primus ab oris}
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/spectrum.zsh:23> ZSH_SPECTRUM_TEXT='Arma virumque cano Troiae qui primus ab oris'
# Show all 256 colors with color number
function spectrum_ls() {
for code in {000..255}; do
print -P -- "$code: %F{$code}$ZSH_SPECTRUM_TEXT%f"
# Show all 256 colors where the background is set to specific color
function spectrum_bls() {
for code in {000..255}; do
print -P -- "$BG[$code]$code: $ZSH_SPECTRUM_TEXT %{$reset_color%}"
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/> config_file=/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/termsupport.zsh
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/> source /Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/termsupport.zsh
#usage: title short_tab_title looooooooooooooooooooooggggggg_windows_title
#Fully support screen, iterm, and probably most modern xterm and rxvt
#Limited support for Apple Terminal (Terminal can't set window or tab separately)
function title {
if [[ "$DISABLE_AUTO_TITLE" == "true" ]] || [[ "$EMACS" == *term* ]]; then
if [[ "$TERM" == screen* ]]; then
print -Pn "\ek$1:q\e\\" #set screen hardstatus, usually truncated at 20 chars
elif [[ "$TERM" == xterm* ]] || [[ $TERM == rxvt* ]] || [[ $TERM == ansi ]] || [[ "$TERM_PROGRAM" == "" ]]; then
print -Pn "\e]2;$2:q\a" #set window name
print -Pn "\e]1;$1:q\a" #set icon (=tab) name (will override window name on broken terminal)
ZSH_THEME_TERM_TAB_TITLE_IDLE="%15<..<%~%<<" #15 char left truncated PWD
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/termsupport.zsh:17> ZSH_THEME_TERM_TAB_TITLE_IDLE='%15<..<%~%<<'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/termsupport.zsh:18> ZSH_THEME_TERM_TITLE_IDLE='%n@%m: %~'
#Appears when you have the prompt
function omz_termsupport_precmd {
#Appears at the beginning of (and during) of command execution
function omz_termsupport_preexec {
emulate -L zsh
setopt extended_glob
# cmd name only, or if this is sudo or ssh, the next cmd
local CMD=${1[(wr)^(*=*|sudo|ssh|rake|-*)]:gs/%/%%}
local LINE="${2:gs/%/%%}"
title '$CMD' '%100>...>$LINE%<<'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/termsupport.zsh:37> precmd_functions+=( omz_termsupport_precmd )
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/termsupport.zsh:38> preexec_functions+=( omz_termsupport_preexec )
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/> config_file=/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/theme-and-appearance.zsh
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/> source /Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/theme-and-appearance.zsh
# ls colors
autoload colors; colors;
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/theme-and-appearance.zsh:2> autoload colors
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/theme-and-appearance.zsh:2> colors
+colors:4> emulate -L zsh
+colors:6> typeset -Ag color colour
+colors:8> color=( 00 none 01 bold 02 faint 22 normal 03 standout 23 no-standout 04 underline 24 no-underline 05 blink 25 no-blink 07 reverse 27 no-reverse 08 conceal 28 no-conceal 30 black 40 bg-black 31 red 41 bg-red 32 green 42 bg-green 33 yellow 43 bg-yellow 34 blue 44 bg-blue 35 magenta 45 bg-magenta 36 cyan 46 bg-cyan 37 white 47 bg-white 39 default 49 bg-default )
+colors:76> local k
+colors:77> k=44
+colors:77> color[${color[$k]}]=44
+colors:77> k=33
+colors:77> color[${color[$k]}]=33
+colors:77> k=22
+colors:77> color[${color[$k]}]=22
+colors:77> k=00
+colors:77> color[${color[$k]}]=00
+colors:77> k=45
+colors:77> color[${color[$k]}]=45
+colors:77> k=34
+colors:77> color[${color[$k]}]=34
+colors:77> k=23
+colors:77> color[${color[$k]}]=23
+colors:77> k=01
+colors:77> color[${color[$k]}]=01
+colors:77> k=46
+colors:77> color[${color[$k]}]=46
+colors:77> k=35
+colors:77> color[${color[$k]}]=35
+colors:77> k=24
+colors:77> color[${color[$k]}]=24
+colors:77> k=02
+colors:77> color[${color[$k]}]=02
+colors:77> k=47
+colors:77> color[${color[$k]}]=47
+colors:77> k=36
+colors:77> color[${color[$k]}]=36
+colors:77> k=25
+colors:77> color[${color[$k]}]=25
+colors:77> k=03
+colors:77> color[${color[$k]}]=03
+colors:77> k=37
+colors:77> color[${color[$k]}]=37
+colors:77> k=04
+colors:77> color[${color[$k]}]=04
+colors:77> k=49
+colors:77> color[${color[$k]}]=49
+colors:77> k=27
+colors:77> color[${color[$k]}]=27
+colors:77> k=05
+colors:77> color[${color[$k]}]=05
+colors:77> k=39
+colors:77> color[${color[$k]}]=39
+colors:77> k=28
+colors:77> color[${color[$k]}]=28
+colors:77> k=07
+colors:77> color[${color[$k]}]=07
+colors:77> k=08
+colors:77> color[${color[$k]}]=08
+colors:77> k=40
+colors:77> color[${color[$k]}]=40
+colors:77> k=41
+colors:77> color[${color[$k]}]=41
+colors:77> k=30
+colors:77> color[${color[$k]}]=30
+colors:77> k=42
+colors:77> color[${color[$k]}]=42
+colors:77> k=31
+colors:77> color[${color[$k]}]=31
+colors:77> k=43
+colors:77> color[${color[$k]}]=43
+colors:77> k=32
+colors:77> color[${color[$k]}]=32
+colors:81> k=30
+colors:81> color[fg-${color[$k]}]=30
+colors:81> k=31
+colors:81> color[fg-${color[$k]}]=31
+colors:81> k=32
+colors:81> color[fg-${color[$k]}]=32
+colors:81> k=33
+colors:81> color[fg-${color[$k]}]=33
+colors:81> k=34
+colors:81> color[fg-${color[$k]}]=34
+colors:81> k=35
+colors:81> color[fg-${color[$k]}]=35
+colors:81> k=36
+colors:81> color[fg-${color[$k]}]=36
+colors:81> k=37
+colors:81> color[fg-${color[$k]}]=37
+colors:81> k=39
+colors:81> color[fg-${color[$k]}]=39
+colors:85> color[grey]=30
+colors:86> color[fg-grey]=30
+colors:87> color[bg-grey]=40
+colors:91> colour=( 00 none 22 normal 44 bg-blue fg-red 31 01 bold 23 no-standout 45 bg-magenta 02 faint 24 no-underline 46 bg-cyan 03 standout 25 no-blink 47 bg-white 04 underline yellow 33 bg-red 41 bold 01 05 blink 27 no-reverse 49 bg-default no-reverse 27 28 no-conceal 07 reverse 08 conceal fg-black 30 red 31 conceal 08 default 39 faint 02 fg-green 32 no-underline 24 bg-magenta 45 magenta 35 blink 05 blue 34 grey 30 fg-default 39 bg-white 47 30 black no-standout 23 31 red 32 green bg-yellow 43 33 yellow cyan 36 34 blue 35 magenta white 37 36 cyan standout 03 37 white bg-blue 44 fg-magenta 35 39 default bg-grey 40 no-conceal 28 reverse 07 bg-cyan 46 underline 04 fg-yellow 33 fg-white 37 bg-black 40 normal 22 fg-blue 34 bg-green 42 none 00 fg-grey 30 black 30 no-blink 25 bg-default 49 40 bg-black fg-cyan 36 green 32 41 bg-red 42 bg-green 43 bg-yellow )
+colors:95> local 'lc=[' 'rc=m'
+colors:97> typeset -Hg reset_color bold_color
+colors:98> reset_color=''
+colors:99> bold_color=''
+colors:103> typeset -AHg fg fg_bold fg_no_bold
+colors:104> k=fg-red
+colors:105> fg[${k#fg-}]=''
+colors:106> fg_bold[${k#fg-}]=''
+colors:107> fg_no_bold[${k#fg-}]=''
+colors:104> k=fg-black
+colors:105> fg[${k#fg-}]=''
+colors:106> fg_bold[${k#fg-}]=''
+colors:107> fg_no_bold[${k#fg-}]=''
+colors:104> k=fg-green
+colors:105> fg[${k#fg-}]=''
+colors:106> fg_bold[${k#fg-}]=''
+colors:107> fg_no_bold[${k#fg-}]=''
+colors:104> k=fg-default
+colors:105> fg[${k#fg-}]=''
+colors:106> fg_bold[${k#fg-}]=''
+colors:107> fg_no_bold[${k#fg-}]=''
+colors:104> k=fg-magenta
+colors:105> fg[${k#fg-}]=''
+colors:106> fg_bold[${k#fg-}]=''
+colors:107> fg_no_bold[${k#fg-}]=''
+colors:104> k=fg-yellow
+colors:105> fg[${k#fg-}]=''
+colors:106> fg_bold[${k#fg-}]=''
+colors:107> fg_no_bold[${k#fg-}]=''
+colors:104> k=fg-white
+colors:105> fg[${k#fg-}]=''
+colors:106> fg_bold[${k#fg-}]=''
+colors:107> fg_no_bold[${k#fg-}]=''
+colors:104> k=fg-blue
+colors:105> fg[${k#fg-}]=''
+colors:106> fg_bold[${k#fg-}]=''
+colors:107> fg_no_bold[${k#fg-}]=''
+colors:104> k=fg-grey
+colors:105> fg[${k#fg-}]=''
+colors:106> fg_bold[${k#fg-}]=''
+colors:107> fg_no_bold[${k#fg-}]=''
+colors:104> k=fg-cyan
+colors:105> fg[${k#fg-}]=''
+colors:106> fg_bold[${k#fg-}]=''
+colors:107> fg_no_bold[${k#fg-}]=''
+colors:112> typeset -AHg bg bg_bold bg_no_bold
+colors:113> k=bg-red
+colors:114> bg[${k#bg-}]=''
+colors:115> bg_bold[${k#bg-}]=''
+colors:116> bg_no_bold[${k#bg-}]=''
+colors:113> k=bg-magenta
+colors:114> bg[${k#bg-}]=''
+colors:115> bg_bold[${k#bg-}]=''
+colors:116> bg_no_bold[${k#bg-}]=''
+colors:113> k=bg-white
+colors:114> bg[${k#bg-}]=''
+colors:115> bg_bold[${k#bg-}]=''
+colors:116> bg_no_bold[${k#bg-}]=''
+colors:113> k=bg-yellow
+colors:114> bg[${k#bg-}]=''
+colors:115> bg_bold[${k#bg-}]=''
+colors:116> bg_no_bold[${k#bg-}]=''
+colors:113> k=bg-blue
+colors:114> bg[${k#bg-}]=''
+colors:115> bg_bold[${k#bg-}]=''
+colors:116> bg_no_bold[${k#bg-}]=''
+colors:113> k=bg-grey
+colors:114> bg[${k#bg-}]=''
+colors:115> bg_bold[${k#bg-}]=''
+colors:116> bg_no_bold[${k#bg-}]=''
+colors:113> k=bg-cyan
+colors:114> bg[${k#bg-}]=''
+colors:115> bg_bold[${k#bg-}]=''
+colors:116> bg_no_bold[${k#bg-}]=''
+colors:113> k=bg-black
+colors:114> bg[${k#bg-}]=''
+colors:115> bg_bold[${k#bg-}]=''
+colors:116> bg_no_bold[${k#bg-}]=''
+colors:113> k=bg-green
+colors:114> bg[${k#bg-}]=''
+colors:115> bg_bold[${k#bg-}]=''
+colors:116> bg_no_bold[${k#bg-}]=''
+colors:113> k=bg-default
+colors:114> bg[${k#bg-}]=''
+colors:115> bg_bold[${k#bg-}]=''
+colors:116> bg_no_bold[${k#bg-}]=''
export LSCOLORS="Gxfxcxdxbxegedabagacad"
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/theme-and-appearance.zsh:3> export 'LSCOLORS=Gxfxcxdxbxegedabagacad'
#export LS_COLORS
# Enable ls colors
if [ "$DISABLE_LS_COLORS" != "true" ]
# Find the option for using colors in ls, depending on the version: Linux or BSD
if [[ "$(uname -s)" == "NetBSD" ]]; then
# On NetBSD, test if "gls" (GNU ls) is installed (this one supports colors);
# otherwise, leave ls as is, because NetBSD's ls doesn't support -G
gls --color -d . &>/dev/null 2>&1 && alias ls='gls --color=tty'
elif [[ "$(uname -s)" == "OpenBSD" ]]; then
# On OpenBSD, test if "colorls" is installed (this one supports colors);
# otherwise, leave ls as is, because OpenBSD's ls doesn't support -G
colorls -G -d . &>/dev/null 2>&1 && alias ls='colorls -G'
ls --color -d . &>/dev/null 2>&1 && alias ls='ls --color=tty' || alias ls='ls -G'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/theme-and-appearance.zsh:7> [ '' '!=' true ']'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/theme-and-appearance.zsh:10> [[+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/theme-and-appearance.zsh:10> uname -s
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/theme-and-appearance.zsh:10> [[ Darwin == NetBSD ]]
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/theme-and-appearance.zsh:14> [[+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/theme-and-appearance.zsh:14> uname -s
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/theme-and-appearance.zsh:14> [[ Darwin == OpenBSD ]]
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/theme-and-appearance.zsh:19> ls --color -d .
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/theme-and-appearance.zsh:19> alias 'ls=ls -G'
#setopt no_beep
setopt auto_cd
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/theme-and-appearance.zsh:24> setopt auto_cd
setopt multios
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/theme-and-appearance.zsh:25> setopt multios
setopt cdablevarS
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/theme-and-appearance.zsh:26> setopt cdablevarS
if [[ x$WINDOW != x ]]
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/theme-and-appearance.zsh:28> [[ x != x ]]
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/theme-and-appearance.zsh:32> SCREEN_NO=''
# Apply theming defaults
PS1="%n@%m:%~%# "
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/theme-and-appearance.zsh:36> PS1='%n@%m:%~%# '
# git theming default: Variables for theming the git info prompt
ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_PREFIX="git:(" # Prefix at the very beginning of the prompt, before the branch name
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/theme-and-appearance.zsh:39> ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_PREFIX='git:('
ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_SUFFIX=")" # At the very end of the prompt
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/theme-and-appearance.zsh:40> ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_SUFFIX=')'
ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_DIRTY="*" # Text to display if the branch is dirty
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/theme-and-appearance.zsh:41> ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_DIRTY='*'
ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_CLEAN="" # Text to display if the branch is clean
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/theme-and-appearance.zsh:42> ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_CLEAN=''
# Setup the prompt with pretty colors
setopt prompt_subst
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/lib/theme-and-appearance.zsh:45> setopt prompt_subst
# Set ZSH_CUSTOM to the path where your custom config files
# and plugins exists, or else we will use the default custom/
if [[ -z "$ZSH_CUSTOM" ]]; then
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/> [[ -z '' ]]
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/> ZSH_CUSTOM=/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/custom
is_plugin() {
local base_dir=$1
local name=$2
test -f $base_dir/plugins/$name/$name.plugin.zsh \
|| test -f $base_dir/plugins/$name/_$name
# Add all defined plugins to fpath. This must be done
# before running compinit.
for plugin ($plugins); do
if is_plugin $ZSH_CUSTOM $plugin; then
fpath=($ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins/$plugin $fpath)
elif is_plugin $ZSH $plugin; then
fpath=($ZSH/plugins/$plugin $fpath)
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/> plugin=git
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/> is_plugin /Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/custom git
+is_plugin:1> local 'base_dir=/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/custom'
+is_plugin:2> local 'name=git'
+is_plugin:3> test -f /Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/git/git.plugin.zsh
+is_plugin:4> test -f /Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/git/_git
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/> is_plugin /Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh git
+is_plugin:1> local 'base_dir=/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh'
+is_plugin:2> local 'name=git'
+is_plugin:3> test -f /Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/plugins/git/git.plugin.zsh
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/> fpath=( /Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/plugins/git /Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/functions /Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/completions /usr/share/zsh/site-functions /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions )
# Figure out the SHORT hostname
if [[ "$OSTYPE" = darwin* ]]; then
# OS X's $HOST changes with dhcp, etc. Use ComputerName if possible.
SHORT_HOST=$(scutil --get ComputerName 2>/dev/null) || SHORT_HOST=${HOST/.*/}
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/> [[ darwin13.0 == darwin* ]]
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/> SHORT_HOST=+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/> scutil --get ComputerName
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/> SHORT_HOST=CHRONIC
# Save the location of the current completion dump file.
if [ -z "$ZSH_COMPDUMP" ]; then
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/> [ -z '' ']'
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/> ZSH_COMPDUMP=/Users/allthetime/.zcompdump-CHRONIC-5.0.2
# Load and run compinit
autoload -U compinit
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/> autoload -U compinit
compinit -i -d "${ZSH_COMPDUMP}"
+/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/> compinit -i -d /Users/allthetime/.zcompdump-CHRONIC-5.0.2
+compinit:70> emulate -L zsh
+compinit:71> setopt extendedglob
+compinit:73> typeset _i_dumpfile _i_files _i_line _i_done _i_dir '_i_autodump=1'
+compinit:74> typeset _i_tag _i_file _i_addfiles '_i_fail=ask' '_i_check=yes' _i_name
+compinit:76> [[ 3 -gt 0 && -i == -[dDiuC] ]]
+compinit:77> case -i (-d)
+compinit:77> case -i (-D)
+compinit:77> case -i (-i)
+compinit:91> _i_fail=ign
+compinit:92> shift
+compinit:76> [[ 2 -gt 0 && -d == -[dDiuC] ]]
+compinit:77> case -d (-d)
+compinit:79> _i_autodump=1
+compinit:80> shift
+compinit:81> [[ 1 -gt 0 && /Users/allthetime/.zcompdump-CHRONIC-5.0.2 != -[dfQC] ]]
+compinit:82> _i_dumpfile=/Users/allthetime/.zcompdump-CHRONIC-5.0.2
+compinit:83> shift
+compinit:76> [[ 0 -gt 0 ]]
+compinit:108> typeset -gA _comps _services _patcomps _postpatcomps
+compinit:113> typeset -gA _compautos
+compinit:118> typeset -gA _lastcomp
+compinit:121> [[ -n /Users/allthetime/.zcompdump-CHRONIC-5.0.2 ]]
+compinit:123> typeset -g '_comp_dumpfile=/Users/allthetime/.zcompdump-CHRONIC-5.0.2'
+compinit:130> typeset -ga _comp_options
+compinit:131> _comp_options=( bareglobqual extendedglob glob multibyte nullglob rcexpandparam unset NO_allexport NO_aliases NO_cshnullglob NO_cshjunkiequotes NO_errexit NO_globsubst NO_histsubstpattern NO_ignorebraces NO_ignoreclosebraces NO_kshglob NO_ksharrays NO_kshtypeset NO_markdirs NO_octalzeroes NO_shwordsplit NO_shglob NO_warncreateglobal )
+compinit:164> typeset -g '_comp_setup=local -A _comp_caller_options;
setopt localoptions localtraps ${_comp_options[@]};
local IFS=$'\'' \t\r\n\0'\''
exec </dev/null;
trap - ZERR
local -a reply
local REPLY'
+compinit:176> typeset -ga compprefuncs comppostfuncs
+compinit:177> compprefuncs=( )
+compinit:178> comppostfuncs=( )
+compinit:182> : compinit /Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/ /Users/allthetime/.zshrc
+compinit:431> typeset _i_wdirs _i_wfiles
+compinit:433> _i_wdirs=( )
+compinit:434> _i_wfiles=( )
+compinit:436> autoload -Uz compaudit
+compinit:437> [[ -n yes ]]
+compinit:438> typeset _i_q
+compinit:439> eval compaudit
+(eval):1> compaudit
+compaudit:146> compaudit
+compaudit:13> emulate -L zsh
+compaudit:14> setopt extendedglob
+compaudit:16> [[ -x /usr/bin/getent ]]
+compaudit:25> (( 0 ))
+compaudit:27> (( 5 == 0 ))
+compaudit:31> set -- /Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/plugins/git /Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/functions /Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/completions /usr/share/zsh/site-functions /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions
+compaudit:38> (( 1 ))
+compaudit:44> fpath=( /Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/plugins/git /Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/functions /Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/completions /usr/share/zsh/site-functions /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions )
+compaudit:49> (( 0 ))
+compaudit:50> local '_compdir=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions'
+compaudit:51> [[ -z /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions ]]
+compaudit:55> _i_wdirs=( )
+compaudit:56> _i_wfiles=( )
+compaudit:58> _i_files=( /Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/plugins/git/_git-branch /Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/plugins/git/_git-remote /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_SuSEconfig /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_a2ps /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_a2utils /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_aap /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_acpi /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_acpitool /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_acroread /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_adb /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_alias /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_aliases /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_all_labels /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_all_matches /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_alternative /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_analyseplugin /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_ant /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_antiword /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_apachectl /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_apm /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_approximate /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_apt /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_apt-file /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_apt-move /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_apt-show-versions /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_aptitude /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_arch_archives /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_arch_namespace /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_arg_compile /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_arguments /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_arp /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_arping /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_arrays /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_assign /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_at /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_attr /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_auto-apt /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_autocd /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_awk /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_axi-cache /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_bash_completions /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_baz /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_be_name /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_beadm /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_bind_addresses /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_bindkey /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_bison /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_bittorrent /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_bogofilter /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_brace_parameter /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_brctl /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_bsd_pkg /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_btrfs /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_bts /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_bug /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_builtin /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_bzip2 /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_bzr /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_cache_invalid /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_cal /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_calendar /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_call_function /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_call_program /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_canonical_paths /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_ccal /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_cd /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_cdbs-edit-patch /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_cdcd /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_cdr /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_cdrdao /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_cdrecord /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_chflags /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_chkconfig /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_chmod /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_chown /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_chrt /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_clay /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_combination /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_comm /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_command /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_command_names /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_compdef /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_complete /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_complete_debug /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_complete_help /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_complete_help_generic /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_complete_tag /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_compress /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_condition /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_configure /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_coreadm /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_correct /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_correct_filename /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_correct_word 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/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_svn-buildpackage /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_sysctl /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_systemd /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_tags /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_tar /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_tar_archive /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_tardy /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_tcpdump /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_tcpsys /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_tcptraceroute /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_telnet /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_terminals /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_tex /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_texi /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_texinfo /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_tidy /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_tiff /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_tilde /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_tilde_files /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_time_zone /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_tin /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_tla /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_tmux /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/ /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_toilet /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_toolchain-source /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_topgit /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_totd /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_tpb /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_tpconfig /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_tracepath /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_trap /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_tree /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_ttyctl /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_tune2fs /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_twidge /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_twisted /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_typeset /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_ulimit /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_uml /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_unace /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_uname /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_unexpand /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_unhash /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_uniq /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_unison /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_units /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_unsetopt /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_update-alternatives /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_update-rc.d /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_urls /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_urpmi /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_urxvt /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_uscan /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_user_admin /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_user_at_host /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_user_expand /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_users /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_users_on /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_uzbl /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_valgrind /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_value /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_values /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_vared /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_vars /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_vcsh /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_vim /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_vim-addons /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_vnc /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_volume_groups /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_vorbis /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_vorbiscomment /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_vserver /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_vux /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_w3m /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_wait /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_wajig /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_wakeup_capable_devices /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_wanna-build /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_wanted /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_webbrowser /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_wget /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_whereis /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_which /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_whois /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_wiggle /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_wpa_cli /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_x_arguments /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_x_borderwidth /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_x_color /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_x_colormapid /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_x_cursor /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_x_display /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_x_extension /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_x_font /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_x_geometry /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_x_keysym /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_x_locale /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_x_modifier /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_x_name /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_x_resource /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_x_selection_timeout /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_x_title /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_x_utils /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_x_visual /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_x_window /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_xargs /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_xauth /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_xclip /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_xdvi /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_xfig /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_xft_fonts /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_xloadimage /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_xmlsoft /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_xmms2 /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_xmodmap /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_xournal /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_xpdf /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_xrandr /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_xscreensaver /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_xset /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_xt_arguments /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_xt_session_id /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_xterm /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_xv /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_xwit /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_xz /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_yafc /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_yast /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_yast2 /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_yodl /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_yp /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_yum /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_zargs /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_zattr /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_zcalc_line /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_zcat /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_zcompile /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_zdump /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_zed /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_zfs /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_zfs_dataset /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_zfs_keysource_props /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_zfs_pool /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_zftp /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_zip /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_zle /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_zlogin /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_zmodload /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_zmv /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_zoneadm /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_zones /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_zpool /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_zpty /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_zsh-mime-handler /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_zstyle /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_ztodo /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_zypper )
+compaudit:59> [[ -n /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions ]]
+compaudit:60> [[ 692 -lt 20 || /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions == */Base || -d /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/Base ]]
+compaudit:81> [[ ign == use ]]
+compaudit:93> _i_wdirs=( )
+compaudit:102> (( 0 ))
+compaudit:116> [[ -f /etc/debian_version ]]
+compaudit:123> _i_wdirs=( )
+compaudit:124> _i_wfiles=( )
+compaudit:126> case 0:0 (0:0)
+compaudit:127> _i_q=''
+compaudit:133> [[ -n '' ]]
+compaudit:140> return 0
+compinit:464> autoload -Uz compdump compinstall
+compinit:468> _i_done=''
+compinit:470> [[ -f /Users/allthetime/.zcompdump-CHRONIC-5.0.2 ]]
+compinit:471> [[ -n yes ]]
+compinit:472> IFS=' ' +compinit:472> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:473> [[ _i_autodump -eq 1 && 698 -eq 692 ]]
+compinit:484> [[ -z '' ]]
+compinit:485> typeset -A _i_test
+compinit:487> _i_dir=/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/plugins/git
+compinit:488> [[ /Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/plugins/git == . ]]
+compinit:489> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/plugins/git/_git-branch
+compinit:491> _i_name=_git-branch
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ git-branch == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _git-branch git-branch
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _git-branch == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_git-branch
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _git-branch
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ git-branch == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ git-branch == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ git-branch == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ git-branch == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=git-branch
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_git-branch
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/plugins/git/_git-remote
+compinit:491> _i_name=_git-remote
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ git-remote == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _git-remote git-remote
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _git-remote == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_git-remote
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _git-remote
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ git-remote == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ git-remote == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ git-remote == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ git-remote == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=git-remote
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_git-remote
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:487> _i_dir=/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/functions
+compinit:488> [[ /Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/functions == . ]]
+compinit:489> (( 0 ))
+compinit:487> _i_dir=/Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/completions
+compinit:488> [[ /Users/allthetime/.oh-my-zsh/completions == . ]]
+compinit:489> (( 0 ))
+compinit:487> _i_dir=/usr/share/zsh/site-functions
+compinit:488> [[ /usr/share/zsh/site-functions == . ]]
+compinit:489> (( 0 ))
+compinit:487> _i_dir=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions
+compinit:488> [[ /usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions == . ]]
+compinit:489> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_SuSEconfig
+compinit:491> _i_name=_SuSEconfig
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ SuSEconfig == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _SuSEconfig SuSEconfig
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _SuSEconfig == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_SuSEconfig
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _SuSEconfig
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ SuSEconfig == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ SuSEconfig == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ SuSEconfig == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ SuSEconfig == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=SuSEconfig
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_SuSEconfig
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_a2ps
+compinit:491> _i_name=_a2ps
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ a2ps == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _a2ps a2ps
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _a2ps == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_a2ps
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _a2ps
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ a2ps == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ a2ps == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ a2ps == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ a2ps == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=a2ps
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_a2ps
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_a2utils
+compinit:491> _i_name=_a2utils
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ a2ensite == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _a2utils a2ensite a2dissite a2enmod a2dismod
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 6 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 5 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _a2utils == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_a2utils
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _a2utils
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 4 ))
+compdef:132> [[ a2ensite == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ a2ensite == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ a2ensite == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ a2ensite == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=a2ensite
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_a2utils
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ a2dissite == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ a2dissite == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ a2dissite == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ a2dissite == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=a2dissite
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_a2utils
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ a2enmod == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ a2enmod == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ a2enmod == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ a2enmod == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=a2enmod
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_a2utils
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ a2dismod == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ a2dismod == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ a2dismod == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ a2dismod == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=a2dismod
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_a2utils
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_aap
+compinit:491> _i_name=_aap
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ aap == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _aap aap
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _aap == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_aap
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _aap
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ aap == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ aap == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ aap == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ aap == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=aap
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_aap
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_acpi
+compinit:491> _i_name=_acpi
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ acpi == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _acpi acpi
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _acpi == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_acpi
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _acpi
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ acpi == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ acpi == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ acpi == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ acpi == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=acpi
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_acpi
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_acpitool
+compinit:491> _i_name=_acpitool
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ acpitool == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _acpitool acpitool
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _acpitool == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_acpitool
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _acpitool
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ acpitool == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ acpitool == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ acpitool == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ acpitool == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=acpitool
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_acpitool
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_acroread
+compinit:491> _i_name=_acroread
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ acroread == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _acroread acroread
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _acroread == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_acroread
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _acroread
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ acroread == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ acroread == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ acroread == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ acroread == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=acroread
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_acroread
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_adb
+compinit:491> _i_name=_adb
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ adb == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _adb adb -value-,ADB_TRACE,-default- -value-,ANDROID_SERIAL,-default- -value-,ANDROID_LOG_TAGS,-default-
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 6 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 5 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _adb == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_adb
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _adb
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 4 ))
+compdef:132> [[ adb == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ adb == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ adb == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ adb == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=adb
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_adb
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ -value-,ADB_TRACE,-default- == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ -value-,ADB_TRACE,-default- == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ -value-,ADB_TRACE,-default- == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ -value-,ADB_TRACE,-default- == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=-value-,ADB_TRACE,-default-
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_adb
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ -value-,ANDROID_SERIAL,-default- == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ -value-,ANDROID_SERIAL,-default- == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ -value-,ANDROID_SERIAL,-default- == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ -value-,ANDROID_SERIAL,-default- == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=-value-,ANDROID_SERIAL,-default-
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_adb
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ -value-,ANDROID_LOG_TAGS,-default- == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ -value-,ANDROID_LOG_TAGS,-default- == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ -value-,ANDROID_LOG_TAGS,-default- == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ -value-,ANDROID_LOG_TAGS,-default- == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=-value-,ANDROID_LOG_TAGS,-default-
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_adb
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_alias
+compinit:491> _i_name=_alias
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ alias == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _alias alias
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _alias == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_alias
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _alias
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ alias == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ alias == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ alias == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ alias == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=alias
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_alias
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_aliases
+compinit:491> _i_name=_aliases
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ unalias == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _aliases unalias
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _aliases == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_aliases
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _aliases
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ unalias == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ unalias == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ unalias == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ unalias == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=unalias
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_aliases
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_all_labels
+compinit:491> _i_name=_all_labels
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _all_labels
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_all_matches
+compinit:491> _i_name=_all_matches
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _all_matches
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_alternative
+compinit:491> _i_name=_alternative
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _alternative
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_analyseplugin
+compinit:491> _i_name=_analyseplugin
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ analyseplugin == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _analyseplugin analyseplugin
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _analyseplugin == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_analyseplugin
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _analyseplugin
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ analyseplugin == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ analyseplugin == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ analyseplugin == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ analyseplugin == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=analyseplugin
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_analyseplugin
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_ant
+compinit:491> _i_name=_ant
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ ant == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _ant ant -value-,ANT_ARGS,-default-
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _ant == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_ant
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _ant
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ ant == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ ant == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ ant == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ ant == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=ant
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_ant
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ -value-,ANT_ARGS,-default- == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ -value-,ANT_ARGS,-default- == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ -value-,ANT_ARGS,-default- == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ -value-,ANT_ARGS,-default- == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=-value-,ANT_ARGS,-default-
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_ant
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_antiword
+compinit:491> _i_name=_antiword
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ antiword == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _antiword antiword
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _antiword == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_antiword
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _antiword
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ antiword == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ antiword == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ antiword == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ antiword == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=antiword
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_antiword
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_apachectl
+compinit:491> _i_name=_apachectl
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ apachectl == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _apachectl apachectl apache2ctl
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _apachectl == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_apachectl
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _apachectl
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ apachectl == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ apachectl == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ apachectl == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ apachectl == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=apachectl
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_apachectl
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ apache2ctl == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ apache2ctl == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ apache2ctl == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ apache2ctl == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=apache2ctl
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_apachectl
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_apm
+compinit:491> _i_name=_apm
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ apm == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _apm apm
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _apm == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_apm
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _apm
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ apm == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ apm == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ apm == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ apm == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=apm
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_apm
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_approximate
+compinit:491> _i_name=_approximate
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _approximate
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_apt
+compinit:491> _i_name=_apt
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ apt-get == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _apt apt-get apt-cache apt-cdrom apt-config
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 6 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 5 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _apt == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_apt
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _apt
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 4 ))
+compdef:132> [[ apt-get == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ apt-get == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ apt-get == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ apt-get == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=apt-get
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_apt
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ apt-cache == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ apt-cache == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ apt-cache == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ apt-cache == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=apt-cache
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_apt
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ apt-cdrom == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ apt-cdrom == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ apt-cdrom == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ apt-cdrom == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=apt-cdrom
