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Created July 8, 2020 13:14
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import math
from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp
class Car:
def __init__(self,
self.__length = length
self.__velocity = velocity
self.__x_pos = x_pos
self.__y_pos = y_pos
self.__pose = pose
self.__trajectory = [[x_pos, y_pos, pose]]
def y_pos(self):
# We need to define this method so as to export `y_pos`
# (which is hidden) - it's a "private" attribute
return self.__y_pos
def trajectory(self):
# Again, we implement this method to expose
# the hidden attribute `__trajectory`
return self.__trajectory
def move(self, steering_angle, t):
def dynamics(_t, z):
# z = x, y, pose
pose = z[2]
return [self.__velocity * math.cos(pose),
self.__velocity * math.sin(pose),
self.__velocity * math.tan(steering_angle) / self.__length]
t_final = t
sol = solve_ivp(dynamics,
[0, t_final],
[self.__x_pos, self.__y_pos, self.__pose],
z_next = sol.y
self.__x_pos = z_next[0][0]
self.__y_pos = z_next[1][0]
self.__pose = z_next[2][0]
# Black box!
self.__trajectory += [[self.__x_pos, self.__y_pos, self.__pose]]
from lanekeeping import PidController
from lanekeeping import Car
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
ts = 0.01 # sampling time
kp = 0.3 # proportional gain
kd = 0.1
ki = 0.05
# Construct an instance of PidController (called pid)
pid = PidController(kp=kp, kd=kd, ki=ki, ts=ts)
# Construct a car with given initial position and pose
car = Car(x_pos=0, y_pos=0.5, pose=0)
w = math.degrees(1)
num_sim_points = 3000
for k in range(num_sim_points):
# We compute the control action u (the steering angle)
# based on the y-position of the vehicle
u = pid.control(car.y_pos(), set_point=0)
# We will apply that action to the car
car.move(u + w, ts)
trajectory = car.trajectory()
y_trajectory = [trajectory[k][1] for k in range(num_sim_points)]
time_span = [k*ts for k in range(num_sim_points)]
# trajectory = [[x0, **y0**, p0], [x1,**y1**,z1], [z2]]
plt.plot(time_span, y_trajectory)
plt.xlabel('Time (s)')
plt.title('Closed-loop simulation with PID controller')
class PidController:
def __init__(self, kp, kd=0, ki=0, ts=0.1):
self.__kp = kp
self.__ki = kd
self.__kd = ki
self.__ts = ts
self.__err_previous = None
self.__err_sum = 0
self.__ki_discrete = ki * ts
self.__kd_discrete = kd / ts
def control(self, y, set_point=0):
error = set_point - y
if self.__err_previous is not None:
delta_error = error - self.__err_previous
delta_error = 0
self.__err_sum += error
u = self.__kp * error \
+ self.__kd_discrete * delta_error \
+ self.__ki_discrete * self.__err_sum
self.__err_previous = error
return u
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