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Last active April 21, 2020 02:16
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use directx_math::*;
// simd version:
fn slerp(mut Q0: XMVECTOR, Q1: XMVECTOR, t: f32) -> XMVECTOR {
const DOT_THRESHOLD: XMVECTORF32 = XMVECTORF32 { f: [0.9995, 0.9995, 0.9995, 0.9995] };
let mut dot = XMQuaternionDot(Q0, Q1);
if XMVector4Greater(dot, *DOT_THRESHOLD) {
XMQuaternionSlerp(Q0, Q1, t)
} else {
// > Remember, each rotation can actually be represented by two quaternions, q and -q.
// > But the Slerp path from q to w will be different from the path from (-q) to w: one
// > will go the long away around, the other the short away around. It sounds like you're
// > getting the long way when you want the short way.
// > Try taking the dot product of your two quaternions (i.e., the 4-D dot product), and
// > if the dot product is negative, replace your quaterions q1 and q2 with -q1 and q2
// > before performing Slerp.
if XMVector4Less(dot, *g_XMZero) {
Q0 = XMVectorNegate(Q0);
dot = XMQuaternionDot(Q0, Q1);
let theta = XMVectorACosEst(dot);
let x = 1.0 - t;
let y = t;
let z = 1.0;
let tmp = XMVectorMultiply(theta, XMVectorSet(x, y, z, 1.0));
let tmp = XMVectorSinEst(tmp);
let scale1 = <(SwizzleX, SwizzleX, SwizzleX, SwizzleX)>::XMVectorSwizzle(tmp);
let scale2 = <(SwizzleY, SwizzleY, SwizzleY, SwizzleY)>::XMVectorSwizzle(tmp);
let theta_sin = <(SwizzleZ, SwizzleZ, SwizzleZ, SwizzleZ)>::XMVectorSwizzle(tmp);
let theta_sin_recip = XMVectorReciprocal(theta_sin);
let tmp2 = XMVectorMultiply(Q0, scale1);
let tmp3 = XMVectorMultiply(Q1, scale2);
let tmp4 = XMVectorAdd(tmp2, tmp3);
XMVectorMultiply(tmp4, theta_sin_recip)
// from cgmath:
fn slerp(self, other: Quaternion<S>, amount: S) -> Quaternion<S> {
let dot =;
let dot_threshold = cast(0.9995f64).unwrap();
// if quaternions are close together use `nlerp`
if dot > dot_threshold {
self.nlerp(other, amount)
} else {
// stay within the domain of acos()
let robust_dot = if dot > S::one() {
} else if dot < -S::one() {
} else {
let theta = Rad::acos(robust_dot.clone());
let scale1 = Rad::sin(theta * (S::one() - amount));
let scale2 = Rad::sin(theta * amount);
(self * scale1 + other * scale2) * Rad::sin(theta).recip()
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