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Last active May 1, 2019 20:11
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installation rPi + openFrameworks v0.92
// Autorun app on startup on Raspberry Pi
sudo crontab -e
// go to the bottom of that file and add your script
@reboot sleep 10 && cd /home/pi/openFrameworks/apps/myApps/<yourAppFile>/bin && ./<yourAppName>
// The main problem with method is that it is running through the cron shell,
not your normal user shell. As a result, the only way to quit is if you ssh
in from another machine and kill -9 the application ID.
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Getting your Raspberry Pi ready for openFrameworks
Install Raspbian "Jessie"
Install the latest Raspbian (Debian Jessie) image from the Raspberry Pi downloads page
Follow the instructions at Raspberry Pi Preparing Your SD Card to get Raspbian installed onto your SD Card
Configure the Raspberry Pi
This guide assumes you are starting from a fresh Raspian install and that you are able to connect to the Raspberry Pi and send it commands.
You can enter commands on the Pi by:
SSH into the Pi from a different computer
Attach a keyboard and monitor to the Pi.
With Jessie the Raspberry Pi now boots the X11 window system by default, open up LXTerminal from the shortcut on the Raspberry Pi Desktop
Type in the command sudo raspi-config
We need to make sure the CPU has 192MB of RAM in order to compile openFrameworks. Once you have compiled openFrameworks you may want to repeat this step with 128
Select 1 Expand Filesystem and hit Enter
Select 8 Advanced Options and hit Enter
Select A3 Memory Split and hit Enter
Type 64 and Hit <ok>
openFrameworks does not use the X11 Desktop for running OF applications. You can save GPU memory by disabling it. This is optional but suggested.
Select 3 Boot Options
Select B1 Console or B2 Console Autologin
Unlike Wheezy, Debian Jessie does not display the IP address on boot. You may wish to get the current IP by typing ifconfig. The IP address is under the eth0 entry for wired ethernet. This can possibly change on reboot.
Reboot when prompted or type sudo reboot
Assuming you have internet access run these commands to update the software to the latest packages.
sudo apt-get clean
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
Note: The above steps may take a little while.
Download openFrameworks
You now can download openFrameworks and uncompress it into a folder. Using a Shell, The following commands will download openFrameworks and uncompress it into the folder /home/pi/openFrameworks
For the Raspberry Pi using OF for arm6
curl -O
mkdir openFrameworks
tar vxfz of_v0.9.2_linuxarmv6l_release.tar.gz -C openFrameworks --strip-components 1
Install packages and compile openFrameworks:
Make sure you didn't skip the Memory Split step in the above section Configure the Raspberry Pi or it will eventually fail.
The time for these steps will depend on whether you are on a RPI1 or RPI2 and the speed of the Raspbian mirrors to download the packages.
Assuming openFrameworks is located at /home/pi/openFrameworks run the following commands to install the necessary packages and compile openFrameworks.
cd /home/pi/openFrameworks/scripts/linux/debian
sudo ./
You are now ready to compile openFrameworks!
make Release -C /home/pi/openFrameworks/libs/openFrameworksCompiled/project
Speeding up compiling
Compiling natively on the Raspberry Pi takes a long time. openFrameworks applications typically take much less time than the core library. Taking the time to set up a cross-compiling solution will save you enormous amounts of time.
Raspberry Pi Cross Compiling Guide
Compile your first app
openFrameworks ships with a bunch of examples located in the openFrameworks/examples folder. Inside examples the projects are sorted by the categories:
Inside each category folder are a few examples of each. To run them you need to go into the folder, build and run.
For example, here is how you build and run the polygonExample:
cd /home/pi/openFrameworks/examples/graphics/polygonExample
make run
Unlike other platforms, OF Raspberry Pi projects do not make use of the projectGenerator. To create your own project from scratch, copy examples/empty/emptyExample into apps/myApps/yourProjectName folder and start from there
For example:
cp -R /home/pi/openFrameworks/examples/empty/emptyExample /home/pi/openFrameworks/apps/myApps/myRpiApp
cd /home/pi/openFrameworks/apps/myApps/myRpiApp
make run
make clean -C /home/pi/of_v0.9.2_linuxarmv7l/libs/openFrameworksCompiled/project
make Release -C /home/pi/of_v0.9.2_linuxarmv7l/libs/openFrameworksCompiled/project
// log into the project folder
// If succesful then
MESA_GL_VERSION_OVERRIDE=2.1 bin/project_name
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