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Created April 28, 2014 01:12
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Decaddance Rules in Clojure
(ns decaddance.core
(:require [clojure.math.numeric-tower :as math]
[clojure.set :as set])
(:use [midje.sweet]
[clojure.core.match :only [match]]
(def origin [0 0])
; cardinal directions
(defn north [[x y]] [x (- y 1)])
(defn south [[x y]] [x (+ y 1)])
(defn east [[x y]] [(+ x 1) y])
(defn west [[x y]] [(- x 1) y])
(def orthagonal-adjacent-spaces (juxt north south east west))
(def cardinal-directions [north south east west])
(fact "cardinal directions return a space one removed in the direction of the function"
(north origin) => [0 -1]
(south origin) => [0 1]
(west origin) => [-1 0]
(east origin) => [1 0]
; ordinal directions
(defn north-west [pos] (north (west pos)))
(defn north-east [pos] (north (east pos)))
(defn south-west [pos] (south (west pos)))
(defn south-east [pos] (south (east pos)))
(def ordinal-directions [north-west south-west north-east south-east])
(fact "ordinal directions are convenience functions for diagonals"
(north-west origin) => [-1 -1]
(south-west origin) => [-1 1]
(north-east origin) => [1 -1]
(south-east origin) => [1 1]
(-> (north origin) north-west north-west west) => [-3 -3]
(def compass-directions (into [] (concat cardinal-directions ordinal-directions) ))
(defn translate [[x y] [a b]] [(+ x a) (+ y b)])
(fact "translate sums the scalars in pos1 and pos2"
(translate origin [2 2]) => [2 2]
(translate [1 2] [3 4]) => [4 6]
(defn vect [direction scale]
(let [[x y] (direction origin)]
[(* x scale) (* y scale)]
(fact "vect provides a point scale distance from origin in the direction provided"
(vect south-east 2) => [2 2]
(defn move [pos direction distance]
(translate pos (vect direction distance)))
(fact "move should return a point translated by the vector from the supplied point"
(move [1 2] south-east 2) => [3 4]
(defn distance [[x1 y1] [x2 y2]]
(math/sqrt (+ (math/expt (- x1 x2) 2) (math/expt (- y1 y2) 2))))
(fact "euclidean distance between 2 points"
(distance origin [0 1]) => 1
(defn orthagonally-adjacent? [pos1 pos2]
(= (distance pos1 pos2) 1))
(fact "Orthagonal adjacency refers to the positions 1 space distant in the cardinal directions"
(orthagonally-adjacent? origin [1 0]) => true
(orthagonally-adjacent? origin [1 1]) => false ; diagonally adjacent - but not orthagonal
(defn diagonally-adjacent? [[x1 y1] [x2 y2]]
(and (= (math/abs(- x1 x2)) 1) (= (math/abs(- y1 y2)) 1)))
(fact "If the x difference and y difference are both 1 then the 2 given points are diagonally adjacent"
(diagonally-adjacent? origin [1 0]) => false
(diagonally-adjacent? origin [1 1]) => true ; diagonally adjacent - but not orthagonal
(defn adjacent? [pos1 pos2]
(or (diagonally-adjacent? pos1 pos2) (orthagonally-adjacent? pos1 pos2)))
(fact "Adjacency is defined as being either orthagonally or diagonally adjacent"
(adjacent? origin [1 0]) => true
(adjacent? origin [1 1]) => true ; diagonally adjacent - but not orthagonal
(adjacent? origin [2 2]) => false ;
; list of adjacent spaces
; inbounds?
(defn inbounds? [[x y] [[ulx uly] [lrx lry]]]
(or (nil? x) (nil? y)) false
(and (>= x ulx) (<= lrx) (>= y uly) (<= y lry))
(fact "is pos within bounding box?"
(inbounds? origin [[0 0] [1 1]]) => true
(inbounds? origin [[1 1] [2 2]]) => false
; quad board is a map that takes [x y] as keys and has pieces as values
; and has rectangular bounds
; die piece {:team :value}
(def maxValue 6)
(def minValue 1)
(defn pieceDead? [{value :value}]
(or (> value maxValue) (< value minValue)))
(fact "piece is dead if not in [1-6]"
(pieceDead? {:value 7}) => true
(pieceDead? {:value 0}) => true
(defn orthagonal-adjacent-contents [board pos] ;; ? should this contain nil?
