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Created October 8, 2016 22:14
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# Author : Graham Land
# Date: 08/10/2016
# Purpose: Upload a custom image to K5 Object Storage and then register with K5 Glance
# If the image is greater than 1GB it will be broken down into 1GB chunks
# and then uploaded
# Command line parameters -
# -i image_path
# -c container_name
# -s chunk_size (bytes)
# -n display_name
# -t image_type
# -p project
# Prerequisites: file in the same directory with login details
# adminUser = 'username'
# adminPassword = 'password'
# contract = 'contract_name'
# contractid = 'contract_id'
# defaultid = 'default_project_id'
# project = 'working_project'
# region = 'uk-1'
# blog:
# twitter: @allthingsclowd
import sys
import os
import requests
import uuid
import base64
import time
import getopt
import ntpath
# load your K5 contract details from file
from k5contractsettings import *
# get a scoped auth token
def get_scoped_token(uname,upassword,uproject,udomain,uregion):
identityURL = 'https://identity.' + uregion + ''
response =,
headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json','Accept':'application/json'},
"password": upassword
{ "project":
return response.headers['X-Subject-Token']
def get_unscoped_token(uname,upassword,udomain,uregion):
identityURL = 'https://identity.' + uregion + ''
response =,
headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json','Accept':'application/json'},
"password": upassword
return response.headers['X-Subject-Token']
# get a central identity portal token
def get_unscoped_idtoken(uname,upassword,udomain):
response ='',
headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'},
"password": upassword
return response.headers['X-Access-Token']
# create a container
def create_new_storage_container(adminUser,adminPassword,project,container_name,contract,region):
# get a regional domain scoped token to make queries to facilitate conversion of object names to ids
scoped_k5token = get_scoped_token(adminUser,adminPassword,project,contract,region)
print scoped_k5token
identityURL = 'https://objectstorage.' + region + '' + project + '/' + container_name
print identityURL
response = requests.put(identityURL,
headers={'X-Auth-Token':scoped_k5token,'Content-Type': 'application/json'})
return response
def upload_file_to_container(adminUser,adminPassword,project,container_name,file_name,file_path,contract,region):
# get a regional domain scoped token to make queries to facilitate conversion of object names to ids
scoped_k5token = get_scoped_token(adminUser,adminPassword,project,contract,region)
uploadfile = open(file_path, 'rb')
data =
identityURL = 'https://objectstorage.' + region + '' + project + '/' + container_name + '/' + file_name
response = requests.put(identityURL,
headers={'X-Auth-Token':scoped_k5token,'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream'})
return response
def import_from_container_to_k5(adminUser,adminPassword,project,container_name,file_name,display_name,file_path,os_type,contract,region):
# get a regional domain scoped token to make queries to facilitate conversion of object names to ids
scoped_k5token = get_scoped_token(adminUser,adminPassword,project,contract,region)
k5ContainerURL = '/v1/AUTH_' + project + '/' + container_name + '/' + file_name
image_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
encodedPassword = base64.b64encode(adminPassword)
vmimportURL = 'https://vmimport.' + region + ''
response =,
"conversion": True,
return response.json()
def verify_image_import_status(adminUser,adminPassword,project,image_id,contract,region):
# get a regional domain scoped token to make queries to facilitate conversion of object names to ids
scoped_k5token = get_scoped_token(adminUser,adminPassword,project,contract,region)
vmimportURL = 'https://vmimport.' + region + '' + image_id + '/status'
response = requests.get(vmimportURL,
return response.json()
def upload_manifest_to_container(adminUser,adminPassword,project,container_name,file_name,prefix,contract,region):
# get a regional domain scoped token to make queries to facilitate conversion of object names to ids
scoped_k5token = get_scoped_token(adminUser,adminPassword,project,contract,region)
identityURL = 'https://objectstorage.' + region + '' + project + '/' + container_name + '/' + file_name
response = requests.put(identityURL,
headers={'X-Auth-Token':scoped_k5token,'X-Object-Manifest': container_name + '/' + prefix})
return response
# list items in a container
def view_items_in_storage_container(adminUser,adminPassword,project,container_name,contract,region):
# get a regional domain scoped token to make queries to facilitate conversion of object names to ids
scoped_k5token = get_scoped_token(adminUser,adminPassword,project,contract,region)
identityURL = 'https://objectstorage.' + region + '' + project + '/' + container_name + '?format=json'
response = requests.get(identityURL,
headers={'X-Auth-Token':scoped_k5token,'Content-Type': 'application/json'})
return response
# download item in a container
def download_item_in_storage_container(adminUser,adminPassword,project,container_name,contract,region):
# get a regional domain scoped token to make queries to facilitate conversion of object names to ids
scoped_k5token = get_scoped_token(adminUser,adminPassword,project,contract,region)
identityURL = 'https://objectstorage.' + region + '' + project + '/' + container_name + '/manifest'
print identityURL
response = requests.get(identityURL,
headers={'X-Auth-Token':scoped_k5token,'Content-Type': 'application/json'})
return response
def make_out_filename(prefix, idx):
'''Make a filename with a serial number suffix.'''