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_apt
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ apt-config == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ apt-config == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ apt-config == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ apt-config == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=apt-config
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_apt
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_apt-file
+compinit:491> _i_name=_apt-file
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ apt-file == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _apt-file apt-file
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _apt-file == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_apt-file
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _apt-file
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ apt-file == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ apt-file == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ apt-file == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ apt-file == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=apt-file
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_apt-file
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_apt-move
+compinit:491> _i_name=_apt-move
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ apt-move == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _apt-move apt-move
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _apt-move == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_apt-move
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _apt-move
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ apt-move == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ apt-move == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ apt-move == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ apt-move == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=apt-move
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_apt-move
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_apt-show-versions
+compinit:491> _i_name=_apt-show-versions
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ apt-show-versions == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _apt-show-versions apt-show-versions
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _apt-show-versions == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_apt-show-versions
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _apt-show-versions
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ apt-show-versions == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ apt-show-versions == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ apt-show-versions == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ apt-show-versions == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=apt-show-versions
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_apt-show-versions
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_aptitude
+compinit:491> _i_name=_aptitude
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ aptitude == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _aptitude aptitude
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _aptitude == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_aptitude
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _aptitude
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ aptitude == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ aptitude == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ aptitude == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ aptitude == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=aptitude
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_aptitude
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_arch_archives
+compinit:491> _i_name=_arch_archives
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _arch_archives
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_arch_namespace
+compinit:491> _i_name=_arch_namespace
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _arch_namespace
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_arg_compile
+compinit:491> _i_name=_arg_compile
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _arg_compile
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_arguments
+compinit:491> _i_name=_arguments
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _arguments
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_arp
+compinit:491> _i_name=_arp
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ arp == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _arp arp
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _arp == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_arp
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _arp
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ arp == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ arp == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ arp == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ arp == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=arp
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_arp
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_arping
+compinit:491> _i_name=_arping
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ arping == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _arping arping
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _arping == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_arping
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _arping
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ arping == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ arping == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ arping == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ arping == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=arping
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_arping
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_arrays
+compinit:491> _i_name=_arrays
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ shift == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _arrays shift
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _arrays == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_arrays
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _arrays
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ shift == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ shift == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ shift == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ shift == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=shift
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_arrays
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_assign
+compinit:491> _i_name=_assign
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ -assign-parameter- == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _assign -assign-parameter-
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _assign == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_assign
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _assign
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ -assign-parameter- == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ -assign-parameter- == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ -assign-parameter- == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ -assign-parameter- == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=-assign-parameter-
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_assign
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_at
+compinit:491> _i_name=_at
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ atrm == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _at atrm atq at batch
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 6 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 5 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _at == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_at
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _at
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 4 ))
+compdef:132> [[ atrm == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ atrm == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ atrm == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ atrm == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=atrm
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_at
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ atq == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ atq == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ atq == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ atq == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=atq
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_at
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ at == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ at == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ at == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ at == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=at
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_at
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ batch == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ batch == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ batch == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ batch == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=batch
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_at
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_attr
+compinit:491> _i_name=_attr
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ attr == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _attr attr getfattr setfattr
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 5 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _attr == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_attr
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _attr
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ attr == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ attr == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ attr == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ attr == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=attr
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_attr
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ getfattr == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ getfattr == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ getfattr == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ getfattr == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=getfattr
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_attr
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ setfattr == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ setfattr == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ setfattr == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ setfattr == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=setfattr
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_attr
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_auto-apt
+compinit:491> _i_name=_auto-apt
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ auto-apt == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _auto-apt auto-apt
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _auto-apt == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_auto-apt
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _auto-apt
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ auto-apt == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ auto-apt == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ auto-apt == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ auto-apt == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=auto-apt
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_auto-apt
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_autocd
+compinit:491> _i_name=_autocd
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ -command- == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _autocd -command-
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _autocd == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_autocd
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _autocd
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ -command- == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ -command- == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ -command- == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ -command- == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=-command-
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_autocd
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_awk
+compinit:491> _i_name=_awk
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ awk == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _awk awk
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _awk == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_awk
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _awk
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ awk == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ awk == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ awk == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ awk == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=awk
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_awk
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_axi-cache
+compinit:491> _i_name=_axi-cache
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ axi-cache == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _axi-cache axi-cache
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _axi-cache == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_axi-cache
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _axi-cache
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ axi-cache == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ axi-cache == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ axi-cache == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ axi-cache == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=axi-cache
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_axi-cache
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_bash_completions
+compinit:491> _i_name=_bash_completions
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ -K == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:500> compdef -Kna _bash_completions _bash_complete-word complete-word '\e~' _bash_list-choices list-choices '^X~'
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 8 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case K (a)
+compdef:15> case K (n)
+compdef:15> case K ([pPkK])
+compdef:18> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:24> [[ K == p ]]
+compdef:26> [[ K == P ]]
+compdef:28> [[ K == K ]]
+compdef:29> type=widgetkey
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 7 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _bash_completions == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_bash_completions
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _bash_completions
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case widgetkey (widgetkey)
+compdef:85> [[ -n _bash_complete-word ]]
+compdef:86> [[ 6 -lt 3 ]]
+compdef:90> [[ _bash_complete-word == _* ]]
+compdef:91> [[ complete-word == .* ]]
+compdef:91> 2=.complete-word
+compdef:92> [[ .complete-word == .menu-select ]]
+compdef:93> zle -C _bash_complete-word .complete-word _bash_completions
+compdef:94> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:95> IFS=' ' +compdef:95> read -A opt
+compdef:95> bindkey '\e~'
+compdef:96> [[ undefined-key == undefined-key ]]
+compdef:96> bindkey '\e~' _bash_complete-word
+compdef:100> shift 3
+compdef:85> [[ -n _bash_list-choices ]]
+compdef:86> [[ 3 -lt 3 ]]
+compdef:90> [[ _bash_list-choices == _* ]]
+compdef:91> [[ list-choices == .* ]]
+compdef:91> 2=.list-choices
+compdef:92> [[ .list-choices == .menu-select ]]
+compdef:93> zle -C _bash_list-choices .list-choices _bash_completions
+compdef:94> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:95> bindkey '^X~'
+compdef:95> IFS=' ' +compdef:95> read -A opt
+compdef:96> [[ undefined-key == undefined-key ]]
+compdef:96> bindkey '^X~' _bash_list-choices
+compdef:100> shift 3
+compdef:85> [[ -n '' ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_baz
+compinit:491> _i_name=_baz
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ baz == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _baz baz
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _baz == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_baz
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _baz
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ baz == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ baz == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ baz == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ baz == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=baz
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_baz
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_be_name
+compinit:491> _i_name=_be_name
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _be_name
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_beadm
+compinit:491> _i_name=_beadm
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ beadm == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _beadm beadm
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _beadm == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_beadm
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _beadm
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ beadm == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ beadm == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ beadm == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ beadm == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=beadm
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_beadm
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_bind_addresses
+compinit:491> _i_name=_bind_addresses
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _bind_addresses
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_bindkey
+compinit:491> _i_name=_bindkey
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ bindkey == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _bindkey bindkey
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _bindkey == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_bindkey
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _bindkey
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ bindkey == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ bindkey == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ bindkey == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ bindkey == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=bindkey
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_bindkey
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_bison
+compinit:491> _i_name=_bison
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ bison == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _bison bison
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _bison == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_bison
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _bison
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ bison == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ bison == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ bison == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ bison == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=bison
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_bison
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_bittorrent
+compinit:491> _i_name=_bittorrent
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ btdownloadcurses == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _bittorrent btdownloadcurses btdownloadheadless btdownloadgui btlaunchmany btlaunchmanycurses bttrack btshowmetainfo btreannounce btmakemetafile btrename
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 12 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 11 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _bittorrent == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_bittorrent
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _bittorrent
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 10 ))
+compdef:132> [[ btdownloadcurses == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ btdownloadcurses == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ btdownloadcurses == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ btdownloadcurses == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=btdownloadcurses
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_bittorrent
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 9 ))
+compdef:132> [[ btdownloadheadless == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ btdownloadheadless == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ btdownloadheadless == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ btdownloadheadless == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=btdownloadheadless
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_bittorrent
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 8 ))
+compdef:132> [[ btdownloadgui == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ btdownloadgui == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ btdownloadgui == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ btdownloadgui == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=btdownloadgui
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_bittorrent
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 7 ))
+compdef:132> [[ btlaunchmany == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ btlaunchmany == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ btlaunchmany == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ btlaunchmany == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=btlaunchmany
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_bittorrent
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 6 ))
+compdef:132> [[ btlaunchmanycurses == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ btlaunchmanycurses == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ btlaunchmanycurses == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ btlaunchmanycurses == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=btlaunchmanycurses
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_bittorrent
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 5 ))
+compdef:132> [[ bttrack == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ bttrack == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ bttrack == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ bttrack == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=bttrack
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_bittorrent
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 4 ))
+compdef:132> [[ btshowmetainfo == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ btshowmetainfo == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ btshowmetainfo == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ btshowmetainfo == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=btshowmetainfo
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_bittorrent
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ btreannounce == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ btreannounce == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ btreannounce == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ btreannounce == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=btreannounce
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_bittorrent
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ btmakemetafile == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ btmakemetafile == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ btmakemetafile == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ btmakemetafile == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=btmakemetafile
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_bittorrent
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ btrename == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ btrename == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ btrename == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ btrename == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=btrename
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_bittorrent
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_bogofilter
+compinit:491> _i_name=_bogofilter
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ bogoutil == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _bogofilter bogoutil bogotune bogofilter
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 5 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _bogofilter == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_bogofilter
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _bogofilter
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ bogoutil == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ bogoutil == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ bogoutil == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ bogoutil == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=bogoutil
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_bogofilter
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ bogotune == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ bogotune == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ bogotune == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ bogotune == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=bogotune
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_bogofilter
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ bogofilter == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ bogofilter == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ bogofilter == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ bogofilter == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=bogofilter
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_bogofilter
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_brace_parameter
+compinit:491> _i_name=_brace_parameter
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ -brace-parameter- == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _brace_parameter -brace-parameter-
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _brace_parameter == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_brace_parameter
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _brace_parameter
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ -brace-parameter- == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ -brace-parameter- == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ -brace-parameter- == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ -brace-parameter- == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=-brace-parameter-
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_brace_parameter
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_brctl
+compinit:491> _i_name=_brctl
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ brctl == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _brctl brctl
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _brctl == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_brctl
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _brctl
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ brctl == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ brctl == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ brctl == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ brctl == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=brctl
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_brctl
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_bsd_pkg
+compinit:491> _i_name=_bsd_pkg
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ pkg_add == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _bsd_pkg pkg_add pkg_create pkg_delete pkg_info
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 6 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 5 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _bsd_pkg == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_bsd_pkg
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _bsd_pkg
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 4 ))
+compdef:132> [[ pkg_add == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ pkg_add == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ pkg_add == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ pkg_add == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=pkg_add
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_bsd_pkg
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ pkg_create == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ pkg_create == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ pkg_create == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ pkg_create == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=pkg_create
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_bsd_pkg
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ pkg_delete == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ pkg_delete == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ pkg_delete == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ pkg_delete == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=pkg_delete
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_bsd_pkg
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ pkg_info == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ pkg_info == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ pkg_info == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ pkg_info == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=pkg_info
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_bsd_pkg
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_btrfs
+compinit:491> _i_name=_btrfs
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ btrfs == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _btrfs btrfs
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _btrfs == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_btrfs
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _btrfs
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ btrfs == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ btrfs == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ btrfs == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ btrfs == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=btrfs
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_btrfs
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_bts
+compinit:491> _i_name=_bts
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ bts == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _bts bts
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _bts == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_bts
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _bts
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ bts == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ bts == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ bts == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ bts == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=bts
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_bts
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_bug
+compinit:491> _i_name=_bug
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ bug == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _bug bug reportbug querybts
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 5 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _bug == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_bug
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _bug
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ bug == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ bug == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ bug == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ bug == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=bug
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_bug
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ reportbug == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ reportbug == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ reportbug == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ reportbug == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=reportbug
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_bug
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ querybts == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ querybts == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ querybts == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ querybts == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=querybts
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_bug
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_builtin
+compinit:491> _i_name=_builtin
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ builtin == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _builtin builtin
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _builtin == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_builtin
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _builtin
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ builtin == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ builtin == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ builtin == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ builtin == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=builtin
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_builtin
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_bzip2
+compinit:491> _i_name=_bzip2
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ bzip2 == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _bzip2 bzip2 bunzip2 'bzcat=bunzip2' bzip2recover '-redirect-,<,bunzip2=bunzip2' '-redirect-,>,bzip2=bunzip2' '-redirect-,<,bzip2=bzip2'
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 9 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 8 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _bzip2 == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_bzip2
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _bzip2
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 7 ))
+compdef:132> [[ bzip2 == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ bzip2 == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ bzip2 == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ bzip2 == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=bzip2
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_bzip2
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 6 ))
+compdef:132> [[ bunzip2 == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ bunzip2 == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ bunzip2 == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ bunzip2 == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=bunzip2
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_bzip2
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 5 ))
+compdef:132> [[ 'bzcat=bunzip2' == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ 'bzcat=bunzip2' == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ 'bzcat=bunzip2' == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ 'bzcat=bunzip2' == *=* ]]
+compdef:156> cmd=bzcat
+compdef:157> svc=yes
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_bzip2
+compdef:164> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:164> _services[$cmd]=bunzip2
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 4 ))
+compdef:132> [[ bzip2recover == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ bzip2recover == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ bzip2recover == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ bzip2recover == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=bzip2recover
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_bzip2
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ '-redirect-,<,bunzip2=bunzip2' == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ '-redirect-,<,bunzip2=bunzip2' == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ '-redirect-,<,bunzip2=bunzip2' == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ '-redirect-,<,bunzip2=bunzip2' == *=* ]]
+compdef:156> cmd='-redirect-,<,bunzip2'
+compdef:157> svc=yes
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_bzip2
+compdef:164> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:164> _services[$cmd]=bunzip2
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ '-redirect-,>,bzip2=bunzip2' == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ '-redirect-,>,bzip2=bunzip2' == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ '-redirect-,>,bzip2=bunzip2' == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ '-redirect-,>,bzip2=bunzip2' == *=* ]]
+compdef:156> cmd='-redirect-,>,bzip2'
+compdef:157> svc=yes
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_bzip2
+compdef:164> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:164> _services[$cmd]=bunzip2
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ '-redirect-,<,bzip2=bzip2' == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ '-redirect-,<,bzip2=bzip2' == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ '-redirect-,<,bzip2=bzip2' == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ '-redirect-,<,bzip2=bzip2' == *=* ]]
+compdef:156> cmd='-redirect-,<,bzip2'
+compdef:157> svc=yes
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_bzip2
+compdef:164> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:164> _services[$cmd]=bzip2
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_bzr
+compinit:491> _i_name=_bzr
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ bzr == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _bzr bzr
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _bzr == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_bzr
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _bzr
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ bzr == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ bzr == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ bzr == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ bzr == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=bzr
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_bzr
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_cache_invalid
+compinit:491> _i_name=_cache_invalid
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _cache_invalid
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_cal
+compinit:491> _i_name=_cal
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ cal == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _cal cal ncal
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _cal == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_cal
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _cal
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ cal == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ cal == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ cal == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ cal == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=cal
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_cal
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ ncal == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ ncal == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ ncal == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ ncal == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=ncal
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_cal
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_calendar
+compinit:491> _i_name=_calendar
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ calendar == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _calendar calendar
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _calendar == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_calendar
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _calendar
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ calendar == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ calendar == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ calendar == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ calendar == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=calendar
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_calendar
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_call_function
+compinit:491> _i_name=_call_function
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _call_function
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_call_program
+compinit:491> _i_name=_call_program
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz +X _call_program
+compinit:507> [[ +X != # ]]
+compinit:507> _compautos[${_i_name}]=+X
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_canonical_paths
+compinit:491> _i_name=_canonical_paths
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _canonical_paths
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_ccal
+compinit:491> _i_name=_ccal
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ ccal == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _ccal ccal
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _ccal == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_ccal
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _ccal
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ ccal == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ ccal == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ ccal == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ ccal == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=ccal
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_ccal
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_cd
+compinit:491> _i_name=_cd
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ cd == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _cd cd chdir pushd
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 5 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _cd == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_cd
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _cd
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ cd == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ cd == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ cd == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ cd == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=cd
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_cd
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ chdir == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ chdir == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ chdir == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ chdir == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=chdir
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_cd
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ pushd == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ pushd == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ pushd == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ pushd == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=pushd
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_cd
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_cdbs-edit-patch
+compinit:491> _i_name=_cdbs-edit-patch
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ cdbs-edit-patch == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _cdbs-edit-patch cdbs-edit-patch
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _cdbs-edit-patch == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_cdbs-edit-patch
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _cdbs-edit-patch
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ cdbs-edit-patch == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ cdbs-edit-patch == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ cdbs-edit-patch == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ cdbs-edit-patch == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=cdbs-edit-patch
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_cdbs-edit-patch
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_cdcd
+compinit:491> _i_name=_cdcd
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ cdcd == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _cdcd cdcd
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _cdcd == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_cdcd
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _cdcd
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ cdcd == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ cdcd == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ cdcd == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ cdcd == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=cdcd
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_cdcd
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_cdr
+compinit:491> _i_name=_cdr
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ cdr == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _cdr cdr
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _cdr == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_cdr
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _cdr
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ cdr == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ cdr == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ cdr == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ cdr == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=cdr
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_cdr
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_cdrdao
+compinit:491> _i_name=_cdrdao
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ cdrdao == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _cdrdao cdrdao
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _cdrdao == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_cdrdao
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _cdrdao
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ cdrdao == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ cdrdao == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ cdrdao == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ cdrdao == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=cdrdao
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_cdrdao
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_cdrecord
+compinit:491> _i_name=_cdrecord
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ cdrecord == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _cdrecord cdrecord wodim
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _cdrecord == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_cdrecord
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _cdrecord
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ cdrecord == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ cdrecord == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ cdrecord == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ cdrecord == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=cdrecord
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_cdrecord
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ wodim == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ wodim == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ wodim == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ wodim == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=wodim
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_cdrecord
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_chflags
+compinit:491> _i_name=_chflags
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ chflags == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _chflags chflags
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _chflags == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_chflags
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _chflags
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ chflags == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ chflags == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ chflags == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ chflags == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=chflags
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_chflags
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_chkconfig
+compinit:491> _i_name=_chkconfig
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ chkconfig == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _chkconfig chkconfig
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _chkconfig == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_chkconfig
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _chkconfig
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ chkconfig == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ chkconfig == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ chkconfig == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ chkconfig == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=chkconfig
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_chkconfig
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_chmod
+compinit:491> _i_name=_chmod
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ chmod == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _chmod chmod
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _chmod == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_chmod
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _chmod
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ chmod == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ chmod == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ chmod == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ chmod == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=chmod
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_chmod
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_chown
+compinit:491> _i_name=_chown
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ chown == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _chown chown chgrp
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _chown == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_chown
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _chown
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ chown == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ chown == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ chown == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ chown == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=chown
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_chown
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ chgrp == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ chgrp == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ chgrp == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ chgrp == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=chgrp
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_chown
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_chrt
+compinit:491> _i_name=_chrt
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ chrt == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _chrt chrt
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _chrt == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_chrt
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _chrt
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ chrt == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ chrt == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ chrt == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ chrt == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=chrt
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_chrt
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_clay
+compinit:491> _i_name=_clay
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ clay == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _clay clay
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _clay == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_clay
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _clay
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ clay == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ clay == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ clay == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ clay == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=clay
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_clay
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_combination
+compinit:491> _i_name=_combination
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _combination
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_comm
+compinit:491> _i_name=_comm
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ comm == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _comm comm
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _comm == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_comm
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _comm
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ comm == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ comm == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ comm == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ comm == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=comm
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_comm
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_command
+compinit:491> _i_name=_command
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ command == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _command command
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _command == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_command
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _command
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ command == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ command == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ command == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ command == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=command
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_command
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_command_names
+compinit:491> _i_name=_command_names
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _command_names
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_compdef
+compinit:491> _i_name=_compdef
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ compdef == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _compdef compdef
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _compdef == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_compdef
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _compdef
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ compdef == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ compdef == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ compdef == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ compdef == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=compdef
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_compdef
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_complete
+compinit:491> _i_name=_complete
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _complete
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_complete_debug
+compinit:491> _i_name=_complete_debug
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ -k == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:500> compdef -kna _complete_debug complete-word '\C-x?'
