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Created May 14, 2022 12:37
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syntax = "proto3";
package telemetry;
import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
service Telemetry {
rpc GetValue(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (scsTelemetryMap_s) {}
message scsTrailer_s {
message con_b {
repeated int32 wheelSteerable = 1 [packed = true];
repeated int32 wheelSimulated = 2 [packed = true];
repeated int32 wheelPowered = 3 [packed = true];
repeated int32 wheelLiftable = 4 [packed = true];
message com_b {
repeated int32 wheelOnGround = 1 [packed = true];
int32 attached = 2;
string buffer_b = 3;
message com_ui {
repeated uint32 wheelSubstance = 1 [packed = true];
message con_ui {
uint32 wheelCount = 1;
message com_f {
float cargoDamage = 1;
float wearChassis = 2;
float wearWheels = 3;
repeated float wheelSuspensionDeflection = 4 [packed = true];
repeated float wheelVelocity = 5 [packed = true];
repeated float wheelSteering = 6 [packed = true];
repeated float wheelRotation = 7 [packed = true];
repeated float wheelLift = 8 [packed = true];
repeated float wheelLiftOffset = 9 [packed = true];
message con_f {
repeated float wheelRadius = 1 [packed = true];
message com_fv {
float linearVelocityX = 1;
float linearVelocityY = 2;
float linearVelocityZ = 3;
float angularVelocityX = 4;
float angularVelocityY = 5;
float angularVelocityZ = 6;
float linearAccelerationX = 7;
float linearAccelerationY = 8;
float linearAccelerationZ = 9;
float angularAccelerationX = 10;
float angularAccelerationY = 11;
float angularAccelerationZ = 12;
message con_fv {
float hookPositionX = 1;
float hookPositionY = 2;
float hookPositionZ = 3;
repeated float wheelPositionX = 4 [packed = true];
repeated float wheelPositionY = 5 [packed = true];
repeated float wheelPositionZ = 6 [packed = true];
message com_dp {
float worldX = 1;
float worldY = 2;
float worldZ = 3;
float rotationX = 4;
float rotationY = 5;
float rotationZ = 6;
message con_s {
string id = 1;
string cargoAccessoryId = 2;
string bodyType = 3;
string brandId = 4;
string brand = 5;
string name = 6;
string chainType = 7;
string licensePlate = 8;
string licensePlateCountry = 9;
string licensePlateCountryId = 10;
message scsTelemetryMap_s {
int32 sdkActive = 1;
string placeHolder = 2;
int32 paused = 3;
string placeHolder2 = 4;
uint64 time = 5;
uint64 simulatedTime = 6;
uint64 renderTime = 7;
string buffer = 8;
message scs_values {
uint32 telemetry_plugin_revision = 1;
uint32 version_major = 2;
uint32 version_minor = 3;
uint32 game = 4;
uint32 telemetry_version_game_major = 5;
uint32 telemetry_version_game_minor = 6;
message common_ui {
uint32 time_abs = 1;
message config_ui {
uint32 gears = 1;
uint32 gears_reverse = 2;
uint32 retarderStepCount = 3;
uint32 truckWheelCount = 4;
uint32 selectorCount = 5;
uint32 time_abs_delivery = 6;
uint32 maxTrailerCount = 7;
uint32 unitCount = 8;
uint32 plannedDistanceKm = 9;
message truck_ui {
uint32 shifterSlot = 1;
uint32 retarderBrake = 2;
uint32 lightsAuxFront = 3;
uint32 lightsAuxRoof = 4;
repeated uint32 truck_wheelSubstance = 5 [packed = true];
repeated uint32 hshifterPosition = 6 [packed = true];
repeated uint32 hshifterBitmask = 7 [packed = true];
