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Created January 12, 2018 22:38
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Efficient JavaScript implementation of Base64 encoding/decoding of bytes (Uint8Array)
"use strict";
function base64encode(b, last_two) {
"use strict";
console.assert(b.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT == 1);
// Most Base64 encoders use +/ for the last two characters, but not all
if (last_two === undefined) last_two = '+/';
// Init charcodes array
var chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789" + last_two;
var charcodes = new Uint8Array(64);
for (var k=0; k<64; k++) charcodes[k] = chars.charCodeAt(k);
// Init result string, as a typed array of ASCII values
var s = new Uint8Array(Math.ceil(b.length / 3) * 4);
// Init
var b1, b2, b3;
var i = 0; // The byte index
var j = 0; // The string index
// Iterate over bytes
while (i < b.length) {
// Sample bytes, out of bounds are mapped to zero
b1 = b[i+0] || 0; b2 = b[i+1] || 0; b3 = b[i+2] || 0;
i += 3;
// Encode and assign
s[j+0] = charcodes[( b1 >> 2 ) & 0x3F];
s[j+1] = charcodes[( ( b1 & 0x3 ) << 4 ) | ( ( b2 >> 4 ) & 0xF )];
s[j+2] = charcodes[( ( b2 & 0xF ) << 2 ) | ( ( b3 >> 6 ) & 0x3 )];
s[j+3] = charcodes[b3 & 0x3F];
j += 4;
// Replace stub bytes with the padding char
for (var k=0; k<(i-b.length); k++) s[s.length-k-1] = '61';
// Convert to string
return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, s);
function base64decode(s, last_two) {
"use strict";
// Most Base64 encoders use +/ for the last two characters, but not all
if (last_two === undefined) last_two = '+/';
var charcode62 = last_two.charCodeAt(0), charcode63 = last_two.charCodeAt(1);
// Allocate byte array, with a length as large as it can possibly become
var b = new Uint8Array(Math.floor((s.length / 4) * 3));
// Init
var i = 0; // The number of bytes (and byte index)
var j = 0; // The index into the string
var c, cc = new Array(4); // to store character codes (ints)
// Iterate while there are chars left
while (j < s.length) {
// Collect 4 (or less) characters
var charcount = 0;
while (charcount < 4 && j < s.length) {
c = s.charCodeAt(j++);
if (c >= 65 && c <=90) c -= 65; // A-Z: 0-25
else if (c >=97 && c<=122) c -= 71; // a-z: 26-51
else if (c >=48 && c<=57) c += 4; // 0-9: 52-61
else if (c == charcode62) c = 62;
else if (c == charcode63) c = 63;
else continue; // skip other chars, like newline, padding, or other
cc[charcount] = c;
charcount += 1;
// At the end, we may not have enough chars, zero these values
if (charcount != 4) for (var k=charcount; k<4; k++) cc[k] = 0;
// Calculate the 3 byte values
b[i+0] = (cc[0] << 2) | (cc[1] >> 4);
b[i+1] = ((cc[1] & 15) << 4) | (cc[2] >> 2);
b[i+2] = ((cc[2] & 3) << 6) | cc[3];
// Next i (4 chars -> 3 bytes, 3 chars -> 2 bytes, 2 chars -> 1 byte)
i += charcount - 1;
// Return view that has the correct length, but on same data buffer.
// The unused memory should be marginal, so making a copy not worth it.
return new Uint8Array(b.buffer, 0, i);
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