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Last active October 4, 2015 22:21
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Changing fmaily-names diversity over generations
module Families where
import System.Random
import Control.Monad
import Data.List
numPop = 20
num = numPop `div` 2
type Generation = [Pair]
data Pair = Pair {husband::Person, wife::Person, idFamily::Int}
instance Show Pair where
show (Pair h w iF) = "Pair\n "
++ show h ++ "\n "
++ show w ++ "\n "
++ show iF
type Child = Person
data Person = Person {familyP::String, nameP::Int, sexP::Gender, idParents::Int, idGen::Int}
deriving (Show, Eq)
--type Family = String
data Gender = M | F
deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded, Show)
instance Random Gender where
randomR (a1, a2) g =
let (n, g1) = randomR (fromEnum a1, fromEnum a2) g
in (toEnum n, g1)
random = randomR (minBound, maxBound)
neg :: Gender -> Gender
neg M = F
neg F = M
initPairs :: [Pair]
initPairs =
let names = map (:"") $ take num ['A'..]
husbands = zipWith5 Person names (repeat 0)(repeat M) (repeat 0) (repeat 0)
wifes = zipWith5 Person names (repeat 0) (repeat F) (repeat 0) (repeat 0)
in zipWith3 Pair husbands wifes [0..]
ofSpringNums :: Int -> [Pair] -> IO [(Pair, Int)]
ofSpringNums 0 xs = return $ zip xs (repeat 0)
ofSpringNums _ [] = return []
ofSpringNums n [x] = return [(x,n)]
ofSpringNums n (x:xs) =
m <- getStdRandom (randomR (0,max 1 2*(n `div` (length xs + 1))))
xs' <- ofSpringNums (n - m) xs
return $ (x,m) : xs'
ofSprings :: (Pair, Int) -> IO (Pair, [Child])
ofSprings (p, 0) = return (p, [])
ofSprings (p, 1) =
sex <- getStdRandom random
return (p, [Person {familyP = familyP (husband p)
, nameP = 0
, sexP = sex
, idParents = idFamily p
, idGen = idGen (husband p) + 1}])
ofSprings (p, n) =
sex <- getStdRandom random
(_, chs@(ch1:_)) <- ofSprings (p, (n - 1))
let ch2 = ch1 {nameP = nameP ch1 + 1, sexP = sex}
return (p, ch2 : chs)
nextGen :: [Pair] -> IO [Child]
nextGen ps =
ofSpringNums numPop ps
>>= \pss -> concat <$> (map snd <$> mapM ofSprings pss)
--- test: map (\p -> (familyP p, sexP p, idParents p)) <$> nextGen initPairs
--- test: nextGen initPairs >>= mapM_ print
pairsFor :: Person -> [Person] -> [Person]
pairsFor p = filter (\q -> idParents p /= idParents q && sexP p /= sexP q)
genToPairs :: [Person] -> IO [Pair]
genToPairs [] = return []
genToPairs ps =
n <- getStdRandom (randomR (0, length ps - 1))
let p = ps !! n
let ps' = delete p ps
let bridies = pairsFor p ps'
if null bridies
then genToPairs ps'
do m <- getStdRandom (randomR (0, length bridies - 1))
let p1 = bridies !! m
psN <- genToPairs (delete p1 ps')
let [h, w] = if sexP p == M then [p, p1] else [p1, p]
let prN = Pair {husband = h
, wife = w --{familyP = familyP h}
, idFamily = length psN}
return $ prN : psN
newPairs :: IO [Pair] -> IO [Pair]
newPairs m = m >>= nextGen >>= genToPairs
stepPairs :: [Pair] -> IO [Pair]
stepPairs pairsX =
do print pairsX
genY <- nextGen pairsX
mapM_ print genY
genToPairs genY
in GHCi
> let pX = initPairs
> pX <- stepPairs pX
--repeat last line to see changes in the families of the population
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