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case k (a)
+compdef:15> case k (n)
+compdef:15> case k ([pPkK])
+compdef:18> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:24> [[ k == p ]]
+compdef:26> [[ k == P ]]
+compdef:28> [[ k == K ]]
+compdef:31> type=key
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _complete_debug == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_complete_debug
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _complete_debug
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case key (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case key (key)
+compdef:104> [[ 2 -lt 2 ]]
+compdef:110> [[ complete-word == .* ]]
+compdef:114> [[ complete-word == menu-select ]]
+compdef:115> zle -C _complete_debug .complete-word _complete_debug
+compdef:117> shift
+compdef:120> i=\C-x?
+compdef:121> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:122> bindkey '\C-x?'
+compdef:122> IFS=' ' +compdef:122> read -A opt
+compdef:123> [[ undefined-key == undefined-key ]]
+compdef:125> bindkey '\C-x?' _complete_debug
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_complete_help
+compinit:491> _i_name=_complete_help
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ -k == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:500> compdef -kna _complete_help complete-word '\C-xh'
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case k (a)
+compdef:15> case k (n)
+compdef:15> case k ([pPkK])
+compdef:18> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:24> [[ k == p ]]
+compdef:26> [[ k == P ]]
+compdef:28> [[ k == K ]]
+compdef:31> type=key
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _complete_help == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_complete_help
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _complete_help
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case key (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case key (key)
+compdef:104> [[ 2 -lt 2 ]]
+compdef:110> [[ complete-word == .* ]]
+compdef:114> [[ complete-word == menu-select ]]
+compdef:115> zle -C _complete_help .complete-word _complete_help
+compdef:117> shift
+compdef:120> i=\C-xh
+compdef:121> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:122> bindkey '\C-xh'
+compdef:122> IFS=' ' +compdef:122> read -A opt
+compdef:123> [[ undefined-key == undefined-key ]]
+compdef:125> bindkey '\C-xh' _complete_help
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_complete_help_generic
+compinit:491> _i_name=_complete_help_generic
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _complete_help_generic
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_complete_tag
+compinit:491> _i_name=_complete_tag
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ -k == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:500> compdef -kna _complete_tag complete-word '\C-xt'
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case k (a)
+compdef:15> case k (n)
+compdef:15> case k ([pPkK])
+compdef:18> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:24> [[ k == p ]]
+compdef:26> [[ k == P ]]
+compdef:28> [[ k == K ]]
+compdef:31> type=key
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _complete_tag == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_complete_tag
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _complete_tag
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case key (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case key (key)
+compdef:104> [[ 2 -lt 2 ]]
+compdef:110> [[ complete-word == .* ]]
+compdef:114> [[ complete-word == menu-select ]]
+compdef:115> zle -C _complete_tag .complete-word _complete_tag
+compdef:117> shift
+compdef:120> i=\C-xt
+compdef:121> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:122> bindkey '\C-xt'
+compdef:122> IFS=' ' +compdef:122> read -A opt
+compdef:123> [[ undefined-key == undefined-key ]]
+compdef:125> bindkey '\C-xt' _complete_tag
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_compress
+compinit:491> _i_name=_compress
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ compress == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _compress compress uncompress '-redirect-,<,uncompress=uncompress' '-redirect-,>,compress=uncompress' '-redirect-,<,compress=compress'
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 7 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 6 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _compress == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_compress
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _compress
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 5 ))
+compdef:132> [[ compress == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ compress == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ compress == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ compress == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=compress
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_compress
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 4 ))
+compdef:132> [[ uncompress == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ uncompress == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ uncompress == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ uncompress == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=uncompress
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_compress
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ '-redirect-,<,uncompress=uncompress' == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ '-redirect-,<,uncompress=uncompress' == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ '-redirect-,<,uncompress=uncompress' == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ '-redirect-,<,uncompress=uncompress' == *=* ]]
+compdef:156> cmd='-redirect-,<,uncompress'
+compdef:157> svc=yes
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_compress
+compdef:164> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:164> _services[$cmd]=uncompress
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ '-redirect-,>,compress=uncompress' == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ '-redirect-,>,compress=uncompress' == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ '-redirect-,>,compress=uncompress' == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ '-redirect-,>,compress=uncompress' == *=* ]]
+compdef:156> cmd='-redirect-,>,compress'
+compdef:157> svc=yes
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_compress
+compdef:164> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:164> _services[$cmd]=uncompress
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ '-redirect-,<,compress=compress' == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ '-redirect-,<,compress=compress' == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ '-redirect-,<,compress=compress' == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ '-redirect-,<,compress=compress' == *=* ]]
+compdef:156> cmd='-redirect-,<,compress'
+compdef:157> svc=yes
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_compress
+compdef:164> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:164> _services[$cmd]=compress
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_condition
+compinit:491> _i_name=_condition
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ -condition- == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _condition -condition-
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _condition == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_condition
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _condition
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ -condition- == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ -condition- == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ -condition- == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ -condition- == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=-condition-
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_condition
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_configure
+compinit:491> _i_name=_configure
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ configure == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _configure configure config.status
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _configure == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_configure
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _configure
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ configure == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ configure == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ configure == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ configure == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=configure
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_configure
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ config.status == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ config.status == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ config.status == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ config.status == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=config.status
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_configure
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_coreadm
+compinit:491> _i_name=_coreadm
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ coreadm == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _coreadm coreadm
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _coreadm == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_coreadm
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _coreadm
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ coreadm == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ coreadm == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ coreadm == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ coreadm == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=coreadm
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_coreadm
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_correct
+compinit:491> _i_name=_correct
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _correct
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_correct_filename
+compinit:491> _i_name=_correct_filename
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ -k == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:500> compdef -kna _correct_filename complete-word '\C-xC'
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case k (a)
+compdef:15> case k (n)
+compdef:15> case k ([pPkK])
+compdef:18> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:24> [[ k == p ]]
+compdef:26> [[ k == P ]]
+compdef:28> [[ k == K ]]
+compdef:31> type=key
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _correct_filename == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_correct_filename
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _correct_filename
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case key (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case key (key)
+compdef:104> [[ 2 -lt 2 ]]
+compdef:110> [[ complete-word == .* ]]
+compdef:114> [[ complete-word == menu-select ]]
+compdef:115> zle -C _correct_filename .complete-word _correct_filename
+compdef:117> shift
+compdef:120> i=\C-xC
+compdef:121> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:122> bindkey '\C-xC'
+compdef:122> IFS=' ' +compdef:122> read -A opt
+compdef:123> [[ undefined-key == undefined-key ]]
+compdef:125> bindkey '\C-xC' _correct_filename
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_correct_word
+compinit:491> _i_name=_correct_word
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ -k == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:500> compdef -kna _correct_word complete-word '\C-xc'
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case k (a)
+compdef:15> case k (n)
+compdef:15> case k ([pPkK])
+compdef:18> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:24> [[ k == p ]]
+compdef:26> [[ k == P ]]
+compdef:28> [[ k == K ]]
+compdef:31> type=key
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _correct_word == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_correct_word
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _correct_word
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case key (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case key (key)
+compdef:104> [[ 2 -lt 2 ]]
+compdef:110> [[ complete-word == .* ]]
+compdef:114> [[ complete-word == menu-select ]]
+compdef:115> zle -C _correct_word .complete-word _correct_word
+compdef:117> shift
+compdef:120> i=\C-xc
+compdef:121> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:122> IFS=' ' +compdef:122> read -A opt
+compdef:122> bindkey '\C-xc'
+compdef:123> [[ undefined-key == undefined-key ]]
+compdef:125> bindkey '\C-xc' _correct_word
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_cowsay
+compinit:491> _i_name=_cowsay
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ cowsay == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _cowsay cowsay cowthink
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _cowsay == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_cowsay
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _cowsay
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ cowsay == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ cowsay == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ cowsay == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ cowsay == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=cowsay
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_cowsay
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ cowthink == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ cowthink == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ cowthink == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ cowthink == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=cowthink
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_cowsay
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_cp
+compinit:491> _i_name=_cp
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ cp == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _cp cp
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _cp == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_cp
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _cp
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ cp == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ cp == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ cp == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ cp == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=cp
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_cp
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_cpio
+compinit:491> _i_name=_cpio
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ cpio == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _cpio cpio
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _cpio == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_cpio
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _cpio
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ cpio == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ cpio == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ cpio == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ cpio == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=cpio
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_cpio
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_cplay
+compinit:491> _i_name=_cplay
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ cplay == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _cplay cplay
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _cplay == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_cplay
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _cplay
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ cplay == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ cplay == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ cplay == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ cplay == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=cplay
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_cplay
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_cryptsetup
+compinit:491> _i_name=_cryptsetup
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ cryptsetup == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _cryptsetup cryptsetup
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _cryptsetup == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_cryptsetup
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _cryptsetup
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ cryptsetup == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ cryptsetup == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ cryptsetup == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ cryptsetup == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=cryptsetup
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_cryptsetup
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_cssh
+compinit:491> _i_name=_cssh
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ cssh == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _cssh cssh crsh
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _cssh == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_cssh
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _cssh
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ cssh == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ cssh == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ cssh == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ cssh == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=cssh
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_cssh
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ crsh == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ crsh == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ crsh == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ crsh == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=crsh
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_cssh
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_csup
+compinit:491> _i_name=_csup
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ csup == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _csup csup
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _csup == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_csup
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _csup
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ csup == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ csup == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ csup == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ csup == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=csup
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_csup
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_ctags_tags
+compinit:491> _i_name=_ctags_tags
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _ctags_tags
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_cut
+compinit:491> _i_name=_cut
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ cut == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _cut cut
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _cut == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_cut
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _cut
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ cut == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ cut == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ cut == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ cut == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=cut
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_cut
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_cvs
+compinit:491> _i_name=_cvs
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ cvs == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _cvs cvs
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _cvs == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_cvs
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _cvs
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ cvs == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ cvs == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ cvs == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ cvs == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=cvs
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_cvs
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_cvsup
+compinit:491> _i_name=_cvsup
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ cvsup == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _cvsup cvsup
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _cvsup == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_cvsup
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _cvsup
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ cvsup == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ cvsup == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ cvsup == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ cvsup == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=cvsup
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_cvsup
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_cygcheck
+compinit:491> _i_name=_cygcheck
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ cygcheck == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _cygcheck cygcheck cygcheck.exe
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _cygcheck == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_cygcheck
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _cygcheck
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ cygcheck == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ cygcheck == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ cygcheck == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ cygcheck == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=cygcheck
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_cygcheck
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ cygcheck.exe == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ cygcheck.exe == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ cygcheck.exe == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ cygcheck.exe == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=cygcheck.exe
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_cygcheck
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_cygpath
+compinit:491> _i_name=_cygpath
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ cygpath == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _cygpath cygpath cygpath.exe
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _cygpath == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_cygpath
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _cygpath
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ cygpath == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ cygpath == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ cygpath == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ cygpath == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=cygpath
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_cygpath
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ cygpath.exe == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ cygpath.exe == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ cygpath.exe == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ cygpath.exe == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=cygpath.exe
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_cygpath
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_cygrunsrv
+compinit:491> _i_name=_cygrunsrv
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ cygrunsrv == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _cygrunsrv cygrunsrv cygrunsrv.exe
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _cygrunsrv == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_cygrunsrv
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _cygrunsrv
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ cygrunsrv == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ cygrunsrv == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ cygrunsrv == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ cygrunsrv == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=cygrunsrv
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_cygrunsrv
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ cygrunsrv.exe == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ cygrunsrv.exe == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ cygrunsrv.exe == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ cygrunsrv.exe == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=cygrunsrv.exe
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_cygrunsrv
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_cygserver
+compinit:491> _i_name=_cygserver
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ cygserver == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _cygserver cygserver cygserver.exe
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _cygserver == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_cygserver
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _cygserver
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ cygserver == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ cygserver == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ cygserver == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ cygserver == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=cygserver
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_cygserver
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ cygserver.exe == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ cygserver.exe == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ cygserver.exe == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ cygserver.exe == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=cygserver.exe
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_cygserver
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_cygstart
+compinit:491> _i_name=_cygstart
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ cygstart == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _cygstart cygstart cygstart.exe
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _cygstart == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_cygstart
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _cygstart
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ cygstart == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ cygstart == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ cygstart == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ cygstart == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=cygstart
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_cygstart
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ cygstart.exe == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ cygstart.exe == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ cygstart.exe == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ cygstart.exe == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=cygstart.exe
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_cygstart
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_dak
+compinit:491> _i_name=_dak
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ dak == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _dak dak
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _dak == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_dak
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _dak
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ dak == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ dak == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ dak == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ dak == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=dak
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_dak
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_darcs
+compinit:491> _i_name=_darcs
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ darcs == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _darcs darcs
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _darcs == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_darcs
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _darcs
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ darcs == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ darcs == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ darcs == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ darcs == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=darcs
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_darcs
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_date
+compinit:491> _i_name=_date
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ date == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _date date
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _date == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_date
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _date
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ date == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ date == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ date == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ date == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=date
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_date
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_dbus
+compinit:491> _i_name=_dbus
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ dbus-send == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _dbus dbus-send dbus-monitor
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _dbus == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_dbus
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _dbus
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ dbus-send == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ dbus-send == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ dbus-send == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ dbus-send == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=dbus-send
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_dbus
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ dbus-monitor == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ dbus-monitor == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ dbus-monitor == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ dbus-monitor == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=dbus-monitor
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_dbus
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_dchroot
+compinit:491> _i_name=_dchroot
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ dchroot == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _dchroot dchroot
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _dchroot == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_dchroot
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _dchroot
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ dchroot == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ dchroot == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ dchroot == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ dchroot == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=dchroot
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_dchroot
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_dchroot-dsa
+compinit:491> _i_name=_dchroot-dsa
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ dchroot-dsa == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _dchroot-dsa dchroot-dsa
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _dchroot-dsa == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_dchroot-dsa
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _dchroot-dsa
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ dchroot-dsa == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ dchroot-dsa == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ dchroot-dsa == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ dchroot-dsa == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=dchroot-dsa
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_dchroot-dsa
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_dcop
+compinit:491> _i_name=_dcop
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ dcop == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _dcop dcop dcopstart dcopfind dcopref dcopclient dcopobject
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 8 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 7 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _dcop == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_dcop
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _dcop
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 6 ))
+compdef:132> [[ dcop == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ dcop == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ dcop == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ dcop == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=dcop
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_dcop
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 5 ))
+compdef:132> [[ dcopstart == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ dcopstart == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ dcopstart == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ dcopstart == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=dcopstart
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_dcop
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 4 ))
+compdef:132> [[ dcopfind == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ dcopfind == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ dcopfind == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ dcopfind == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=dcopfind
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_dcop
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ dcopref == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ dcopref == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ dcopref == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ dcopref == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=dcopref
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_dcop
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ dcopclient == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ dcopclient == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ dcopclient == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ dcopclient == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=dcopclient
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_dcop
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ dcopobject == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ dcopobject == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ dcopobject == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ dcopobject == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=dcopobject
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_dcop
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_dd
+compinit:491> _i_name=_dd
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ dd == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _dd dd
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _dd == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_dd
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _dd
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ dd == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ dd == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ dd == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ dd == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=dd
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_dd
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_deb_packages
+compinit:491> _i_name=_deb_packages
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _deb_packages
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_debchange
+compinit:491> _i_name=_debchange
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ debchange == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _debchange debchange 'dch=debchange'
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _debchange == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_debchange
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _debchange
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ debchange == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ debchange == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ debchange == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ debchange == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=debchange
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_debchange
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ 'dch=debchange' == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ 'dch=debchange' == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ 'dch=debchange' == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ 'dch=debchange' == *=* ]]
+compdef:156> cmd=dch
+compdef:157> svc=yes
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_debchange
+compdef:164> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:164> _services[$cmd]=debchange
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_debdiff
+compinit:491> _i_name=_debdiff
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ debdiff == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _debdiff debdiff
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _debdiff == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_debdiff
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _debdiff
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ debdiff == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ debdiff == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ debdiff == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ debdiff == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=debdiff
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_debdiff
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_debfoster
+compinit:491> _i_name=_debfoster
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ debfoster == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _debfoster debfoster
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _debfoster == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_debfoster
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _debfoster
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ debfoster == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ debfoster == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ debfoster == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ debfoster == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=debfoster
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_debfoster
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_debsign
+compinit:491> _i_name=_debsign
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ debsign == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _debsign debsign
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _debsign == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_debsign
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _debsign
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ debsign == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ debsign == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ debsign == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ debsign == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=debsign
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_debsign
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_default
+compinit:491> _i_name=_default
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ -default- == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _default -default-
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _default == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_default
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _default
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ -default- == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ -default- == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ -default- == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ -default- == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=-default-
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_default
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_defaults
+compinit:491> _i_name=_defaults
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ defaults == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _defaults defaults
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _defaults == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_defaults
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _defaults
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ defaults == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ defaults == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ defaults == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ defaults == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=defaults
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_defaults
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_delimiters
+compinit:491> _i_name=_delimiters
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _delimiters
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_describe
+compinit:491> _i_name=_describe
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _describe
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_description
+compinit:491> _i_name=_description
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _description
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_devtodo
+compinit:491> _i_name=_devtodo
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ devtodo == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _devtodo devtodo todo tda tde tdd tdr
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 8 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 7 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _devtodo == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_devtodo
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _devtodo
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 6 ))
+compdef:132> [[ devtodo == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ devtodo == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ devtodo == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ devtodo == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=devtodo
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_devtodo
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 5 ))
+compdef:132> [[ todo == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ todo == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ todo == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ todo == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=todo
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_devtodo
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 4 ))
+compdef:132> [[ tda == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ tda == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ tda == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ tda == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=tda
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_devtodo
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ tde == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ tde == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ tde == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ tde == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=tde
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_devtodo
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ tdd == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ tdd == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ tdd == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ tdd == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=tdd
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_devtodo
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ tdr == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ tdr == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ tdr == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ tdr == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=tdr
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_devtodo
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_dhclient
+compinit:491> _i_name=_dhclient
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ dhclient == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _dhclient dhclient dhclient3
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _dhclient == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_dhclient
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _dhclient
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ dhclient == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ dhclient == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ dhclient == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ dhclient == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=dhclient
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_dhclient
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ dhclient3 == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ dhclient3 == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ dhclient3 == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ dhclient3 == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=dhclient3
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_dhclient
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_dhcpinfo
+compinit:491> _i_name=_dhcpinfo
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ dhcpinfo == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _dhcpinfo dhcpinfo
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _dhcpinfo == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_dhcpinfo
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _dhcpinfo
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ dhcpinfo == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ dhcpinfo == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ dhcpinfo == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ dhcpinfo == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=dhcpinfo
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_dhcpinfo
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_dict
+compinit:491> _i_name=_dict
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ dict == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _dict dict
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _dict == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_dict
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _dict
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ dict == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ dict == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ dict == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ dict == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=dict
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_dict
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_dict_words
+compinit:491> _i_name=_dict_words
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _dict_words
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_diff
+compinit:491> _i_name=_diff
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ diff == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _diff diff gdiff
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _diff == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_diff
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _diff
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ diff == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ diff == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ diff == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ diff == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=diff
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_diff
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ gdiff == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ gdiff == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ gdiff == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ gdiff == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=gdiff
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_diff
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_diff_options
+compinit:491> _i_name=_diff_options
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _diff_options
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_diffstat
+compinit:491> _i_name=_diffstat
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ diffstat == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _diffstat diffstat
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _diffstat == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_diffstat
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _diffstat
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ diffstat == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ diffstat == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ diffstat == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ diffstat == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=diffstat
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_diffstat
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_dir_list
+compinit:491> _i_name=_dir_list
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ -value-,TERMINFO_DIRS,-default- == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _dir_list -value-,TERMINFO_DIRS,-default- -P '-value-,*PATH,-default-'
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 5 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _dir_list == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_dir_list
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _dir_list
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ -value-,TERMINFO_DIRS,-default- == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ -value-,TERMINFO_DIRS,-default- == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ -value-,TERMINFO_DIRS,-default- == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ -value-,TERMINFO_DIRS,-default- == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=-value-,TERMINFO_DIRS,-default-
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_dir_list
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ -P == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ -P == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ -P == -P ]]
+compdef:137> type=postpattern
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ '-value-,*PATH,-default-' == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ '-value-,*PATH,-default-' == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ '-value-,*PATH,-default-' == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case postpattern (pattern)
+compdef:139> case postpattern (postpattern)
+compdef:148> [[ '-value-,*PATH,-default-' == (#b)(*)=(*) ]]
+compdef:151> _postpatcomps[$1]=_dir_list
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_directories
+compinit:491> _i_name=_directories
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ rmdir == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _directories rmdir df dircmp -P '-value-,*path,-default-'
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 7 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 6 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _directories == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_directories
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _directories
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 5 ))
+compdef:132> [[ rmdir == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ rmdir == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ rmdir == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ rmdir == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=rmdir
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_directories
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 4 ))
+compdef:132> [[ df == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ df == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ df == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ df == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=df
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_directories
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ dircmp == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ dircmp == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ dircmp == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ dircmp == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=dircmp
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_directories
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ -P == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ -P == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ -P == -P ]]
+compdef:137> type=postpattern
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ '-value-,*path,-default-' == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ '-value-,*path,-default-' == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ '-value-,*path,-default-' == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case postpattern (pattern)
+compdef:139> case postpattern (postpattern)
+compdef:148> [[ '-value-,*path,-default-' == (#b)(*)=(*) ]]
+compdef:151> _postpatcomps[$1]=_directories
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_directory_stack
+compinit:491> _i_name=_directory_stack
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ popd == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _directory_stack popd
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _directory_stack == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_directory_stack
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _directory_stack
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ popd == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ popd == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ popd == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ popd == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=popd
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_directory_stack
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_dirs
+compinit:491> _i_name=_dirs
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ dirs == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _dirs dirs
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _dirs == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_dirs
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _dirs
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ dirs == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ dirs == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ dirs == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ dirs == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=dirs
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_dirs
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_disable
+compinit:491> _i_name=_disable
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ disable == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _disable disable
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _disable == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_disable
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _disable
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ disable == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ disable == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ disable == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ disable == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=disable
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_disable
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_dispatch
+compinit:491> _i_name=_dispatch
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _dispatch
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_django
+compinit:491> _i_name=_django
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _django django-admin
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 5 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _django == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_django
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _django
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ == *=* ]]
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_django
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ django-admin == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ django-admin == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ django-admin == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ django-admin == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=django-admin
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_django
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ == *=* ]]
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_django
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_dladm
+compinit:491> _i_name=_dladm
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ dladm == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _dladm dladm
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _dladm == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_dladm
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _dladm
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ dladm == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ dladm == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ dladm == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ dladm == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=dladm
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_dladm
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_dlocate
+compinit:491> _i_name=_dlocate
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ dlocate == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _dlocate dlocate
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _dlocate == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_dlocate
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _dlocate
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ dlocate == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ dlocate == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ dlocate == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ dlocate == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=dlocate
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_dlocate
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_dmidecode
+compinit:491> _i_name=_dmidecode
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ dmidecode == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _dmidecode dmidecode
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _dmidecode == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_dmidecode
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _dmidecode
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ dmidecode == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ dmidecode == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ dmidecode == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ dmidecode == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=dmidecode
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_dmidecode
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_domains
+compinit:491> _i_name=_domains
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _domains
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_dpatch-edit-patch
+compinit:491> _i_name=_dpatch-edit-patch
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ dpatch-edit-patch == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _dpatch-edit-patch dpatch-edit-patch
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _dpatch-edit-patch == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_dpatch-edit-patch
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _dpatch-edit-patch
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ dpatch-edit-patch == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ dpatch-edit-patch == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ dpatch-edit-patch == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ dpatch-edit-patch == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=dpatch-edit-patch
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_dpatch-edit-patch
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_dpkg
+compinit:491> _i_name=_dpkg
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ dpkg == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _dpkg dpkg dpkg-deb dpkg-query dpkg-reconfigure
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 6 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 5 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _dpkg == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_dpkg
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _dpkg
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 4 ))
+compdef:132> [[ dpkg == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ dpkg == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ dpkg == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ dpkg == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=dpkg
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_dpkg
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ dpkg-deb == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ dpkg-deb == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ dpkg-deb == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ dpkg-deb == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=dpkg-deb
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_dpkg
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ dpkg-query == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ dpkg-query == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ dpkg-query == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ dpkg-query == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=dpkg-query
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_dpkg
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ dpkg-reconfigure == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ dpkg-reconfigure == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ dpkg-reconfigure == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ dpkg-reconfigure == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=dpkg-reconfigure
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_dpkg
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_dpkg-buildpackage
+compinit:491> _i_name=_dpkg-buildpackage
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ dpkg-buildpackage == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _dpkg-buildpackage dpkg-buildpackage
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _dpkg-buildpackage == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_dpkg-buildpackage
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _dpkg-buildpackage
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ dpkg-buildpackage == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ dpkg-buildpackage == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ dpkg-buildpackage == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ dpkg-buildpackage == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=dpkg-buildpackage
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_dpkg-buildpackage
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_dpkg-cross
+compinit:491> _i_name=_dpkg-cross
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ dpkg-cross == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _dpkg-cross dpkg-cross
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _dpkg-cross == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_dpkg-cross
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _dpkg-cross
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ dpkg-cross == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ dpkg-cross == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ dpkg-cross == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ dpkg-cross == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=dpkg-cross
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_dpkg-cross
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_dpkg-repack
+compinit:491> _i_name=_dpkg-repack
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ dpkg-repack == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _dpkg-repack dpkg-repack
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _dpkg-repack == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_dpkg-repack
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _dpkg-repack
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ dpkg-repack == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ dpkg-repack == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ dpkg-repack == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ dpkg-repack == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=dpkg-repack
