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Created August 26, 2021 15:23
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Create a simple Pagination - golang programming
package main
import (
_ ""
// DB connection
var DB *sql.DB
func main() {
var err error
// Define a new command-line flag with the name 'addr', a default value of ":4000"
// and some short help text explaining what the flag controls. The value of the
// flag will be stored in the addr variable at runtime.
addr := flag.String("addr", ":8080", "HTTP network address")
// Use log.New() to create a logger for writing information messages. This takes
// three parameters: the destination to write the logs to (os.Stdout), a string
// prefix for message (INFO followed by a tab), and flags to indicate what
// additional information to include (local date and time). Note that the flags
// are joined using the bitwise OR operator |.
// InfoLog = log.New(os.Stdout, "INFO\t", log.Ldate|log.Ltime|log.Lshortfile)
infoLog := log.New(os.Stdout, "INFO\t", log.Ldate|log.Ltime|log.Llongfile)
// Create a logger for writing error messages in the same way, but use stderr as
// the destination and use the log.Lshortfile flag to include the relevant
// file name and line number.
errLog := log.New(os.Stderr, "ERROR\t", log.Ldate|log.Ltime|log.Llongfile)
mux := pat.New()
// userHandler
// mux.Get("/user", http.HandlerFunc(user.Get))
mux.Get("/user/create", http.HandlerFunc(CreateUser))
mux.Get("/user", http.HandlerFunc(GetUser))
// Importantly, we use the flag.Parse() function to parse the command-line flag.
// This reads in the command-line flag value and assigns it to the addr
// variable. You need to call this *before* you use the addr variable
// otherwise it will always contain the default value of ":4000". If any errors are
// encountered during parsing the application will be terminated.
// sqlite
DB, err = sql.Open("sqlite3", "alochym.db")
if err != nil {
defer DB.Close()
infoLog.Println("starting server on", *addr)
err = http.ListenAndServe(*addr, mux)
// User models
type User struct {
ID int
Name string
Email string
Password string
// Pagination Object
type Pagination struct {
Next int
Previous int
RecordPerPage int
CurrentPage int
TotalPage int
// Get all User accounts
func (u User) Get(page int) (interface{}, error) {
var (
// Create empty Album
record = User{}
// Create empty slice Album
users = []User{}
data = map[string]interface{}{}
limit := 10
offset := limit * (page - 1)
data["Page"] = *pagination("users", limit, page)
// sqlstmt - Avoid SQL Injection Attack
// Using limit and offset to get records
sqlstmt := fmt.Sprintf("SELECT id, name, email FROM users order by id desc limit %d offset %d", limit, offset)
rows, _ := DB.Query(sqlstmt)
// close rows query
defer rows.Close()
for rows.Next() {
err := rows.Scan(&record.ID, &record.Name, &record.Email)
if err != nil {
// check server err
return nil, err
// append record to albums slice
users = append(users, record)
data["Records"] = users
return data, nil
// GetUser return all user records
func GetUser(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
u := User{}
page, _ := strconv.Atoi(r.URL.Query().Get("page"))
if page == 0 {
page = 1
result, _ := u.Get(page)
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
// Transform to JSON response
// CreateUser mock data
func CreateUser(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
sqldroptable := fmt.Sprint("DROP TABLE users;")
sqltable := fmt.Sprintf("CREATE TABLE users (id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, email VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, password CHAR(60) NOT NULL, created datetime default current_timestamp)")
// Execute SQL Statements
_, err := DB.Exec(sqltable)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("User table created")
var users = []User{
{Name: "Alice Jones", Email: "", Password: "alochym@123"},
{Name: "Do Nguyen Ha", Email: "", Password: "alochym@123"},
{Name: "Ngo Thi To Nhu", Email: "", Password: "alochym@123"},
{Name: "Do Thi Hiep", Email: "", Password: "alochym@123"},
{Name: "Do Thi Kim Hoa", Email: "", Password: "alochym@123"},
{Name: "Alice Jones", Email: "", Password: "alochym@123"},
{Name: "Do Nguyen Ha", Email: "", Password: "alochym@123"},
