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Last active August 29, 2015 14:24
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Fibonacci numbers in chunks of decimal part of division 1 by 9999...899...
num48 = 999999999999999999999998999999999999999999999999
strNum24 = replicate 47 '0' ++ show (10 ^ (58*48) `div` num48)
chunks _ [] = []
chunks n xs = let (h, t) = splitAt n xs in h : chunks n t
result24 = putStr $ unlines $ map (unwords . chunks 24) $ chunks 48 strNum24
fibs :: [Integer]
fibs = 0:1: zipWith (+) fibs (tail fibs)
threeFibs :: [(Int, Int, Integer)]
threeFibs = zip3 [1..] (map ( fibs) fibs
-- last fib with length n
nLenFib :: Int -> Int
nLenFib n =
let (k,_,_) = last $ takeWhile (\(_,l,_) -> l < n + 1) threeFibs
in k - 1
pad0N :: Int -> String -> String
pad0N n xs = replicate (n - length xs) '0' ++ xs
formatN n num = chunks n $ replicate (2*n - 1) '0' ++ show num
longNumStr :: Int -> String
longNumStr n = ('1' :) $ concatMap (pad0N k . show) $ drop 2 $ ts
ts = take n fibs
k = length . show $ ts !! (n-1)
nineNumPow :: Int -> (Integer, (Int, Int))
nineNumPow width =
let lnum = longNumStr (nLenFib width)
len = length lnum
pow = len + 2 * width - 1
in (10 ^ pow `div` (read lnum), (pow, width))
printNine (num, (pow, w)) = (putStr . unlines) $ formatN w $ 10 ^ pow `div` num
-- usage: printNine $ nineNumPow 24
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