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Created July 30, 2014 17:51
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module Data.JSON.FromJSON where
import Control.Applicative
import Data.ByteString
import Data.JSON.Stream
newtype Parse a =
Parse { runParse :: [Event] -> Maybe a }
boo :: Parse a
boo = Parse (const Nothing)
instance Functor Parse where
fmap f (Parse p) =
Parse $ \evts -> fmap f (p evts)
instance Applicative Parse where
pure x = Parse $ const (Just x)
(Parse f) <*> (Parse p) =
Parse $ \evts ->
f evts <*> p evts
class FromJSON a where
fromJSON :: Parse a
instance FromJSON Bool where
fromJSON = Parse $ \evts ->
case evts of
ValueTrue : _ -> Just True
ValueFalse : _ -> Just False
_ -> Nothing
instance FromJSON ByteString where
fromJSON = Parse $ \evts ->
case evts of
ValueString s : _ -> Just s
_ -> Nothing
newtype Number = Number { num :: ByteString }
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance FromJSON Number where
fromJSON = Parse $ \evts ->
case evts of
ValueNumber n : _ -> Just (Number n)
_ -> Nothing
object' :: Parse a -> [Event] -> Maybe a
object' f (ObjectBegin:rest) = runParse f rest
object' _ _ = Nothing
field :: FromJSON a => ByteString -> Parse a
field name = Parse go
-- veeeery wrong!!!!
where go evts =
case evts of
(Name n:rest) | name == n -> runParse fromJSON rest
(_:ts) -> go ts
_ -> Nothing
object :: Parse a -> Parse a
object f = Parse $ object' f
parse :: Parse a -> ByteString -> Maybe a
parse (Parse p) input =
maybe Nothing (p . fst) (parseValue input)
data Position =
Position { x :: Number, y :: Number }
deriving Show
instance FromJSON Position where
fromJSON = object $ Position <$> field "x" <*> field "y"
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