return prefix + str(idx).zfill(4)
def bsplit(in_filename, bytes_per_file,os_type):
'''Split the input file in_filename into output files of
bytes_per_file bytes each. Last file may have less bytes.'''
in_fil = open(in_filename, "rb")
outfil_idx = 1
out_filename = make_out_filename(os_type, outfil_idx)
out_fil = open(out_filename, "wb")
byte_count = tot_byte_count = file_count = 0
c =
# Loop over the input and split it into multiple files
# of bytes_per_file bytes each (except possibly for the
# last file, which may have less bytes.
while c != '':
byte_count += 1
# Bump vars; change to next output file.
if byte_count >= bytes_per_file:
tot_byte_count += byte_count
byte_count = 0
file_count += 1
result = upload_file_to_container(adminUser,adminPassword,defaultid,container_name,out_filename,out_filename,contract,region)
print "Uploaded Package - " + str(file_count)
outfil_idx += 1
out_filename = make_out_filename(os_type, outfil_idx)
out_fil = open(out_filename, "wb")
c =
# Clean up.
if not out_fil.closed:
result = upload_file_to_container(adminUser,adminPassword,defaultid,container_name,out_filename,out_filename,contract,region)
print "\nUploaded Package - " + str(file_count)
if byte_count == 0:
# now create manifest file
result = upload_manifest_to_container(adminUser,adminPassword,defaultid,container_name,file_name,os_type,contract,region)
return result
def main():
# ensure minimium commandline paramaters have been supplied
if (len(sys.argv)<6):
print("Usage1: %s -i 'path_to_image' -c 'container_name' -n 'image_display_name' -p '{project1,project2,project3}' -t [ubuntu|centos|rehhat|win2008SE] [-s 'chunk size in bytes'] " % sys.argv[0])
# load the command line parameters
myopts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],"i:c:n:p:t:s:",["imagepath=","container=","name=","projects=","type=","size="])
except getopt.GetoptError:
# if the parameters are incorrect display error message
print("Usage2: %s -i 'path_to_image' -c 'container_name' -n 'image_display_name' -p '{project1,project2,project3}' -t [ubuntu|centos|rehhat|win2008SE] [-s 'chunk size in bytes'] " % sys.argv[0])
# define global variables from the command line parameters
global container_name
global display_name
global bytes_per_file
global os_type
global file_path
global file_name
# set default chunk size for large images that needs to be broken up must be below 5GB for Swift Object Storage
bytes_per_file = 1048576000 #5242880 #1048576000 #262144000 # 250Mb chunks
# o == option
# a == argument passed to the o
for o, a in myopts:
if o in ('-i','--imagepath'):
elif o in ('-c','--container'):
elif o in ('-n','--name'):
elif o in ('-p','--projects'):
elif o in ('-t','--type'):
elif o in ('-s','--size'):
print("Usage3: %s -i 'path_to_image' -c 'container_name' -n 'image_display_name' -p '{project1,project2,project3}' -t [ubuntu|centos|rehhat|win2008SE] [-s 'chunk size in bytes'] " % sys.argv[0])
# extract filename from file path suplied at cli
file_name = ntpath.basename(file_path)
# attempt to read the contents of the container to see if it already exists
result = view_items_in_storage_container(adminUser,adminPassword,defaultid,container_name,contract,region)
# check to see if container already exists, if not then create it
if (result.status_code == 404):
# create container
print "\nCreating new container : " + container_name
result = create_new_storage_container(adminUser,adminPassword,defaultid,container_name,contract,region)
print "\nCreated new container : " + container_name
# check size of file to be uploaded is less than 250GB, if not split into smaller chunks for upload
if (os.path.getsize(file_path) > bytes_per_file):
# loop through image file for multi-part upload
print "\n---------- Starting multi-part file upload to K5 object storage ------ \n"
result = bsplit(file_path, bytes_per_file,os_type)
print "\n---------- Finished multi-part file upload to K5 object storage ------ \n"
# simple file upload to container
print "\n---------- Starting simple file upload to K5 object storage ------ \n"
result = upload_file_to_container(adminUser,adminPassword,defaultid,container_name,file_name,file_path,contract,region)
print "\n---------- Finished simple file upload to K5 object storage ------ \n"
# list container
print "\n---------- List container contents K5 object storage start ------ \n"
result = view_items_in_storage_container(adminUser,adminPassword,defaultid,container_name,contract,region)
print result
print "\n---------- List container contents K5 object storage end ------ \n"
# Register image with K5
print "\n---------- Registering image with K5 ------ \n"
result = import_from_container_to_k5(adminUser,adminPassword,defaultid,container_name,file_name,display_name,file_path,os_type,contract,region)
image_id = result['import_id']
print result
print "\n---------- K5 Image import_id : " + image_id + "\n"
# Get import status
print "\n---------- Check import status ---------- \n\n"
result = verify_image_import_status(adminUser,adminPassword,defaultid,image_id,contract,region)
print result
while ((result['import_status'] != "succeeded") and (result['import_status'] != "failed")):
print "\n---------- Check import status ---------- \n"
result = verify_image_import_status(adminUser,adminPassword,defaultid,image_id,contract,region)
print result
print "End of Import Process - Import status >>> " + result['import_status']
if __name__ == "__main__":
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