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_dpkg-repack
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_dpkg_source
+compinit:491> _i_name=_dpkg_source
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ dpkg-source == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _dpkg_source dpkg-source
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _dpkg_source == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_dpkg_source
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _dpkg_source
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ dpkg-source == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ dpkg-source == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ dpkg-source == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ dpkg-source == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=dpkg-source
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_dpkg_source
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_dput
+compinit:491> _i_name=_dput
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ dput == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _dput dput
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _dput == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_dput
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _dput
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ dput == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ dput == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ dput == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ dput == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=dput
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_dput
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_dtrace
+compinit:491> _i_name=_dtrace
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ dtrace == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _dtrace dtrace
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _dtrace == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_dtrace
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _dtrace
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ dtrace == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ dtrace == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ dtrace == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ dtrace == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=dtrace
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_dtrace
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_du
+compinit:491> _i_name=_du
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ du == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _du du
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _du == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_du
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _du
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ du == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ du == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ du == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ du == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=du
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_du
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_dumpadm
+compinit:491> _i_name=_dumpadm
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ dumpadm == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _dumpadm dumpadm
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _dumpadm == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_dumpadm
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _dumpadm
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ dumpadm == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ dumpadm == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ dumpadm == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ dumpadm == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=dumpadm
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_dumpadm
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_dumper
+compinit:491> _i_name=_dumper
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ dumper == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _dumper dumper dumper.exe
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _dumper == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_dumper
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _dumper
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ dumper == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ dumper == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ dumper == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ dumper == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=dumper
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_dumper
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ dumper.exe == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ dumper.exe == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ dumper.exe == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ dumper.exe == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=dumper.exe
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_dumper
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_dupload
+compinit:491> _i_name=_dupload
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ dupload == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _dupload dupload
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _dupload == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_dupload
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _dupload
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ dupload == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ dupload == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ dupload == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ dupload == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=dupload
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_dupload
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_dvi
+compinit:491> _i_name=_dvi
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ dvips == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _dvi dvips dvibook dviconcat dvicopy dvidvi dviselect dvitodvi dvitype
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 10 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 9 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _dvi == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_dvi
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _dvi
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 8 ))
+compdef:132> [[ dvips == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ dvips == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ dvips == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ dvips == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=dvips
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_dvi
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 7 ))
+compdef:132> [[ dvibook == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ dvibook == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ dvibook == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ dvibook == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=dvibook
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_dvi
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 6 ))
+compdef:132> [[ dviconcat == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ dviconcat == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ dviconcat == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ dviconcat == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=dviconcat
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_dvi
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 5 ))
+compdef:132> [[ dvicopy == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ dvicopy == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ dvicopy == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ dvicopy == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=dvicopy
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_dvi
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 4 ))
+compdef:132> [[ dvidvi == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ dvidvi == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ dvidvi == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ dvidvi == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=dvidvi
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_dvi
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ dviselect == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ dviselect == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ dviselect == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ dviselect == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=dviselect
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_dvi
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ dvitodvi == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ dvitodvi == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ dvitodvi == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ dvitodvi == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=dvitodvi
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_dvi
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ dvitype == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ dvitype == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ dvitype == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ dvitype == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=dvitype
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_dvi
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_dynamic_directory_name
+compinit:491> _i_name=_dynamic_directory_name
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _dynamic_directory_name
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_ecasound
+compinit:491> _i_name=_ecasound
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ ecasound == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _ecasound ecasound
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _ecasound == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_ecasound
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _ecasound
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ ecasound == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ ecasound == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ ecasound == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ ecasound == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=ecasound
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_ecasound
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_echotc
+compinit:491> _i_name=_echotc
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ echotc == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _echotc echotc
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _echotc == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_echotc
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _echotc
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ echotc == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ echotc == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ echotc == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ echotc == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=echotc
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_echotc
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_echoti
+compinit:491> _i_name=_echoti
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ echoti == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _echoti echoti
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _echoti == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_echoti
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _echoti
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ echoti == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ echoti == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ echoti == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ echoti == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=echoti
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_echoti
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_elinks
+compinit:491> _i_name=_elinks
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ elinks == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _elinks elinks
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _elinks == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_elinks
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _elinks
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ elinks == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ elinks == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ elinks == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ elinks == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=elinks
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_elinks
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_elm
+compinit:491> _i_name=_elm
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ elm == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _elm elm
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _elm == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_elm
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _elm
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ elm == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ elm == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ elm == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ elm == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=elm
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_elm
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_email_addresses
+compinit:491> _i_name=_email_addresses
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _email_addresses
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_emulate
+compinit:491> _i_name=_emulate
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ emulate == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _emulate emulate
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _emulate == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_emulate
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _emulate
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ emulate == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ emulate == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ emulate == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ emulate == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=emulate
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_emulate
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_enable
+compinit:491> _i_name=_enable
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ enable == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _enable enable
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _enable == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_enable
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _enable
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ enable == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ enable == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ enable == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ enable == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=enable
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_enable
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_enscript
+compinit:491> _i_name=_enscript
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ enscript == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _enscript enscript
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _enscript == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_enscript
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _enscript
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ enscript == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ enscript == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ enscript == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ enscript == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=enscript
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_enscript
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_env
+compinit:491> _i_name=_env
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ env == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _env env
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _env == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_env
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _env
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ env == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ env == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ env == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ env == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=env
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_env
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_equal
+compinit:491> _i_name=_equal
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ -equal- == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _equal -equal-
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _equal == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_equal
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _equal
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ -equal- == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ -equal- == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ -equal- == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ -equal- == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=-equal-
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_equal
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_espeak
+compinit:491> _i_name=_espeak
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ espeak == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _espeak espeak
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _espeak == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_espeak
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _espeak
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ espeak == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ espeak == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ espeak == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ espeak == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=espeak
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_espeak
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_ethtool
+compinit:491> _i_name=_ethtool
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ ethtool == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _ethtool ethtool
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _ethtool == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_ethtool
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _ethtool
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ ethtool == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ ethtool == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ ethtool == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ ethtool == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=ethtool
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_ethtool
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_expand
+compinit:491> _i_name=_expand
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _expand
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_expand_alias
+compinit:491> _i_name=_expand_alias
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ -K == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:500> compdef -Kna _expand_alias _expand_alias complete-word '\C-xa'
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 5 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case K (a)
+compdef:15> case K (n)
+compdef:15> case K ([pPkK])
+compdef:18> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:24> [[ K == p ]]
+compdef:26> [[ K == P ]]
+compdef:28> [[ K == K ]]
+compdef:29> type=widgetkey
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _expand_alias == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_expand_alias
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _expand_alias
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case widgetkey (widgetkey)
+compdef:85> [[ -n _expand_alias ]]
+compdef:86> [[ 3 -lt 3 ]]
+compdef:90> [[ _expand_alias == _* ]]
+compdef:91> [[ complete-word == .* ]]
+compdef:91> 2=.complete-word
+compdef:92> [[ .complete-word == .menu-select ]]
+compdef:93> zle -C _expand_alias .complete-word _expand_alias
+compdef:94> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:95> bindkey '\C-xa'
+compdef:95> IFS=' ' +compdef:95> read -A opt
+compdef:96> [[ undefined-key == undefined-key ]]
+compdef:96> bindkey '\C-xa' _expand_alias
+compdef:100> shift 3
+compdef:85> [[ -n '' ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_expand_word
+compinit:491> _i_name=_expand_word
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ -K == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:500> compdef -Kna _expand_word _expand_word complete-word '\C-xe' _list_expansions list-choices '\C-xd'
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 8 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case K (a)
+compdef:15> case K (n)
+compdef:15> case K ([pPkK])
+compdef:18> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:24> [[ K == p ]]
+compdef:26> [[ K == P ]]
+compdef:28> [[ K == K ]]
+compdef:29> type=widgetkey
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 7 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _expand_word == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_expand_word
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _expand_word
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case widgetkey (widgetkey)
+compdef:85> [[ -n _expand_word ]]
+compdef:86> [[ 6 -lt 3 ]]
+compdef:90> [[ _expand_word == _* ]]
+compdef:91> [[ complete-word == .* ]]
+compdef:91> 2=.complete-word
+compdef:92> [[ .complete-word == .menu-select ]]
+compdef:93> zle -C _expand_word .complete-word _expand_word
+compdef:94> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:95> IFS=' ' +compdef:95> read -A opt
+compdef:95> bindkey '\C-xe'
+compdef:96> [[ undefined-key == undefined-key ]]
+compdef:96> bindkey '\C-xe' _expand_word
+compdef:100> shift 3
+compdef:85> [[ -n _list_expansions ]]
+compdef:86> [[ 3 -lt 3 ]]
+compdef:90> [[ _list_expansions == _* ]]
+compdef:91> [[ list-choices == .* ]]
+compdef:91> 2=.list-choices
+compdef:92> [[ .list-choices == .menu-select ]]
+compdef:93> zle -C _list_expansions .list-choices _expand_word
+compdef:94> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:95> bindkey '\C-xd'
+compdef:95> IFS=' ' +compdef:95> read -A opt
+compdef:96> [[ undefined-key == undefined-key ]]
+compdef:96> bindkey '\C-xd' _list_expansions
+compdef:100> shift 3
+compdef:85> [[ -n '' ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_fakeroot
+compinit:491> _i_name=_fakeroot
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ fakeroot == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _fakeroot fakeroot
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _fakeroot == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_fakeroot
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _fakeroot
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ fakeroot == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ fakeroot == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ fakeroot == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ fakeroot == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=fakeroot
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_fakeroot
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_fc
+compinit:491> _i_name=_fc
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ fc == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _fc fc history r
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 5 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _fc == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_fc
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _fc
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ fc == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ fc == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ fc == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ fc == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=fc
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_fc
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ history == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ history == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ history == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ history == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=history
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_fc
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ r == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ r == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ r == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ r == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=r
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_fc
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_feh
+compinit:491> _i_name=_feh
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ feh == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _feh feh
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _feh == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_feh
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _feh
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ feh == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ feh == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ feh == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ feh == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=feh
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_feh
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_fetch
+compinit:491> _i_name=_fetch
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ fetch == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _fetch fetch
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _fetch == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_fetch
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _fetch
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ fetch == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ fetch == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ fetch == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ fetch == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=fetch
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_fetch
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_fetchmail
+compinit:491> _i_name=_fetchmail
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ fetchmail == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _fetchmail fetchmail
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _fetchmail == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_fetchmail
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _fetchmail
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ fetchmail == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ fetchmail == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ fetchmail == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ fetchmail == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=fetchmail
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_fetchmail
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_ffmpeg
+compinit:491> _i_name=_ffmpeg
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ ffmpeg == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _ffmpeg ffmpeg
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _ffmpeg == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_ffmpeg
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _ffmpeg
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ ffmpeg == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ ffmpeg == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ ffmpeg == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ ffmpeg == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=ffmpeg
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_ffmpeg
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_figlet
+compinit:491> _i_name=_figlet
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ figlet == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _figlet figlet
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _figlet == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_figlet
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _figlet
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ figlet == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ figlet == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ figlet == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ figlet == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=figlet
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_figlet
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_file_descriptors
+compinit:491> _i_name=_file_descriptors
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _file_descriptors
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_file_systems
+compinit:491> _i_name=_file_systems
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _file_systems
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_files
+compinit:491> _i_name=_files
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ -redirect-,-default-,-default- == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _files -redirect-,-default-,-default-
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _files == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_files
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _files
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ -redirect-,-default-,-default- == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ -redirect-,-default-,-default- == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ -redirect-,-default-,-default- == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ -redirect-,-default-,-default- == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=-redirect-,-default-,-default-
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_files
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_find
+compinit:491> _i_name=_find
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ find == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _find find
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _find == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_find
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _find
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ find == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ find == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ find == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ find == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=find
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_find
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_finger
+compinit:491> _i_name=_finger
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ finger == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _finger finger
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _finger == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_finger
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _finger
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ finger == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ finger == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ finger == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ finger == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=finger
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_finger
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_fink
+compinit:491> _i_name=_fink
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ fink == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _fink fink
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _fink == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_fink
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _fink
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ fink == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ fink == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ fink == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ fink == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=fink
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_fink
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_first
+compinit:491> _i_name=_first
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ -first- == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _first -first-
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _first == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_first
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _first
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ -first- == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ -first- == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ -first- == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ -first- == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=-first-
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_first
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_flasher
+compinit:491> _i_name=_flasher
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ flasher == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _flasher flasher
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _flasher == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_flasher
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _flasher
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ flasher == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ flasher == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ flasher == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ flasher == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=flasher
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_flasher
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_flex
+compinit:491> _i_name=_flex
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ flex == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _flex flex
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _flex == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_flex
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _flex
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ flex == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ flex == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ flex == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ flex == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=flex
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_flex
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_floppy
+compinit:491> _i_name=_floppy
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ dosread == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _floppy dosread dosdel
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _floppy == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_floppy
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _floppy
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ dosread == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ dosread == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ dosread == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ dosread == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=dosread
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_floppy
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ dosdel == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ dosdel == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ dosdel == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ dosdel == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=dosdel
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_floppy
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_flowadm
+compinit:491> _i_name=_flowadm
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ flowadm == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _flowadm flowadm
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _flowadm == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_flowadm
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _flowadm
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ flowadm == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ flowadm == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ flowadm == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ flowadm == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=flowadm
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_flowadm
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_fmadm
+compinit:491> _i_name=_fmadm
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ fmadm == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _fmadm fmadm
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _fmadm == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_fmadm
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _fmadm
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ fmadm == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ fmadm == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ fmadm == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ fmadm == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=fmadm
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_fmadm
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_fortune
+compinit:491> _i_name=_fortune
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ fortune == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _fortune fortune
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _fortune == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_fortune
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _fortune
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ fortune == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ fortune == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ fortune == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ fortune == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=fortune
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_fortune
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_freebsd-update
+compinit:491> _i_name=_freebsd-update
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ freebsd-update == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _freebsd-update freebsd-update
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _freebsd-update == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_freebsd-update
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _freebsd-update
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ freebsd-update == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ freebsd-update == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ freebsd-update == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ freebsd-update == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=freebsd-update
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_freebsd-update
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_fsh
+compinit:491> _i_name=_fsh
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ fsh == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _fsh fsh
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _fsh == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_fsh
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _fsh
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ fsh == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ fsh == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ fsh == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ fsh == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=fsh
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_fsh
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_fstat
+compinit:491> _i_name=_fstat
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ fstat == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _fstat fstat
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _fstat == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_fstat
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _fstat
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ fstat == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ fstat == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ fstat == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ fstat == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=fstat
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_fstat
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_functions
+compinit:491> _i_name=_functions
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ unfunction == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _functions unfunction
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _functions == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_functions
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _functions
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ unfunction == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ unfunction == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ unfunction == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ unfunction == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=unfunction
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_functions
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_fuse_arguments
+compinit:491> _i_name=_fuse_arguments
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _fuse_arguments
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_fuse_values
+compinit:491> _i_name=_fuse_values
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _fuse_values
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_fuser
+compinit:491> _i_name=_fuser
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ fuser == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _fuser fuser
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _fuser == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_fuser
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _fuser
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ fuser == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ fuser == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ fuser == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ fuser == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=fuser
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_fuser
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_fusermount
+compinit:491> _i_name=_fusermount
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ fusermount == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _fusermount fusermount
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _fusermount == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_fusermount
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _fusermount
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ fusermount == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ fusermount == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ fusermount == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ fusermount == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=fusermount
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_fusermount
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_gcc
+compinit:491> _i_name=_gcc
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ gcc == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _gcc gcc g++ cc c++ llvm-gcc llvm-g++ clang clang++ -value-,LDFLAGS,-default- -value-,CFLAGS,-default- -value-,CPPFLAGS,-default-
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 13 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 12 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _gcc == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_gcc
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _gcc
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 11 ))
+compdef:132> [[ gcc == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ gcc == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ gcc == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ gcc == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=gcc
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_gcc
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 10 ))
+compdef:132> [[ g++ == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ g++ == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ g++ == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ g++ == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=g++
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_gcc
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 9 ))
+compdef:132> [[ cc == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ cc == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ cc == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ cc == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=cc
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_gcc
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 8 ))
+compdef:132> [[ c++ == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ c++ == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ c++ == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ c++ == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=c++
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_gcc
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 7 ))
+compdef:132> [[ llvm-gcc == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ llvm-gcc == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ llvm-gcc == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ llvm-gcc == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=llvm-gcc
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_gcc
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 6 ))
+compdef:132> [[ llvm-g++ == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ llvm-g++ == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ llvm-g++ == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ llvm-g++ == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=llvm-g++
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_gcc
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 5 ))
+compdef:132> [[ clang == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ clang == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ clang == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ clang == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=clang
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_gcc
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 4 ))
+compdef:132> [[ clang++ == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ clang++ == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ clang++ == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ clang++ == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=clang++
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_gcc
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ -value-,LDFLAGS,-default- == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ -value-,LDFLAGS,-default- == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ -value-,LDFLAGS,-default- == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ -value-,LDFLAGS,-default- == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=-value-,LDFLAGS,-default-
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_gcc
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ -value-,CFLAGS,-default- == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ -value-,CFLAGS,-default- == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ -value-,CFLAGS,-default- == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ -value-,CFLAGS,-default- == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=-value-,CFLAGS,-default-
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_gcc
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ -value-,CPPFLAGS,-default- == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ -value-,CPPFLAGS,-default- == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ -value-,CPPFLAGS,-default- == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ -value-,CPPFLAGS,-default- == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=-value-,CPPFLAGS,-default-
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_gcc
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_gcore
+compinit:491> _i_name=_gcore
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ gcore == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _gcore gcore
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _gcore == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_gcore
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _gcore
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ gcore == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ gcore == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ gcore == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ gcore == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=gcore
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_gcore
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_gdb
+compinit:491> _i_name=_gdb
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ gdb == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _gdb gdb
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _gdb == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_gdb
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _gdb
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ gdb == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ gdb == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ gdb == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ gdb == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=gdb
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_gdb
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_generic
+compinit:491> _i_name=_generic
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _generic
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_genisoimage
+compinit:491> _i_name=_genisoimage
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ genisoimage == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _genisoimage genisoimage
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _genisoimage == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_genisoimage
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _genisoimage
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ genisoimage == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ genisoimage == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ genisoimage == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ genisoimage == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=genisoimage
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_genisoimage
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_getclip
+compinit:491> _i_name=_getclip
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ getclip == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _getclip getclip getclip.exe
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _getclip == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_getclip
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _getclip
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ getclip == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ getclip == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ getclip == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ getclip == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=getclip
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_getclip
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ getclip.exe == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ getclip.exe == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ getclip.exe == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ getclip.exe == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=getclip.exe
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_getclip
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_getconf
+compinit:491> _i_name=_getconf
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ getconf == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _getconf getconf
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _getconf == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_getconf
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _getconf
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ getconf == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ getconf == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ getconf == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ getconf == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=getconf
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_getconf
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_getent
+compinit:491> _i_name=_getent
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ getent == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _getent getent
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _getent == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_getent
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _getent
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ getent == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ getent == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ getent == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ getent == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=getent
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_getent
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_getfacl
+compinit:491> _i_name=_getfacl
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ getfacl == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _getfacl getfacl getfacl.exe
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _getfacl == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_getfacl
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _getfacl
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ getfacl == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ getfacl == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ getfacl == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ getfacl == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=getfacl
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_getfacl
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ getfacl.exe == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ getfacl.exe == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ getfacl.exe == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ getfacl.exe == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=getfacl.exe
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_getfacl
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_getmail
+compinit:491> _i_name=_getmail
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ getmail == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _getmail getmail
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _getmail == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_getmail
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _getmail
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ getmail == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ getmail == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ getmail == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ getmail == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=getmail
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_getmail
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_git
+compinit:491> _i_name=_git
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ git == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _git git git-cvsserver git-receive-pack git-upload-archive git-upload-pack git-shell gitk tig
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 10 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 9 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _git == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_git
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _git
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 8 ))
+compdef:132> [[ git == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ git == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ git == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ git == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=git
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_git
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 7 ))
+compdef:132> [[ git-cvsserver == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ git-cvsserver == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ git-cvsserver == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ git-cvsserver == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=git-cvsserver
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_git
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 6 ))
+compdef:132> [[ git-receive-pack == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ git-receive-pack == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ git-receive-pack == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ git-receive-pack == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=git-receive-pack
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_git
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 5 ))
+compdef:132> [[ git-upload-archive == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ git-upload-archive == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ git-upload-archive == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ git-upload-archive == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=git-upload-archive
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_git
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 4 ))
+compdef:132> [[ git-upload-pack == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ git-upload-pack == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ git-upload-pack == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ git-upload-pack == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=git-upload-pack
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_git
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ git-shell == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ git-shell == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ git-shell == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ git-shell == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=git-shell
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_git
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ gitk == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ gitk == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ gitk == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ gitk == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=gitk
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_git
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ tig == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ tig == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ tig == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ tig == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=tig
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_git
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_git-buildpackage
+compinit:491> _i_name=_git-buildpackage
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ git-buildpackage == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _git-buildpackage git-buildpackage
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _git-buildpackage == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_git-buildpackage
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _git-buildpackage
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ git-buildpackage == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ git-buildpackage == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ git-buildpackage == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ git-buildpackage == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=git-buildpackage
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_git-buildpackage
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_global
+compinit:491> _i_name=_global
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ global == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _global global
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _global == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_global
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _global
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ global == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ global == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ global == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ global == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=global
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_global
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_global_tags
+compinit:491> _i_name=_global_tags
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _global_tags
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_globflags
+compinit:491> _i_name=_globflags
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _globflags
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_globqual_delims
+compinit:491> _i_name=_globqual_delims
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _globqual_delims
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_globquals
+compinit:491> _i_name=_globquals
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _globquals
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_gnome-gv
+compinit:491> _i_name=_gnome-gv
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ gnome-gv == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _gnome-gv gnome-gv ggv
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _gnome-gv == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_gnome-gv
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _gnome-gv
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ gnome-gv == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ gnome-gv == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ gnome-gv == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ gnome-gv == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=gnome-gv
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_gnome-gv
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ ggv == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ ggv == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ ggv == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ ggv == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=ggv
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_gnome-gv
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_gnu_generic
+compinit:491> _i_name=_gnu_generic
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _gnu_generic
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_gnupod
+compinit:491> _i_name=_gnupod
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ gnupod_addsong == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _gnupod gnupod_addsong '' gnupod_check '' gnupod_INIT '' gnupod_search '' mktunes '' tunes2pod ''
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 14 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 13 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _gnupod == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_gnupod
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _gnupod
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 12 ))
+compdef:132> [[ gnupod_addsong == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ gnupod_addsong == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ gnupod_addsong == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ gnupod_addsong == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=gnupod_addsong
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_gnupod
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 11 ))
+compdef:132> [[ '' == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ '' == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ '' == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ '' == *=* ]]
+compdef:157> svc=yes
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_gnupod
+compdef:164> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:164> _services[$cmd]=gnupod_addsong
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 10 ))
+compdef:132> [[ gnupod_check == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ gnupod_check == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ gnupod_check == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ gnupod_check == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=gnupod_check
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_gnupod
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 9 ))
+compdef:132> [[ '' == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ '' == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ '' == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ '' == *=* ]]
