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Forked from hkumarmk/consule_role_profile
Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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This is what I did to test consul puppet module
### In consul, any node whether it is agent or server, (other than initial node) need an agent address which is in the cluster in order to join the cluster. This is different from etcd where it allow for autodiscovery.
I Faced couple of issues with consul module.
1. Consul service configuration json is not correct when port parameter specified in consul::service. consul expect that parameter to be integer, but module write it as string. This need to be fixed.
2. If initial server is not up while starting other servers or agent, the cluster join will be failed, and unless there is any (new) service definition, that node will not be joining to the consul cluster, as cluster join code in the module is only called when service restart. I submitted a patch in jiocloud/puppet-consul to fix this.
Added initial server IP in hiera in my env as testing for now.
Added below entry in hiera/data/env/harish.yaml
## Etcd server IP address is for me
Added rjil::jiocloud::consul
# Class rjil::jiocloud::consul
class rjil::jiocloud::consul (
$join_cluster = false,
$server = false,
) {
class { '::consul':
join_cluster => $join_cluster,
config_hash => {
'data_dir' => '/opt/consul',
'server' => true,
'bootstrap_expect' => 3,
Called them in appropriate node blocks in site.pp
### 3 servers and rest agent only configuration
## This is initial server (no join_cluster param)
node "etcd" {
include rjil::base
class {'rjil::jiocloud::consul':
server => true,
join_cluster => undef,
## Second server
node /^db\d*/ {
include rjil::base
include rjil::db
class {'rjil::jiocloud::consul':
server => true,
## Third server
node /^lb\d+/ {
include rjil::base
# include rjil::haproxy
# include rjil::haproxy::contrail
class {'rjil::jiocloud::consul':
server => true,
## Agent only
node /mc\d*/ {
include rjil::base
include rjil::memcached
include rjil::jiocloud::consul
Then registered services for db and mc
## Added below entries in rjil::db
consul::service {'db':
tags => ['mysql','db'],
check_script => '/usr/lib/jiocloud/tests/'
## Added below entries to rjil::memcache
## register to consul
consul::service {'memcache':
tags => ['memcache'],
check_script => '/usr/lib/jiocloud/tests/'
########### Now After running puppet apply, I am able to get the services details by using
## Web querries
root@db1:/var/log/upstart# curl http://localhost:8500/v1/catalog/service/db
root@db1:/var/log/upstart# curl http://localhost:8500/v1/catalog/service/memcache
## DNS Queries
root@db1:/var/log/upstart# dig @localhost -p 8600 db.service.consul | grep -A1 ANSWER.SECTION
db.service.consul. 0 IN A
root@db1:/var/log/upstart# dig @localhost -p 8600 memcache.service.consul | grep -A1 ANSWER.SECTION
memcache.service.consul. 0 IN A
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