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Created December 9, 2021 17:59
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package main
import (
type Cave = [][]int
func adjacent(cave Cave, p point) []point {
adjacents := make([]point, 0, 4)
len_y := len(cave)
len_x := len(cave[p.y])
if 0 <= p.y-1 {
adjacents = append(adjacents, point{p.x, p.y - 1})
if p.y+1 < len_y {
adjacents = append(adjacents, point{p.x, p.y + 1})
if 0 <= p.x-1 {
adjacents = append(adjacents, point{p.x - 1, p.y})
if p.x+1 < len_x {
adjacents = append(adjacents, point{p.x + 1, p.y})
return adjacents
func readInput(input string) Cave {
bytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(input)
if err != nil {
lines := strings.Split(string(bytes), "\n")
cave := make(Cave, 0)
for _, line := range lines {
row := make([]int, 0, 16)
for _, rune := range line {
height, err := strconv.Atoi(string(rune))
if err != nil {
row = append(row, height)
cave = append(cave, row)
return cave
type point struct {
x, y int
func findLowpoints(cave Cave) []point {
lowpoints := make([]point, 0)
for y, yend := 0, len(cave)-1; y <= yend; y++ {
for x, xend := 0, len(cave[y])-1; x <= xend; x++ {
curr := cave[y][x]
//look up
if y != 0 && cave[y-1][x] <= curr {
//look down
if y != yend && cave[y+1][x] <= curr {
//look left
if x != 0 && cave[y][x-1] <= curr {
//look right
if x != xend && cave[y][x+1] <= curr {
// fmt.Printf("Low point x:%d, y:%d - %d\n", x, y, curr)
lowpoints = append(lowpoints, point{x, y})
// fmt.Println()
return lowpoints
func alreadyVisited(p point, points []point) bool {
for _, v := range points {
if p == v {
return true
return false
func Task1(input string) {
cave := readInput(input)
lowpoint := findLowpoints(cave)
totalRisk := 0
for _, v := range lowpoint {
totalRisk += 1 + cave[v.y][v.x]
fmt.Printf("Day9 task1 file: %s: %d\n", input, totalRisk)
func Task2(input string) {
cave := readInput(input)
lowpoints := findLowpoints(cave)
basin_sizes := make([]int, 0)
for _, lp := range lowpoints {
// fmt.Printf("Finding basin for lp %v=%v\n", lp, cave[lp.y][lp.x])
visited := make([]point, 0)
to_visit := make([]point, 0)
basin := make([]point, 0)
to_visit = append(to_visit, lp)
basin = append(basin, lp)
for len(to_visit) > 0 {
visiting := to_visit[0]
to_visit = to_visit[1:]
for _, adj := range adjacent(cave, visiting) {
height := cave[adj.y][adj.x]
if height == 9 {
if alreadyVisited(adj, visited) {
if !alreadyVisited(adj, basin) {
basin = append(basin, adj)
visited = append(visited, visiting)
to_visit = append(to_visit, adj)
// fmt.Println(len(basin))
basin_sizes = append(basin_sizes, len(basin))
sort.Slice(basin_sizes, func(i, j int) bool { return basin_sizes[i] > basin_sizes[j] })
fmt.Printf("Top3: %v\n", basin_sizes[:3])
fmt.Printf("Day9 task2 %s: %d\n", input, basin_sizes[0]*basin_sizes[1]*basin_sizes[3])
func main() {
// contain
// Task1("example.txt")
// Task1("input.txt")
// Task2("example.txt")
// Task2("input.txt")
// cave := readInput("example.txt")
// fmt.Println(adjacent(cave, 8, 3))
// fmt.Printf("%v", alreadyVisited(point{0, 0}, []point{{0, 1}, {0, 0}}))
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