+compdef:157> svc=yes
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_gnupod
+compdef:164> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:164> _services[$cmd]=gnupod_check
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 8 ))
+compdef:132> [[ gnupod_INIT == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ gnupod_INIT == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ gnupod_INIT == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ gnupod_INIT == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=gnupod_INIT
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_gnupod
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 7 ))
+compdef:132> [[ '' == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ '' == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ '' == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ '' == *=* ]]
+compdef:157> svc=yes
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_gnupod
+compdef:164> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:164> _services[$cmd]=gnupod_INIT
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 6 ))
+compdef:132> [[ gnupod_search == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ gnupod_search == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ gnupod_search == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ gnupod_search == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=gnupod_search
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_gnupod
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 5 ))
+compdef:132> [[ '' == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ '' == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ '' == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ '' == *=* ]]
+compdef:157> svc=yes
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_gnupod
+compdef:164> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:164> _services[$cmd]=gnupod_search
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 4 ))
+compdef:132> [[ mktunes == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ mktunes == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ mktunes == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ mktunes == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=mktunes
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_gnupod
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ '' == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ '' == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ '' == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ '' == *=* ]]
+compdef:157> svc=yes
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_gnupod
+compdef:164> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:164> _services[$cmd]=mktunes
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ tunes2pod == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ tunes2pod == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ tunes2pod == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ tunes2pod == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=tunes2pod
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_gnupod
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ '' == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ '' == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ '' == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ '' == *=* ]]
+compdef:157> svc=yes
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_gnupod
+compdef:164> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:164> _services[$cmd]=tunes2pod
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_gnutls
+compinit:491> _i_name=_gnutls
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ gnutls-cli == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _gnutls gnutls-cli gnutls-cli-debug certtool srptool
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 6 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 5 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _gnutls == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_gnutls
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _gnutls
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 4 ))
+compdef:132> [[ gnutls-cli == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ gnutls-cli == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ gnutls-cli == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ gnutls-cli == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=gnutls-cli
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_gnutls
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ gnutls-cli-debug == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ gnutls-cli-debug == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ gnutls-cli-debug == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ gnutls-cli-debug == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=gnutls-cli-debug
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_gnutls
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ certtool == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ certtool == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ certtool == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ certtool == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=certtool
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_gnutls
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ srptool == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ srptool == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ srptool == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ srptool == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=srptool
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_gnutls
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_go
+compinit:491> _i_name=_go
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ gccgo == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _go gccgo gofmt 5l 6l 8l 5g 6g 8g
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 10 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 9 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _go == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_go
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _go
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 8 ))
+compdef:132> [[ gccgo == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ gccgo == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ gccgo == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ gccgo == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=gccgo
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_go
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 7 ))
+compdef:132> [[ gofmt == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ gofmt == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ gofmt == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ gofmt == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=gofmt
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_go
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 6 ))
+compdef:132> [[ 5l == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ 5l == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ 5l == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ 5l == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=5l
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_go
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 5 ))
+compdef:132> [[ 6l == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ 6l == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ 6l == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ 6l == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=6l
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_go
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 4 ))
+compdef:132> [[ 8l == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ 8l == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ 8l == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ 8l == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=8l
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_go
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ 5g == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ 5g == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ 5g == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ 5g == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=5g
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_go
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ 6g == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ 6g == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ 6g == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ 6g == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=6g
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_go
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ 8g == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ 8g == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ 8g == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ 8g == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=8g
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_go
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_gpg
+compinit:491> _i_name=_gpg
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ gpg == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _gpg gpg gpgv gpg-zip
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 5 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _gpg == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_gpg
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _gpg
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ gpg == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ gpg == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ gpg == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ gpg == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=gpg
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_gpg
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ gpgv == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ gpgv == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ gpgv == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ gpgv == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=gpgv
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_gpg
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ gpg-zip == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ gpg-zip == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ gpg-zip == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ gpg-zip == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=gpg-zip
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_gpg
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_gphoto2
+compinit:491> _i_name=_gphoto2
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ gphoto2 == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _gphoto2 gphoto2
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _gphoto2 == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_gphoto2
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _gphoto2
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ gphoto2 == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ gphoto2 == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ gphoto2 == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ gphoto2 == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=gphoto2
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_gphoto2
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_gprof
+compinit:491> _i_name=_gprof
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ gprof == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _gprof gprof
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _gprof == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_gprof
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _gprof
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ gprof == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ gprof == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ gprof == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ gprof == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=gprof
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_gprof
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_gqview
+compinit:491> _i_name=_gqview
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ gqview == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _gqview gqview
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _gqview == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_gqview
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _gqview
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ gqview == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ gqview == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ gqview == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ gqview == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=gqview
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_gqview
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_gradle
+compinit:491> _i_name=_gradle
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ gradle == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _gradle gradle gradlew
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _gradle == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_gradle
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _gradle
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ gradle == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ gradle == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ gradle == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ gradle == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=gradle
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_gradle
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ gradlew == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ gradlew == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ gradlew == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ gradlew == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=gradlew
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_gradle
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_graphicsmagick
+compinit:491> _i_name=_graphicsmagick
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ gm == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _graphicsmagick gm
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _graphicsmagick == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_graphicsmagick
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _graphicsmagick
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ gm == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ gm == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ gm == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ gm == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=gm
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_graphicsmagick
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_grep
+compinit:491> _i_name=_grep
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ grep == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _grep grep egrep fgrep -value-,GREP_OPTIONS,-default-
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 6 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 5 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _grep == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_grep
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _grep
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 4 ))
+compdef:132> [[ grep == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ grep == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ grep == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ grep == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=grep
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_grep
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ egrep == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ egrep == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ egrep == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ egrep == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=egrep
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_grep
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ fgrep == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ fgrep == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ fgrep == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ fgrep == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=fgrep
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_grep
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ -value-,GREP_OPTIONS,-default- == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ -value-,GREP_OPTIONS,-default- == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ -value-,GREP_OPTIONS,-default- == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ -value-,GREP_OPTIONS,-default- == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=-value-,GREP_OPTIONS,-default-
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_grep
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_grep-excuses
+compinit:491> _i_name=_grep-excuses
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ grep-excuses == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _grep-excuses grep-excuses
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _grep-excuses == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_grep-excuses
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _grep-excuses
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ grep-excuses == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ grep-excuses == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ grep-excuses == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ grep-excuses == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=grep-excuses
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_grep-excuses
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_groff
+compinit:491> _i_name=_groff
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ groff == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _groff groff
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _groff == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_groff
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _groff
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ groff == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ groff == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ groff == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ groff == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=groff
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_groff
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_groups
+compinit:491> _i_name=_groups
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ newgrp == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _groups newgrp groupdel
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _groups == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_groups
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _groups
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ newgrp == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ newgrp == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ newgrp == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ newgrp == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=newgrp
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_groups
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ groupdel == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ groupdel == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ groupdel == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ groupdel == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=groupdel
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_groups
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_growisofs
+compinit:491> _i_name=_growisofs
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ mkisofs == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _growisofs mkisofs growisofs
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _growisofs == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_growisofs
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _growisofs
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ mkisofs == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ mkisofs == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ mkisofs == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ mkisofs == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=mkisofs
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_growisofs
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ growisofs == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ growisofs == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ growisofs == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ growisofs == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=growisofs
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_growisofs
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_gs
+compinit:491> _i_name=_gs
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ gs == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _gs gs ghostscript
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _gs == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_gs
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _gs
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ gs == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ gs == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ gs == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ gs == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=gs
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_gs
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ ghostscript == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ ghostscript == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ ghostscript == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ ghostscript == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=ghostscript
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_gs
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_guard
+compinit:491> _i_name=_guard
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _guard
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_guilt
+compinit:491> _i_name=_guilt
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ guilt == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _guilt guilt guilt-add guilt-applied guilt-delete guilt-files guilt-fold guilt-fork guilt-header guilt-help guilt-import-commit guilt-import guilt-init guilt-new guilt-next guilt-patchbomb guilt-pop guilt-prev guilt-push guilt-rebase guilt-refresh guilt-rm guilt-series guilt-status guilt-top guilt-unapplied
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 27 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 26 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _guilt == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_guilt
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _guilt
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 25 ))
+compdef:132> [[ guilt == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ guilt == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ guilt == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ guilt == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=guilt
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_guilt
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 24 ))
+compdef:132> [[ guilt-add == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ guilt-add == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ guilt-add == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ guilt-add == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=guilt-add
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_guilt
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 23 ))
+compdef:132> [[ guilt-applied == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ guilt-applied == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ guilt-applied == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ guilt-applied == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=guilt-applied
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_guilt
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 22 ))
+compdef:132> [[ guilt-delete == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ guilt-delete == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ guilt-delete == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ guilt-delete == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=guilt-delete
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_guilt
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 21 ))
+compdef:132> [[ guilt-files == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ guilt-files == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ guilt-files == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ guilt-files == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=guilt-files
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_guilt
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 20 ))
+compdef:132> [[ guilt-fold == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ guilt-fold == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ guilt-fold == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ guilt-fold == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=guilt-fold
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_guilt
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 19 ))
+compdef:132> [[ guilt-fork == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ guilt-fork == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ guilt-fork == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ guilt-fork == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=guilt-fork
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_guilt
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 18 ))
+compdef:132> [[ guilt-header == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ guilt-header == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ guilt-header == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ guilt-header == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=guilt-header
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_guilt
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 17 ))
+compdef:132> [[ guilt-help == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ guilt-help == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ guilt-help == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ guilt-help == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=guilt-help
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_guilt
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 16 ))
+compdef:132> [[ guilt-import-commit == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ guilt-import-commit == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ guilt-import-commit == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ guilt-import-commit == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=guilt-import-commit
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_guilt
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 15 ))
+compdef:132> [[ guilt-import == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ guilt-import == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ guilt-import == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ guilt-import == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=guilt-import
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_guilt
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 14 ))
+compdef:132> [[ guilt-init == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ guilt-init == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ guilt-init == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ guilt-init == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=guilt-init
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_guilt
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 13 ))
+compdef:132> [[ guilt-new == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ guilt-new == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ guilt-new == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ guilt-new == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=guilt-new
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_guilt
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 12 ))
+compdef:132> [[ guilt-next == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ guilt-next == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ guilt-next == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ guilt-next == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=guilt-next
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_guilt
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 11 ))
+compdef:132> [[ guilt-patchbomb == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ guilt-patchbomb == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ guilt-patchbomb == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ guilt-patchbomb == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=guilt-patchbomb
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_guilt
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 10 ))
+compdef:132> [[ guilt-pop == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ guilt-pop == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ guilt-pop == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ guilt-pop == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=guilt-pop
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_guilt
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 9 ))
+compdef:132> [[ guilt-prev == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ guilt-prev == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ guilt-prev == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ guilt-prev == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=guilt-prev
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_guilt
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 8 ))
+compdef:132> [[ guilt-push == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ guilt-push == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ guilt-push == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ guilt-push == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=guilt-push
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_guilt
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 7 ))
+compdef:132> [[ guilt-rebase == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ guilt-rebase == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ guilt-rebase == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ guilt-rebase == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=guilt-rebase
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_guilt
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 6 ))
+compdef:132> [[ guilt-refresh == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ guilt-refresh == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ guilt-refresh == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ guilt-refresh == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=guilt-refresh
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_guilt
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 5 ))
+compdef:132> [[ guilt-rm == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ guilt-rm == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ guilt-rm == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ guilt-rm == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=guilt-rm
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_guilt
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 4 ))
+compdef:132> [[ guilt-series == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ guilt-series == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ guilt-series == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ guilt-series == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=guilt-series
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_guilt
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ guilt-status == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ guilt-status == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ guilt-status == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ guilt-status == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=guilt-status
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_guilt
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ guilt-top == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ guilt-top == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ guilt-top == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ guilt-top == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=guilt-top
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_guilt
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ guilt-unapplied == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ guilt-unapplied == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ guilt-unapplied == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ guilt-unapplied == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=guilt-unapplied
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_guilt
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_gv
+compinit:491> _i_name=_gv
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ gv == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _gv gv
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _gv == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_gv
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _gv
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ gv == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ gv == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ gv == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ gv == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=gv
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_gv
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_gzip
+compinit:491> _i_name=_gzip
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ gzip == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _gzip gzip gunzip 'gzcat=gunzip' '-redirect-,<,gunzip=gunzip' '-redirect-,>,gzip=gunzip' '-redirect-,<,gzip=gzip' -value-,GZIP,-default-
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 9 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 8 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _gzip == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_gzip
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _gzip
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 7 ))
+compdef:132> [[ gzip == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ gzip == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ gzip == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ gzip == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=gzip
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_gzip
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 6 ))
+compdef:132> [[ gunzip == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ gunzip == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ gunzip == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ gunzip == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=gunzip
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_gzip
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 5 ))
+compdef:132> [[ 'gzcat=gunzip' == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ 'gzcat=gunzip' == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ 'gzcat=gunzip' == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ 'gzcat=gunzip' == *=* ]]
+compdef:156> cmd=gzcat
+compdef:157> svc=yes
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_gzip
+compdef:164> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:164> _services[$cmd]=gunzip
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 4 ))
+compdef:132> [[ '-redirect-,<,gunzip=gunzip' == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ '-redirect-,<,gunzip=gunzip' == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ '-redirect-,<,gunzip=gunzip' == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ '-redirect-,<,gunzip=gunzip' == *=* ]]
+compdef:156> cmd='-redirect-,<,gunzip'
+compdef:157> svc=yes
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_gzip
+compdef:164> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:164> _services[$cmd]=gunzip
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ '-redirect-,>,gzip=gunzip' == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ '-redirect-,>,gzip=gunzip' == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ '-redirect-,>,gzip=gunzip' == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ '-redirect-,>,gzip=gunzip' == *=* ]]
+compdef:156> cmd='-redirect-,>,gzip'
+compdef:157> svc=yes
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_gzip
+compdef:164> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:164> _services[$cmd]=gunzip
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ '-redirect-,<,gzip=gzip' == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ '-redirect-,<,gzip=gzip' == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ '-redirect-,<,gzip=gzip' == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ '-redirect-,<,gzip=gzip' == *=* ]]
+compdef:156> cmd='-redirect-,<,gzip'
+compdef:157> svc=yes
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_gzip
+compdef:164> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:164> _services[$cmd]=gzip
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ -value-,GZIP,-default- == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ -value-,GZIP,-default- == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ -value-,GZIP,-default- == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ -value-,GZIP,-default- == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=-value-,GZIP,-default-
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_gzip
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_hash
+compinit:491> _i_name=_hash
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ hash == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _hash hash rehash
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _hash == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_hash
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _hash
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ hash == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ hash == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ hash == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ hash == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=hash
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_hash
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ rehash == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ rehash == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ rehash == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ rehash == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=rehash
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_hash
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_have_glob_qual
+compinit:491> _i_name=_have_glob_qual
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _have_glob_qual
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_hdiutil
+compinit:491> _i_name=_hdiutil
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ hdiutil == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _hdiutil hdiutil
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _hdiutil == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_hdiutil
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _hdiutil
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ hdiutil == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ hdiutil == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ hdiutil == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ hdiutil == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=hdiutil
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_hdiutil
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_hg
+compinit:491> _i_name=_hg
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ hg == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _hg hg
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _hg == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_hg
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _hg
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ hg == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ hg == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ hg == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ hg == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=hg
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_hg
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_history
+compinit:491> _i_name=_history
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _history
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_history_complete_word
+compinit:491> _i_name=_history_complete_word
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ -K == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:500> compdef -Kna _history_complete_word _history-complete-older complete-word '\e/' _history-complete-newer complete-word '\e,'
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 8 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case K (a)
+compdef:15> case K (n)
+compdef:15> case K ([pPkK])
+compdef:18> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:24> [[ K == p ]]
+compdef:26> [[ K == P ]]
+compdef:28> [[ K == K ]]
+compdef:29> type=widgetkey
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 7 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _history_complete_word == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_history_complete_word
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _history_complete_word
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case widgetkey (widgetkey)
+compdef:85> [[ -n _history-complete-older ]]
+compdef:86> [[ 6 -lt 3 ]]
+compdef:90> [[ _history-complete-older == _* ]]
+compdef:91> [[ complete-word == .* ]]
+compdef:91> 2=.complete-word
+compdef:92> [[ .complete-word == .menu-select ]]
+compdef:93> zle -C _history-complete-older .complete-word _history_complete_word
+compdef:94> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:95> IFS=' ' +compdef:95> read -A opt
+compdef:95> bindkey '\e/'
+compdef:96> [[ undefined-key == undefined-key ]]
+compdef:96> bindkey '\e/' _history-complete-older
+compdef:100> shift 3
+compdef:85> [[ -n _history-complete-newer ]]
+compdef:86> [[ 3 -lt 3 ]]
+compdef:90> [[ _history-complete-newer == _* ]]
+compdef:91> [[ complete-word == .* ]]
+compdef:91> 2=.complete-word
+compdef:92> [[ .complete-word == .menu-select ]]
+compdef:93> zle -C _history-complete-newer .complete-word _history_complete_word
+compdef:94> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:95> bindkey '\e,'
+compdef:95> IFS=' ' +compdef:95> read -A opt
+compdef:96> [[ undefined-key == undefined-key ]]
+compdef:96> bindkey '\e,' _history-complete-newer
+compdef:100> shift 3
+compdef:85> [[ -n '' ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_history_modifiers
+compinit:491> _i_name=_history_modifiers
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _history_modifiers
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_hosts
+compinit:491> _i_name=_hosts
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ ftp == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _hosts ftp rwho rup xping traceroute host aaaa zone mx ns soa txt
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 14 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 13 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _hosts == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_hosts
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _hosts
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 12 ))
+compdef:132> [[ ftp == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ ftp == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ ftp == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ ftp == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=ftp
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_hosts
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 11 ))
+compdef:132> [[ rwho == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ rwho == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ rwho == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ rwho == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=rwho
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_hosts
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 10 ))
+compdef:132> [[ rup == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ rup == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ rup == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ rup == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=rup
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_hosts
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 9 ))
+compdef:132> [[ xping == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ xping == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ xping == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ xping == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=xping
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_hosts
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 8 ))
+compdef:132> [[ traceroute == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ traceroute == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ traceroute == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ traceroute == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=traceroute
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_hosts
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 7 ))
+compdef:132> [[ host == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ host == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ host == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ host == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=host
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_hosts
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 6 ))
+compdef:132> [[ aaaa == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ aaaa == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ aaaa == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ aaaa == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=aaaa
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_hosts
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 5 ))
+compdef:132> [[ zone == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ zone == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ zone == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ zone == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=zone
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_hosts
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 4 ))
+compdef:132> [[ mx == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ mx == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ mx == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ mx == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=mx
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_hosts
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ ns == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ ns == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ ns == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ ns == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=ns
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_hosts
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ soa == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ soa == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ soa == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ soa == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=soa
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_hosts
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ txt == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ txt == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ txt == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ txt == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=txt
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_hosts
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_hwinfo
+compinit:491> _i_name=_hwinfo
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ hwinfo == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _hwinfo hwinfo
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _hwinfo == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_hwinfo
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _hwinfo
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ hwinfo == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ hwinfo == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ hwinfo == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ hwinfo == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=hwinfo
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_hwinfo
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_iconv
+compinit:491> _i_name=_iconv
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ iconv == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _iconv iconv
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _iconv == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_iconv
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _iconv
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ iconv == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ iconv == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ iconv == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ iconv == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=iconv
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_iconv
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_id
+compinit:491> _i_name=_id
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ id == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _id id
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _id == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_id
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _id
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ id == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ id == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ id == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ id == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=id
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_id
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_ifconfig
+compinit:491> _i_name=_ifconfig
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ ifconfig == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _ifconfig ifconfig
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _ifconfig == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_ifconfig
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _ifconfig
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ ifconfig == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ ifconfig == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ ifconfig == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ ifconfig == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=ifconfig
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_ifconfig
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_iftop
+compinit:491> _i_name=_iftop
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ iftop == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _iftop iftop
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _iftop == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_iftop
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _iftop
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ iftop == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ iftop == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ iftop == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ iftop == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=iftop
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_iftop
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_ignored
+compinit:491> _i_name=_ignored
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _ignored
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_imagemagick
+compinit:491> _i_name=_imagemagick
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ animate == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _imagemagick animate composite combine convert display identify import mogrify montage xtp
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 12 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 11 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _imagemagick == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_imagemagick
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _imagemagick
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 10 ))
+compdef:132> [[ animate == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ animate == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ animate == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ animate == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=animate
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_imagemagick
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 9 ))
+compdef:132> [[ composite == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ composite == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ composite == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ composite == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=composite
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_imagemagick
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 8 ))
+compdef:132> [[ combine == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ combine == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ combine == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ combine == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=combine
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_imagemagick
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 7 ))
+compdef:132> [[ convert == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ convert == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ convert == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ convert == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=convert
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_imagemagick
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 6 ))
+compdef:132> [[ display == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ display == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ display == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ display == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=display
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_imagemagick
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 5 ))
+compdef:132> [[ identify == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ identify == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ identify == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ identify == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=identify
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_imagemagick
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 4 ))
+compdef:132> [[ import == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ import == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ import == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ import == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=import
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_imagemagick
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ mogrify == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ mogrify == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ mogrify == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ mogrify == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=mogrify
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_imagemagick
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ montage == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ montage == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ montage == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ montage == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=montage
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_imagemagick
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ xtp == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ xtp == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ xtp == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ xtp == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=xtp
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_imagemagick
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_in_vared
+compinit:491> _i_name=_in_vared
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ -vared- == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _in_vared -vared-
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _in_vared == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_in_vared
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _in_vared
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ -vared- == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ -vared- == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ -vared- == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ -vared- == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=-vared-
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_in_vared
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_inetadm
+compinit:491> _i_name=_inetadm
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ inetadm == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _inetadm inetadm
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _inetadm == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_inetadm
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _inetadm
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ inetadm == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ inetadm == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ inetadm == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ inetadm == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=inetadm
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_inetadm
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_init_d
+compinit:491> _i_name=_init_d
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ -p == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:500> compdef -pna _init_d '*/(init|rc[0-9S]#).d/*'
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case p (a)
+compdef:15> case p (n)
+compdef:15> case p ([pPkK])
+compdef:18> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:24> [[ p == p ]]
+compdef:25> type=pattern
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _init_d == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_init_d
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _init_d
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case pattern (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case pattern (key)
+compdef:83> case pattern (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ '*/(init|rc[0-9S]#).d/*' == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ '*/(init|rc[0-9S]#).d/*' == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ '*/(init|rc[0-9S]#).d/*' == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case pattern (pattern)
+compdef:141> [[ '*/(init|rc[0-9S]#).d/*' == (#b)(*)=(*) ]]
+compdef:144> _patcomps[$1]=_init_d
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_initctl
+compinit:491> _i_name=_initctl
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ initctl == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _initctl initctl start stop restart reload status
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 8 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 7 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _initctl == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_initctl
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _initctl
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 6 ))
+compdef:132> [[ initctl == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ initctl == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ initctl == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ initctl == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=initctl
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_initctl
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 5 ))
+compdef:132> [[ start == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ start == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ start == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ start == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=start
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_initctl
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 4 ))
+compdef:132> [[ stop == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ stop == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ stop == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ stop == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=stop
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_initctl
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ restart == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ restart == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ restart == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ restart == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=restart
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_initctl
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ reload == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ reload == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ reload == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ reload == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=reload
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_initctl
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ status == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ status == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ status == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ status == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=status
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_initctl
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_invoke-rc.d
+compinit:491> _i_name=_invoke-rc.d
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ invoke-rc.d == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _invoke-rc.d invoke-rc.d
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _invoke-rc.d == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_invoke-rc.d
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _invoke-rc.d
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ invoke-rc.d == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ invoke-rc.d == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ invoke-rc.d == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ invoke-rc.d == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=invoke-rc.d
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_invoke-rc.d
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_ionice
+compinit:491> _i_name=_ionice
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ ionice == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _ionice ionice
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _ionice == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_ionice
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _ionice
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ ionice == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ ionice == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ ionice == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ ionice == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=ionice
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_ionice
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_ip
+compinit:491> _i_name=_ip
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ ip == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _ip ip
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _ip == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_ip
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _ip
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ ip == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ ip == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ ip == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ ip == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=ip
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_ip
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_ipadm
+compinit:491> _i_name=_ipadm
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ ipadm == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _ipadm ipadm
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _ipadm == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_ipadm
