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Created January 13, 2013 00:56
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" vim-ref
let g:ref_open = 'split'
let g:ref_refe_cmd = expand('~/.vim/ref/ruby-ref1.9.2/refe-1_9_2')
nnoremap rr :<C-U>Unite ref/refe -default-action=split -input=
nnoremap ri :<C-U>Unite ref/ri -default-action=split -input=
aug MyAutoCmd
au FileType ruby,eruby,ruby.rspec nnoremap <silent><buffer>KK :<C-U>Unite -no-start-insert ref/ri -input=<C-R><C-W><CR>
au FileType ruby,eruby,ruby.rspec nnoremap <silent><buffer>K :<C-U>Unite -no-start-insert ref/refe -input=<C-R><C-W><CR>
aug END
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