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Last active January 3, 2018 06:09
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生成rsa key

openssl genrsa [-help] [-out filename] [-passout arg] [-aes128] [-aes192] [-aes256] [-camellia128] 
[-camellia192] [-camellia256] [-des] [-des3] [-idea] [-f4] [-3] [-rand file(s)] [-engine id] [numbits]


openssl req [-help] [-inform PEM|DER] [-outform PEM|DER] [-in filename] [-passin arg] [-out filename] 
[-passout arg] [-text] [-pubkey] [-noout] [-verify] [-modulus] [-new] [-rand file(s)] [-newkey rsa:bits] 
[-newkey alg:file] [-nodes] [-key filename] [-keyform PEM|DER] [-keyout filename] [-keygen_engine id]
[-[digest]] [-config filename] [-multivalue-rdn] [-x509] [-days n] [-set_serial n] [-newhdr] 
[-extensions section] [-reqexts section] [-utf8] [-nameopt] [-reqopt] [-subject] [-subj arg] [-batch] 
[-verbose] [-engine id]


openssl ca [-help] [-verbose] [-config filename] [-name section] [-gencrl] [-revoke file] [-valid file]
[-status serial] [-updatedb] [-crl_reason reason] [-crl_hold instruction] [-crl_compromise time] 
[-crl_CA_compromise time] [-crldays days] [-crlhours hours] [-crlexts section] [-startdate date] 
[-enddate date] [-days arg] [-md arg] [-policy arg] [-keyfile arg] [-keyform PEM|DER] [-key arg] 
[-passin arg] [-cert file] [-selfsign] [-in file] [-out file][-notext] [-outdir dir] [-infiles] 
[-spkac file] [-ss_cert file] [-preserveDN] [-noemailDN] [-batch] [-msie_hack] [-extensions section] 
[-extfile section] [-engine id] [-subj arg] [-utf8] [-create_serial] [-multivalue-rdn]
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