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _ipadm
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ ipadm == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ ipadm == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ ipadm == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ ipadm == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=ipadm
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_ipadm
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_ipset
+compinit:491> _i_name=_ipset
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ ipset == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _ipset ipset
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _ipset == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_ipset
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _ipset
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ ipset == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ ipset == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ ipset == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ ipset == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=ipset
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_ipset
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_iptables
+compinit:491> _i_name=_iptables
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ iptables == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _iptables iptables iptables-save iptables-restore
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 5 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _iptables == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_iptables
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _iptables
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ iptables == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ iptables == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ iptables == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ iptables == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=iptables
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_iptables
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ iptables-save == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ iptables-save == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ iptables-save == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ iptables-save == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=iptables-save
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_iptables
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ iptables-restore == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ iptables-restore == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ iptables-restore == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ iptables-restore == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=iptables-restore
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_iptables
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_irssi
+compinit:491> _i_name=_irssi
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ irssi == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _irssi irssi
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _irssi == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_irssi
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _irssi
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ irssi == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ irssi == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ irssi == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ irssi == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=irssi
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_irssi
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_ispell
+compinit:491> _i_name=_ispell
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ ispell == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _ispell ispell buildhash munchlist findaffix tryaffix icombine ijoin
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 9 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 8 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _ispell == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_ispell
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _ispell
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 7 ))
+compdef:132> [[ ispell == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ ispell == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ ispell == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ ispell == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=ispell
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_ispell
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 6 ))
+compdef:132> [[ buildhash == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ buildhash == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ buildhash == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ buildhash == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=buildhash
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_ispell
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 5 ))
+compdef:132> [[ munchlist == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ munchlist == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ munchlist == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ munchlist == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=munchlist
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_ispell
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 4 ))
+compdef:132> [[ findaffix == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ findaffix == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ findaffix == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ findaffix == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=findaffix
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_ispell
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ tryaffix == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ tryaffix == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ tryaffix == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ tryaffix == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=tryaffix
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_ispell
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ icombine == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ icombine == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ icombine == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ icombine == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=icombine
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_ispell
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ ijoin == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ ijoin == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ ijoin == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ ijoin == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=ijoin
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_ispell
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_iwconfig
+compinit:491> _i_name=_iwconfig
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ iwconfig == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _iwconfig iwconfig
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _iwconfig == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_iwconfig
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _iwconfig
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ iwconfig == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ iwconfig == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ iwconfig == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ iwconfig == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=iwconfig
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_iwconfig
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_java
+compinit:491> _i_name=_java
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ javac == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _java javac java javadoc appletviewer jar jdb javah javap extcheck rmic rmiregistry rmid serialver native2ascii keytool jarsigner policytool
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 19 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 18 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _java == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_java
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _java
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 17 ))
+compdef:132> [[ javac == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ javac == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ javac == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ javac == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=javac
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_java
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 16 ))
+compdef:132> [[ java == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ java == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ java == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ java == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=java
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_java
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 15 ))
+compdef:132> [[ javadoc == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ javadoc == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ javadoc == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ javadoc == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=javadoc
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_java
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 14 ))
+compdef:132> [[ appletviewer == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ appletviewer == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ appletviewer == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ appletviewer == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=appletviewer
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_java
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 13 ))
+compdef:132> [[ jar == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ jar == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ jar == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ jar == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=jar
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_java
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 12 ))
+compdef:132> [[ jdb == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ jdb == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ jdb == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ jdb == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=jdb
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_java
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 11 ))
+compdef:132> [[ javah == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ javah == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ javah == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ javah == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=javah
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_java
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 10 ))
+compdef:132> [[ javap == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ javap == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ javap == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ javap == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=javap
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_java
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 9 ))
+compdef:132> [[ extcheck == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ extcheck == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ extcheck == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ extcheck == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=extcheck
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_java
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 8 ))
+compdef:132> [[ rmic == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ rmic == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ rmic == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ rmic == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=rmic
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_java
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 7 ))
+compdef:132> [[ rmiregistry == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ rmiregistry == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ rmiregistry == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ rmiregistry == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=rmiregistry
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_java
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 6 ))
+compdef:132> [[ rmid == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ rmid == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ rmid == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ rmid == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=rmid
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_java
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 5 ))
+compdef:132> [[ serialver == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ serialver == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ serialver == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ serialver == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=serialver
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_java
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 4 ))
+compdef:132> [[ native2ascii == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ native2ascii == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ native2ascii == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ native2ascii == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=native2ascii
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_java
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ keytool == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ keytool == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ keytool == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ keytool == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=keytool
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_java
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ jarsigner == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ jarsigner == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ jarsigner == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ jarsigner == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=jarsigner
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_java
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ policytool == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ policytool == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ policytool == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ policytool == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=policytool
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_java
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_java_class
+compinit:491> _i_name=_java_class
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _java_class
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_jobs
+compinit:491> _i_name=_jobs
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _jobs
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_jobs_bg
+compinit:491> _i_name=_jobs_bg
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ bg == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _jobs_bg bg
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _jobs_bg == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_jobs_bg
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _jobs_bg
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ bg == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ bg == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ bg == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ bg == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=bg
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_jobs_bg
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_jobs_builtin
+compinit:491> _i_name=_jobs_builtin
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ jobs == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _jobs_builtin jobs
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _jobs_builtin == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_jobs_builtin
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _jobs_builtin
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ jobs == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ jobs == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ jobs == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ jobs == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=jobs
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_jobs_builtin
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_jobs_fg
+compinit:491> _i_name=_jobs_fg
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ disown == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _jobs_fg disown fg
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _jobs_fg == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_jobs_fg
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _jobs_fg
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ disown == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ disown == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ disown == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ disown == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=disown
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_jobs_fg
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ fg == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ fg == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ fg == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ fg == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=fg
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_jobs_fg
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_joe
+compinit:491> _i_name=_joe
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ joe == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _joe joe
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _joe == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_joe
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _joe
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ joe == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ joe == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ joe == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ joe == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=joe
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_joe
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_join
+compinit:491> _i_name=_join
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ join == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _join join
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _join == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_join
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _join
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ join == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ join == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ join == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ join == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=join
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_join
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_kfmclient
+compinit:491> _i_name=_kfmclient
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ kfmclient == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _kfmclient kfmclient kioclient
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _kfmclient == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_kfmclient
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _kfmclient
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ kfmclient == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ kfmclient == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ kfmclient == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ kfmclient == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=kfmclient
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_kfmclient
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ kioclient == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ kioclient == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ kioclient == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ kioclient == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=kioclient
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_kfmclient
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_kill
+compinit:491> _i_name=_kill
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ kill == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _kill kill
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _kill == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_kill
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _kill
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ kill == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ kill == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ kill == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ kill == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=kill
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_kill
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_killall
+compinit:491> _i_name=_killall
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ killall == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _killall killall killall5
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _killall == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_killall
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _killall
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ killall == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ killall == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ killall == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ killall == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=killall
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_killall
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ killall5 == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ killall5 == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ killall5 == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ killall5 == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=killall5
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_killall
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_kld
+compinit:491> _i_name=_kld
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ kldload == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _kld kldload kldunload
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _kld == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_kld
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _kld
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ kldload == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ kldload == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ kldload == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ kldload == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=kldload
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_kld
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ kldunload == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ kldunload == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ kldunload == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ kldunload == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=kldunload
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_kld
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_knock
+compinit:491> _i_name=_knock
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ knock == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _knock knock
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _knock == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_knock
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _knock
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ knock == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ knock == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ knock == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ knock == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=knock
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_knock
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_kvno
+compinit:491> _i_name=_kvno
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ kvno == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _kvno kvno
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _kvno == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_kvno
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _kvno
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ kvno == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ kvno == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ kvno == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ kvno == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=kvno
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_kvno
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_last
+compinit:491> _i_name=_last
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ last == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _last last lastb
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _last == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_last
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _last
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ last == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ last == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ last == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ last == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=last
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_last
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ lastb == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ lastb == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ lastb == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ lastb == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=lastb
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_last
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_ldd
+compinit:491> _i_name=_ldd
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ ldd == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _ldd ldd
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _ldd == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_ldd
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _ldd
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ ldd == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ ldd == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ ldd == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ ldd == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=ldd
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_ldd
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_less
+compinit:491> _i_name=_less
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ less == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _less less -value-,LESS,-default- -value-,LESSCHARSET,-default-
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 5 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _less == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_less
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _less
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ less == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ less == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ less == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ less == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=less
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_less
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ -value-,LESS,-default- == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ -value-,LESS,-default- == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ -value-,LESS,-default- == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ -value-,LESS,-default- == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=-value-,LESS,-default-
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_less
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ -value-,LESSCHARSET,-default- == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ -value-,LESSCHARSET,-default- == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ -value-,LESSCHARSET,-default- == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ -value-,LESSCHARSET,-default- == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=-value-,LESSCHARSET,-default-
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_less
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_lha
+compinit:491> _i_name=_lha
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ lha == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _lha lha
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _lha == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_lha
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _lha
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ lha == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ lha == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ lha == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ lha == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=lha
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_lha
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_lighttpd
+compinit:491> _i_name=_lighttpd
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ lighty-enable-mod == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _lighttpd lighty-enable-mod lighty-disable-mod
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _lighttpd == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_lighttpd
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _lighttpd
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ lighty-enable-mod == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ lighty-enable-mod == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ lighty-enable-mod == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ lighty-enable-mod == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=lighty-enable-mod
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_lighttpd
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ lighty-disable-mod == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ lighty-disable-mod == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ lighty-disable-mod == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ lighty-disable-mod == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=lighty-disable-mod
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_lighttpd
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_limit
+compinit:491> _i_name=_limit
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ limit == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _limit limit
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _limit == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_limit
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _limit
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ limit == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ limit == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ limit == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ limit == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=limit
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_limit
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_limits
+compinit:491> _i_name=_limits
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ unlimit == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _limits unlimit
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _limits == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_limits
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _limits
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ unlimit == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ unlimit == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ unlimit == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ unlimit == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=unlimit
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_limits
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_linda
+compinit:491> _i_name=_linda
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ linda == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _linda linda
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _linda == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_linda
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _linda
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ linda == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ linda == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ linda == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ linda == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=linda
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_linda
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_links
+compinit:491> _i_name=_links
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ links == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _links links
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _links == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_links
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _links
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ links == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ links == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ links == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ links == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=links
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_links
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_lintian
+compinit:491> _i_name=_lintian
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ lintian == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _lintian lintian lintian-info
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _lintian == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_lintian
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _lintian
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ lintian == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ lintian == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ lintian == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ lintian == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=lintian
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_lintian
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ lintian-info == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ lintian-info == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ lintian-info == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ lintian-info == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=lintian-info
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_lintian
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_list
+compinit:491> _i_name=_list
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _list
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_list_files
+compinit:491> _i_name=_list_files
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _list_files
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_ln
+compinit:491> _i_name=_ln
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ ln == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _ln ln gln
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _ln == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_ln
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _ln
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ ln == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ ln == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ ln == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ ln == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=ln
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_ln
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ gln == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ gln == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ gln == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ gln == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=gln
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_ln
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_loadkeys
+compinit:491> _i_name=_loadkeys
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ loadkeys == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _loadkeys loadkeys
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _loadkeys == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_loadkeys
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _loadkeys
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ loadkeys == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ loadkeys == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ loadkeys == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ loadkeys == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=loadkeys
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_loadkeys
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_locales
+compinit:491> _i_name=_locales
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ -value-,LANG,-default- == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _locales -value-,LANG,-default- -value-,LANGUAGE,-default- -P '-value-,LC_*,-default-'
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 6 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 5 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _locales == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_locales
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _locales
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 4 ))
+compdef:132> [[ -value-,LANG,-default- == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ -value-,LANG,-default- == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ -value-,LANG,-default- == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ -value-,LANG,-default- == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=-value-,LANG,-default-
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_locales
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ -value-,LANGUAGE,-default- == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ -value-,LANGUAGE,-default- == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ -value-,LANGUAGE,-default- == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ -value-,LANGUAGE,-default- == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=-value-,LANGUAGE,-default-
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_locales
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ -P == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ -P == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ -P == -P ]]
+compdef:137> type=postpattern
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ '-value-,LC_*,-default-' == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ '-value-,LC_*,-default-' == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ '-value-,LC_*,-default-' == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case postpattern (pattern)
+compdef:139> case postpattern (postpattern)
+compdef:148> [[ '-value-,LC_*,-default-' == (#b)(*)=(*) ]]
+compdef:151> _postpatcomps[$1]=_locales
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_locate
+compinit:491> _i_name=_locate
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ locate == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _locate locate mlocate slocate
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 5 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _locate == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_locate
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _locate
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ locate == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ locate == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ locate == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ locate == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=locate
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_locate
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ mlocate == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ mlocate == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ mlocate == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ mlocate == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=mlocate
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_locate
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ slocate == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ slocate == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ slocate == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ slocate == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=slocate
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_locate
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_logical_volumes
+compinit:491> _i_name=_logical_volumes
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _logical_volumes
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_look
+compinit:491> _i_name=_look
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ look == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _look look
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _look == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_look
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _look
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ look == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ look == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ look == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ look == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=look
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_look
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_losetup
+compinit:491> _i_name=_losetup
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ losetup == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _losetup losetup
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _losetup == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_losetup
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _losetup
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ losetup == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ losetup == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ losetup == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ losetup == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=losetup
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_losetup
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_lp
+compinit:491> _i_name=_lp
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ lp == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _lp lp lpr lpq lprm lpoptions lpstat lpinfo lpadmin
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 10 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 9 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _lp == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_lp
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _lp
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 8 ))
+compdef:132> [[ lp == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ lp == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ lp == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ lp == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=lp
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_lp
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 7 ))
+compdef:132> [[ lpr == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ lpr == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ lpr == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ lpr == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=lpr
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_lp
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 6 ))
+compdef:132> [[ lpq == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ lpq == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ lpq == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ lpq == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=lpq
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_lp
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 5 ))
+compdef:132> [[ lprm == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ lprm == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ lprm == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ lprm == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=lprm
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_lp
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 4 ))
+compdef:132> [[ lpoptions == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ lpoptions == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ lpoptions == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ lpoptions == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=lpoptions
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_lp
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ lpstat == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ lpstat == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ lpstat == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ lpstat == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=lpstat
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_lp
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ lpinfo == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ lpinfo == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ lpinfo == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ lpinfo == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=lpinfo
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_lp
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ lpadmin == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ lpadmin == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ lpadmin == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ lpadmin == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=lpadmin
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_lp
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_ls
+compinit:491> _i_name=_ls
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ ls == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _ls ls gls
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _ls == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_ls
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _ls
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ ls == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ ls == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ ls == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ ls == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=ls
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_ls
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ gls == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ gls == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ gls == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ gls == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=gls
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_ls
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_lscfg
+compinit:491> _i_name=_lscfg
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ lscfg == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _lscfg lscfg
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _lscfg == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_lscfg
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _lscfg
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ lscfg == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ lscfg == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ lscfg == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ lscfg == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=lscfg
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_lscfg
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_lsdev
+compinit:491> _i_name=_lsdev
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ lsdev == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _lsdev lsdev
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _lsdev == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_lsdev
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _lsdev
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ lsdev == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ lsdev == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ lsdev == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ lsdev == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=lsdev
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_lsdev
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_lslv
+compinit:491> _i_name=_lslv
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ lslv == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _lslv lslv
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _lslv == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_lslv
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _lslv
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ lslv == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ lslv == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ lslv == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ lslv == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=lslv
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_lslv
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_lsof
+compinit:491> _i_name=_lsof
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ lsof == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _lsof lsof
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _lsof == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_lsof
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _lsof
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ lsof == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ lsof == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ lsof == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ lsof == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=lsof
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_lsof
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_lspv
+compinit:491> _i_name=_lspv
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ lspv == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _lspv lspv
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _lspv == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_lspv
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _lspv
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ lspv == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ lspv == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ lspv == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ lspv == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=lspv
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_lspv
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_lsusb
+compinit:491> _i_name=_lsusb
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ lsusb == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _lsusb lsusb
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _lsusb == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_lsusb
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _lsusb
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ lsusb == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ lsusb == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ lsusb == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ lsusb == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=lsusb
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_lsusb
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_lsvg
+compinit:491> _i_name=_lsvg
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ lsvg == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _lsvg lsvg
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _lsvg == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_lsvg
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _lsvg
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ lsvg == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ lsvg == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ lsvg == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ lsvg == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=lsvg
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_lsvg
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_lynx
+compinit:491> _i_name=_lynx
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ lynx == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _lynx lynx
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _lynx == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_lynx
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _lynx
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ lynx == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ lynx == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ lynx == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ lynx == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=lynx
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_lynx
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_lzop
+compinit:491> _i_name=_lzop
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ lzop == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _lzop lzop
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _lzop == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_lzop
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _lzop
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ lzop == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ lzop == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ lzop == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ lzop == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=lzop
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_lzop
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_mac_applications
+compinit:491> _i_name=_mac_applications
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _mac_applications
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_mac_files_for_application
+compinit:491> _i_name=_mac_files_for_application
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _mac_files_for_application
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_madison
+compinit:491> _i_name=_madison
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ madison == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _madison madison rmadison
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _madison == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_madison
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _madison
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ madison == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ madison == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ madison == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ madison == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=madison
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_madison
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ rmadison == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ rmadison == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ rmadison == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ rmadison == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=rmadison
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_madison
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_mail
+compinit:491> _i_name=_mail
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ mail == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _mail mail 'mailx=mail' 'Mail=mail' mush zmail 'nail=mail'
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 8 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 7 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _mail == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_mail
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _mail
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 6 ))
+compdef:132> [[ mail == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ mail == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ mail == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ mail == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=mail
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mail
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 5 ))
+compdef:132> [[ 'mailx=mail' == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ 'mailx=mail' == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ 'mailx=mail' == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ 'mailx=mail' == *=* ]]
+compdef:156> cmd=mailx
+compdef:157> svc=yes
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mail
+compdef:164> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:164> _services[$cmd]=mail
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 4 ))
+compdef:132> [[ 'Mail=mail' == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ 'Mail=mail' == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ 'Mail=mail' == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ 'Mail=mail' == *=* ]]
+compdef:156> cmd=Mail
+compdef:157> svc=yes
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mail
+compdef:164> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:164> _services[$cmd]=mail
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ mush == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ mush == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ mush == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ mush == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=mush
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mail
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ zmail == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ zmail == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ zmail == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ zmail == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=zmail
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mail
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ 'nail=mail' == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ 'nail=mail' == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ 'nail=mail' == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ 'nail=mail' == *=* ]]
+compdef:156> cmd=nail
+compdef:157> svc=yes
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mail
+compdef:164> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:164> _services[$cmd]=mail
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_mailboxes
+compinit:491> _i_name=_mailboxes
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _mailboxes
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_main_complete
+compinit:491> _i_name=_main_complete
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _main_complete
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_make
+compinit:491> _i_name=_make
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ make == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _make make gmake pmake dmake
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 6 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 5 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _make == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_make
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _make
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 4 ))
+compdef:132> [[ make == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ make == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ make == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ make == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=make
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_make
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ gmake == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ gmake == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ gmake == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ gmake == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=gmake
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_make
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ pmake == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ pmake == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ pmake == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ pmake == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=pmake
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_make
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ dmake == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ dmake == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ dmake == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ dmake == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=dmake
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_make
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_make-kpkg
+compinit:491> _i_name=_make-kpkg
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ make-kpkg == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _make-kpkg make-kpkg
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _make-kpkg == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_make-kpkg
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _make-kpkg
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ make-kpkg == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ make-kpkg == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ make-kpkg == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ make-kpkg == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=make-kpkg
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_make-kpkg
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_man
+compinit:491> _i_name=_man
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ man == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _man man apropos whatis
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 5 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _man == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_man
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _man
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ man == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ man == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ man == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ man == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=man
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_man
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ apropos == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ apropos == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ apropos == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ apropos == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=apropos
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_man
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ whatis == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ whatis == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ whatis == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ whatis == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=whatis
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_man
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_match
+compinit:491> _i_name=_match
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _match
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_math
+compinit:491> _i_name=_math
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ -math- == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _math -math- let
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _math == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_math
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _math
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ -math- == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ -math- == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ -math- == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ -math- == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=-math-
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_math
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ let == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ let == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ let == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ let == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=let
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_math
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_matlab
+compinit:491> _i_name=_matlab
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ matlab == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _matlab matlab
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _matlab == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_matlab
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _matlab