(select-keys board (orthagonal-adjacent-spaces pos))
(let [board {origin {:team 1} [-1 0] {:team 1} [1 0] {:team 1} [2 0] {:team 1}}]
(fact "Non nil spaces orth adj to pos"
(orthagonal-adjacent-contents board origin) => {[-1 0] {:team 1} [1 0] {:team 1}}
(defn has-adjacency? [board pos]
(->> (orthagonal-adjacent-contents board pos)
(< 0 )
(defn adjacent-team-pieces [board pos]
"Give me a map {pos-n piece ...} where each piece has the same team as the piece at pos"
(let [team (:team (board pos))
m (orthagonal-adjacent-contents board pos)
(into #{}
(select-keys m (for [[k v] m :when (= (:team v) team)] k))
(let [board {origin {:team 1} [-1 0] {:team 1} [1 0] {:team 2} [0 1] {:team 1}}]
(fact "Adjacent team pieces have the same team as the given position"
(adjacent-team-pieces board origin) => #{[-1 0] [0 1]}
(defn spiderGroup [{:keys [board todoSet processedSet groupSet inclusion-function bounds], :or {bounds [[-1000 -1000] [1000 1000]] }}]
"Starting with an inital pos in todoSet, collect a group of spaces. The inclusion-function takes a board and pos and returns positions that will be added to the todoSet"
(let [pos (first todoSet)
rest (rest todoSet)
(match [pos rest]
[nil _] groupSet ; no more todos - terminus
(if (not(inbounds? pos bounds)) nil
(let [newTodos (set/difference (inclusion-function board pos) processedSet)
(recur {:board board
:todoSet (set/union newTodos rest)
:processedSet (set/union newTodos processedSet)
:groupSet (set/union groupSet #{pos})
:inclusion-function inclusion-function
:bounds bounds
(defn team-group [board pos]
(spiderGroup {:board board :todoSet #{pos} :processedSet #{} :groupSet #{} :inclusion-function adjacent-team-pieces})
(let [board {origin {:team 1} [-1 0] {:team 1} [1 0] {:team 2} [0 1] {:team 1}}]
(fact "groupMap members will all be adjacent and belong to the same team"
(team-group board [-1 0]) => #{[-1 0] [0 0] [0 1] }
(defn adjacent-empty-spaces [board pos]
(into #{}
(for [direction cardinal-directions
:let [space (direction pos)]
:when (nil? (board (direction pos)))]
(let [board {origin {:team 1 :value 3} [1 0] {:team 1 :value 3} [2 0] {:team 1 :value 4}}
(fact "tridice are 3 continguous pieces in the given direction from the given point"
(adjacent-empty-spaces board [1 0]) => #{[1 -1] [1 1]}
(defn adjacent-same-team-or-nil [board pos]
(set/union (adjacent-empty-spaces board pos) (adjacent-team-pieces board pos)
; TODO circumvallation?
; check adjacent pieces for another team
; group is same team or nil
; see if group space is outside of bounds
(defn encircledSet [board pos bounds]
(->> (spiderGroup {:board board :todoSet #{pos} :processedSet #{} :groupSet #{} :inclusion-function adjacent-same-team-or-nil :bounds bounds})
(remove #(nil? (board %)))
(into #{})
(let [board {
[0 -2] {:team 1 :value 4} [1 -2] {:team 1 :value 3} [2 -2] {:team 1 :value 4}
[0 -1] {:team 1 :value 3} [1 -1] {:team 2 :value 3} [2 -1] {:team 1 :value 4}
[0 0] {:team 1 :value 1} [1 1] {:team 1 :value 3} [2 0] {:team 1 :value 4}
(fact "If the team group has no egress to the edge of the board, it is encircled."
