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Created February 22, 2019 12:21
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# This is required before importing `beeline`. This is due to beeline using
# requests (which includes `urllib3`). `urllib3` will import SSL on start up.
# `gevent` will then try to monkey patch a library which has already been
# imported which can lead to unexpected behaviour. On Python 3.6.* specifically
# this can lead to a RecursionError.
# By calling `gevent.monkey.patch_all()` before importing `beeline`, gevent can
# safely monkey patch and `beeline` will not fail when trying to send events to
# the API.
# See here for more on gevent issue:
import gevent.monkey
import os
import beeline
def post_worker_init(worker):
if os.environ.get('HONEYCOMB_ENABLED', False):
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