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ matlab == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ matlab == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ matlab == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ matlab == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=matlab
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_matlab
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_md5sum
+compinit:491> _i_name=_md5sum
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ md5sum == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _md5sum md5sum
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _md5sum == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_md5sum
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _md5sum
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ md5sum == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ md5sum == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ md5sum == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ md5sum == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=md5sum
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_md5sum
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_mdadm
+compinit:491> _i_name=_mdadm
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ mdadm == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _mdadm mdadm
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _mdadm == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_mdadm
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _mdadm
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ mdadm == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ mdadm == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ mdadm == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ mdadm == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=mdadm
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mdadm
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_members
+compinit:491> _i_name=_members
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ members == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _members members
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _members == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_members
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _members
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ members == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ members == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ members == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ members == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=members
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_members
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_mencal
+compinit:491> _i_name=_mencal
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ mencal == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _mencal mencal
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _mencal == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_mencal
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _mencal
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ mencal == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ mencal == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ mencal == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ mencal == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=mencal
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mencal
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_menu
+compinit:491> _i_name=_menu
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _menu
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_mere
+compinit:491> _i_name=_mere
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ mere == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _mere mere
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _mere == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_mere
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _mere
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ mere == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ mere == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ mere == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ mere == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=mere
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mere
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_mergechanges
+compinit:491> _i_name=_mergechanges
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ mergechanges == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _mergechanges mergechanges
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _mergechanges == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_mergechanges
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _mergechanges
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ mergechanges == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ mergechanges == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ mergechanges == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ mergechanges == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=mergechanges
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mergechanges
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_message
+compinit:491> _i_name=_message
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _message
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_metaflac
+compinit:491> _i_name=_metaflac
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ metaflac == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _metaflac metaflac
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _metaflac == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_metaflac
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _metaflac
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ metaflac == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ metaflac == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ metaflac == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ metaflac == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=metaflac
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_metaflac
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_mh
+compinit:491> _i_name=_mh
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ ali == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _mh ali anno burst comp dist flist flists folder folders forw inc mark mhlist mhmail mhn mhparam mhpath mhshow mhstore msgchk next packf pick prev refile repl rmf rmm scan show sortm whom
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 34 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 33 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _mh == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_mh
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _mh
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 32 ))
+compdef:132> [[ ali == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ ali == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ ali == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ ali == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=ali
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mh
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 31 ))
+compdef:132> [[ anno == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ anno == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ anno == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ anno == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=anno
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mh
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 30 ))
+compdef:132> [[ burst == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ burst == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ burst == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ burst == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=burst
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mh
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 29 ))
+compdef:132> [[ comp == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ comp == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ comp == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ comp == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=comp
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mh
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 28 ))
+compdef:132> [[ dist == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ dist == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ dist == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ dist == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=dist
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mh
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 27 ))
+compdef:132> [[ flist == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ flist == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ flist == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ flist == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=flist
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mh
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 26 ))
+compdef:132> [[ flists == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ flists == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ flists == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ flists == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=flists
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mh
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 25 ))
+compdef:132> [[ folder == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ folder == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ folder == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ folder == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=folder
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mh
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 24 ))
+compdef:132> [[ folders == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ folders == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ folders == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ folders == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=folders
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mh
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 23 ))
+compdef:132> [[ forw == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ forw == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ forw == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ forw == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=forw
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mh
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 22 ))
+compdef:132> [[ inc == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ inc == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ inc == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ inc == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=inc
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mh
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 21 ))
+compdef:132> [[ mark == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ mark == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ mark == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ mark == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=mark
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mh
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 20 ))
+compdef:132> [[ mhlist == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ mhlist == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ mhlist == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ mhlist == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=mhlist
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mh
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 19 ))
+compdef:132> [[ mhmail == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ mhmail == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ mhmail == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ mhmail == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=mhmail
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mh
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 18 ))
+compdef:132> [[ mhn == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ mhn == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ mhn == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ mhn == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=mhn
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mh
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 17 ))
+compdef:132> [[ mhparam == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ mhparam == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ mhparam == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ mhparam == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=mhparam
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mh
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 16 ))
+compdef:132> [[ mhpath == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ mhpath == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ mhpath == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ mhpath == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=mhpath
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mh
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 15 ))
+compdef:132> [[ mhshow == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ mhshow == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ mhshow == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ mhshow == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=mhshow
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mh
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 14 ))
+compdef:132> [[ mhstore == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ mhstore == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ mhstore == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ mhstore == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=mhstore
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mh
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 13 ))
+compdef:132> [[ msgchk == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ msgchk == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ msgchk == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ msgchk == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=msgchk
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mh
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 12 ))
+compdef:132> [[ next == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ next == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ next == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ next == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=next
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mh
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 11 ))
+compdef:132> [[ packf == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ packf == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ packf == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ packf == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=packf
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mh
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 10 ))
+compdef:132> [[ pick == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ pick == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ pick == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ pick == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=pick
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mh
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 9 ))
+compdef:132> [[ prev == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ prev == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ prev == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ prev == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=prev
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mh
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 8 ))
+compdef:132> [[ refile == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ refile == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ refile == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ refile == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=refile
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mh
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 7 ))
+compdef:132> [[ repl == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ repl == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ repl == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ repl == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=repl
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mh
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 6 ))
+compdef:132> [[ rmf == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ rmf == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ rmf == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ rmf == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=rmf
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mh
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 5 ))
+compdef:132> [[ rmm == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ rmm == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ rmm == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ rmm == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=rmm
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mh
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 4 ))
+compdef:132> [[ scan == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ scan == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ scan == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ scan == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=scan
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mh
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ show == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ show == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ show == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ show == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=show
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mh
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ sortm == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ sortm == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ sortm == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ sortm == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=sortm
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mh
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ whom == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ whom == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ whom == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ whom == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=whom
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mh
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_mii-tool
+compinit:491> _i_name=_mii-tool
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ mii-tool == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _mii-tool mii-tool
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _mii-tool == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_mii-tool
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _mii-tool
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ mii-tool == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ mii-tool == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ mii-tool == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ mii-tool == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=mii-tool
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mii-tool
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_mime_types
+compinit:491> _i_name=_mime_types
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _mime_types
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_mkdir
+compinit:491> _i_name=_mkdir
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ mkdir == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _mkdir mkdir
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _mkdir == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_mkdir
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _mkdir
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ mkdir == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ mkdir == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ mkdir == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ mkdir == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=mkdir
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mkdir
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_mkshortcut
+compinit:491> _i_name=_mkshortcut
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ mkshortcut == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _mkshortcut mkshortcut mkshortcut.exe
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _mkshortcut == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_mkshortcut
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _mkshortcut
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ mkshortcut == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ mkshortcut == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ mkshortcut == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ mkshortcut == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=mkshortcut
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mkshortcut
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ mkshortcut.exe == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ mkshortcut.exe == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ mkshortcut.exe == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ mkshortcut.exe == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=mkshortcut.exe
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mkshortcut
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_mkzsh
+compinit:491> _i_name=_mkzsh
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ mkzsh == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _mkzsh mkzsh mkzsh.exe
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _mkzsh == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_mkzsh
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _mkzsh
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ mkzsh == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ mkzsh == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ mkzsh == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ mkzsh == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=mkzsh
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mkzsh
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ mkzsh.exe == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ mkzsh.exe == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ mkzsh.exe == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ mkzsh.exe == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=mkzsh.exe
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mkzsh
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_module
+compinit:491> _i_name=_module
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ module == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _module module
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _module == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_module
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _module
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ module == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ module == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ module == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ module == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=module
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_module
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_module-assistant
+compinit:491> _i_name=_module-assistant
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ module-assistant == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _module-assistant module-assistant m-a
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _module-assistant == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_module-assistant
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _module-assistant
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ module-assistant == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ module-assistant == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ module-assistant == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ module-assistant == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=module-assistant
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_module-assistant
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ m-a == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ m-a == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ m-a == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ m-a == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=m-a
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_module-assistant
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_modutils
+compinit:491> _i_name=_modutils
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ lsmod == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _modutils lsmod modinfo modprobe rmmod insmod
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 7 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 6 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _modutils == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_modutils
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _modutils
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 5 ))
+compdef:132> [[ lsmod == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ lsmod == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ lsmod == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ lsmod == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=lsmod
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_modutils
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 4 ))
+compdef:132> [[ modinfo == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ modinfo == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ modinfo == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ modinfo == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=modinfo
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_modutils
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ modprobe == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ modprobe == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ modprobe == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ modprobe == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=modprobe
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_modutils
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ rmmod == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ rmmod == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ rmmod == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ rmmod == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=rmmod
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_modutils
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ insmod == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ insmod == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ insmod == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ insmod == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=insmod
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_modutils
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_mondo
+compinit:491> _i_name=_mondo
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ mondoarchive == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _mondo mondoarchive
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _mondo == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_mondo
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _mondo
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ mondoarchive == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ mondoarchive == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ mondoarchive == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ mondoarchive == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=mondoarchive
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mondo
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_monotone
+compinit:491> _i_name=_monotone
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ mtn == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _monotone mtn
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _monotone == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_monotone
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _monotone
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ mtn == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ mtn == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ mtn == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ mtn == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=mtn
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_monotone
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_mosh
+compinit:491> _i_name=_mosh
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ mosh == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _mosh mosh
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _mosh == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_mosh
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _mosh
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ mosh == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ mosh == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ mosh == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ mosh == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=mosh
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mosh
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_most_recent_file
+compinit:491> _i_name=_most_recent_file
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ -k == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:500> compdef -kna _most_recent_file complete-word '\C-xm'
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case k (a)
+compdef:15> case k (n)
+compdef:15> case k ([pPkK])
+compdef:18> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:24> [[ k == p ]]
+compdef:26> [[ k == P ]]
+compdef:28> [[ k == K ]]
+compdef:31> type=key
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _most_recent_file == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_most_recent_file
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _most_recent_file
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case key (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case key (key)
+compdef:104> [[ 2 -lt 2 ]]
+compdef:110> [[ complete-word == .* ]]
+compdef:114> [[ complete-word == menu-select ]]
+compdef:115> zle -C _most_recent_file .complete-word _most_recent_file
+compdef:117> shift
+compdef:120> i=\C-xm
+compdef:121> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:122> bindkey '\C-xm'
+compdef:122> IFS=' ' +compdef:122> read -A opt
+compdef:123> [[ undefined-key == undefined-key ]]
+compdef:125> bindkey '\C-xm' _most_recent_file
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_mount
+compinit:491> _i_name=_mount
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ mount == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _mount mount umount
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _mount == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_mount
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _mount
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ mount == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ mount == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ mount == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ mount == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=mount
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mount
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ umount == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ umount == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ umount == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ umount == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=umount
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mount
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_mozilla
+compinit:491> _i_name=_mozilla
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ mozilla == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _mozilla mozilla mozilla-firefox mozilla-xremote-client firefox 'iceweasel=firefox'
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 7 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 6 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _mozilla == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_mozilla
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _mozilla
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 5 ))
+compdef:132> [[ mozilla == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ mozilla == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ mozilla == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ mozilla == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=mozilla
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mozilla
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 4 ))
+compdef:132> [[ mozilla-firefox == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ mozilla-firefox == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ mozilla-firefox == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ mozilla-firefox == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=mozilla-firefox
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mozilla
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ mozilla-xremote-client == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ mozilla-xremote-client == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ mozilla-xremote-client == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ mozilla-xremote-client == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=mozilla-xremote-client
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mozilla
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ firefox == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ firefox == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ firefox == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ firefox == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=firefox
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mozilla
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ 'iceweasel=firefox' == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ 'iceweasel=firefox' == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ 'iceweasel=firefox' == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ 'iceweasel=firefox' == *=* ]]
+compdef:156> cmd=iceweasel
+compdef:157> svc=yes
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mozilla
+compdef:164> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:164> _services[$cmd]=firefox
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_mpc
+compinit:491> _i_name=_mpc
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ mpc == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _mpc mpc
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _mpc == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_mpc
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _mpc
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ mpc == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ mpc == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ mpc == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ mpc == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=mpc
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mpc
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_mplayer
+compinit:491> _i_name=_mplayer
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ mplayer == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _mplayer mplayer gmplayer
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _mplayer == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_mplayer
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _mplayer
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ mplayer == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ mplayer == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ mplayer == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ mplayer == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=mplayer
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mplayer
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ gmplayer == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ gmplayer == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ gmplayer == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ gmplayer == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=gmplayer
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mplayer
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_mt
+compinit:491> _i_name=_mt
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ mt == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _mt mt
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _mt == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_mt
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _mt
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ mt == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ mt == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ mt == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ mt == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=mt
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mt
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_mtools
+compinit:491> _i_name=_mtools
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ mattrib == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _mtools mattrib mcopy mdel mdu mcd mdeltree mdir mformat mlabel mmd mmount mmove mrd mread mren mtoolstest mtype
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 19 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 18 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _mtools == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_mtools
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _mtools
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 17 ))
+compdef:132> [[ mattrib == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ mattrib == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ mattrib == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ mattrib == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=mattrib
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mtools
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 16 ))
+compdef:132> [[ mcopy == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ mcopy == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ mcopy == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ mcopy == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=mcopy
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mtools
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 15 ))
+compdef:132> [[ mdel == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ mdel == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ mdel == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ mdel == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=mdel
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mtools
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 14 ))
+compdef:132> [[ mdu == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ mdu == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ mdu == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ mdu == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=mdu
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mtools
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 13 ))
+compdef:132> [[ mcd == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ mcd == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ mcd == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ mcd == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=mcd
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mtools
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 12 ))
+compdef:132> [[ mdeltree == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ mdeltree == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ mdeltree == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ mdeltree == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=mdeltree
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mtools
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 11 ))
+compdef:132> [[ mdir == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ mdir == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ mdir == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ mdir == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=mdir
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mtools
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 10 ))
+compdef:132> [[ mformat == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ mformat == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ mformat == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ mformat == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=mformat
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mtools
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 9 ))
+compdef:132> [[ mlabel == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ mlabel == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ mlabel == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ mlabel == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=mlabel
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mtools
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 8 ))
+compdef:132> [[ mmd == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ mmd == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ mmd == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ mmd == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=mmd
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mtools
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 7 ))
+compdef:132> [[ mmount == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ mmount == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ mmount == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ mmount == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=mmount
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mtools
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 6 ))
+compdef:132> [[ mmove == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ mmove == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ mmove == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ mmove == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=mmove
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mtools
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 5 ))
+compdef:132> [[ mrd == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ mrd == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ mrd == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ mrd == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=mrd
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mtools
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 4 ))
+compdef:132> [[ mread == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ mread == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ mread == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ mread == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=mread
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mtools
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ mren == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ mren == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ mren == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ mren == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=mren
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mtools
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ mtoolstest == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ mtoolstest == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ mtoolstest == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ mtoolstest == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=mtoolstest
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mtools
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ mtype == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ mtype == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ mtype == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ mtype == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=mtype
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mtools
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_mtr
+compinit:491> _i_name=_mtr
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ mtr == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _mtr mtr
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _mtr == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_mtr
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _mtr
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ mtr == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ mtr == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ mtr == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ mtr == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=mtr
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mtr
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_multi_parts
+compinit:491> _i_name=_multi_parts
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _multi_parts
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_mutt
+compinit:491> _i_name=_mutt
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ mutt == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _mutt mutt
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _mutt == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_mutt
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _mutt
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ mutt == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ mutt == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ mutt == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ mutt == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=mutt
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mutt
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_my_accounts
+compinit:491> _i_name=_my_accounts
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _my_accounts
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_mysql_utils
+compinit:491> _i_name=_mysql_utils
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ mysql == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _mysql_utils mysql mysqlshow mysqldump mysqlimport mysqladmin
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 7 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 6 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _mysql_utils == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_mysql_utils
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _mysql_utils
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 5 ))
+compdef:132> [[ mysql == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ mysql == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ mysql == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ mysql == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=mysql
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mysql_utils
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 4 ))
+compdef:132> [[ mysqlshow == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ mysqlshow == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ mysqlshow == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ mysqlshow == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=mysqlshow
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mysql_utils
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ mysqldump == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ mysqldump == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ mysqldump == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ mysqldump == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=mysqldump
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mysql_utils
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ mysqlimport == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ mysqlimport == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ mysqlimport == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ mysqlimport == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=mysqlimport
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mysql_utils
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ mysqladmin == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ mysqladmin == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ mysqladmin == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ mysqladmin == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=mysqladmin
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mysql_utils
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_mysqldiff
+compinit:491> _i_name=_mysqldiff
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ mysqldiff == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _mysqldiff mysqldiff
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _mysqldiff == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_mysqldiff
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _mysqldiff
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ mysqldiff == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ mysqldiff == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ mysqldiff == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ mysqldiff == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=mysqldiff
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_mysqldiff
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_nautilus
+compinit:491> _i_name=_nautilus
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ nautilus == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _nautilus nautilus
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _nautilus == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_nautilus
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _nautilus
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ nautilus == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ nautilus == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ nautilus == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ nautilus == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=nautilus
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_nautilus
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_ncftp
+compinit:491> _i_name=_ncftp
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ ncftp == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _ncftp ncftp lftp
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _ncftp == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_ncftp
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _ncftp
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ ncftp == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ ncftp == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ ncftp == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ ncftp == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=ncftp
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_ncftp
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ lftp == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ lftp == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ lftp == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ lftp == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=lftp
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_ncftp
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_nedit
+compinit:491> _i_name=_nedit
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ nedit == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _nedit nedit 'nedit-nc=nc' 'ncl=nc'
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 5 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _nedit == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_nedit
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _nedit
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ nedit == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ nedit == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ nedit == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ nedit == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=nedit
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_nedit
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ 'nedit-nc=nc' == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ 'nedit-nc=nc' == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ 'nedit-nc=nc' == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ 'nedit-nc=nc' == *=* ]]
+compdef:156> cmd=nedit-nc
+compdef:157> svc=yes
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_nedit
+compdef:164> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:164> _services[$cmd]=nc
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ 'ncl=nc' == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ 'ncl=nc' == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ 'ncl=nc' == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ 'ncl=nc' == *=* ]]
+compdef:156> cmd=ncl
+compdef:157> svc=yes
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_nedit
+compdef:164> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:164> _services[$cmd]=nc
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_net_interfaces
+compinit:491> _i_name=_net_interfaces
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ ifup == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _net_interfaces ifup ifdown
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _net_interfaces == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_net_interfaces
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _net_interfaces
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ ifup == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ ifup == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ ifup == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ ifup == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=ifup
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_net_interfaces
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ ifdown == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ ifdown == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ ifdown == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ ifdown == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=ifdown
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_net_interfaces
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_netcat
+compinit:491> _i_name=_netcat
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ nc == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _netcat nc netcat
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _netcat == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_netcat
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _netcat
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ nc == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ nc == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ nc == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ nc == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=nc
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_netcat
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ netcat == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ netcat == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ netcat == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ netcat == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=netcat
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_netcat
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_netscape
+compinit:491> _i_name=_netscape
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ netscape == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _netscape netscape
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _netscape == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_netscape
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _netscape
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ netscape == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ netscape == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ netscape == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ netscape == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=netscape
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_netscape
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_netstat
+compinit:491> _i_name=_netstat
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ netstat == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _netstat netstat
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _netstat == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_netstat
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _netstat
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ netstat == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ netstat == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ netstat == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ netstat == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=netstat
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_netstat
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_newsgroups
+compinit:491> _i_name=_newsgroups
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _newsgroups
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_next_label
+compinit:491> _i_name=_next_label
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _next_label
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_next_tags
+compinit:491> _i_name=_next_tags
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ -k == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:500> compdef -kna _next_tags list-choices '\C-xn'
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case k (a)
+compdef:15> case k (n)
+compdef:15> case k ([pPkK])
+compdef:18> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:24> [[ k == p ]]
+compdef:26> [[ k == P ]]
+compdef:28> [[ k == K ]]
+compdef:31> type=key
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _next_tags == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_next_tags
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _next_tags
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case key (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case key (key)
+compdef:104> [[ 2 -lt 2 ]]
+compdef:110> [[ list-choices == .* ]]
+compdef:114> [[ list-choices == menu-select ]]
+compdef:115> zle -C _next_tags .list-choices _next_tags
+compdef:117> shift
+compdef:120> i=\C-xn
+compdef:121> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:122> bindkey '\C-xn'
+compdef:122> IFS=' ' +compdef:122> read -A opt
+compdef:123> [[ undefined-key == undefined-key ]]
+compdef:125> bindkey '\C-xn' _next_tags
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_nice
+compinit:491> _i_name=_nice
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ nice == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _nice nice
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _nice == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_nice
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _nice
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ nice == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ nice == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ nice == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ nice == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=nice
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_nice
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_nkf
+compinit:491> _i_name=_nkf
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ nkf == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _nkf nkf
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _nkf == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_nkf
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _nkf
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ nkf == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ nkf == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ nkf == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ nkf == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=nkf
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_nkf
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_nm
+compinit:491> _i_name=_nm
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ nm == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _nm nm
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _nm == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_nm
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _nm
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ nm == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ nm == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ nm == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ nm == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=nm
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_nm
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_nmap
+compinit:491> _i_name=_nmap
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ nmap == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _nmap nmap
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _nmap == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_nmap
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _nmap
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ nmap == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ nmap == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ nmap == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ nmap == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=nmap
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_nmap
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_nmcli
+compinit:491> _i_name=_nmcli
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ nmcli == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _nmcli nmcli
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _nmcli == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_nmcli
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _nmcli
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ nmcli == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ nmcli == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ nmcli == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ nmcli == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=nmcli
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_nmcli
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_normal
+compinit:491> _i_name=_normal
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ -command-line- == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _normal -command-line-
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _normal == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_normal
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _normal
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ -command-line- == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ -command-line- == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ -command-line- == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ -command-line- == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=-command-line-
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_normal
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_nothing
+compinit:491> _i_name=_nothing
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ true == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _nothing true false log times clear logname whoami sync
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 10 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 9 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _nothing == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_nothing
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _nothing
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 8 ))
+compdef:132> [[ true == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ true == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ true == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ true == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=true
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_nothing
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 7 ))
+compdef:132> [[ false == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ false == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ false == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ false == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=false
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_nothing
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 6 ))
+compdef:132> [[ log == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ log == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ log == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ log == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=log
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_nothing
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 5 ))
