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Created March 18, 2013 17:26
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Save alper/5189046 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

How to set up a fresh project (on OS X)

  1. Install homebrew, by getting the commandline tools: and then do the install homebrew here:
  2. Open
  3. Check python is installed by typing python
  4. Install pip if you don't have it sudo easy_install pip
  5. Use pip to install virtualenv (don't ask me why): sudo pip install virtualenv
  6. Find a fresh place to checkout the project: use the Mac client:
  7. In the terminal cd to where you just checked out the project, for instance: cd ~/Documents/projects/sake/victorycheckout
  8. Create a virtual environment if you don't have one yet: virtualenv venv --distribute
  9. Start a virtual environment: source venv/bin/activate
  10. Install all the necessary packages: pip install -r requirements.txt
  11. If you have never done so, setup the database: python syncdb, follow the instructions you get and note down the username and password that give you /admin access to the django site
  12. Because we use south to create the tables for the application (and to update after model changes) you need to run: python migrate
  13. Start the server with python runserver and go to your django at

To restart the server simply repeat steps 9 and 13. To be up to date again always do: 9, 10, 12, 13.

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