(encircledSet board [1 -1] [[-2 -2] [2 2]]) => #{[1 -1]}
(encircledSet board [1 1] [[-2 -2] [2 2]]) => #{}
(defn tridice-spaces [pos direction]
[pos (direction pos) (direction (direction pos))]
(fact "given a pos, tridice-points are this pos and the next 2 pos in the indicated direction"
(tridice-spaces origin east) => [ [0 0] [1 0] [2 0]]
(defn tridice [board pos direction]
(let [tridice-pieces (select-keys board (tridice-spaces pos direction))
piece-count (count tridice-pieces) ]
(match [piece-count]
[3] tridice-pieces
:else nil
(let [board {origin {:team 1} [1 0] {:team 1} [2 0] {:team 1}}]
(fact "tridice are 3 continguous pieces in the given direction from the given point"
(tridice board origin east) => {[2 0] {:team 1}, [1 0] {:team 1}, [0 0] {:team 1}}
(defn sum-piece-values [pieces]
(->> (map #(get-in pieces [(first %) :value]) pieces)
(reduce +)
(let [pieces {origin {:team 1 :value 3} [1 0] {:team 1 :value 3} [2 0] {:team 1 :value 4}}]
(fact "the result should be the sum of the :value's of the piecess"
(sum-piece-values pieces) => 10
(defn score-tridice [ board pos direction]
(let [tridice (tridice board pos direction)
sum (sum-piece-values tridice)
team (:team (board pos))
value (if tridice
(->> (map #(get-in tridice [(first %) :team]) tridice)
(map #(if (= team %) 1 2) )
(reduce +)
(if (= sum 10) value (- value))
(let [board {origin {:team 1 :value 3} [1 0] {:team 1 :value 3} [2 0] {:team 1 :value 4}}
board2 {origin {:team 2 :value 3} [1 0] {:team 2 :value 3} [2 0] {:team 1 :value 4}}
board3 {origin {:team 1 :value 3} [1 0] {:team 2 :value 3} }
board4 {origin {:team 1 :value 3} [1 0] {:team 2 :value 3} [2 0] {:team 1 :value 3}}
(fact "tridice are 3 continguous pieces in the given direction from the given point"
(score-tridice board origin east) => 3
(score-tridice board2 origin east) => 4
(score-tridice board3 origin east) => 0
(score-tridice board4 origin east) => -4
; if there is at least 1 decatridice - the score is positive - otherwise score
; the position as negative
(defn score-position [board pos]
(let [middle-nw (score-tridice board (south-east pos) north-west)
middle-ne (score-tridice board (south-west pos) north-east)
middle-n (score-tridice board (south pos) north)
middle-e (score-tridice board (west pos) east)
scores (concat (map #(score-tridice board pos %) compass-directions) [middle-nw middle-ne middle-n middle-e])]
(if (some #(> % 0) scores)
(->> (filter #(> % 0) scores)
(reduce +))
(reduce + scores)
(let [board {
[0 -2] {:team 1 :value 4} [1 -2] {:team 1 :value 3} [2 -2] {:team 2 :value 4}
[0 -1] {:team 1 :value 3} [1 -1] {:team 1 :value 3} [2 -1] {:team 2 :value 4}
[0 0] {:team 1 :value 3} [1 0] {:team 1 :value 3} [2 0] {:team 2 :value 4}
board2 {
[0 -2] {:team 1 :value 4} [1 -2] {:team 1 :value 3} [2 -2] {:team 2 :value 4}
[0 -1] {:team 1 :value 3} [1 -1] {:team 1 :value 3} [2 -1] {:team 2 :value 4}
[0 0] {:team 1 :value 1} [1 0] {:team 1 :value 3} [2 0] {:team 2 :value 4}
(fact "tridice are 3 continguous pieces in the given direction from the given point"
(score-position board origin) => 11
(score-position board [1 -1] ) => 8
(score-position board2 origin) => -11
(defn add-piece [board pos piece]
(merge board {pos piece})
(let [board {origin {:team 1} [1 0] {:team 1} [2 0] {:team 1}}]
(fact "adding a piece results in a new board with the added piece"
(add-piece board [3 0] {:team 1}) => {[3 0] {:team 1} [2 0] {:team 1}, [1 0] {:team 1}, [0 0] {:team 1}}
; legalMove? for first die, 2nd-3rd
(defn legal-move? [board moves]
(match [(count moves)]
[0] false
[1] (has-adjacency? board (first moves))
[2] (and (has-adjacency? board (second moves)) (adjacent? (first moves) (second moves)))
[3] (and (has-adjacency? board (last moves)) (or (adjacent? (first moves) (last moves)) (adjacent? (second moves) (last moves))))
(let [board {
[0 -2] {:team 1 :value 4} [1 -2] {:team 1 :value 3} [2 -2] {:team 2 :value 4}
[0 -1] {:team 1 :value 3} [1 -1] {:team 1 :value 3} [2 -1] {:team 2 :value 4}
[0 0] {:team 1 :value 3} [1 0] {:team 1 :value 3} [2 0] {:team 2 :value 4}
board2 (add-piece board [-1 0] {:team 1 :value 4})
board3 (add-piece board [0 1] {:team 1 :value 4})
(fact "First legal move just needs to be adjacent to another piece. 2nd and 3rd need to be adjacent to previous moves this turn"
(legal-move? board []) => false
(legal-move? board [[-1 0]]) => true
(legal-move? board2 [[-1 0] [0 1]]) => true
(legal-move? board3 [[-1 0] [0 1] [0 2]]) => true
; score-circumvallation - add to score pos
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