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Last active December 23, 2015 22:58
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Permutations (dynamic programming)
object Perm extends App {
def time[A](f: => A) = {
val start = System.nanoTime
val ret = f
val dt = (System.nanoTime - start) / 1e6
class Permutations[T](implicit ord: Ordering[T]) {
import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
def permutate(xs: List[T]): List[List[T]] = {
maxStackDepth_ = -1
n = xs.length
val results = uniqueResults
uniqueResults = List()
private val cache: HashMap[List[T], List[List[T]]] = HashMap()
private var uniqueResults: List[List[T]] = List()
private var n: Int = -1
private var maxStackDepth_ = -1
def maxStackDepth(): Int = { maxStackDepth_ }
private def updateMaxStackDepth(): Unit = { maxStackDepth_ = Math.max(currentStackDepth(), maxStackDepth_) }
private def permTwoItems(xs: List[T], xsSorted: List[T]): List[List[T]] = {
val (a, b) = (xs.head, xs.last)
val result = List(List(a, b), List(b, a))
cacheResult(xsSorted, result)
private def permNItems(xs: List[T], xsSorted: List[T]): List[List[T]] = {
val result = xs.zipWithIndex.flatMap { case (x, index) => {
val parts = xs.splitAt(index)
val diff = parts._1 ++ parts._2.tail
perm(diff).map { x :: _ }
cacheResult(xsSorted, result)
private def perm(xs: List[T]): List[List[T]] = {
val result = if (xs.isEmpty) List()
else if (xs.length == 1) List(xs)
else {
val xsSorted = xs.sorted
if (cache contains xsSorted) cache(xsSorted)
else if (xs.length == 2) permTwoItems(xs, xsSorted)
else permNItems(xs, xsSorted)
def maybeAddResult(result: List[List[T]]): Unit =
if (!result.isEmpty && result.head.length == n) { uniqueResults = result ++ uniqueResults }
else ()
def cacheResult(xsSorted: List[T], result: List[List[T]]): Unit = { cache += (xsSorted -> result) }
def currentStackDepth(): Int = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace().length
def test(): Unit = {
val pobj = new Permutations[Int]
(1 to 11).foreach { n => {
import scala.util.Random
val stackDepth = currentStackDepth()
def randomList(n: Int): List[Int] = List.fill(n)(Random.nextInt)
//val xs = (1 to n).toList
val xs = randomList(n)
var testPermutations: List[List[Int]] = List()
def myPermutations: List[List[Int]] = pobj.permutate(xs)
val t1 = time { myPermutations }
//val t2 = time { testPermutations = xs.permutations.toList }
//println(s"$n $t1 $t2")
println(s"$n $t1 depth=(${pobj.maxStackDepth} - $stackDepth)=${pobj.maxStackDepth - stackDepth}")
//println(s"$n ${myPermutations.length} ${myPermutations}")
//println(s"${myPermutations} ${testPermutations}")
//assert(myPermutations.length == testPermutations.length)
//assert(myPermutations.toSet == testPermutations.toSet)
scalac Perm.scala && _JAVA_OPTIONS="${_JAVA_OPTIONS} -Xmx11g" scala Perm
1 0.1209 depth=(41 - 34)=7
2 0.252311 depth=(41 - 34)=7
3 0.9922 depth=(46 - 34)=12
4 1.910754 depth=(51 - 34)=17
5 6.952118 depth=(56 - 34)=22
6 19.746932 depth=(61 - 34)=27
7 32.640142 depth=(66 - 34)=32
8 65.484739 depth=(71 - 34)=37
9 670.92723 depth=(76 - 34)=42
10 6084.381431 depth=(81 - 34)=47
11 73648.393615 depth=(86 - 34)=52
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