message gameplay_ui {
uint32 jobDeliveredDeliveryTime = 1;
uint32 jobStartingTime = 2;
uint32 jobFinishedTime = 3;
string buffer_ui = 14;
message common_i {
int32 restStop = 1;
message truck_i {
int32 gear = 1;
int32 gearDashboard = 2;
repeated int32 hshifterResulting = 3 [packed = true];
message gameplay_i {
int32 jobDeliveredEarnedXp = 1;
string buffer_i = 18;
message common_f {
float scale = 1;
message config_f {
float fuelCapacity = 1;
float fuelWarningFactor = 2;
float adBlueCapacity = 3;
float adBlueWarningFactor = 4;
float airPressureWarning = 5;
float airPressureEmergency = 6;
float oilPressureWarning = 7;
float waterTemperatureWarning = 8;
float batteryVoltageWarning = 9;
float engineRpmMax = 10;
float gearDifferential = 11;
float cargoMass = 12;
repeated float truckWheelRadius = 13 [packed = true];
repeated float gearRatiosForward = 14 [packed = true];
repeated float gearRatiosReverse = 15 [packed = true];
float unitMass = 16;
message truck_f {
float speed = 1;
float engineRpm = 2;
float userSteer = 3;
float userThrottle = 4;
float userBrake = 5;
float userClutch = 6;
float gameSteer = 7;
float gameThrottle = 8;
float gameBrake = 9;
float gameClutch = 10;
float cruiseControlSpeed = 11;
float airPressure = 12;
float brakeTemperature = 13;
float fuel = 14;
float fuelAvgConsumption = 15;
float fuelRange = 16;
float adBlue = 17;
float oilPressure = 18;
float oilTemperature = 19;
float waterTemperature = 20;
float batteryVoltage = 21;
float lightsDashboard = 22;
float wearEngine = 23;
float wearTransmission = 24;
float wearCabin = 25;
float wearChassis = 26;
float wearWheels = 27;
float truckOdometer = 28;
float routeDistance = 29;
float routeTime = 30;
float speedLimit = 31;
repeated float truckWheelSuspensionDeflection = 32 [packed = true];
repeated float truckWheelVelocity = 33 [packed = true];
repeated float truckWheelSteering = 34 [packed = true];
repeated float truckWheelRotation = 35 [packed = true];
repeated float truckWheelLift = 36 [packed = true];
repeated float truckWheelLiftOffset = 37 [packed = true];
message gameplay_f {
float jobDeliveredCargoDamage = 1;
float jobDeliveredDistanceKm = 2;
float refuelAmount = 3;
message job_f {
float cargoDamage = 1;
string buffer_f = 24;
message config_b {
repeated int32 truckWheelSteerable = 1 [packed = true];
repeated int32 truckWheelSimulated = 2 [packed = true];
repeated int32 truckWheelPowered = 3 [packed = true];
repeated int32 truckWheelLiftable = 4 [packed = true];
int32 isCargoLoaded = 5;
int32 specialJob = 6;
message truck_b {
int32 parkBrake = 1;
int32 motorBrake = 2;
int32 airPressureWarning = 3;
int32 airPressureEmergency = 4;
int32 fuelWarning = 5;
int32 adBlueWarning = 6;
int32 oilPressureWarning = 7;
int32 waterTemperatureWarning = 8;
int32 batteryVoltageWarning = 9;
int32 electricEnabled = 10;
int32 engineEnabled = 11;
int32 wipers = 12;
int32 blinkerLeftActive = 13;
int32 blinkerRightActive = 14;
int32 blinkerLeftOn = 15;
int32 blinkerRightOn = 16;
int32 lightsParking = 17;
int32 lightsBeamLow = 18;
int32 lightsBeamHigh = 19;
int32 lightsBeacon = 20;
int32 lightsBrake = 21;
int32 lightsReverse = 22;
int32 lightsHazard = 23;
int32 cruiseControl = 24;
repeated int32 truck_wheelOnGround = 25 [packed = true];
