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Created October 11, 2009 20:06
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package org.jredis;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import org.jredis.protocol.ResponseStatus;
* The asynchronous interface to Redis.
* <p>
* This is effectively a one to one mapping to Redis commands. Depending on the implementation
* either the redis response and/or redis write are asynchronous. Regardless, each method returns
* an extension of {@link Future} and the returned results conforms to the contract of that interface (which
* you should review).
* <p>
* If your request results in a {@link RedisException}, the call to {@link Future#get()} (of whatever flavor)
* will raise a {@link ExecutionException} with {@link ExecutionException#getCause()} returning the underlying
* {@link RedisException}.
* <p>
* Similarly, if the request results in either {@link ClientRuntimeException} or {@link ProviderException}, the
* {@link Future}'s {@link ExecutionException} will wrap these as the cause.
* <p>
* Beyond that , just be aware that an implementation may throw {@link ClientRuntimeException}
* or an extension to report problems (typically connectivity) or {@link ProviderException}
* (to highlight implementation features/bugs).
* These are {@link RuntimeException} that have been encountered while trying to queue your request.
* <p>
* <b>Note</b> that this interface provides no guarantees whatsoever regarding the execution of your requests beyond
* the (relative) ordering of the requests per your invocations. Specifically, in the event of connection issues, this
* interface's contract does not place any requirements on the implementation beyond to notify the user of such issues
* either during a call to this interface, or, on the attempt to get the result of a pending response on {@link Future#get()}.
* Refer to the documentation of the implementation of {@link JRedisFuture} for the specifics of behavior in context of
* errors.
* @author Joubin (
* @version alpha.0, 04/02/09
* @since alpha.0
public interface JRedisFuture {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// "Connection Handling"
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
public Future<ResponseStatus> ping ();
public Future<ResponseStatus> quit ();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// "Commands operating on string values"
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
public Future<ResponseStatus> set (String key, byte[] value);
public Future<ResponseStatus> set (String key, String stringValue);
public Future<ResponseStatus> set (String key, Number numberValue);
public <T extends Serializable>
Future<ResponseStatus> set (String key, T object);
public Future<Boolean> setnx (String key, byte[] value);
public Future<Boolean> setnx (String key, String stringValue);
public Future<Boolean> setnx (String key, Number numberValue);
public <T extends Serializable>
Future<Boolean> setnx (String key, T object);
public Future<byte[]> get (String key) ;
public Future<byte[]> getset (String key, byte[] value);
public Future<byte[]> getset (String key, String stringValue);
public Future<byte[]> getset (String key, Number numberValue);
public <T extends Serializable>
Future<byte[]> getset (String key, T object);
public Future<List<byte[]>> mget(String key, String...moreKeys);
public Future<Long> incr (String key);
public Future<Long> incrby (String key, int delta);
public Future<Long> decr (String key);
public Future<Long> decrby (String key, int delta);
public Future<Boolean> exists(String key);
public Future<Boolean> del (String key);
public Future<RedisType> type (String key);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// "Commands operating on the key space"
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
public Future<List<String>> keys (String pattern);
public Future<List<String>> keys ();
public Future<String> randomkey();
public Future<ResponseStatus> rename (String oldkey, String newkey);
public Future<Boolean> renamenx (String oldkey, String brandnewkey);
public Future<Long> dbsize ();
public Future<Boolean> expire (String key, int ttlseconds);
public Future<Long> ttl (String key);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Commands operating on lists
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
public Future<ResponseStatus> rpush (String listkey, byte[] value);
public Future<ResponseStatus> rpush (String listkey, String stringValue);
public Future<ResponseStatus> rpush (String listkey, Number numberValue);
public <T extends Serializable>
Future<ResponseStatus> rpush (String listkey, T object);
