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Created September 27, 2017 17:05
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Python - column and row duplication for HTM
# NOTE: my first significant python script - AJP
import codecs
import csv
from datetime import datetime
import getopt
import os
import sys
def processTemplateStart(htmFp, tplFilename):
with open(tplFilename, 'rb') as f:
content = f.readlines()
for line in content:
if line.find("class=\"dataHeader") >= 0:
def processTemplateEnd(htmFp, tplFilename):
with open(tplFilename, 'rb') as f:
content = f.readlines()
dataStart = False
dataEnd = False
for line in content:
if line.find("class=\"dataHeader") >= 0:
dataStart = True
elif dataStart and line.find("class=\"sectionHeader") >= 0:
dataEnd = True
if dataEnd:
def processCsv(htmFp, csvFp, delimEnum, dupColumns, rows, dupRows, dateOffset):
lastDate = ''
delim = '\t' if delimEnum == 1 else ','
reader = csv.reader(csvFp, delimiter=delim)
dataStarted = False
for row in reader:
if len(row) > 1:
# duplicate columns
columns = dupColumns
dupRow = row[1:]
while columns > 1:
row = row + dupRow
columns -= 1
line = ''.join(row)
if line.find("Date Time") >= 0:
# use flag to avoid duplicate sets of data
if dataStarted:
dataStarted = True
# count for padding out empty "Marked" column
totalColumns = len(row)
# duplicate rows loop calls this function, only show header lines once
if rows == 0:
htmFp.write("<tr class=\"dataHeader\">\n")
for el in row:
if el.find("Date Time") >= 0:
htmFp.write("<td isi-data-column-header=\"datetime\">Date Time</td>\n")
elif el.find("Marked") >= 0:
htmFp.write("<td isi-data-column-header=\"marked\" isi-marked>Marked</td>\n")
htmFp.write("<td isi-data-column-header=\"parameter\" isi-device-id=\"465769\" isi-sensor-id=\"465769\" isi-sensor-type=\"2\" isi-parameter-type=\"2\" isi-unit-type=\"2\">" + el + "</td>\n")
isiMarked = ""
if line.find("Marked") >= 0:
isiMarked = " isi-marked"
htmFp.write("<tr class=\"data\">\n")
currentColumns = 0
for el in row:
currentColumns += 1
if currentColumns == 1:
if dateOffset >= 1:
dto = datetime.strptime(el, '%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S.%f')
# TODO finish this
#dto = dto + datetime.timedelta(seconds=dateOffset)
dts = dto.strftime('%-m/%-d/%y %H:%M:%S.%f')[:-3]
el = dts
htmFp.write("<td isi-data-column isi-timestamp=\"123456\"" + isiMarked + " class=\"date\">" + el + "</td>\n")
htmFp.write("<td isi-data-column" + isiMarked + ">" + el + "</td>\n")
if currentColumns < totalColumns:
htmFp.write("<td />\n")
lastDate = row[0:1]
if rows+1 == dupRows:
htmFp.write(" <td />\n")
return lastDate
def Usage():
print("Usage: %s -i <file> -o <file> -t <file> -c <num> -r <num>" % sys.argv[0])
print(" -i <file> Input CSV file (use utf16toutf8.pv if needed)")
print(" -o <file> Output HTM file")
print(" -t <file> Template HTM file, data will be replaced with CVS data")
print(" -d 0|1 (optional) 0=','(default) 1='\t'")
print(" -c <num> (optional) Duplicate columns N times")
print(" -r <num> (optional) Duplicate rows N times")
print("TODO: adjust time for -r")
print("TODO: parse CSV meta data instead of fixed values from template)
# TODO parse CSV meta data instead of fixed values from template
csvFilename = ''
htmFilename = ''
tplFilename = ''
dupColumns = 1
dupRows = 1
delimEnum = 0
# process command arguments
ouropts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],"i:o:t:d:c:r:h")
for o, a in ouropts:
if o == '-i':
csvFilename = a
elif o == '-o':
htmFilename = a
elif o == '-t':
tplFilename = a
elif o == '-d':
delimEnum = int(a)
elif o == '-c':
dupColumns = int(a)
elif o == '-r':
dupRows = int(a)
elif o == '-h':
except getopt.GetoptError as e:
if type(csvFilename) != str or len(csvFilename) <= 0:
print("please use -i for input CSV file")
if type(htmFilename) != str or len(htmFilename) <= 0:
print("please use -o for output HTM file")
if type(tplFilename) != str or len(tplFilename) <= 0:
print("please use -t for template HTM file")
with open(htmFilename, 'wb') as htmFp:
with open(csvFilename, 'rb') as csvFp:
processTemplateStart(htmFp, tplFilename)
# handle duplicate rows (TODO: should adjust date)
rows = 0
dateOffset = 0
while rows < dupRows:
lastDate = processCsv(htmFp, csvFp, delimEnum, dupColumns, rows, dupRows, dateOffset)
dateOffset += 10000
rows += 1
processTemplateEnd(htmFp, tplFilename)
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