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#!/usr/bin/env bash
# This script will connect to the rest api of the puppetca listed in your
# puppet config and update the local copy certificate revocation list.
# This is useful when you have distributed puppet masters fronted by
# a webserver and passenger.
puppetuser=`puppet config print user`
puppetgroup=`puppet config print group`
ssldir=`puppet config print ssldir`
certname=`hostname -f`
puppetca=`puppet config print ca_server`
environment=`puppet config print environment`
headers="Accept: s"
local_crl_file=`puppet config print hostcrl`
curl --output "${newtmp_local_crl_file}" \
--cacert "${ssldir}/certs/ca.pem" \
--cert "${ssldir}/certs/${certname}.pem" \
--key "${ssldir}/private_keys/${certname}.pem" \
-H "${headers}" "${caendpoint}"
openssl crl -text -in "${newtmp_local_crl_file}" -CAfile "${puppetca}" -noout && status='VALID'
if [ "x${status}" == "xVALID" ]; then
mv -f "${newtmp_local_crl_file}" "${local_crl_file}"
chown ${puppetuser}:${puppetgroup} "${local_crl_file}"
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