{Name: "Ngo Thi To Nhu", Email: "", Password: "alochym@123"},
{Name: "Do Thi Hiep", Email: "", Password: "alochym@123"},
{Name: "Do Thi Kim Hoa", Email: "", Password: "alochym@123"},
{Name: "Alice Jones", Email: "", Password: "alochym@123"},
{Name: "Do Nguyen Ha", Email: "", Password: "alochym@123"},
{Name: "Ngo Thi To Nhu", Email: "", Password: "alochym@123"},
{Name: "Do Thi Hiep", Email: "", Password: "alochym@123"},
{Name: "Do Thi Kim Hoa", Email: "", Password: "alochym@123"},
{Name: "Alice Jones", Email: "", Password: "alochym@123"},
{Name: "Do Nguyen Ha", Email: "", Password: "alochym@123"},
{Name: "Ngo Thi To Nhu", Email: "", Password: "alochym@123"},
{Name: "Do Thi Hiep", Email: "", Password: "alochym@123"},
{Name: "Do Thi Kim Hoa", Email: "", Password: "alochym@123"},
{Name: "Alice Jones", Email: "", Password: "alochym@123"},
{Name: "Do Nguyen Ha", Email: "", Password: "alochym@123"},
{Name: "Ngo Thi To Nhu", Email: "", Password: "alochym@123"},
{Name: "Do Thi Hiep", Email: "", Password: "alochym@123"},
{Name: "Do Thi Kim Hoa", Email: "", Password: "alochym@123"},
{Name: "Alice Jones", Email: "", Password: "alochym@123"},
{Name: "Do Nguyen Ha", Email: "", Password: "alochym@123"},
{Name: "Ngo Thi To Nhu", Email: "", Password: "alochym@123"},
{Name: "Do Thi Hiep", Email: "", Password: "alochym@123"},
{Name: "Do Thi Kim Hoa", Email: "", Password: "alochym@123"},
{Name: "Alice Jones", Email: "", Password: "alochym@123"},
{Name: "Do Nguyen Ha", Email: "", Password: "alochym@123"},
{Name: "Ngo Thi To Nhu", Email: "", Password: "alochym@123"},
{Name: "Do Thi Hiep", Email: "", Password: "alochym@123"},
{Name: "Do Thi Kim Hoa", Email: "", Password: "alochym@123"},
{Name: "Alice Jones", Email: "", Password: "alochym@123"},
{Name: "Do Nguyen Ha", Email: "", Password: "alochym@123"},
{Name: "Ngo Thi To Nhu", Email: "", Password: "alochym@123"},
{Name: "Do Thi Hiep", Email: "", Password: "alochym@123"},
{Name: "Do Thi Kim Hoa", Email: "", Password: "alochym@123"},
{Name: "Alice Jones", Email: "", Password: "alochym@123"},
{Name: "Do Nguyen Ha", Email: "", Password: "alochym@123"},
{Name: "Ngo Thi To Nhu", Email: "", Password: "alochym@123"},
{Name: "Do Thi Hiep", Email: "", Password: "alochym@123"},
{Name: "Do Thi Kim Hoa", Email: "", Password: "alochym@123"},
{Name: "Alice Jones", Email: "", Password: "alochym@123"},
{Name: "Do Nguyen Ha", Email: "", Password: "alochym@123"},
{Name: "Ngo Thi To Nhu", Email: "", Password: "alochym@123"},
{Name: "Do Thi Hiep", Email: "", Password: "alochym@123"},
{Name: "Do Thi Kim Hoa", Email: "", Password: "alochym@123"},
{Name: "Alice Jones", Email: "", Password: "alochym@123"},
{Name: "Do Nguyen Ha", Email: "", Password: "alochym@123"},
{Name: "Ngo Thi To Nhu", Email: "", Password: "alochym@123"},
{Name: "Do Thi Hiep", Email: "", Password: "alochym@123"},
{Name: "Do Thi Kim Hoa", Email: "", Password: "alochym@123"},
for _, v := range users {
sqlstmt := fmt.Sprintf("INSERT INTO users(name, email, password) VALUES(\"%s\", \"%s\", \"%s\")",
w.Write([]byte("Get All Snippet"))
// sqlHelper
// running sql command and return error
func sqlHelper(db *sql.DB, sqlstmt string) error {
// Execute SQL Statements
result, err := db.Exec(sqlstmt)
// err check for DB operation
if err != nil {
return err
rowCount, err := result.RowsAffected()
// error check for RowsAffected function
if err != nil {
return err
// there is no row found
if rowCount == 0 {
return sql.ErrNoRows
return nil
// Generated Pagination Meta data
func pagination(table string, limit, page int) *Pagination {
var (
tmpl = Pagination{}
recordcount int
// Count all record
sqltable := fmt.Sprintf("SELECT count(id) FROM %s", table)
total := (recordcount / limit)
// Calculator Total Page
remainder := (recordcount % limit)
if remainder == 0 {
tmpl.TotalPage = total
} else {
tmpl.TotalPage = total + 1
// Set current/record per page meta data
tmpl.CurrentPage = page
tmpl.RecordPerPage = limit
// Calculator the Next/Previous Page
if page <= 0 {
tmpl.Next = page + 1
} else if page < tmpl.TotalPage {
tmpl.Previous = page - 1
tmpl.Next = page + 1
} else if page == tmpl.TotalPage {
tmpl.Previous = page - 1
tmpl.Next = 0
return &tmpl
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