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Created December 19, 2021 14:54
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package main
import (
func permutations(data []int) [][]int {
if len(data) == 0 {
return nil
perms := make([][]int, 1)
perms[0] = []int{data[0]}
for _, nextElement := range data[1:] {
allOnLevel := make([][]int, 0)
for _, permutation := range perms {
singlePermExp := make([][]int, 0)
for inserPos := 0; inserPos < len(permutation)+1; inserPos++ {
nxtPerm := make([]int, len(permutation)+1)
nxtPerm[inserPos] = nextElement
copy(nxtPerm[0:inserPos], permutation[0:inserPos])
copy(nxtPerm[inserPos+1:], permutation[inserPos:])
singlePermExp = append(singlePermExp, nxtPerm)
allOnLevel = append(allOnLevel, singlePermExp...)
perms = allOnLevel
return perms
type Rotation struct {
d []int
sign []int
func NewRotationa(x, y, z, sx, sy, sz int) Rotation {
return Rotation{
d: []int{x, y, z},
sign: []int{sx, sy, sz},
func AllRotations() []Rotation {
allTranslations := permutations([]int{0, 1, 2})
rot := make([]Rotation, 0)
signs := [][]int{
{-1, -1, -1},
{1, -1, -1},
{1, 1, -1},
{1, 1, 1},
{-1, 1, 1},
{-1, -1, 1},
{-1, 1, -1},
{1, -1, 1},
for _, v := range allTranslations {
for _, s := range signs {
rot = append(rot, NewRotationa(v[0], v[1], v[2], s[0], s[1], s[2]))
return rot
type Coord []int
type CoordStruct struct {
x, y, z int
func NewCoord(x, y, z int) Coord {
return Coord([]int{x, y, z})
func (c Coord) ToStruct() CoordStruct {
return CoordStruct{c[0], c[1], c[2]}
func (c Coord) Equals(oc Coord) bool {
return c[0] == oc[0] && c[1] == oc[1] && c[2] == oc[2]
func (c Coord) Add(oc Coord) Coord {
return Coord([]int{c[0] + oc[0], c[1] + oc[1], c[2] + oc[2]})
func (c Coord) Sub(oc Coord) Coord {
return Coord([]int{c[0] - oc[0], c[1] - oc[1], c[2] - oc[2]})
func (c Coord) Rotate(r Rotation) Coord {
c1 := NewCoord(0, 0, 0)
c1[r.d[0]] = c[0] * r.sign[0]
c1[r.d[1]] = c[1] * r.sign[1]
c1[r.d[2]] = c[2] * r.sign[2]
return c1
func Contains(beacons []Coord, c Coord) bool {
for _, c2 := range beacons {
if c.Equals(c2) {
return true
return false
type Scanner struct {
beacons []Coord
func readInput(input string) []Scanner {
bytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(input)
if err != nil {
unsfeAtoi := func(s string) int {
r, _ := strconv.Atoi(s)
return r
scanners := make([]Scanner, 0)
for _, scannerData := range strings.Split(string(bytes), "\n\n") {
lines := strings.Split(scannerData, "\n")
scanner := Scanner{}
// = unsfeAtoi(strings.Split(lines[0], " ")[2])
for _, coordStr := range lines[1:] {
if len(coordStr) == 0 {
c := strings.Split(coordStr, ",")
scanner.beacons = append(scanner.beacons, Coord{unsfeAtoi(c[0]), unsfeAtoi(c[1]), unsfeAtoi(c[2])})
scanners = append(scanners, scanner)
return scanners
const SCANNER_STEP = 12
func task(input string) {
Scanners := readInput(input)
NumberOfScanners := len(Scanners)
Locations := make([]Coord, NumberOfScanners)
Locations[0] = Coord{0, 0, 0}
Rotations := make([]Rotation, NumberOfScanners)
Rotations[0] = NewRotationa(0, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1)
// Compare everything with everything
// sc1 location is "known"
// In first iteration scanner 0 is at 0,0,0, has all magnetic "normal"
// and is source of truth
for {
for sc1 := 0; sc1 < NumberOfScanners; sc1++ {
//It is unknonw yet
if Locations[sc1] == nil {
//build points in global "space"
knowInGlobalSpace := make([]Coord, 0)
for _, b := range Scanners[sc1].beacons {
el := Locations[sc1].Add(b.Rotate(Rotations[sc1]))
knowInGlobalSpace = append(knowInGlobalSpace, el)
for sc2 := 0; sc2 < NumberOfScanners; sc2++ {
if sc1 == sc2 || Locations[sc2] != nil {
// fmt.Printf("Trying scanners %d with %d\n", sc1, sc2)
// Need to try in all orientations
for _, potentialRotationt := range AllRotations() {
//transform them
unknownInGlobalSpace := make([]Coord, 0)
for _, p2 := range Scanners[sc2].beacons {
el := p2.Rotate(potentialRotationt)
unknownInGlobalSpace = append(unknownInGlobalSpace, el)
// Try to find coverage between scanners
for i := 0; i < len(knowInGlobalSpace); i++ {
for j := 0; j < len(unknownInGlobalSpace); j++ {
// fmt.Printf("Beacon %d to beacon %d\n", i, j)
// If those two maps, this vector needs to be attached to other
shift := knowInGlobalSpace[i].Sub(unknownInGlobalSpace[j])
matchesCounter := 0
for k := 0; k < len(unknownInGlobalSpace); k++ {
pt := unknownInGlobalSpace[k].Add(shift)
if Contains(knowInGlobalSpace, pt) {
matchesCounter += 1
if matchesCounter >= SCANNER_STEP {
if matchesCounter >= SCANNER_STEP {
Locations[sc2] = shift
Rotations[sc2] = potentialRotationt
all_nonNil := true
for _, c := range Locations {
if c == nil {
all_nonNil = false
if all_nonNil {
//count beacons
allBeacons := make(map[CoordStruct]bool)
for i, scanner := range Scanners {
for _, coord := range scanner.beacons {
k := Locations[i].Add(coord.Rotate(Rotations[i])).ToStruct()
allBeacons[k] = true
beaconCounter := 0
for range allBeacons {
beaconCounter += 1
fmt.Printf("Day19 task1 %s: %v\n", input, beaconCounter)
maxDis := -1
for sc1 := range Locations {
for sc2 := range Locations {
coord := Locations[sc1].Sub(Locations[sc2]).ToStruct()
newDis := math.Abs(float64(coord.x)) + math.Abs(float64(coord.y)) + math.Abs(float64(coord.z))
if newDis > float64(maxDis) {
maxDis = int(newDis)
fmt.Printf("Day19 task2 %s: %v\n", input, maxDis)
func main() {
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