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Created March 13, 2017 20:35
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{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import Data.Proxy
-- could probably use 'reflection' instead of my
-- hacky KnownXXX classes
data DocType = A | B | C | D
deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
class KnownDocType (dt :: DocType) where
docTypeOf :: Proxy dt -> DocType
instance KnownDocType A where docTypeOf _ = A
instance KnownDocType B where docTypeOf _ = B
instance KnownDocType C where docTypeOf _ = C
instance KnownDocType D where docTypeOf _ = D
class KnownDocTypes (dts :: [DocType]) where
docTypes :: Proxy dts -> [DocType]
instance KnownDocTypes '[] where
docTypes _ = []
instance (KnownDocType dt, KnownDocTypes dts) => KnownDocTypes (dt ': dts) where
docTypes _ = docTypeOf (Proxy :: Proxy dt) : docTypes (Proxy :: Proxy dts)
docTypeMatches :: forall dts. KnownDocTypes dts => DocType -> Proxy dts -> Bool
docTypeMatches dt dts = dt `elem` docTypes dts
-- a document carries the doc types it allows at the typelevel,
-- in a list where each element has kind DocType
data Document (dts :: [DocType]) = Document
{ docType :: DocType
, docTitle :: String
, docContent :: String
} deriving (Eq, Show)
toDocument :: forall dts. KnownDocTypes dts
=> (DocType, String, String)
-> Either String (Document dts)
toDocument (dt, title, content) = case docTypes dts of
[] -> Left "empty document type list"
xs -> if docTypeMatches dt dts
then Right (Document dt title content)
else Left $ show dt ++ " is not one of the allowed document types: "
++ show xs
where dts = Proxy :: Proxy dts
ex1 :: Either String (Document '[])
ex1 = toDocument (A, "confidential", "boo")
ex2good, ex2bad :: Either String (Document '[A, B, C])
ex2good = toDocument (A, "confidential", "boo")
ex2bad = toDocument (D, "confidential", "boo")
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