public Future<ResponseStatus> lpush (String listkey, byte[] value);
public Future<ResponseStatus> lpush (String listkey, String stringValue);
public Future<ResponseStatus> lpush (String listkey, Number numberValue);
public <T extends Serializable>
Future<ResponseStatus> lpush (String listkey, T object);
public Future<ResponseStatus> lset (String key, long index, byte[] value);
public Future<ResponseStatus> lset (String key, long index, String stringValue);
public Future<ResponseStatus> lset (String key, long index, Number numberValue);
public <T extends Serializable>
Future<ResponseStatus> lset (String key, long index, T object);
public Future<Long> lrem (String listKey, byte[] value, int count);
public Future<Long> lrem (String listKey, String stringValue, int count);
public Future<Long> lrem (String listKey, Number numberValue, int count);
public <T extends Serializable>
Future<Long> lrem (String listKey, T object, int count);
public Future<Long> llen (String listkey);
public Future<List<byte[]>> lrange (String listkey, long from, long to);
public Future<ResponseStatus> ltrim (String listkey, long keepFrom, long keepTo);
public Future<byte[]> lindex (String listkey, long index);
public Future<byte[]> lpop (String listKey);
public Future<byte[]> rpop (String listKey);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Commands operating on sets
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
public Future<Boolean> sadd (String setkey, byte[] member);
public Future<Boolean> sadd (String setkey, String stringValue);
public Future<Boolean> sadd (String setkey, Number numberValue);
public <T extends Serializable>
Future<Boolean> sadd (String setkey, T object);
public Future<Boolean> srem (String setKey, byte[] member);
public Future<Boolean> srem (String setKey, String stringValue);
public Future<Boolean> srem (String setKey, Number numberValue);
public <T extends Serializable>
Future<Boolean> srem (String setKey, T object);
public Future<Boolean> sismember (String setKey, byte[] member);
public Future<Boolean> sismember (String setKey, String stringValue);
public Future<Boolean> sismember (String setKey, Number numberValue);
public <T extends Serializable>
Future<Boolean> sismember (String setKey, T object);
public Future<Boolean> smove (String srcKey, String destKey, byte[] member);
public Future<Boolean> smove (String srcKey, String destKey, String stringValue);
public Future<Boolean> smove (String srcKey, String destKey, Number numberValue);
public <T extends Serializable>
Future<Boolean> smove (String srcKey, String destKey, T object);
public Future<Long> scard (String setKey);
public Future<List<byte[]>> sinter (String set1, String...sets);
public Future<ResponseStatus> sinterstore (String destSetKey, String...sets);
public Future<List<byte[]>> sunion (String set1, String...sets);
public Future<ResponseStatus> sunionstore (String destSetKey, String...sets);
public Future<List<byte[]>> sdiff (String set1, String...sets);
public Future<ResponseStatus> sdiffstore (String destSetKey, String...sets);
public Future<List<byte[]>> smembers (String setkey);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Multiple databases handling commands
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
public Future<ResponseStatus> flushdb ();
public Future<ResponseStatus> flushall ();
public Future<Boolean> move (String key, int dbIndex);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sorting
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* <p>For Usage details regarding sort semantics, see {@link JRedis#sort}. The
* only difference in usage is that you must use the {@link Sort#execAsynch()} method
* which returns a {@link Future} instances.
* <p>Usage:
* <p><code><pre>
* Future<List<byte[]>> futureResults = redis.sort("my-list-or-set-key").BY("weight*").LIMIT(1, 11).GET("object*").DESC().ALPHA().execAsynch();
* List<byte[]> results = futureResult.get(); // wait for the asynchronous response to be processed
* for(byte[] item : results) {
* // do something with item ..
* }
* </pre></code>
* @Redis SORT
* @see Redis
* @see Future
public Sort sort(String key);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Persistence control commands
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
public Future<ResponseStatus> save();
public Future<ResponseStatus> bgsave ();
public Future<Long> lastsave ();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Remote server control commands
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
public Future<Map<String, String>> info () ;
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