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Created December 1, 2012 21:03
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# Another from Programming Pearls (again, my attempt before reading
# the rest of the chapter). Rotate a vector left in place by some
# amount without using extra memory proportional to the length of the
# input vector and while running in in O(n)
def rotate_left(vec, n):
i = 0
start = 0
letter = vec[i]
seen = 0
while True:
seen += 1
i = (i - n) % len(vec)
newletter = vec[i]
vec[i] = letter
letter = newletter
# We've looped back to where we started
if i == start:
# Have we seen all the items in the vector yet?
if seen == len(vec):
start = i = start+1
letter = vec[i]
return vec
print "".join(rotate_left(list("abcdefgh"), 3))
# Can also rotate right
print "".join(rotate_left(list("abcdefgh"), -2))
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