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Last active March 6, 2024 20:40
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#!/usr/bin/env bb
(ns c2
(:require [babashka.fs :as fs]))
(def start (first *command-line-args*))
(defn line-prefix [levels]
(apply str
(for [[global-level written] (map-indexed vector levels)
:let [global-level (inc global-level)
current-level? (= global-level (count levels))]]
(if (= 0 written)
(if current-level?
"└── "
" ")
(if current-level?
"├── "
"│ ")))))
(defn print-tree [dir]
(loop [[child & more] (.listFiles dir)
levels [(inc (count more))]]
(when-not (nil? child)
(let [level (- (count (fs/components child))
(count (fs/components dir)))
levels (subvec levels 0 level)
levels (update levels (dec level) (fnil dec 1))
children (.listFiles child)
prefix (line-prefix levels)]
(println (str prefix (-> child fs/absolutize fs/normalize)))
(recur (apply conj more children)
(conj levels (count children)))))))
(print-tree (fs/file start))
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