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Last active September 10, 2018 21:34
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Implementation of an iterator that yields the lines in a file in reverse order.
Copyright (C) 2018, Almar Klein
BSD licensed.
## ===== The code =====
def readlines_reversed(f):
""" Iterate over the lines in a file in reverse. The file must be
open in 'rb' mode. Yields the lines unencoded (as bytes), including the
newline character. Produces the same result as readlines, but reversed.
If this is used to reverse the line in a file twice, the result is
exactly the same.
head = b"", 2)
t = f.tell()
buffersize, maxbuffersize = 64, 4096
while True:
if t <= 0:
# Read next block
buffersize = min(buffersize * 2, maxbuffersize)
tprev = t
t = max(0, t - buffersize)
lines = - t).splitlines(True)
# Align to line breaks
if not lines[-1].endswith((b"\n", b"\r")):
lines[-1] += head # current tail is previous head
elif head == b"\n" and lines[-1].endswith(b"\r"):
lines[-1] += head # Keep \r\n together
elif head:
head = lines.pop(0) # can be '\n' (ok)
# Iterate over current block in reverse
for line in reversed(lines):
yield line
if head:
yield head
## ===== The tests =====
import io
import random
LINES1 = """
def reversetext(text):
f = io.BytesIO(text.encode())
return b''.join(readlines_reversed(f)).decode()
def splitted(text):
f = io.BytesIO(text.encode())
return list(reversed([line.decode() for line in readlines_reversed(f)]))
def test_readlines_reserved():
# Empty
assert reversetext('') == ''
assert splitted('') == []
# Single chars
for c in 'x \t\r\n€Ř"\\\'"':
assert reversetext(c) == c
assert splitted('x') == ['x']
assert splitted(' ') == [' ']
assert splitted('\n') == ['\n']
assert splitted('\r') == ['\r']
# Few chars
assert splitted('x\n') == ['x\n']
assert splitted('x\r') == ['x\r']
assert splitted('x\r\n') == ['x\r\n']
assert splitted('x\n ') == ['x\n', ' ']
assert splitted('x\r ') == ['x\r', ' ']
assert splitted('x\r\n ') == ['x\r\n', ' ']
# Special cases
assert splitted('\n\n\n') == ['\n', '\n', '\n']
assert splitted('\n\r\r\n') == ['\n', '\r', '\r\n']
assert splitted(' \n ') == [' \n', ' ']
def test_readlines_reserved_random():
alphabet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz €Ř'
def randomtest(maxlines, maxchars):
reflines = []
for i in range(random.randint(1, maxlines)):
line = ''.join(random.choice(alphabet) for j in range(0, maxchars))
line += random.choice(('\r', '\n', '\r\n'))
f = io.BytesIO(''.join(reflines).encode())
reversed_lines = list(line.decode() for line in readlines_reversed(f))
testlines = list(reversed(reversed_lines))
assert len(reflines) == len(testlines)
for i in range(len(reflines)):
assert reflines[i] == testlines[i]
# You want avg number of chars to be >> 4096 (buffersize)
for iter in range(10):
randomtest(25000, 4) # real short lines
for iter in range(10):
randomtest(1250, 80) # pretty normal lines
for iter in range(10):
randomtest(5, 20000) # real long lines
if __name__ == '__main__':
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