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Last active May 7, 2017 22:33
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K-means clustering algorithm
0.3 0.2
10.0 20.4
11.5 55.1
42.3 53.2
3.0 4
4 4
55 12
60 10
12 45
5 1
4 51
1 34
23 44
4.5 55.0
import scala.util.Random
import{BufferedWriter, FileWriter}
object Kmeans extends App {
case class Point(val x: Double, val y: Double) {
def distance(other: Point): Double = {
val dx = x - other.x
val dy = y - other.y
Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)
def nearestCentroid(centroids: List[Centroid]): Centroid = centroids
.map { c => (distance(c), c) }
.sortBy { case (d, c) => d }
override def toString = f"<$x%.1f, $y%.1f>"
type Centroid = Point
type Clusters = Map[Centroid, List[Point]]
class Dataset(val left: Double, val right: Double, val top: Double, val bottom: Double, val xs: List[Double], val ys: List[Double]) {
def width = right - left
def height = top - bottom
def meanX = computeMean(xs)
def meanY = computeMean(ys)
def mean = Point(meanX, meanY)
def computeMean(xs: List[Double]): Double = xs.sum / xs.length.toDouble
def nextRandomCentroid(old: Set[Point]): Centroid = {
val x = left + Random.nextDouble() * width
val y = bottom + Random.nextDouble() * height
val result = Point(x, y)
if (old contains result) nextRandomCentroid(old)
else result
object Dataset {
def apply(points: List[Point]): Dataset = {
val xs = { _.x }
val ys = { _.y }
new Dataset(
left = xs.min,
right = xs.max,
top = ys.max,
bottom = ys.min,
xs = xs,
ys = ys
private def initialCentroids(k: Int, points: List[Point]): List[Point] = {
val dataset = Dataset(points)
def helper(acc: Set[Point]): Set[Point] =
if (acc.size < k) {
val newAcc = acc + dataset.nextRandomCentroid(acc)
} else {
private val EPS = 0.001
private def almostEqual(a: Double, b: Double): Boolean = Math.abs(a - b) <= EPS
private def almostEqual(a: Point, b: Point): Boolean = almostEqual(a.x, b.x) && almostEqual(a.y, b.y)
private def almostEqual(a: List[Point], b: List[Point]): Boolean =
a.size == b.size && (a zip b).filter { case (c, d) => almostEqual(c, d) }.size == a.size
private def almostEqual(clusters: Clusters, newClusters: Clusters): Boolean =
clusters.size == newClusters.size &&
clusters.size == (clusters.keys zip newClusters.keys)
.filter { case (a, b) => almostEqual(a, b) }
.filter { case (a, b) => almostEqual(clusters(a), newClusters(b)) }
private def assignPoints(points: List[Point], centroids: List[Centroid]): Clusters = points
.map { p => (p.nearestCentroid(centroids), p) }
.groupBy { case (centroid, point) => centroid }
.mapValues { centroidsAndPoints => { case (centroid, point) => point }
private def improveCentroids(clusters: Clusters): List[Centroid] = clusters
.map { case (centroid, points) => Dataset(points).mean }
def computeClusters(k: Int, points: List[Point]): Clusters = {
require(k > 0)
val centroids = initialCentroids(k, points)
val clusters = assignPoints(points, centroids)
def helper(clusters: Clusters): Clusters = {
val newCentroids = improveCentroids(clusters)
val newClusters = assignPoints(points, newCentroids)
if (almostEqual(clusters, newClusters)) clusters
else helper(newClusters)
def writeFile(filename: String, data: String) {
val w = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(filename))
def parsePoints(filename: String): List[Point] = Source
.map { line => {
val coords = line
.split(" ")
.map { _.toDouble }
Point(coords(0), coords(1))
val k = 3
val points = parsePoints("")
val clusters = computeClusters(k, points)
.foreach { case ((centroid, points), index) =>
.map { case Point(x, y) => s"$x $y\n"}
set -e
rm *.dat -fv
scalac Kmeans.scala
scala Kmeans
CMD='set xrange[-10:100]; set yrange[-10:100]; plot '
for i in *.dat; do
CMD="${CMD}'${i}' with points pointtype $P,"
CMD="${CMD}; pause mouse key"
echo "${CMD}"
gnuplot -e "${CMD}"
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alopatindev commented May 7, 2017

Spark + Databricks

import org.apache.spark.mllib.clustering.KMeans
import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.{Vector, Vectors}

def parseLine(line: String): Vector = Vectors.dense(line
  .split(" ")
  .map { _.toDouble })

val rdd = sc.textFile("/FileStore/tables/.../")
val data = rdd
  .map { parseLine(_) }

val kmeans = new KMeans()

val model =

// display(model) // FIXME: appears empty to me

val centroids = model
  .map { _.toArray.toList }
println(s"centroids are $centroids")

val clustersToPoints = data
  .map { point => (model.predict(point), point) }
  .mapValues { _.toList }

println(s"clustersToPoints are $clustersToPoints")

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