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Last active February 23, 2016 13:25
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// Given a list of airline tickets represented by pairs of departure and arrival airports [from, to], reconstruct the (longest) itinerary in order.
import scala.collection.immutable.{HashMap, HashSet}
object LongestAirPath extends App {
type Ticket = (String, String)
type TicketsFromMap = HashMap[String, List[String]]
private def compareLists(a: List[String], b: List[String]): Boolean = {
val flags = (a zip b).map { case (a, b) => a < b }.zipWithIndex
val t = { case (b, index) => if (b == true) flags.length - index - 1 else 0 }.sum
val f = { case (b, index) => if (b == false) flags.length - index - 1 else 0 }.sum
t >= f
private def findRoutes(
ticketsFrom: TicketsFromMap,
from: String,
currentRoute: List[String],
allRoutes: List[List[String]],
visited: HashSet[String],
toList: List[String]
): List[List[String]] =
if (toList.isEmpty) {
val newCurrentRoute: List[String] = from :: currentRoute
val newAllRoutes = newCurrentRoute :: allRoutes
if (visited.contains(from)) {
} else {
val newVisited: HashSet[String] = visited + from
ticketsFrom.get(from) match {
case Some(toList) if !toList.isEmpty => findRoutes(ticketsFrom, toList.head, newCurrentRoute, allRoutes, newVisited, toList.tail)
case None => newAllRoutes
} else {
findRoutes(ticketsFrom, toList.head, currentRoute, allRoutes, visited, toList.tail)
private def ticketsToTicketsFrom(tickets: List[Ticket], ticketsFrom: TicketsFromMap): TicketsFromMap =
if (tickets.isEmpty) ticketsFrom
else {
val ticket = tickets.head
val (from, to) = ticket
val toList = ticketsFrom.get(from) match {
case Some(xs) => to :: xs
case None => List(to)
val newTicketsFrom = ticketsFrom + (from -> toList)
ticketsToTicketsFrom(tickets.tail, newTicketsFrom)
def findTickets(tickets: List[Ticket], from: String): List[String] = {
val ticketsFrom: TicketsFromMap = ticketsToTicketsFrom(tickets, HashMap[String, List[String]]())
val routes: List[List[String]] = findRoutes(ticketsFrom, from, List(), List(), HashSet(), List())
val maxLen = { _.length }.max
val result = routes.filter { _.length == maxLen }.sortWith { compareLists }.head.reverse
val tickets = List(("A", "B"), ("D", "E"), ("B", "D"))
assert(findTickets(tickets, "A") == List(
"A", "B", "D", "E"
val tickets = List(("A", "B"), ("D", "E"), ("B", "D"), ("D", "F"))
assert(findTickets(tickets, "A") == List(
"A", "B", "D", "E"
val tickets = List(("A", "B"), ("D", "E"), ("B", "D"), ("D", "F"), ("E", "A"))
assert(findTickets(tickets, "A") == List(
"A", "B", "D", "E", "A"
val tickets = List(("MUC", "LHR"), ("JFK", "MUC"), ("SFO", "SJC"), ("LHR", "SFO"))
assert(findTickets(tickets, "JFK") == List(
"JFK", "MUC", "LHR", "SFO", "SJC"
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