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Working from home

Aleksei Lobanov alobanov

Working from home
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alobanov /
Last active August 16, 2024 12:00


Let me introduce myself: I am a mobile engineer, currently located in Serbia, Novi Sad. My real passion is creating applications with an interface that should be easy to use. I have a full understanding the process of software engineering, development life cycle. I am always ready to give designers and managers an advice, that helps to understand how an app should work and how to make it look better. I have a lot of experience in agile environment. It helps to meet the deadline and find better solutions for a project. I am also good as a team-player and in working individually.

  • Date of birthday: 06.05.1987
  • Desired position : Mobile Developer (Software Engineer / Flutter)
  • Contacts:

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am alobanov on github.
  • I am robotlegs ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASAJw2lMrtfotr_AXq0swF_jKdscm_OxPh-1uwL0IwM9owo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

alobanov / DelayType.swift
Created August 8, 2018 08:23
Refresh auth token
enum DelayType {
case immediate()
case constant(time: Double)
case exponential(initial: Double, multiplier: Double, maxDelay: Double)
case custom(closure: (Int) -> Double)
extension DelayType {
func make(_ attempt: Int) -> Double {
switch self {
alobanov / Middleware.swift
Created November 14, 2017 15:09
Middleware example
class CheckNilMiddleware: Middleware {
override func check(value: MiddlewareItem) -> MiddlewareItem {
switch value {
case .value(let str):
if str == nil {
return .error("Значение равно nil")
default: break
alobanov / СompositeTableDatasource.swift
Last active November 8, 2017 08:51
Пример создания
// создаем корневой контейнер
self.datasource = BaseCompoundItem()
// создаем модели секции
let section1 = SectionCompoundItem(identifier: "Section1", header: "Вселенная MARVEL", footer: "Marvel Comics — американская компания, издающая комиксы, подразделение корпорации «Marvel Entertainment»")
let section2 = SectionCompoundItem(identifier: "Section2", header: "Вселенная DC", footer: "DC Comics — одно из крупнейших и наиболее популярных издательств комиксов, наравне с Marvel Comics")
// создаем модели ячеек
let cap = CellCompoundItem(identifier: "cell2", cellIdentifier: "CellID", title: "Captain America", subtitle: "Стивен Роджерс")
let batman = CellCompoundItem(identifier: "cell5", cellIdentifier: "CellID", title: "Batman", subtitle: "Брюс Вэйн")
alobanov / CellCompoundItem.swift
Last active November 3, 2017 14:15
Модель ячейки
// Сделаем нашей модели read only протокол, только с необходимыми полями
protocol CellCompoundItemProtocol {
var title: String? {get}
var subtitle: String? {get}
var cellIdentifier: String {get}
class CellCompoundItem: CompoundItemProtocol, CellCompoundItemProtocol {
private let decoratedComposite: CompoundItemProtocol
var title: String?
alobanov / SectionCompoundItem.swift
Last active November 8, 2017 07:35
Модель секции
// Сделаем нашей модели read only протокол, только с необходимыми полями
protocol SectionCompoundItemProtocol {
var header: String? {get}
var footer: String? {get}
class SectionCompoundItem: CompoundItemProtocol {
private let decoratedComposite: CompoundItemProtocol
// основные поля которые мы добавили с помощью декоратора
alobanov / BaseCompoundItem.swift
Last active November 3, 2017 13:51
Базовая модель которая реализует общий протокол CompoundItemProtocol
class BaseCompoundItem: CompoundItemProtocol {
var children: [CompoundItemProtocol] = []
let level: CompoundItemLevel
let identifier: String
var items: [CompoundItemProtocol] {
return children
// инициализация без параметров создает рутовый элемент структуры
alobanov / CompoundItemProtocol.swift
Last active November 3, 2017 13:51
Общий интерфейс компонентов. Composite
// уровень вложенности
enum CompoundItemLevel {
case root, section, item
protocol CompoundItemProtocol {
// уникальный идентификатор
var identifier: String {get}
// уровень на котором находится элемент
var level: CompoundItemLevel {get}
alobanov / ChainOfResponsibility.swift
Last active October 24, 2017 11:58
🐝 Цепочка обязанностей — это поведенческий паттерн, позволяющий передавать запрос по цепочке потенциальных обработчиков, пока один из них не обработает запрос.
//: Playground - noun: a place where people can play
import UIKit
enum ChainResult {
case error(NSError)
case success
class ValidationValue {