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Last active May 12, 2022 08:53
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Spanish CIF validation (PHP)
function cif_validation ($cif) {
$cif = strtoupper($cif);
if (preg_match('~(^[XYZ\d]\d{7})([TRWAGMYFPDXBNJZSQVHLCKE]$)~', $cif, $parts)) {
$nie = array('X', 'Y', 'Z');
$parts[1] = str_replace(array_values($nie), array_keys($nie), $parts[1]);
$cheksum = substr($control, $parts[1] % 23, 1);
return ($parts[2] == $cheksum);
} elseif (preg_match('~(^[ABCDEFGHIJKLMUV])(\d{7})(\d$)~', $cif, $parts)) {
$checksum = 0;
foreach (str_split($parts[2]) as $pos => $val) {
$checksum += array_sum(str_split($val * (2 - ($pos % 2))));
$checksum = ((10 - ($checksum % 10)) % 10);
return ($parts[3] == $checksum);
} elseif (preg_match('~(^[KLMNPQRSW])(\d{7})([JABCDEFGHI]$)~', $cif, $parts)) {
$control = 'JABCDEFGHI';
$checksum = 0;
foreach (str_split($parts[2]) as $pos => $val) {
$checksum += array_sum(str_split($val * (2 - ($pos % 2))));
$checksum = substr($control, ((10 - ($checksum % 10)) % 10), 1);
return ($parts[3] == $checksum);
return false;
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