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Last active August 14, 2018 18:34
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wrap mocha describe and it with custom before and after to reduce testing boilerplate
import {noop} from 'lodash'
const describeWrapper = (context, describe, before = noop, after = noop) => (...args) => {
const [_, impl, options] = args
args[1] = function(...descArgs) {, context, options)
impl.apply(this, [...descArgs, context]), context, options)
return describe(...args)
const itWrapper = (context, it, before = noop, after = noop) => (...args) => {
const [_, impl] = args
args[1] = async function(...itArgs) {
await impl.apply(this, [...itArgs, context.testKit])
return it(...args)
export default (conf: any = {}) => {
let context = {}
const wDescribe: any = describeWrapper(context, describe, conf.beforeDesc, conf.afterDesc)
wDescribe.only = describeWrapper(context, describe.only, conf.beforeDesc, conf.afterDesc)
wDescribe.skip = describeWrapper(context, describe.skip, conf.beforeDesc, conf.afterDesc)
const wIt: any = itWrapper(context, it, conf.beforeIt, conf.afterIt)
wIt.only = itWrapper(context, it.only, conf.beforeIt, conf.afterIt)
wIt.skip = itWrapper(context, it.skip, conf.beforeIt, conf.afterIt)
return { describe: wDescribe, it: wIt }
import TestKit from './test-kit'
import mochaWrapper from './mocha-wrappers'
const startTestKit = async (context, options) => {
context.testKit = new TestKit()
await testKit.start()
const cleanTestKit = async context => {
await context.testKit.clean()
context.testKit = null
export default () => mochaWrapper({
beforeDesc(context, options) {
this.timeout(3 * 60 * 1000)
before(async () => await startTestKit(context, options))
after(async () => await cleanTestKit(context))
import MySuit from './suit-wrapper-testkit'
const mySuit = MySuit()
const options = {}
mySuit.describe('my suit', (context) => {
beforeEach(() => {
// do stuff with context before each test
})'my test', (testKit) => {
// do stuff with testKit
}, options)
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