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Created January 11, 2014 00:57
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No name iframe
* Sets an iFrame ID to no_name_iframe if there is no ID. You can then add a Switch to iFrame step after it using the na_name_iframe ID.
* @Given /^I the set the iframe located in element with an id of "([^"]*)"$/
public function iSetTheIframeLocatedInElementWithAnIdOf($element_id) {
$check = 1; //@todo need to check using js if exists
if($check <= 0) {
throw new \Exception('Element not found');
} else {
$javascript = <<<JS
var elem = document.getElementById('$element_id');
var iframes = elem.getElementsByTagName('iframe');
var f = iframes[0]; = "no_name_iframe";
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lexcast commented Apr 29, 2015


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Come up to this solution:

 * @Given I switch to iframe with locator :locator
 * CSS, xPath values input
 * @param String $locator
public function iSwitchToIFrameWithLocator($locator)
    $value = $this->takeValueFromIniFile('locators', $locator);
    $iframe = $this->getSession()->getPage()->find("css", $value);
    $iframeName = $iframe->getAttribute("name");

    if ($iframeName == "") {
        echo "\n\niFrame has no name. Let's name it.\n\n";
        $javascript = "(function(){
        console.log('JS code works. First line.');
        var iframes = document.getElementsByTagName('iframe');
        for (var i = 0; i < iframes.length; i++) {
            iframes[i].name = 'iframe_number_' + (i + 1) ;
        $iframe = $this->getSession()->getPage()->find("css", $value);
        $iframeName = $iframe->getAttribute("name");
        echo "\n\niFrame has new name:  " . $iframeName . "\n\n";
    } else {
        echo "\n\niFrame already has a name: " . $iframeName . "\n\n";


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