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Last active May 9, 2022 05:37
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  • Save alranel/168443d4cbfa5bb0a5d13e47cf9afbe1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save alranel/168443d4cbfa5bb0a5d13e47cf9afbe1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This script can be used on a git repository to extract the contributors with the purpose of listing potential copyright holders on a given codebase. If invoked with a sub-path, it will only consider that file or directory.
# Syntax: [ PATH ]
# Get all files in HEAD, skipping the bootloaders directory
files=$(git ls-tree -r --name-only HEAD "$1" | grep -v "^bootloaders" | grep -v "^firmwares" | xargs grep -Il "")
# Get the list of authors with e-mail addresses
authors=$(for f in $files; do
git blame -w -C --porcelain "$f" | sed -n \
-e '/^author /{ s/^author //; s/,/ /g; h; }' \
-e '/^author-mail /{ s/^author-mail //; H; x; s/[<>]//g; s/\n/,/p; }'
git log "$f" | grep Co-authored-by | sed -Ee 's/[[:space:]]*Co-authored-by: (.+) <(.+)>/\1,\2/'
# Remove duplicates based on e-mail address
authors=$(printf "%s" "$authors" | sort -u -t, -k2,2)
# Get the count of relevant contributions for each author
# Relevant contributions are the total number of added or changed lines
# belonging to chunks of at least 3 lines. Please note that even a
# one-line contribution might be copyrightable so this threshold is
# aribtrary. YMMV.
# Also, this may raise false positives because it also considers
# contributions that are not visible in HEAD anymore.
authors=$(for a in $authors; do
printf "%s," "$a"
email=$(printf "$a" | cut -d, -f2)
git log --author="$email" --pretty=tformat: --numstat "$1" | awk 'BEGIN {s=0} $1 > 2 {s+=$1} END {print s}'
done | sort -t, -k3,3 -nr)
# Convert commas to tabs
# (It was much easier to use commas in the above commands)
authors=$(printf "%s" "$authors" | tr , $'\t')
echo "$authors"
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per1234 commented May 9, 2022

The script does not consider that IP may later be moved to a different file by another author:

$ git init
Initialized empty Git repository in E:/deleteme/foo-repo/.git/

$ export GIT_AUTHOR_NAME="Foo Contributor" GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL=""

$ echo "some
> important
> contribution" > some-file

$ git add some-file && git commit -m "Make important contribution"
[main (root-commit) 0f5ae77] Make important contribution
 Author: Foo Contributor <>
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 some-file

$ export GIT_AUTHOR_NAME="Bar Maintainer" GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL=""

$ cp some-file other-file && echo "" > some-file

$ git add . && git commit -m "Reorganize repository"
[main 42f64fb] Reorganize repository
 Author: Bar Maintainer <>
 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 other-file

$ /tmp/ .
Bar Maintainer 3

Moving the IP from one file to another doesn't change the fact that "Foo Contributor <>" is still a copyright holder, yet the script does not recognize them as such.

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