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Pantelis Sopasakis alphaville

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"father_compound": 55,
"name": ["aspirin", "acetylsalicylic acid"],
"smiles": "CC(=O)Oc1ccccc1C(=O)O",
"sdf_representation": "",
"comment": [
"this is a comment",
"analogue of rdfs:comment"
"name":"molecular weight",
"description":"blah blah",
"id": 100,
"result": "",
"data loaded",
"new resources have been created",
"now training the model",
"father_compound": 55,
"name": "aspirin",
"smiles": "CC(=O)Oc1ccccc1C(=O)O",
"sdf_representation": "",
"comment": [
"this is a comment",
"analogue of rdfs:comment"
* StreamArrayReader.cpp
* Created on: Nov 1, 2014
* Author: Pantelis Sopasakis
# GET a dataset and store it in RDF in a file (locally)
curl -H Accept:application/rdf+xml > R545.rdf 2> /dev/null
# POST the SAME dataset to the dataset server [Creates a task]:
task_uri=`curl -X POST --data-binary @R545.rdf -H Content-type:application/rdf+xml -H Accept:text/uri-list 2> /dev/null`;
status=$(curl --write-out %{http_code} --silent --output /dev/null $task_uri);
echo "[Task Created] status = $status"
% Where to store the header file:
header_filename = '/Users/imt/cuda-workspace/dGPAD_CUDA/src/sys_data.h';
int_type = 'short';
%create header
size_of_FN = zeros(length(sys.Ft),1);
size_of_FN_cum = zeros(size(size_of_FN));
for kk=1:length(sys.Ft),
#ifndef MAT_VECTOR_
#define MAT_VECTOR_
#include "helper_cuda.h"
* Definition of the function that perform multiple matrix-vector operations
* @param matrices: Vector of pointers that point to multiple matrix vector operations,
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include "helper_cuda.h"
#define _CUDA(x) checkCudaErrors(x)
__global__ void ker(float ** d_X, float * d_A, float * d_B, int n){
#define BLOCK_SIZE 128
#define RESTRICT __restrict__
template<typename T>
__global__ void matvec_kernel(const T * RESTRICT dA, const T * RESTRICT dx,
T * RESTRICT dy, const uint_t nRows, const uint_t nx)
const unsigned int tid = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
__shared__ T x_shared[BLOCK_SIZE];