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Created December 4, 2023 02:45
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Require Import Coq.Strings.String.
Require Import Ascii.
Local Open Scope nat_scope.
Inductive Rope :=
| Leaf : string -> nat -> Rope
| Node : Rope -> nat -> Rope -> Rope.
Definition mkRope (s : string) : Rope :=
Leaf s (String.length s).
Fixpoint len (r : Rope) : nat :=
match r with
| Leaf _ l => l
| Node l _ r => len l + len r
Fixpoint index (r : Rope) (i : nat) : ascii :=
match r with
| Leaf s _ => match String.get i s with
| Some c => c
| None => " " (* dummy *)
| Node l w r =>
if Nat.ltb i w then
index l i
index r (i - w)
Definition concat (l r : Rope) : Rope :=
let w := len l in
Node l w r.
Fixpoint splitAt (s : string) (i : nat) : string * string :=
match i with
| O => (""%string, s)
| S i => match String.get 0 s with
| Some c => let (l, r) := splitAt (String.substring 1 (String.length s - 1) s) i in
(String c l, r)
| None => (""%string, s)
Fixpoint split (r : Rope) (i : nat) : Rope * Rope :=
match r with
| Leaf s _ => let (l, r) := splitAt s i in
(Leaf l (String.length l), Leaf r (String.length r))
| Node l w r =>
if Nat.ltb i w then
let (ll, lr) := split l i in
(ll, concat lr r)
let (rl, rr) := split r (i - w) in
(concat l rl, rr)
Definition insert (r : Rope) (i : nat) (s : string) : Rope :=
let (l, r) := split r i in
concat l (concat (Leaf s (String.length s)) r).
Definition delete (r : Rope) (i j : nat) : Rope :=
let (l, r) := split r i in
let (_, r) := split r (j - i) in
concat l r.
Fixpoint collect (r : Rope) : string :=
match r with
| Leaf s _ => s
| Node l _ r => collect l ++ collect r
Fixpoint balance (r : Rope) : Rope :=
match r with
| Leaf s l =>
if Nat.ltb l 8 then
let (l, r) := split r (Nat.div l 2) in
Node l (len l) r
| Node l w r =>
let l := balance l in
let r := balance r in
Node l (len l) r
Theorem insert_delete : forall (r : Rope) (i j : nat) (s : string),
collect (delete (insert r i s) i (i + String.length s)) = collect r.
Compute (collect (mkRope "Hello, world!")).
Compute (collect (insert (mkRope "Hello, world!") 3 " cruel")).
Compute (collect (delete (mkRope "Hello, world!") 5 11)).
Compute (index (mkRope "Hello, world!") 5).
Compute (collect (fst (split (mkRope "Hello, world!") 5))).
Compute (collect (snd (split (mkRope "Hello, world!") 5))).
Compute (collect (balance (mkRope "Hello, world!"))).
Compute (collect (balance (insert (mkRope "Hello, world!") 3 " cruel"))).
Compute (collect (balance (delete (mkRope "Hello, world!") 5 11))).
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