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Working from home

Alberto Luebbert M. almsx

Working from home
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* We're going to create an infinite scrollable list. In this case, we're going to show a date. When you swipe left,
* you'll see yesterday. Then the day before yesterday, and so on. Swiping right shows you tomorrow, and so on.
var win = Ti.UI.createWindow({ backgroundColor: '#fff' });
var isAndroid = Ti.Platform.osname === 'android';
* Track where we are in the infinite scrollable views, and define how large of a step goes between each view.
var currentDate = new Date(), msIntervalBetweenViews = 1000/*ms*/ * 60/*s*/ * 60/*m*/ * 24/*h*/;
almsx / app.js
Last active August 29, 2015 14:06 — forked from benbahrenburg/app.js
//This is the app.js you can use for testing
var win = Titanium.UI.createWindow({
var btnAuthorization = Titanium.UI.createButton({
title:'Authorization Check', left:25,right:25, top:80
Define our various sizes.
var AndroidSizes = {
'android/images/res-ldpi/splash.9.png': 240,
'android/images/res-mdpi/splash.9.png': 360,
'android/images/res-hdpi/splash.9.png': 480,
'android/images/res-xhdpi/splash.9.png': 720,
'android/images/res-xxhdpi/splash.9.png': 960,
'android/images/res-xxxhdpi/splash.9.png': 1440
Define our various sizes.
var AndroidSizes = {
'android/images/res-ldpi/splash.9.png': 240,
'android/images/res-mdpi/splash.9.png': 360,
'android/images/res-hdpi/splash.9.png': 480,
'android/images/res-xhdpi/splash.9.png': 720,
'android/images/res-xxhdpi/splash.9.png': 960,
'android/images/res-xxxhdpi/splash.9.png': 1440
Download the following ZIPs:
ARM Translation Installer v1.1 (
Download the correct GApps for your Android version:
Google Apps for Android 5.0 ( -
Google Apps for Android 4.4.4 ( -
Google Apps for Android 4.3 ( -
Google Apps for Android 4.2 ( -
Google Apps for Android 4.1 ( -
* Appcelerator Titanium example of custom confirm dialog for TableView's delete events.
* Asks to confirm/cancel a delete operation. On cancel restores the deleted row in
* its former position in the table data.
* @Copyleft 2013 Patrick De Marta
* @License GNU GPL
var win = Titanium.UI.createWindow({
#!/usr/bin/env sh
# checks to see if running
launchctl list | grep mongo
launchctl unload ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.mongodb.plist
launchctl remove homebrew.mxcl.mongodb
pkill -f mongod
almsx / gist:3aac28bdd130dab2ed9b
Created October 6, 2015 23:18 — forked from daicham/gist:10253947
SSH config for connecting github and bitbucket over proxy
ProxyCommand "C:\Program Files\git\bin\connect.exe" -H %h %p
Port 443
IdentityFile C:\Users\hoge\.ssh\id_rsa
Port 443
IdentityFile C:\Users\hoge\.ssh\id_rsa
almsx / PagingControl.js
Created March 10, 2017 02:24 — forked from raulriera/PagingControl.js
Custom paging control for scrollableViews for Titanium Appcelerator
// I was unhappy about there was close to no control over the "pageControl"
// in scrollableViews, so I hacked my own
// -----
// Configuration
var pageColor = "#c99ed5";
PagingControl = function(scrollableView){
var container = Titanium.UI.createView({
height: 60