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Last active October 4, 2017 02:20
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Python - tool to a template of THE ONE FILE and insert data from a CSV file
# Need to back burner this. Proving too time consuming to re-create
# the various attributes from the CSV strings (not enough information)
# Either need helper from .Net or write this tool in .NET
import getopt
import os
import sys
def Usage():
print("Usage: %s -t <file> -i <file> -o <file>" % sys.argv[0])
print(" -t <file> Template HTM file")
print(" -i <file> Input CSV file")
print(" -o <file> Output HTM file")
def computeTimeStamp(val):
return "TBD"
def computeGroupMemberAttributes(str1, str2, str3):
str = "TBD"
if str2 == "Notes":
str = "isi-group-member=\"{}\" isi-property=\"{}\" isi-text-node=\"\"".format(str1, str2)
str = "isi-group-member=\"{}\" isi-property=\"{}\" isi-text-node=\"\"".format(str1, str2)
return str
TABLE_OPENTAG = "<table id=\"isi-report\">"
TABLE_CLOSETAG = "</table>"
CSV_STARTTABLE = "\"Date Time\""
CSV_ENDTABLE = "\n\"\""
CSV_BLANK = "\"\""
def getDataIndexes(contents):
dataOpenIndex = contents.find(CSV_STARTTABLE)
dataCloseIndex = contents.find(CSV_ENDTABLE, dataOpenIndex)
return dataOpenIndex, dataCloseIndex
CSV_START = "\""
CSV_BLANK = "\"\""
def getGroupInfo(outFp, contents, startIndex, endIndex):
# assume group data is in form:
# "Section Header"
# "Section Member"
# ...
# ""
index = startIndex
currentGroup = ""
while index < endIndex:
if contents.startswith(CSV_BLANK, index):
index += len(CSV_BLANK)
currentGroup = ""
elif currentGroup == "" and contents.startswith(CSV_START, index):
a = index
index = contents.find(CSV_NEWLINE, index)
b = index
str1 = contents[a:b].replace("\"", "")
str2 = str1.replace(" ", "")
outFp.write("<tr class=\"sectionHeader\"><td isi-group=\"{}\"\">{}</td></tr>\n".format(str2, str1))
currentGroup = str2
elif currentGroup != "" and contents.startswith(CSV_START, index):
a = index
index = contents.find(CSV_NEWLINE, index)
b = index
str = contents[a:b].replace("\"", "")
if str.find("=") >= 0:
parts = contents[a:b].replace("\"", "").split("=")
str1 = ''.join(parts[0]).strip().replace(" ", "")
str2 = ''.join(parts[0]).strip()
str3 = ''.join(parts[1]).strip()
outFp.write("<tr class=\"sectionMember\"><td isi-group-member=\"{}\" isi-property=\"{}\" isi-text-node=\"\"><span isi-label=\"\">{}</span> = <span isi-value=\"\">{}</span></td></tr>\n".format(currentGroup, str1, str2, str3))
parts = contents[a:b].replace("\"", "").split(":")
str1 = ''.join(parts[0]).strip().replace(" ", "")
str2 = ''.join(parts[0]).strip()
str3 = ''.join(parts[1]).strip()
attrStr = computeGroupMemberAttributes(str1, str2, str3)
outFp.write("<tr class=\"sectionMember\"><td isi-group-member=\"{}\" {}><span isi-label=\"\">{}</span>: <span isi-value=\"\">{}</span></td></tr>\n".format(currentGroup, attrStr, str1, str2, str3))
index += 1
return index
TD_DATA_HEADER = "\"Date Time\""
def getDataAndValues(outFp, contents, startIndex, endIndex):
# assume first line is headers row
# and subsequent lines are data rows
index = startIndex
while index < endIndex:
if contents.startswith(TD_DATA_HEADER, index):
outFp.write("<tr class=\"dataHeader\" isi-data-table=\"\">\n")
index = contents.find(TD_DATA_HEADER, index)
a = index
index = contents.find(CSV_NEWLINE, index)
b = index
parts = contents[a:b].replace("\"", "").split(",")
for part in parts:
str1 = part.replace(" ", "") # TODO use lookup
str2 = part
outFp.write("<td isi-data-column-header=\"{}\">{}</td></tr>\n".format(str1, str2))
elif contents.startswith(CSV_START, index):
index = contents.find(CSV_START, index)
a = index
index = contents.find(CSV_NEWLINE, index)
b = index
parts = contents[a:b].replace("\"", "").split(",")
ts = computeTimeStamp(parts[0])
str = "<tr class=\"data\" isi-data-row=\"\" isi-timestamp=\"{}\"><td class=\"dateTime\">".format(ts)
idx = 0
for part in parts:
str1 = part.replace(" ", "") # TODO use lookup
str2 = part
if idx > 0:
str += "<td>"
idx += 1
str += "{}</td>".format(str2)
outFp.write(str + "</tr>\n")
index += 1
tptFilename = ''
inFilename = ''
outFilename = ''
# process command arguments
ouropts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],"t:i:o:h")
for o, a in ouropts:
if o == '-t':
tptFilename = a
elif o == '-i':
inFilename = a
elif o == '-o':
outFilename = a
elif o == '-h':
except getopt.GetoptError as e:
if type(tptFilename) != str or len(tptFilename) <= 0:
print("please use -t for input HTM template file")
if type(inFilename) != str or len(inFilename) <= 0:
print("please use -i for input CSV log file")
if type(outFilename) != str or len(outFilename) <= 0:
print("please use -o for output HTM log file")
with open(outFilename, 'wb') as outFp:
with open(tptFilename, 'rb') as tptFp:
with open(inFilename, 'rb') as inFp:
tptContents = tptFp.readlines()
tptContents = ''.join(tptContents)
contents = inFp.readlines()
contents = ''.join(contents)
# get top temlate
index = tptContents.find(TABLE_OPENTAG)
outFp.write("<table id=\"isi-report\">")
dataOpenIndex, dataCloseIndex = getDataIndexes(contents)
index = getGroupInfo( outFp, contents, 0, dataOpenIndex)
index = getDataAndValues(outFp, contents, dataOpenIndex, dataCloseIndex)
index = getGroupInfo( outFp, contents, dataCloseIndex, len(contents)-1)
# get bottom template
index = tptContents.find(TABLE_CLOSETAG, index)
index += len(TABLE_CLOSETAG)
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