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Created October 16, 2023 10:09
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In we tried to find a way
to invalidate numpy/memoryview views when the base memory was released.
This file lists some attempts (and related cases) that demonstrates how
thet do not work.
In the end, we've not found a way to do it.
import ctypes
import numpy as np
import pytest
# This bits that can segfault are inside an IF with this value
def test_fail_array_interface_with_ctypes_array():
# Create an array-like object using __array_interface__,
# with a ctypes array to hold the data, via a real address pointer.
# We cannot invalidate the base array-like object.
class ArrayLike:
def __init__(self):
size = 100
offset = 0
itemsize = 1
self._data = (ctypes.c_uint8 * size)()
readonly = False
typestr = "<b1"
ptr = ctypes.addressof(self._data)
ptr += offset * itemsize
self.__array_interface__ = dict(
descr=[("", typestr)],
data=(ptr, readonly),
def __len__(self):
shape = self.__array_interface__["shape"]
return shape[0] if shape else 0
a = ArrayLike()
# Create numpy view
b = np.asarray(a)
assert b.base is a
b.dtype = np.int16
b.shape = 25, 2
# Set some data
b[:, 1] = 1
# Yes, this changes the original
assert list(a._data)[:8] == [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]
# Try to invalidate the array
a.__array_interface__["shape"] = ()
a.__array_interface__["data"] = None
# Can still set the data
b[:, 1] = 2
# And it has changed the data. If the data would have been really
# released (by the process) this'd likely caused a segfault.
assert list(a._data)[:8] == [0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0]
def test_fail_but_arrays_can_be_resized_so_how_does_that_work():
# Arrays can be resized, so how does that work with views?
# Arrays cannot be resized when they have views on them.
# Create an array
a = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4], np.int32)
# We can resize it
# Create a view on it
b = a.view()
assert b.base is a
# Cannot resize now, because it has a view - it checks back references!
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
# For context, it is possible to override the behavior, but when
# you now try to use the arrays, it will segfault at some point.
# a.resize((4, ), refcheck=False)
def test_fail_make_array_readonly():
# Arrays can be set readonly, how does that affect views on that array?
# It does not :)
# Create an array
a = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4], np.int32)
# And a view on it
b = a.view()
assert b.base is a
# Can modify the view
a[0] = 11
b[1] = 12
assert list(a[0:2]) == [11, 12]
# Now set the base array to readonly
a.flags.writeable = False
# Indeed cannot set array
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
a[0] = 13
# But can still set the view!
b[1] = 14
assert list(a[0:2]) == [11, 14]
def test_fail_memoryview_can_be_released():
# Memoryviews can be released, how does that affect the views?
# It does not really affect them.
# Create a memoryview
a = memoryview((ctypes.c_uint8 * 100)()).cast("B")
# Create a view on it, via a cast
b = a.cast("h")
# Create another view on it, now a numpy array
c = np.frombuffer(a, dtype=np.int16)
# assert c.base is a -- apparently not, but we check in a moment that its actually a view
# And again, but via a different API
d = np.asarray(a)
d.dtype = np.int16
# assert d.base is a -- nope
# Can change the data, so c and d are indeed views
a[0] = 1
b[1] = 2
c[2] = 3
d[3] = 4
assert a.tolist()[:8] == [1, 0, 2, 0, 3, 0, 4, 0]
# Now release the memory
# It works on the memoryview itself!
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
a[0] = 11
# But not on the memoryview view
b[1] = 12
# And also not on the np array views
c[2] = 13
d[3] = 14
def test_cannot_subclass_memoryview():
# So any solutions in that direction can be discarted.
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
class ArrayLike(memoryview):
def test_fail_memoryview_wrapped_in_array_interface():
# An array_interface can either point to a memory address or wrap
# a buffer-like object. I'd swear that I had this setup working in
# the sense that the views could not write after the memoryview was
# released, but I cannot reproduce it, so I must have seen something
# else.
class ArrayLike:
def __init__(self, size):
self._data = memoryview((ctypes.c_uint8 * size)()).cast("B")
self.__array_interface__ = dict(
descr=[("", "<b1")],
def release(self):
a = ArrayLike(100)
b = np.asarray(a).view(dtype=np.int16)
# Can change via the view
b[0] = 7
assert a._data.tolist()[:2] == [7, 0]
# Can invalidate
# But can still write :(
b[0] = 8
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