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Last active January 31, 2023 18:04
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quotient.fin_choice without choice.
import data.fintype.basic
variables {ι : Type*} {α : ι → Type*} [S : Π i, setoid (α i)] {β : Sort*}
include S
def quotient.map_pi_pred (p : ι → Prop) (h : ∀ i, p i) :
@quotient (Π i, p i → α i) pi_setoid → @quotient (Π i, α i) pi_setoid := (λ f i, f i $ h i) (λ f g he i, he i $ h i)
def quotient.map_pi_pred₂ (p₁ p₂ : ι → Prop) (h : p₂ ≤ p₁) :
@quotient (Π i, p₁ i → α i) pi_setoid → @quotient (Π i, p₂ i → α i) pi_setoid := (λ f i hi, f i $ h i hi) (λ f g he i hi, he i $ h i hi)
def quotient.proj_pi (i) : @quotient (Π i, α i) pi_setoid → quotient (S i) := (λ f, f i) (λ f g he, he i)
def quotient.proj_pi_pred (p : ι → Prop) (i) (hi : p i) :
@quotient (Π i, p i → α i) pi_setoid → quotient (S i) := (λ f, f i hi) (λ f g he, he i hi)
lemma quotient.proj_pi_map_pi_pred (p : ι → Prop) (h : ∀ i, p i)
(f : @quotient (Π i, p i → α i) pi_setoid) (i) :
(quotient.map_pi_pred p h f).proj_pi i = quotient.proj_pi_pred p i (h i) f :=
by { rcases f, refl }
lemma quotient.proj_pi_map_pi_pred₂ (p₁ p₂ : ι → Prop) (h : ∀ i, p₂ i → p₁ i)
(f : @quotient (Π i, p₁ i → α i) pi_setoid) (i) (hi : p₂ i) :
(quotient.map_pi_pred₂ p₁ p₂ h f).proj_pi_pred p₂ i hi = quotient.proj_pi_pred p₁ i (h i hi) f :=
by { rcases f, refl }
lemma quotient.pi_ext {f g : @quotient (Π i, α i) pi_setoid} (h : ∀ i, f.proj_pi i = g.proj_pi i) :
f = g :=
rcases f, rcases g,
apply quot.sound,
exact λ i, quotient.exact (h i),
lemma quotient.pi_pred_ext (p : ι → Prop) {f g : @quotient (Π i, p i → α i) pi_setoid}
(h : ∀ i hi, f.proj_pi_pred p i hi = g.proj_pi_pred p i hi) : f = g :=
rcases f, rcases g,
apply quot.sound,
exact λ i hi, quotient.exact (h i hi),
variable [decidable_eq ι]
lemma quotient.proj_pi_pred_fin_choice_aux (l) :
∀ (f : Π i ∈ l, quotient (S i)) i hi,
quotient.proj_pi_pred (∈ l) i hi (quotient.fin_choice_aux l f) = f i hi :=
induction l with j l ih,
{ intros f i hi, exact hi.elim },
intros f i hi,
rw [quotient.fin_choice_aux],
obtain ⟨a, ha⟩ := (f j $ list.mem_cons_self _ _).exists_rep,
obtain ⟨g, hg⟩ := (quotient.fin_choice_aux l $ λ j h, f j $ list.mem_cons_of_mem _ h).exists_rep,
rw [← ha, ← hg], dsimp [quotient.lift_on₂, quotient.proj_pi_pred, quotient.map_mk],
{ subst h, exact ha },
specialize ih (λ k hk, f k $ list.mem_cons_of_mem _ hk)
i ((list.eq_or_mem_of_mem_cons hi).resolve_left h),
dsimp only at ih,
rw [← ih, ← hg], refl,
namespace multiset
def quotient_choice [decidable_eq ι] {m : multiset ι}
(f : Π i ∈ m, quotient (S i)) : @quotient (Π i ∈ m, α i) pi_setoid :=
let := equiv.subtype_quotient_equiv_quotient_subtype
(λ l : list ι, ↑l = m) (λ s, s = m) (λ i, iff.rfl) (λ _ _, iff.rfl) ⟨m, rfl⟩,
refine quotient.lift_on this (λ l, _) (λ l₁ l₂ h, _),
{ exact (quotient.fin_choice_aux ↑l $
λ i hi, f i $ l.2 ▸ hi).map_pi_pred₂ _ _ (subset_of_le },
apply quotient.pi_pred_ext,
intros i hi,
simp_rw [quotient.proj_pi_map_pi_pred₂, quotient.proj_pi_pred_fin_choice_aux],
theorem quotient_choice_mk {m : multiset ι} (a : Π i ∈ m, α i) :
quotient_choice (λ i h, ⟦a i h⟧) = ⟦a⟧ :=
dsimp [quotient_choice],
induction m using quotient.ind,
rw [equiv.subtype_quotient_equiv_quotient_subtype_mk],
apply quotient.pi_pred_ext,
intros i hi,
dsimp, simp_rw [quotient.proj_pi_map_pi_pred₂, quotient.proj_pi_pred_fin_choice_aux],
end multiset
variables [fintype ι]
def quotient.fin_choice' (f : Π i, quotient (S i)) : @quotient (Π i, α i) pi_setoid :=
let := equiv.subtype_quotient_equiv_quotient_subtype (λ l : list ι, ∀ i, i ∈ l)
(λ s : multiset ι, ∀ i, i ∈ s) (λ i, iff.rfl) (λ _ _, iff.rfl) ⟨_, finset.mem_univ⟩,
refine quotient.lift_on this (λ l, quotient.map_pi_pred (∈ (l : list ι)) l.2 $
quotient.fin_choice_aux l $ λ i _, f i) (λ l₁ l₂ h, _),
dsimp only,
refine quotient.pi_ext (λ i, _),
simp_rw [quotient.proj_pi_map_pi_pred, quotient.proj_pi_pred_fin_choice_aux],
theorem quotient.fin_choice'_eq (f : Π i, α i) :
quotient.fin_choice' (λ i, ⟦f i⟧) = ⟦f⟧ :=
dsimp [quotient.fin_choice'],
obtain ⟨l, hl⟩ := (finset.univ.val : multiset ι).exists_rep,
simp_rw ← hl,
rw [equiv.subtype_quotient_equiv_quotient_subtype_mk],
refine quotient.pi_ext (λ i, _),
dsimp, simp_rw [quotient.proj_pi_map_pi_pred, quotient.proj_pi_pred_fin_choice_aux],
def quotient_lift (f : (Π i, α i) → β)
(h : ∀ (a b : Π i, α i), (∀ i, a i ≈ b i) → f a = f b)
(q : Π i, quotient (S i)) : β :=
quotient.lift _ h (quotient.fin_choice' q)
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