repeated int32 shifterToggle = 26 [packed = true];
int32 differentialLock = 27;
int32 liftAxle = 28;
int32 liftAxleIndicator = 29;
int32 trailerLiftAxle = 30;
int32 trailerLiftAxleIndicator = 31;
message gameplay_b {
int32 jobDeliveredAutoParkUsed = 1;
int32 jobDeliveredAutoloadUsed = 2;
string buffer_b = 28;
message config_fv {
float cabinPositionX = 1;
float cabinPositionY = 2;
float cabinPositionZ = 3;
float headPositionX = 4;
float headPositionY = 5;
float headPositionZ = 6;
float truckHookPositionX = 7;
float truckHookPositionY = 8;
float truckHookPositionZ = 9;
repeated float truckWheelPositionX = 10 [packed = true];
repeated float truckWheelPositionY = 11 [packed = true];
repeated float truckWheelPositionZ = 12 [packed = true];
message truck_fv {
float lv_accelerationX = 1;
float lv_accelerationY = 2;
float lv_accelerationZ = 3;
float av_accelerationX = 4;
float av_accelerationY = 5;
float av_accelerationZ = 6;
float accelerationX = 7;
float accelerationY = 8;
float accelerationZ = 9;
float aa_accelerationX = 10;
float aa_accelerationY = 11;
float aa_accelerationZ = 12;
float cabinAVX = 13;
float cabinAVY = 14;
float cabinAVZ = 15;
float cabinAAX = 16;
float cabinAAY = 17;
float cabinAAZ = 18;
string buffer_fv = 31;
message truck_fp {
float cabinOffsetX = 1;
float cabinOffsetY = 2;
float cabinOffsetZ = 3;
float cabinOffsetRotationX = 4;
float cabinOffsetRotationY = 5;
float cabinOffsetRotationZ = 6;
float headOffsetX = 7;
float headOffsetY = 8;
float headOffsetZ = 9;
float headOffsetRotationX = 10;
float headOffsetRotationY = 11;
float headOffsetRotationZ = 12;
string buffer_fp = 33;
message truck_dp {
float coordinateX = 1;
float coordinateY = 2;
float coordinateZ = 3;
float rotationX = 4;
float rotationY = 5;
float rotationZ = 6;
string buffer_dp = 35;
message config_s {
string truckBrandId = 1;
string truckBrand = 2;
string truckId = 3;
string truckName = 4;
string cargoId = 5;
string cargo = 6;
string cityDstId = 7;
string cityDst = 8;
string compDstId = 9;
string compDst = 10;
string citySrcId = 11;
string citySrc = 12;
string compSrcId = 13;
string compSrc = 14;
string shifterType = 15;
string truckLicensePlate = 16;
string truckLicensePlateCountryId = 17;
string truckLicensePlateCountry = 18;
string jobMarket = 19;
message gameplay_s {
string fineOffence = 1;
string ferrySourceName = 2;
string ferryTargetName = 3;
string ferrySourceId = 4;
string ferryTargetId = 5;
string trainSourceName = 6;
string trainTargetName = 7;
string trainSourceId = 8;
string trainTargetId = 9;
string buffer_s = 38;
message config_ull {
uint64 jobIncome = 1;
string buffer_ull = 40;
message gameplay_ll {
int64 jobCancelledPenalty = 1;
int64 jobDeliveredRevenue = 2;
int64 fineAmount = 3;
int64 tollgatePayAmount = 4;
int64 ferryPayAmount = 5;
int64 trainPayAmount = 6;
string buffer_ll = 42;
message special_b {
int32 onJob = 1;
int32 jobFinished = 2;
int32 jobCancelled = 3;
int32 jobDelivered = 4;
int32 fined = 5;
int32 tollgate = 6;
int32 ferry = 7;
int32 train = 8;
int32 refuel = 9;
int32 refuelPayed = 10;
string buffer_special = 44;
message substances {
repeated string substance = 1;
message trailer {
repeated scsTrailer_s trailer_ = 1 ;
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