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Last active March 21, 2022 04:34
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A polynomial ring of arbitrary number of variables over a UFD is itself a UFD.
import ring_theory.unique_factorization_domain
import ring_theory.polynomial.basic
/- based on mathlib at commit 45061f3692 -/
lemma mul_equiv.is_unit_iff {R S : Type*} [monoid R] [monoid S]
(e : R ≃* S) (r : R) : is_unit r ↔ is_unit (e r) :=
⟨ e, λ h, by { convert e.symm, simp }⟩
lemma {R S : Type*} [comm_monoid_with_zero R] [comm_monoid_with_zero S]
(e : R ≃* S) {r : R} (hr : prime r) : prime (e r) :=
⟨ λ h, hr.1 $ by { convert map_zero e.symm, simp [← h] },
λ h, hr.2.1 $ by { convert e.symm, simp },
λ a b h, begin
have : r ∣ e.symm a * e.symm b,
{ convert e.symm.to_monoid_hom.map_dvd h; simp },
refine (hr.2.2 _ _ this).imp _ _;
{ intro h, convert e.to_monoid_hom.map_dvd h, simp },
/- lemmas above due to Kevin Buzzard -/
open unique_factorization_monoid
lemma mul_equiv.unique_factorization_monoid {R S : Type*}
[cancel_comm_monoid_with_zero R] [cancel_comm_monoid_with_zero S] (e : R ≃* S)
(hR : unique_factorization_monoid R) : unique_factorization_monoid S :=
rw iff_exists_prime_factors at hR ⊢, intros a ha,
obtain ⟨w,hp,u,h⟩ := hR (e.symm a) (λ h, ha (by { convert ← map_zero e, simp [← h] })),
use e, split,
{ intros b hb, rw multiset.mem_map at hb,
obtain ⟨c,hc,he⟩ := hb, rw ← he, exact (hp c hc) },
{ use e.to_monoid_hom u, erw [multiset.prod_hom, ← e.map_mul, h], simp },
namespace mv_polynomial
variables (R : Type*) {σ : Type*}
noncomputable theory
variables [comm_semiring R] (s : set σ)
open_locale classical
def kill_compl : mv_polynomial σ R →ₐ[R] mv_polynomial s R :=
aeval (λ i, if h : i ∈ s then X ⟨i,h⟩ else 0)
lemma kill_compl_comp_rename : (kill_compl R s).comp (rename coe) = R _ :=
alg_hom_ext (λ ⟨i,h⟩, by { dsimp, rw [rename, kill_compl, aeval_X, aeval_X], apply dif_pos h })
variables {R s}
@[simp] lemma kill_compl_rename_app (a : mv_polynomial s R) : kill_compl R s (rename coe a) = a :=
alg_hom.congr_fun (kill_compl_comp_rename R s) a
lemma exists_finset_rename₂ (p₁ p₂ : mv_polynomial σ R) :
∃ (s : finset σ) (q₁ q₂ : mv_polynomial s R), p₁ = rename coe q₁ ∧ p₂ = rename coe q₂ :=
obtain ⟨s₁,q₁,rfl⟩ := exists_finset_rename p₁,
obtain ⟨s₂,q₂,rfl⟩ := exists_finset_rename p₂,
classical, use s₁ ∪ s₂,
use rename (set.inclusion $ s₁.subset_union_left s₂) q₁,
use rename (set.inclusion $ s₁.subset_union_right s₂) q₂,
split; simpa,
variables {R} [comm_ring R] {r : R} (hr : prime r)
include hr
lemma _root_.polynomial.prime_C : prime (polynomial.C r) :=
have := hr.1, rw ← ideal.span_singleton_prime at hr ⊢,
{ convert ideal.is_prime_map_C_of_is_prime hr using 1, rw [ideal.map_span, set.image_singleton] },
exacts [λ h, this (polynomial.C_eq_zero.1 h), this],
variable (σ)
private lemma prime_C_of_fintype [fintype σ] : prime (C r : mv_polynomial σ R) :=
have : prime (C r : mv_polynomial (fin (fintype.card σ)) R),
{ induction fintype.card σ with d hd,
{ exact (is_empty_alg_equiv R (fin 0)) hr },
{ convert (fin_succ_equiv R d) (polynomial.prime_C hd),
rw ← fin_succ_equiv_comp_C_eq_C, refl } },
convert (rename_equiv R (fintype.equiv_fin σ)) this,
exact (rename_C _ r).symm,
lemma prime_C : prime (C r : mv_polynomial σ R) :=
⟨ λ h, hr.1 (by { rw ← C_inj, rw h, simp }),
λ h, hr.2.1 (by { rw ← constant_coeff_C r, exact _ h }),
λ a b hd, begin
obtain ⟨s,a',b',rfl,rfl⟩ := exists_finset_rename₂ a b,
rw ← algebra_map_eq at hd, have : algebra_map R _ r ∣ a' * b',
{ convert (kill_compl R ↑s).to_ring_hom.map_dvd hd, simpa, simp },
rw ← rename_C (coe : s → σ), let f := (rename (coe : s → σ)).to_ring_hom,
exact ((prime_C_of_fintype s hr).2.2 a' b' this).imp f.map_dvd f.map_dvd,
end ⟩
omit hr
variable {σ}
lemma prime_rename (s : set σ) {p : mv_polynomial s R}
(hp : prime p) : prime (rename (coe : s → σ) p) :=
classical, let eqv := ((sum_alg_equiv R _ _).symm.trans $
rename_equiv R $ (equiv.sum_comm ↥sᶜ s).trans $ equiv.set.sum_compl s),
convert (prime_C _ hp),
suffices : (rename coe).to_ring_hom = eqv.to_alg_hom.to_ring_hom.comp C,
/- could extract a lemma: `comp` `iter_to_sum` `C` = `rename inl` -/
{ apply ring_hom.congr_fun this },
{ apply ring_hom_ext,
{ intro, dsimp [eqv], erw [iter_to_sum_C_C, rename_C, rename_C] },
{ intro, dsimp [eqv], erw [iter_to_sum_C_X, rename_X, rename_X], refl } },
variables (R σ) [is_domain R] [unique_factorization_monoid R]
private lemma unique_factorization_monoid_of_fintype [fintype σ] :
unique_factorization_monoid (mv_polynomial σ R) :=
(rename_equiv R (fintype.equiv_fin σ)).to_mul_equiv.symm.unique_factorization_monoid $
induction fintype.card σ with d hd,
{ apply (is_empty_alg_equiv R (fin 0)).to_mul_equiv.symm.unique_factorization_monoid,
apply_instance },
{ apply (fin_succ_equiv R d).to_mul_equiv.symm.unique_factorization_monoid,
exactI polynomial.unique_factorization_monoid },
/- by Kevin Buzzard-/
instance : unique_factorization_monoid (mv_polynomial σ R) :=
rw iff_exists_prime_factors,
intros a ha, obtain ⟨s,a',rfl⟩ := exists_finset_rename a,
obtain ⟨w,h,u,hw⟩ := iff_exists_prime_factors.1
(unique_factorization_monoid_of_fintype R s) a' (λ h, ha (by simp [h])),
{ use (rename coe), split,
{ intros b hb, rw multiset.mem_map at hb, obtain ⟨b',hb',rfl⟩ := hb,
exact prime_rename ↑s (h b' hb') },
{ use (@rename s σ R _ coe).to_ring_hom.to_monoid_hom u,
erw [multiset.prod_hom, ← map_mul, hw] } },
end mv_polynomial
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