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Last active May 14, 2018 06:35
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set traning_dir = "/tmp/lwys_corpus";
-- 加载数据
load csv.`/Users/allwefantasy/Downloads/lwys_corpus` options header="true" and delimiter="\t" and quote="'"
as lwys_corpus;
select cut as features,cast(sid as int) as label from lwys_corpus
as orginal_text_corpus;
-- 把文本字段转化为tf/idf向量,可以自定义词典
train orginal_text_corpus as TfIdfInPlace.`${traning_dir}/tfidf`
where inputCol="features"
-- 分词的字典路径,支持多个
and `dic.paths`="....."
-- 停用词路径
and stopWordPath="..."
-- 高权重词路径
and priorityDicPath="...."
-- 高权重词加权倍数
and priority="5.0"
load parquet.`${traning_dir}/tfidf`
as lwys_corpus_with_featurize;
-- 把label转化为递增数字
train lwys_corpus_with_featurize StringIndex.`${traning_dir}/si`
where inputCol="label";
register StringIndex.`${traning_dir}/si` as predict;
select predict(label) as label,features as features from lwys_corpus_with_featurize
as lwys_corpus_final_format;
-- 切分训练集、验证集,该算法会保证每个分类都是按比例切分。
train lwys_corpus_final_format as RateSampler.`${traning_dir}/ratesampler`
where labelCol="label"
and sampleRate="0.9,0.1";
load parquet.`${traning_dir}/ratesampler` as data2;
select * from data2 where __split__=1
as validateTable;
select * from data2 where __split__=0
as trainingTable;
-- 训练,可以配置多个模型同时进行训练
train trainingTable as SKLearn.`${traning_dir}/model`
where `kafkaParam.bootstrap.servers`=""
and `kafkaParam.topic`="test"
and `kafkaParam.group_id`="g_test-1"
and `fitParam.0.batchSize`="300"
and `fitParam.0.labelSize`="41"
and `fitParam.0.alg`="RandomForestClassifier"
and `fitParam.1.batchSize`="300"
and `fitParam.1.labelSize`="41"
and `fitParam.1.alg`="SVM"
and validateTable="validateTable"
and `systemParam.pythonPath`="python"
and `systemParam.pythonVer`="2.7"
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