+compdef:132> [[ times == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ times == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ times == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ times == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=times
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_nothing
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 4 ))
+compdef:132> [[ clear == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ clear == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ clear == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ clear == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=clear
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_nothing
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ logname == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ logname == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ logname == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ logname == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=logname
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_nothing
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ whoami == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ whoami == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ whoami == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ whoami == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=whoami
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_nothing
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ sync == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ sync == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ sync == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ sync == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=sync
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_nothing
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_notmuch
+compinit:491> _i_name=_notmuch
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ notmuch == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _notmuch notmuch
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _notmuch == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_notmuch
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _notmuch
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ notmuch == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ notmuch == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ notmuch == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ notmuch == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=notmuch
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_notmuch
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_npm
+compinit:491> _i_name=_npm
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ npm == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _npm npm
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _npm == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_npm
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _npm
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ npm == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ npm == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ npm == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ npm == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=npm
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_npm
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_nslookup
+compinit:491> _i_name=_nslookup
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ nslookup == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _nslookup nslookup
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _nslookup == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_nslookup
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _nslookup
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ nslookup == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ nslookup == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ nslookup == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ nslookup == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=nslookup
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_nslookup
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_object_classes
+compinit:491> _i_name=_object_classes
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ odmget == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _object_classes odmget odmshow odme
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 5 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _object_classes == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_object_classes
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _object_classes
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ odmget == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ odmget == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ odmget == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ odmget == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=odmget
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_object_classes
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ odmshow == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ odmshow == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ odmshow == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ odmshow == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=odmshow
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_object_classes
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ odme == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ odme == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ odme == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ odme == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=odme
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_object_classes
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_okular
+compinit:491> _i_name=_okular
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ okular == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _okular okular
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _okular == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_okular
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _okular
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ okular == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ okular == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ okular == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ okular == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=okular
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_okular
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_oldlist
+compinit:491> _i_name=_oldlist
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _oldlist
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_open
+compinit:491> _i_name=_open
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ open == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _open open
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _open == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_open
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _open
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ open == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ open == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ open == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ open == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=open
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_open
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_options
+compinit:491> _i_name=_options
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _options
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_options_set
+compinit:491> _i_name=_options_set
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _options_set
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_options_unset
+compinit:491> _i_name=_options_unset
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _options_unset
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_osc
+compinit:491> _i_name=_osc
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ osc == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _osc osc
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _osc == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_osc
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _osc
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ osc == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ osc == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ osc == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ osc == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=osc
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_osc
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_other_accounts
+compinit:491> _i_name=_other_accounts
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ talk == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _other_accounts talk ntalk ytalk
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 5 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _other_accounts == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_other_accounts
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _other_accounts
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ talk == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ talk == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ talk == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ talk == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=talk
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_other_accounts
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ ntalk == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ ntalk == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ ntalk == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ ntalk == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=ntalk
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_other_accounts
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ ytalk == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ ytalk == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ ytalk == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ ytalk == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=ytalk
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_other_accounts
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_pack
+compinit:491> _i_name=_pack
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ pack == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _pack pack unpack 'pcat=unpack'
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 5 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _pack == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_pack
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _pack
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ pack == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ pack == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ pack == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ pack == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=pack
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_pack
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ unpack == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ unpack == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ unpack == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ unpack == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=unpack
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_pack
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ 'pcat=unpack' == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ 'pcat=unpack' == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ 'pcat=unpack' == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ 'pcat=unpack' == *=* ]]
+compdef:156> cmd=pcat
+compdef:157> svc=yes
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_pack
+compdef:164> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:164> _services[$cmd]=unpack
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_parameter
+compinit:491> _i_name=_parameter
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ -parameter- == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _parameter -parameter-
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _parameter == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_parameter
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _parameter
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ -parameter- == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ -parameter- == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ -parameter- == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ -parameter- == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=-parameter-
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_parameter
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_parameters
+compinit:491> _i_name=_parameters
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _parameters
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_patch
+compinit:491> _i_name=_patch
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ patch == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _patch patch
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _patch == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_patch
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _patch
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ patch == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ patch == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ patch == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ patch == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=patch
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_patch
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_path_commands
+compinit:491> _i_name=_path_commands
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _path_commands
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_path_files
+compinit:491> _i_name=_path_files
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _path_files
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_pax
+compinit:491> _i_name=_pax
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ pax == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _pax pax
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _pax == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_pax
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _pax
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ pax == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ pax == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ pax == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ pax == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=pax
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_pax
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_pbm
+compinit:491> _i_name=_pbm
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ -P == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:500> compdef -Pna _pbm '(p[bgpn]m*|*top[bgpn]m)'
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case P (a)
+compdef:15> case P (n)
+compdef:15> case P ([pPkK])
+compdef:18> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:24> [[ P == p ]]
+compdef:26> [[ P == P ]]
+compdef:27> type=postpattern
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _pbm == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_pbm
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _pbm
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case postpattern (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case postpattern (key)
+compdef:83> case postpattern (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ '(p[bgpn]m*|*top[bgpn]m)' == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ '(p[bgpn]m*|*top[bgpn]m)' == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ '(p[bgpn]m*|*top[bgpn]m)' == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case postpattern (pattern)
+compdef:139> case postpattern (postpattern)
+compdef:148> [[ '(p[bgpn]m*|*top[bgpn]m)' == (#b)(*)=(*) ]]
+compdef:151> _postpatcomps[$1]=_pbm
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_pbuilder
+compinit:491> _i_name=_pbuilder
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ pbuilder == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _pbuilder pbuilder
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _pbuilder == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_pbuilder
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _pbuilder
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ pbuilder == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ pbuilder == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ pbuilder == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ pbuilder == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=pbuilder
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_pbuilder
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_pdf
+compinit:491> _i_name=_pdf
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ pdf2dsc == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _pdf pdf2dsc pdf2ps pdfimages pdfinfo pdftopbm pdftops pdftotext pdfopt pdffonts kpdf apvlv evince epdfview
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 15 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 14 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _pdf == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_pdf
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _pdf
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 13 ))
+compdef:132> [[ pdf2dsc == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ pdf2dsc == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ pdf2dsc == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ pdf2dsc == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=pdf2dsc
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_pdf
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 12 ))
+compdef:132> [[ pdf2ps == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ pdf2ps == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ pdf2ps == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ pdf2ps == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=pdf2ps
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_pdf
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 11 ))
+compdef:132> [[ pdfimages == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ pdfimages == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ pdfimages == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ pdfimages == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=pdfimages
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_pdf
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 10 ))
+compdef:132> [[ pdfinfo == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ pdfinfo == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ pdfinfo == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ pdfinfo == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=pdfinfo
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_pdf
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 9 ))
+compdef:132> [[ pdftopbm == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ pdftopbm == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ pdftopbm == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ pdftopbm == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=pdftopbm
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_pdf
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 8 ))
+compdef:132> [[ pdftops == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ pdftops == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ pdftops == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ pdftops == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=pdftops
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_pdf
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 7 ))
+compdef:132> [[ pdftotext == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ pdftotext == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ pdftotext == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ pdftotext == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=pdftotext
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_pdf
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 6 ))
+compdef:132> [[ pdfopt == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ pdfopt == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ pdfopt == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ pdfopt == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=pdfopt
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_pdf
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 5 ))
+compdef:132> [[ pdffonts == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ pdffonts == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ pdffonts == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ pdffonts == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=pdffonts
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_pdf
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 4 ))
+compdef:132> [[ kpdf == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ kpdf == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ kpdf == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ kpdf == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=kpdf
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_pdf
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ apvlv == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ apvlv == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ apvlv == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ apvlv == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=apvlv
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_pdf
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ evince == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ evince == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ evince == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ evince == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=evince
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_pdf
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ epdfview == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ epdfview == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ epdfview == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ epdfview == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=epdfview
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_pdf
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_pdftk
+compinit:491> _i_name=_pdftk
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ pdftk == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _pdftk pdftk
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _pdftk == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_pdftk
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _pdftk
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ pdftk == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ pdftk == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ pdftk == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ pdftk == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=pdftk
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_pdftk
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_perforce
+compinit:491> _i_name=_perforce
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ p4 == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _perforce p4 p4d -value-,P4CLIENT,-default- -value-,P4PORT,-default- -value-,P4MERGE,-default- -value-,P4USER,-default-
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 8 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 7 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _perforce == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_perforce
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _perforce
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 6 ))
+compdef:132> [[ p4 == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ p4 == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ p4 == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ p4 == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=p4
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_perforce
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 5 ))
+compdef:132> [[ p4d == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ p4d == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ p4d == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ p4d == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=p4d
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_perforce
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 4 ))
+compdef:132> [[ -value-,P4CLIENT,-default- == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ -value-,P4CLIENT,-default- == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ -value-,P4CLIENT,-default- == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ -value-,P4CLIENT,-default- == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=-value-,P4CLIENT,-default-
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_perforce
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ -value-,P4PORT,-default- == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ -value-,P4PORT,-default- == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ -value-,P4PORT,-default- == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ -value-,P4PORT,-default- == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=-value-,P4PORT,-default-
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_perforce
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ -value-,P4MERGE,-default- == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ -value-,P4MERGE,-default- == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ -value-,P4MERGE,-default- == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ -value-,P4MERGE,-default- == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=-value-,P4MERGE,-default-
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_perforce
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ -value-,P4USER,-default- == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ -value-,P4USER,-default- == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ -value-,P4USER,-default- == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ -value-,P4USER,-default- == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=-value-,P4USER,-default-
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_perforce
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_perl
+compinit:491> _i_name=_perl
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ perl == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _perl perl
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _perl == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_perl
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _perl
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ perl == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ perl == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ perl == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ perl == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=perl
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_perl
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_perl_basepods
+compinit:491> _i_name=_perl_basepods
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _perl_basepods
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_perl_modules
+compinit:491> _i_name=_perl_modules
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ pmpath == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _perl_modules pmpath pmvers pmdesc pmload pmexp pmeth pmls pmcat pman pmfunc podgrep podtoc podpath
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 15 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 14 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _perl_modules == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_perl_modules
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _perl_modules
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 13 ))
+compdef:132> [[ pmpath == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ pmpath == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ pmpath == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ pmpath == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=pmpath
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_perl_modules
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 12 ))
+compdef:132> [[ pmvers == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ pmvers == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ pmvers == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ pmvers == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=pmvers
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_perl_modules
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 11 ))
+compdef:132> [[ pmdesc == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ pmdesc == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ pmdesc == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ pmdesc == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=pmdesc
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_perl_modules
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 10 ))
+compdef:132> [[ pmload == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ pmload == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ pmload == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ pmload == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=pmload
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_perl_modules
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 9 ))
+compdef:132> [[ pmexp == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ pmexp == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ pmexp == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ pmexp == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=pmexp
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_perl_modules
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 8 ))
+compdef:132> [[ pmeth == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ pmeth == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ pmeth == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ pmeth == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=pmeth
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_perl_modules
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 7 ))
+compdef:132> [[ pmls == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ pmls == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ pmls == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ pmls == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=pmls
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_perl_modules
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 6 ))
+compdef:132> [[ pmcat == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ pmcat == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ pmcat == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ pmcat == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=pmcat
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_perl_modules
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 5 ))
+compdef:132> [[ pman == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ pman == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ pman == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ pman == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=pman
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_perl_modules
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 4 ))
+compdef:132> [[ pmfunc == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ pmfunc == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ pmfunc == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ pmfunc == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=pmfunc
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_perl_modules
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ podgrep == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ podgrep == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ podgrep == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ podgrep == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=podgrep
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_perl_modules
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ podtoc == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ podtoc == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ podtoc == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ podtoc == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=podtoc
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_perl_modules
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ podpath == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ podpath == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ podpath == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ podpath == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=podpath
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_perl_modules
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_perldoc
+compinit:491> _i_name=_perldoc
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ perldoc == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _perldoc perldoc -value-,PERLDOC,-default-
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _perldoc == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_perldoc
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _perldoc
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ perldoc == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ perldoc == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ perldoc == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ perldoc == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=perldoc
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_perldoc
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ -value-,PERLDOC,-default- == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ -value-,PERLDOC,-default- == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ -value-,PERLDOC,-default- == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ -value-,PERLDOC,-default- == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=-value-,PERLDOC,-default-
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_perldoc
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_pfctl
+compinit:491> _i_name=_pfctl
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ pfctl == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _pfctl pfctl
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _pfctl == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_pfctl
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _pfctl
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ pfctl == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ pfctl == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ pfctl == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ pfctl == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=pfctl
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_pfctl
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_pfexec
+compinit:491> _i_name=_pfexec
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ pfexec == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _pfexec pfexec
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _pfexec == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_pfexec
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _pfexec
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ pfexec == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ pfexec == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ pfexec == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ pfexec == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=pfexec
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_pfexec
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_pgrep
+compinit:491> _i_name=_pgrep
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ pgrep == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _pgrep pgrep pkill
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _pgrep == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_pgrep
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _pgrep
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ pgrep == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ pgrep == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ pgrep == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ pgrep == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=pgrep
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_pgrep
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ pkill == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ pkill == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ pkill == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ pkill == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=pkill
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_pgrep
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_php
+compinit:491> _i_name=_php
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ php == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _php php
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _php == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_php
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _php
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ php == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ php == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ php == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ php == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=php
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_php
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_physical_volumes
+compinit:491> _i_name=_physical_volumes
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _physical_volumes
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_pick_variant
+compinit:491> _i_name=_pick_variant
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _pick_variant
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_pids
+compinit:491> _i_name=_pids
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ pflags == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _pids pflags pcred pmap pldd psig pstack pfiles pwdx pstop prun pwait ptree
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 14 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 13 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _pids == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_pids
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _pids
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 12 ))
+compdef:132> [[ pflags == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ pflags == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ pflags == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ pflags == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=pflags
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_pids
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 11 ))
+compdef:132> [[ pcred == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ pcred == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ pcred == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ pcred == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=pcred
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_pids
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 10 ))
+compdef:132> [[ pmap == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ pmap == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ pmap == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ pmap == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=pmap
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_pids
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 9 ))
+compdef:132> [[ pldd == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ pldd == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ pldd == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ pldd == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=pldd
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_pids
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 8 ))
+compdef:132> [[ psig == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ psig == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ psig == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ psig == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=psig
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_pids
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 7 ))
+compdef:132> [[ pstack == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ pstack == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ pstack == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ pstack == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=pstack
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_pids
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 6 ))
+compdef:132> [[ pfiles == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ pfiles == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ pfiles == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ pfiles == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=pfiles
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_pids
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 5 ))
+compdef:132> [[ pwdx == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ pwdx == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ pwdx == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ pwdx == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=pwdx
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_pids
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 4 ))
+compdef:132> [[ pstop == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ pstop == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ pstop == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ pstop == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=pstop
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_pids
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ prun == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ prun == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ prun == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ prun == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=prun
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_pids
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ pwait == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ pwait == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ pwait == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ pwait == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=pwait
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_pids
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ ptree == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ ptree == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ ptree == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ ptree == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=ptree
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_pids
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_pine
+compinit:491> _i_name=_pine
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ pine == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _pine pine pinef
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _pine == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_pine
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _pine
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ pine == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ pine == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ pine == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ pine == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=pine
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_pine
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ pinef == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ pinef == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ pinef == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ pinef == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=pinef
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_pine
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_ping
+compinit:491> _i_name=_ping
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ ping == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _ping ping
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _ping == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_ping
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _ping
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ ping == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ ping == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ ping == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ ping == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=ping
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_ping
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_piuparts
+compinit:491> _i_name=_piuparts
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ piuparts == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _piuparts piuparts
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _piuparts == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_piuparts
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _piuparts
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ piuparts == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ piuparts == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ piuparts == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ piuparts == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=piuparts
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_piuparts
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_pkg-config
+compinit:491> _i_name=_pkg-config
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ pkg-config == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _pkg-config pkg-config
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _pkg-config == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_pkg-config
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _pkg-config
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ pkg-config == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ pkg-config == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ pkg-config == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ pkg-config == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=pkg-config
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_pkg-config
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_pkg5
+compinit:491> _i_name=_pkg5
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ pkg == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _pkg5 pkg
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _pkg5 == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_pkg5
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _pkg5
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ pkg == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ pkg == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ pkg == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ pkg == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=pkg
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_pkg5
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_pkg_instance
+compinit:491> _i_name=_pkg_instance
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _pkg_instance
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_pkgadd
+compinit:491> _i_name=_pkgadd
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ pkgadd == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _pkgadd pkgadd
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _pkgadd == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_pkgadd
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _pkgadd
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ pkgadd == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ pkgadd == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ pkgadd == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ pkgadd == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=pkgadd
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_pkgadd
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_pkginfo
+compinit:491> _i_name=_pkginfo
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ pkginfo == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _pkginfo pkginfo
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _pkginfo == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_pkginfo
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _pkginfo
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ pkginfo == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ pkginfo == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ pkginfo == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ pkginfo == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=pkginfo
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_pkginfo
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_pkgrm
+compinit:491> _i_name=_pkgrm
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ pkgrm == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _pkgrm pkgrm
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _pkgrm == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_pkgrm
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _pkgrm
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ pkgrm == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ pkgrm == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ pkgrm == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ pkgrm == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=pkgrm
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_pkgrm
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_pkgtool
+compinit:491> _i_name=_pkgtool
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ installpkg == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _pkgtool installpkg upgradepkg removepkg pkgtool explodepkg makepkg
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 8 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 7 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _pkgtool == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_pkgtool
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _pkgtool
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 6 ))
+compdef:132> [[ installpkg == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ installpkg == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ installpkg == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ installpkg == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=installpkg
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_pkgtool
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 5 ))
+compdef:132> [[ upgradepkg == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ upgradepkg == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ upgradepkg == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ upgradepkg == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=upgradepkg
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_pkgtool
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 4 ))
+compdef:132> [[ removepkg == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ removepkg == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ removepkg == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ removepkg == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=removepkg
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_pkgtool
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ pkgtool == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ pkgtool == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ pkgtool == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ pkgtool == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=pkgtool
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_pkgtool
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ explodepkg == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ explodepkg == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ explodepkg == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ explodepkg == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=explodepkg
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_pkgtool
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ makepkg == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ makepkg == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ makepkg == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ makepkg == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=makepkg
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_pkgtool
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_pon
+compinit:491> _i_name=_pon
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ pon == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _pon pon poff
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _pon == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_pon
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _pon
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ pon == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ pon == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ pon == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ pon == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=pon
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_pon
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ poff == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ poff == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ poff == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ poff == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=poff
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_pon
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_portaudit
+compinit:491> _i_name=_portaudit
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ portaudit == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _portaudit portaudit
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _portaudit == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_portaudit
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _portaudit
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ portaudit == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ portaudit == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ portaudit == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ portaudit == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=portaudit
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_portaudit
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_portlint
+compinit:491> _i_name=_portlint
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ portlint == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _portlint portlint
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _portlint == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_portlint
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _portlint
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ portlint == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ portlint == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ portlint == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ portlint == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=portlint
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_portlint
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_portmaster
+compinit:491> _i_name=_portmaster
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ portmaster == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _portmaster portmaster
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _portmaster == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_portmaster
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _portmaster
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ portmaster == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ portmaster == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ portmaster == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ portmaster == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=portmaster
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_portmaster
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_ports
+compinit:491> _i_name=_ports
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:497> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:506> autoload -Uz _ports
+compinit:507> [[ '' != # ]]
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_portsnap
+compinit:491> _i_name=_portsnap
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ portsnap == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _portsnap portsnap
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _portsnap == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_portsnap
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _portsnap
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ portsnap == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ portsnap == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ portsnap == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ portsnap == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=portsnap
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_portsnap
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_postfix
+compinit:491> _i_name=_postfix
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ postsuper == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _postfix postsuper
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _postfix == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_postfix
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _postfix
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ postsuper == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ postsuper == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ postsuper == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ postsuper == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=postsuper
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_postfix
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_powerd
+compinit:491> _i_name=_powerd
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ powerd == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _powerd powerd
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _powerd == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_powerd
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _powerd
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ powerd == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ powerd == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ powerd == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ powerd == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=powerd
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_powerd
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_prcs
+compinit:491> _i_name=_prcs
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ prcs == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _prcs prcs
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _prcs == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_prcs
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _prcs
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ prcs == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ prcs == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ prcs == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ prcs == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=prcs
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_prcs
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_precommand
+compinit:491> _i_name=_precommand
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:494> IFS=' ' +compinit:494> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:495> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:496> shift _i_line
+compinit:497> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:499> [[ - == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:502> compdef -na _precommand - nohup eval time rusage noglob nocorrect exec catchsegv aoss hilite
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i 'ret=0' cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 13 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 12 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _precommand == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_precommand
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _precommand
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 11 ))
+compdef:132> [[ - == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ - == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ - == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ - == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=-
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_precommand
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 10 ))
+compdef:132> [[ nohup == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ nohup == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ nohup == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ nohup == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=nohup
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_precommand
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 9 ))
+compdef:132> [[ eval == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ eval == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ eval == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ eval == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=eval
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_precommand
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 8 ))
+compdef:132> [[ time == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ time == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ time == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ time == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=time
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_precommand
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 7 ))
+compdef:132> [[ rusage == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ rusage == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ rusage == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ rusage == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=rusage
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_precommand
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 6 ))
+compdef:132> [[ noglob == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ noglob == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ noglob == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ noglob == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=noglob
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_precommand
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 5 ))
+compdef:132> [[ nocorrect == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ nocorrect == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ nocorrect == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ nocorrect == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=nocorrect
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_precommand
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 4 ))
+compdef:132> [[ exec == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ exec == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ exec == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ exec == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=exec
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_precommand
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ catchsegv == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ catchsegv == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ catchsegv == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ catchsegv == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=catchsegv
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_precommand
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ aoss == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ aoss == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ aoss == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ aoss == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=aoss
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_precommand
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ hilite == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ hilite == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ hilite == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ hilite == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=hilite
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_precommand
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:490> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.0.2/functions/_prefix
+compinit:491> _i_name=_prefix
+compinit:492> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:493> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
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